56 research outputs found

    Analysis of cardiac magnetic resonance images : towards quantification in clinical practice

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    Fourier-based geometric shape prior for snakes

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    International audienceA novel method of snakes with shape prior is presented in this paper. We propose to add a new force which makes the curve evolve to particular shape corresponding to a template to overcome some well-known problems of snakes. The template is an instance or a sketch of the researched contour without knowing its exact geometric pose in the image. The prior information is introduced through a set of complete and locally stable invariants to Euclidean transformations (translation, rotation and scale factor) computed using Fourier Transform on contours. The method is evaluated with the segmentation of myocardial scintigraphy slices and the tracking of an object in a video sequence

    Reconstruction and analysis of 4D heart motion from tagged MR images.

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    Luo Guo.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2003.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 97-109).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Abstract --- p.iAcknowledgement --- p.iiiChapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Motivation --- p.2Chapter 1.2 --- Basics --- p.3Chapter 1.2.1 --- Anatomy of Human Heart --- p.3Chapter 1.2.2 --- The Philosophy of MRI --- p.5Chapter 1.2.3 --- MRI in Practice --- p.7Chapter 1.3 --- Cardiac MR Images Analysis --- p.7Chapter 1.3.1 --- Heart Boundary Segmentation --- p.7Chapter 1.3.2 --- Motion Reconstruction --- p.13Chapter 1.4 --- Summary and Thesis Overview --- p.17Chapter 2 --- Tracking Tags in SPAMM Images --- p.21Chapter 2.1 --- Introduction --- p.21Chapter 2.2 --- The Snake Model --- p.28Chapter 2.3 --- The Improved Snake Model: Tracking Tags Using Snakes --- p.30Chapter 2.3.1 --- Imaging Protocol --- p.30Chapter 2.3.2 --- Model Formulation --- p.31Chapter 2.3.3 --- Numerical Solution --- p.39Chapter 2.4 --- Experimental Results --- p.44Chapter 3 --- B-Spline Based LV Motion Reconstruction --- p.52Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.52Chapter 3.2 --- LV Shape: Generalized Deformable Ellipsoid --- p.56Chapter 3.3 --- The New Geometric Model: Generalized Prolate Spheroid --- p.58Chapter 3.3.1 --- Generalized Prolate Spheroid --- p.58Chapter 3.3.2 --- Initial Geometric Fitting --- p.59Chapter 3.4 --- Fast Motion Reconstruction: The Enhanced Hi- erarchical Motion Decomposition --- p.65Chapter 3.4.1 --- Hierarchical Motion Decomposition --- p.65Chapter 3.4.2 --- Motion Reconstruction --- p.68Chapter 3.4.3 --- Implementation --- p.76Chapter 3.4.4 --- Time Smoothing --- p.77Chapter 3.5 --- Experimental Results --- p.79Chapter 3.5.1 --- Geometric Fitting --- p.79Chapter 3.5.2 --- Motion Reconstruction --- p.79Chapter 4 --- Conclusion --- p.93Bibliography --- p.10

    Cardiac motion estimation in ultrasound images using a sparse representation and dictionary learning

