15 research outputs found

    The Nord Express Special Train: Between Peace and War (1884-1914)

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    The article was submitted on 25.01.2015.Железная дорога в XIX в. - символ идеи технического прогресса par excellence, двигатель индустриализации в России с 1870-х гг. Благодаря железной дороге Петербург превратился на рубеже XIX и XX вв. в крупнейший индустриальный центр страны. «Северный экспресс», соединив Петербург скоростной линией с Варшавой, Берлином, Кельном, Парижем, значительно ускорил и облегчил трансфер идей между Западной и Центральной Европой и Россией. Пример Ж. Нагельмакерса и А. фон Вендриха показывает всю противоречивость развития железных дорог, с одной стороны, как «посла мира», с другой - как «мотора войны». В научный оборот впервые вводятся архивные материалы, не использованные ранее.In the 19th century, the railway was a symbol of progress par excellence and, as of the 1870s, it served as the driving force of industrialization in Russia. At the turn of the 20th century, Saint Petersburg developed into the country’s largest industrial centre thanks to the railway system. The Nord Express connected the city with Warsaw, Berlin, Cologne and Paris, it facilitated and intensified the transfer of ideas between Western and Central Europe and Russia. The experience of G. Nagelmackers and A. von Vendrich shows the inconsistency in the development of railways as they were both a messenger of peace and an engine of war. The article introduces a number of previously unstudied archival materials.Статья подготовлена в рамках реализации гранта Правительства РФ по привлечению ведущих ученых в российские образовательные учреждения высшего профессионального образования и научные учреждения государственных академий наук и государственные научные центры Российской Федерации (Лаборатория эдиционной археографии, Уральский федеральный университет). Договор № 14.А12.31.0004 от 26.06.2013 г

    Il posto dei migranti

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    Profughi e migranti in Europa. Loro accoglienza e collocazion

    Binding the nation, bounding the state: Germany and its borders

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    The borders of Germany and of Europe have come under increased academic scrutiny over the last few years as questions of mobility and migration have surged to the forefront of public interest. Most such studies remain embedded in regional historiographies, although they are increasingly informed by interdisciplinary methodological and theoretical developments. Historians of the nineteeth- and twentieth-century French-German border emphasize transnational overlaps that arguably prefigured European cooperation, whereas studies of the Polish-German border stress the indifference and resentment generated by nationalism well into the twentieth century. Histories of divided Germany during the Cold War have transnationalized interpretations of everyday life in the GDR and the FRG, while studies of Europe since 1990 have probed the meanings and anxieties connected with Schengen. Taken together, these works show how interconnected discourses of ‘Europe’ have come together from experiences with borders that have varied greatly across time and space

    Europäische Stadt

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    Unterschiedliche Kulturen, Religionen, Herrschaftssysteme, Ethnien, Ökonomien, Planungen und Projekte haben die Herausbildung von unterschiedlichen Stadtpersönlichkeiten in Europa begünstigt. Gesellschaftlicher Wandel hat die Städte fortwährend verändert und Spuren, Verwerfungen sowie Überlagerungen befördert, die heute europäische Städte kennzeichnen. Städte bilden damit ein Spiegelbild der jeweiligen politischen, rechtlichen und administrativen Gegebenheiten sowie historischer Prozesse von langer Dauer. Mit Eindeutigkeit ist die europäische Stadt an sich nicht zu erfassen

    Peace and justice

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    失われた20年と日本研究のこれから(京都 : 2015年6月30日-7月2日)・失われた20年と日本社会の変容(ハーバード : 2015年11月13日

    Journalist i grænselandet

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    Peace and justice

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    European Commemoration: Locating World War I

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    Commemoration depends on current views of the past. The conference "Europäische Erinnerungskulturen - European Commemoration 2014" gave an overview of the initiatives, narratives and commemorations taking place across Europe. This expert conference provided an opportunity to analyse common perceptions and to discuss different opinions about what the First World War still stood for a hundred years later. What are the correlations between national, transnational and European perspectives? Is there a difference between a European perspective and multiperspectivity? What can and what should be the goal of historical education concerning the First World War