3,726 research outputs found

    Opportunities in Green Supply Chain Management

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    The supply chain consists of those activities associated with manufacturing from raw material acquisition to final product delivery. Because of the recently changed environmental requirements that affect manufacturing operations and transportation systems, growing attention is given to the development of environment management strategies for supply chains. A green supply chain aims at confining the wastes within the industrial system so as to conserve energy and prevent the dissipation of harmful materials into the environment. In this paper, we compare and contrast the traditional and green supply chains. Moreover, we discuss several important opportunities in green supply chain management in depth, including those in manufacturing, bio-waste, construction, and packaging

    Factors influencing green sourcing in food retailing - Case study: Finnish food retailers

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    This study takes a look at factors that have influence on Green Sourcing in food retailing. More importantly, it focuses on factors with the positive impacts that direct retailers’ strategy in Sourcing and other Supply chain processes forward Green management. Influencing factors are studied based on three main levels: internal level (company level), industry level and national level. The theoretical part of the study not only presents theories on Green Sourcing and factors influencing Green Sourcing, but also takes a look on drivers for Green action in Sourcing and benefits of Green sourcing. Based on theory, a framework is developed which presents the impact of typical factors on three levels of management on Green Sourcing process. Theories of Supply chain management and Procurement process are presented in order to identify the different dimensions of the study. The study is qualitative in its nature and case study is used as the main source of data. Based on the discussion a framework, the case study of two food retailers in Finland – Kesko group and S group is analyzed. The theoretical frameworks of real factors with real impact form the basis of the empirical part of the study. Interviews are conducted to get their answers to see the differences in responses. With comparative research, the findings of this study show that major factors having influence on the Green Sourcing implementation include internal factors, industry factors and national factors. Most of them have positive impact and just a few of them have negative impact. The Green Sourcing is mainly driven by potential cost savings, green consumers or regulatory requirements in place. The rest factors which have indirect impact address to a much less degree on both negative and positive impact, although they often represent a more profound environmental threat and consequent challenge of addressing them. This study also demonstrates that most Finnish food retailers have started to systematically work with sustainability issues. However, the study is involved with two large food retailers who have a significant market share, there are still many more medium and small-size retailers that further researches on them are required.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Overview of sustainability initiatives in European food retail sector

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    This study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of sustainability practices in food retailing sector. Report is structured to reflect on overall sustainability trends among European food retailers, outline drivers and barriers to address sustainability issues in retailer’s supply chain operations and provide classification of sustainability initiatives undertaken by EU retail organizations that could be classified as forerunners in environmental field. Proposed classification embraces wide range of initiatives targeted towards greening particular aspects of business activities in upstream and downstream supply chain, as well as in-shop. Furthermore, analysis of initiatives is undertaken to reflect on how widespread different sustainability activities among retail organizations. Eventually, drawing on examples of ‘best practice’ among European forerunners, recommendations for retailers and policy-makers are provided on how to further sustainability work in food supply chain

    Metode i tehnologije komisioniranja za “zelenije” skladištenje

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    Green supply chain management is a concept that is gaining popularity all over the world. Besides, it is a way to demonstrate commitment to sustainability and to be fully adopted by the organizations it should contribute to better economic performances and competitiveness. Recently there have been many incentives for more sustainable warehousing in supply chains. In order to improve efficiency of order-picking in warehouses, there are many methods, models and technologies developed and used. This paper presents, after a brief overview of green supply chain management, an overview of order-picking methods and technologies and their potentials in improving order-picking efficiency, based mainly on reducing traveling distances. In this way energy consumption is reduced, influencing also greening of warehousing too.“Zeleni” menadžment lanca opskrbe (Green supply chain management) je koncept koji dobija na popularnosti širom svijeta. Osim što je način demonstriranja posvećenosti održivosti, da bi bio u potpunosti prihvaćen od strane poduzeća nužno mora pridonijeti boljim ekonomskim pokazateljima i konkurentnosti. U posljednje vrijeme ima mnogo inicijativa za održivije skladištenje u opskrbnim lancima. S ciljem povećanja učinkovitosti komisioniranja u skladištima razvijene su i koriste se mnoge metode, modeli i tehnologije. U ovom radu se, nakon kratkog pregleda “zelenog” menadžmenta lanaca opskrbe, daje pregled metoda i tehnologija komisioniranja te njihovih potencijala u poboljšanju učinkovitosti, temeljenih uglavnom na skraćenju vožnje prilikom komisioniranja. Time se smanjuje potrošnja energije, te utječe i na “zelenije” skladištenje

    Overview report on definition and concept of the circular economy in a European perspective : CICERONE D1.1

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    On the basis of a literature research, this subtask develops a conceptional framework for a common understanding of CE within the project team and for the following work packages and tasks. After a brief introduction into the objectives and the context of a circular economy, a more elaborated look into the necessity of an explicit understanding of CE, the objectives, the spatial perspective of CE and the specific challenges within the CICERONE context will be done, in order to develop a basis for a common understanding within the project context. Circular economy can and has to be understood as an (eco-)innovation agenda. Therefore, the paper investigates the role policy has to play to support innovation for a CE transition, for creating the framework conditions and why CE has also to be build from the ground up. Finally, the paper looks from two perspectives at emerging trends and business models in a CE to sketch next steps towards the transition in a selection of central sectors. Conclusions are drawn on the basis of the insights gained by the preceding chapters


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    Current business practices and consumption patterns within the fashion industry have driven this sector towards the first positions in the ranking of most polluting economic systems. The situation has reached a point where mainstream sustainable practices cannot cope with the problem, leading the path to a new approach, the Circular Economy. This novel term aims to change the conception from recycling to reusing, closing the loop of economic systems transforming waste into inputs in a continuous circling of materials. The present document studies the implications of the Circular Economy from the perspective of the most representative companies in the fashion industry, small and medium enterprises. The objective is to answer the questions regarding how these companies integrate the Circular Economy in their supply chain management practices, and which challenges they encounter in the process. Thus, it comprises an explorative research aiming to provide the bases for the discovery of new knowledge on the matter. Data collection is based on semi-structured interviews with seven small and medium enterprises in Italy. Information is then analysed and contrasted with existing literature on the topic leading to reliable and valid answers to the questions. Findings show how there is a difference between the relevance of Circular Economy aspects depending on the nature of the closing loop. In other words, the integration of the approach is directly related with the nature of the companies’ resources, being these new or reused. At the same time, it also affects the challenges, originated within the upstream component of the chain for those organizations regenerating resources from other industries; whereas being the downstream component the main source of difficulties for those small and medium enterprises using new eco and bio resources.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Supply chain collaboration and sustainable development goals (SDGs). Teamwork makes achieving SDGs dream work

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    The global push towards sustainable development has led to an upsurge in academic literature at the juncture of supply chain collaboration (SCC) and sustainability. The present paper aims to map this growing literature to understand how SCC can contribute to the achievement of broader Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Via a systematic review of literature (SLR), the paper maps key themes at the intersection of SCC and sustainable development. Relying on nine key themes, the study presents novel insights into the domain of SCC for sustainable development. The results of the SLR reveal that collaborative innovation, collaborative process and product development are key mechanisms driving SCC. However, the extant literature has not devoted much attention to the effectiveness of SCC mechanisms or their performance. Further, the current study posits that more effective SCC strategies can boost the sustainable operational performance of the supply chain (SC) by enhancing capacity building and resource utilisation. Based on the contingency approach, this study offers a novel framework linking SCC to SDGs. The study thus has the potential to help managers and practitioners identify strategic fields of action for achieving SDGs.publishedVersio