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    Les maladies cardiovasculaires sont de nos jours un problème de santé majeur. L'amélioration des méthodes liées au diagnostic de ces maladies représente donc un réel enjeu en cardiologie. Le coeur étant un organe en perpétuel mouvement, l'analyse du mouvement cardiaque est un élément clé pour le diagnostic. Par conséquent, les méthodes dédiées à l'estimation du mouvement cardiaque à partir d'images médicales, plus particulièrement en échocardiographie, font l'objet de nombreux travaux de recherches. Cependant, plusieurs difficultés liées à la complexité du mouvement du coeur ainsi qu'à la qualité des images échographiques restent à surmonter afin d'améliorer la qualité et la précision des estimations. Dans le domaine du traitement d'images, les méthodes basées sur l'apprentissage suscitent de plus en plus d'intérêt. Plus particulièrement, les représentations parcimonieuses et l'apprentissage de dictionnaires ont démontré leur efficacité pour la régularisation de divers problèmes inverses. Cette thèse a ainsi pour but d'explorer l'apport de ces méthodes, qui allient parcimonie et apprentissage, pour l'estimation du mouvement cardiaque. Trois principales contributions sont présentées, chacune traitant différents aspects et problématiques rencontrées dans le cadre de l'estimation du mouvement en échocardiographie. Dans un premier temps, une méthode d'estimation du mouvement cardiaque se basant sur une régularisation parcimonieuse est proposée. Le problème d'estimation du mouvement est formulé dans le cadre d'une minimisation d'énergie, dont le terme d'attache aux données est construit avec l'hypothèse d'un bruit de Rayleigh multiplicatif. Une étape d'apprentissage de dictionnaire permet une régularisation exploitant les propriétés parcimonieuses du mouvement cardiaque, combinée à un terme classique de lissage spatial. Dans un second temps, une méthode robuste de flux optique est présentée. L'objectif de cette approche est de robustifier la méthode d'estimation développée au premier chapitre de manière à la rendre moins sensible aux éléments aberrants. Deux régularisations sont mises en oeuvre, imposant d'une part un lissage spatial et de l'autre la parcimonie des champs de mouvements dans un dictionnaire approprié. Afin d'assurer la robustesse de la méthode vis-à-vis des anomalies, une stratégie de minimisation récursivement pondérée est proposée. Plus précisément, les fonctions employées pour cette pondération sont basées sur la théorie des M-estimateurs. Le dernier travail présenté dans cette thèse, explore une méthode d'estimation du mouvement cardiaque exploitant une régularisation parcimonieuse combinée à un lissage à la fois dans les domaines spatial et temporel. Le problème est formulé dans un cadre général d'estimation de flux optique. La régularisation temporelle proposée impose des trajectoires de mouvement lisses entre images consécutives. De plus, une méthode itérative d'estimation permet d'incorporer les trois termes de régularisations, tout en rendant possible le traitement simultané d'un ensemble d'images. Dans cette thèse, les contributions proposées sont validées en employant des images synthétiques et des simulations réalistes d'images ultrasonores. Ces données avec vérité terrain permettent d'évaluer la précision des approches considérées, et de souligner leur compétitivité par rapport à des méthodes de l'état-del'art. Pour démontrer la faisabilité clinique, des images in vivo de patients sains ou atteints de pathologies sont également considérées pour les deux premières méthodes. Pour la dernière contribution de cette thèse, i.e., exploitant un lissage temporel, une étude préliminaire est menée en utilisant des données de simulation.Cardiovascular diseases have become a major healthcare issue. Improving the diagnosis and analysis of these diseases have thus become a primary concern in cardiology. The heart is a moving organ that undergoes complex deformations. Therefore, the quantification of cardiac motion from medical images, particularly ultrasound, is a key part of the techniques used for diagnosis in clinical practice. Thus, significant research efforts have been directed toward developing new cardiac motion estimation methods. These methods aim at improving the quality and accuracy of the estimated motions. However, they are still facing many challenges due to the complexity of cardiac motion and the quality of ultrasound images. Recently, learning-based techniques have received a growing interest in the field of image processing. More specifically, sparse representations and dictionary learning strategies have shown their efficiency in regularizing different ill-posed inverse problems. This thesis investigates the benefits that such sparsity and learning-based techniques can bring to cardiac motion estimation. Three main contributions are presented, investigating different aspects and challenges that arise in echocardiography. Firstly, a method for cardiac motion estimation using a sparsity-based regularization is introduced. The motion estimation problem is formulated as an energy minimization, whose data fidelity term is built using the assumption that the images are corrupted by multiplicative Rayleigh noise. In addition to a classical spatial smoothness constraint, the proposed method exploits the sparse properties of the cardiac motion to regularize the solution via an appropriate dictionary learning step. Secondly, a fully robust optical flow method is proposed. The aim of this work is to take into account the limitations of ultrasound imaging and the violations of the regularization constraints. In this work, two regularization terms imposing spatial smoothness and sparsity of the motion field in an appropriate cardiac motion dictionary are also exploited. In order to ensure robustness to outliers, an iteratively re-weighted minimization strategy is proposed using weighting functions based on M-estimators. As a last contribution, we investigate a cardiac motion estimation method using a combination of sparse, spatial and temporal regularizations. The problem is formulated within a general optical flow framework. The proposed temporal regularization enforces smoothness of the motion trajectories between consecutive images. Furthermore, an iterative groupewise motion estimation allows us to incorporate the three regularization terms, while enabling the processing of the image sequence as a whole. Throughout this thesis, the proposed contributions are validated using synthetic and realistic simulated cardiac ultrasound images. These datasets with available groundtruth are used to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed approaches and show their competitiveness with state-of-the-art algorithms. In order to demonstrate clinical feasibility, in vivo sequences of healthy and pathological subjects are considered for the first two methods. A preliminary investigation is conducted for the last contribution, i.e., exploiting temporal smoothness, using simulated data

    On the Real-Time Performance, Robustness and Accuracy of Medical Image Non-Rigid Registration

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    Three critical issues about medical image non-rigid registration are performance, robustness and accuracy. A registration method, which is capable of responding timely with an accurate alignment, robust against the variation of the image intensity and the missing data, is desirable for its clinical use. This work addresses all three of these issues. Unacceptable execution time of Non-rigid registration (NRR) often presents a major obstacle to its routine clinical use. We present a hybrid data partitioning method to parallelize a NRR method on a cooperative architecture, which enables us to get closer to the goal: accelerating using architecture rather than designing a parallel algorithm from scratch. to further accelerate the performance for the GPU part, a GPU optimization tool is provided to automatically optimize GPU execution configuration.;Missing data and variation of the intensity are two severe challenges for the robustness of the registration method. A novel point-based NRR method is presented to resolve mapping function (deformation field) with the point correspondence missing. The novelty of this method lies in incorporating a finite element biomechanical model into an Expectation and Maximization (EM) framework to resolve the correspondence and mapping function simultaneously. This method is extended to deal with the deformation induced by tumor resection, which imposes another challenge, i.e. incomplete intra-operative MRI. The registration is formulated as a three variable (Correspondence, Deformation Field, and Resection Region) functional minimization problem and resolved by a Nested Expectation and Maximization framework. The experimental results show the effectiveness of this method in correcting the deformation in the vicinity of the tumor. to deal with the variation of the intensity, two different methods are developed depending on the specific application. For the mono-modality registration on delayed enhanced cardiac MRI and cine MRI, a hybrid registration method is designed by unifying both intensity- and feature point-based metrics into one cost function. The experiment on the moving propagation of suspicious myocardial infarction shows effectiveness of this hybrid method. For the multi-modality registration on MRI and CT, a Mutual Information (MI)-based NRR is developed by modeling the underlying deformation as a Free-Form Deformation (FFD). MI is sensitive to the variation of the intensity due to equidistant bins. We overcome this disadvantage by designing a Top-to-Down K-means clustering method to naturally group similar intensities into one bin. The experiment shows this method can increase the accuracy of the MI-based registration.;In image registration, a finite element biomechanical model is usually employed to simulate the underlying movement of the soft tissue. We develop a multi-tissue mesh generation method to build a heterogeneous biomechanical model to realistically simulate the underlying movement of the brain. We focus on the following four critical mesh properties: tissue-dependent resolution, fidelity to tissue boundaries, smoothness of mesh surfaces, and element quality. Each mesh property can be controlled on a tissue level. The experiments on comparing the homogeneous model with the heterogeneous model demonstrate the effectiveness of the heterogeneous model in improving the registration accuracy

    Role of deep learning techniques in non-invasive diagnosis of human diseases.

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    Machine learning, a sub-discipline in the domain of artificial intelligence, concentrates on algorithms able to learn and/or adapt their structure (e.g., parameters) based on a set of observed data. The adaptation is performed by optimizing over a cost function. Machine learning obtained a great attention in the biomedical community because it offers a promise for improving sensitivity and/or specificity of detection and diagnosis of diseases. It also can increase objectivity of the decision making, decrease the time and effort on health care professionals during the process of disease detection and diagnosis. The potential impact of machine learning is greater than ever due to the increase in medical data being acquired, the presence of novel modalities being developed and the complexity of medical data. In all of these scenarios, machine learning can come up with new tools for interpreting the complex datasets that confront clinicians. Much of the excitement for the application of machine learning to biomedical research comes from the development of deep learning which is modeled after computation in the brain. Deep learning can help in attaining insights that would be impossible to obtain through manual analysis. Deep learning algorithms and in particular convolutional neural networks are different from traditional machine learning approaches. Deep learning algorithms are known by their ability to learn complex representations to enhance pattern recognition from raw data. On the other hand, traditional machine learning requires human engineering and domain expertise to design feature extractors and structure data. With increasing demands upon current radiologists, there are growing needs for automating the diagnosis. This is a concern that deep learning is able to address. In this dissertation, we present four different successful applications of deep learning for diseases diagnosis. All the work presented in the dissertation utilizes medical images. In the first application, we introduce a deep-learning based computer-aided diagnostic system for the early detection of acute renal transplant rejection. The system is based on the fusion of both imaging markers (apparent diffusion coefficients derived from diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging) and clinical biomarkers (creatinine clearance and serum plasma creatinine). The fused data is then used as an input to train and test a convolutional neural network based classifier. The proposed system is tested on scans collected from 56 subjects from geographically diverse populations and different scanner types/image collection protocols. The overall accuracy of the proposed system is 92.9% with 93.3% sensitivity and 92.3% specificity in distinguishing non-rejected kidney transplants from rejected ones. In the second application, we propose a novel deep learning approach for the automated segmentation and quantification of the LV from cardiac cine MR images. We aimed at achieving lower errors for the estimated heart parameters compared to the previous studies by proposing a novel deep learning segmentation method. Using fully convolutional neural networks, we proposed novel methods for the extraction of a region of interest that contains the left ventricle, and the segmentation of the left ventricle. Following myocardial segmentation, functional and mass parameters of the left ventricle are estimated. Automated Cardiac Diagnosis Challenge dataset was used to validate our framework, which gave better segmentation, accurate estimation of cardiac parameters, and produced less error compared to other methods applied on the same dataset. Furthermore, we showed that our segmentation approach generalizes well across different datasets by testing its performance on a locally acquired dataset. In the third application, we propose a novel deep learning approach for automated quantification of strain from cardiac cine MR images of mice. For strain analysis, we developed a Laplace-based approach to track the LV wall points by solving the Laplace equation between the LV contours of each two successive image frames over the cardiac cycle. Following tracking, the strain estimation is performed using the Lagrangian-based approach. This new automated system for strain analysis was validated by comparing the outcome of these analysis with the tagged MR images from the same mice. There were no significant differences between the strain data obtained from our algorithm using cine compared to tagged MR imaging. In the fourth application, we demonstrate how a deep learning approach can be utilized for the automated classification of kidney histopathological images. Our approach can classify four classes: the fat, the parenchyma, the clear cell renal cell carcinoma, and the unusual cancer which has been discovered recently, called clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma. Our framework consists of three convolutional neural networks and the whole-slide kidney images were divided into patches with three different sizes to be inputted to the networks. Our approach can provide patch-wise and pixel-wise classification. Our approach classified the four classes accurately and surpassed other state-of-the-art methods such as ResNet (pixel accuracy: 0.89 Resnet18, 0.93 proposed). In conclusion, the results of our proposed systems demonstrate the potential of deep learning for the efficient, reproducible, fast, and affordable disease diagnosis

    Computer-Assisted Electroanatomical Guidance for Cardiac Electrophysiology Procedures

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    Cardiac arrhythmias are serious life-threatening episodes affecting both the aging population and younger patients with pre-existing heart conditions. One of the most effective therapeutic procedures is the minimally-invasive catheter-driven endovascular electrophysiology study, whereby electrical potentials and activation patterns in the affected cardiac chambers are measured and subsequent ablation of arrhythmogenic tissue is performed. Despite emerging technologies such as electroanatomical mapping and remote intraoperative navigation systems for improved catheter manipulation and stability, successful ablation of arrhythmias is still highly-dependent on the operator’s skills and experience. This thesis proposes a framework towards standardisation in the electroanatomical mapping and ablation planning by merging knowledge transfer from previous cases and patient-specific data. In particular, contributions towards four different procedural aspects were made: optimal electroanatomical mapping, arrhythmia path computation, catheter tip stability analysis, and ablation simulation and optimisation. In order to improve the intraoperative electroanatomical map, anatomical areas of high mapping interest were proposed, as learned from previous electrophysiology studies. Subsequently, the arrhythmic wave propagation on the endocardial surface and potential ablation points were computed. The ablation planning is further enhanced, firstly by the analysis of the catheter tip stability and the probability of slippage at sparse locations on the endocardium and, secondly, by the simulation of the ablation result from the computation of convolutional matrices which model mathematically the ablation process. The methods proposed by this thesis were validated on data from patients with complex congenital heart disease, who present unusual cardiac anatomy and consequently atypical arrhythmias. The proposed methods also build a generic framework for computer guidance of electrophysiology, with results showing complementary information that can be easily integrated into the clinical workflow.Open Acces