4,261 research outputs found

    Haptic feedback in teleoperation in Micro-and Nano-Worlds.

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    International audienceRobotic systems have been developed to handle very small objects, but their use remains complex and necessitates long-duration training. Simulators, such as molecular simulators, can provide access to large amounts of raw data, but only highly trained users can interpret the results of such systems. Haptic feedback in teleoperation, which provides force-feedback to an operator, appears to be a promising solution for interaction with such systems, as it allows intuitiveness and flexibility. However several issues arise while implementing teleoperation schemes at the micro-nanoscale, owing to complex force-fields that must be transmitted to users, and scaling differences between the haptic device and the manipulated objects. Major advances in such technology have been made in recent years. This chapter reviews the main systems in this area and highlights how some fundamental issues in teleoperation for micro- and nano-scale applications have been addressed. The chapter considers three types of teleoperation, including: (1) direct (manipulation of real objects); (2) virtual (use of simulators); and (3) augmented (combining real robotic systems and simulators). Remaining issues that must be addressed for further advances in teleoperation for micro-nanoworlds are also discussed, including: (1) comprehension of phenomena that dictate very small object (< 500 micrometers) behavior; and (2) design of intuitive 3-D manipulation systems. Design guidelines to realize an intuitive haptic feedback teleoperation system at the micro-nanoscale level are proposed

    Automated sequence and motion planning for robotic spatial extrusion of 3D trusses

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    While robotic spatial extrusion has demonstrated a new and efficient means to fabricate 3D truss structures in architectural scale, a major challenge remains in automatically planning extrusion sequence and robotic motion for trusses with unconstrained topologies. This paper presents the first attempt in the field to rigorously formulate the extrusion sequence and motion planning (SAMP) problem, using a CSP encoding. Furthermore, this research proposes a new hierarchical planning framework to solve the extrusion SAMP problems that usually have a long planning horizon and 3D configuration complexity. By decoupling sequence and motion planning, the planning framework is able to efficiently solve the extrusion sequence, end-effector poses, joint configurations, and transition trajectories for spatial trusses with nonstandard topologies. This paper also presents the first detailed computation data to reveal the runtime bottleneck on solving SAMP problems, which provides insight and comparing baseline for future algorithmic development. Together with the algorithmic results, this paper also presents an open-source and modularized software implementation called Choreo that is machine-agnostic. To demonstrate the power of this algorithmic framework, three case studies, including real fabrication and simulation results, are presented.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figure

    A virtual hand assessment system for efficient outcome measures of hand rehabilitation

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    Previously held under moratorium from 1st December 2016 until 1st December 2021.Hand rehabilitation is an extremely complex and critical process in the medical rehabilitation field. This is mainly due to the high articulation of the hand functionality. Recent research has focused on employing new technologies, such as robotics and system control, in order to improve the precision and efficiency of the standard clinical methods used in hand rehabilitation. However, the designs of these devices were either oriented toward a particular hand injury or heavily dependent on subjective assessment techniques to evaluate the progress. These limitations reduce the efficiency of the hand rehabilitation devices by providing less effective results for restoring the lost functionalities of the dysfunctional hands. In this project, a novel technological solution and efficient hand assessment system is produced that can objectively measure the restoration outcome and, dynamically, evaluate its performance. The proposed system uses a data glove sensorial device to measure the multiple ranges of motion for the hand joints, and a Virtual Reality system to return an illustrative and safe visual assistance environment that can self-adjust with the subject’s performance. The system application implements an original finger performance measurement method for analysing the various hand functionalities. This is achieved by extracting the multiple features of the hand digits’ motions; such as speed, consistency of finger movements and stability during the hold positions. Furthermore, an advanced data glove calibration method was developed and implemented in order to accurately manipulate the virtual hand model and calculate the hand kinematic movements in compliance with the biomechanical structure of the hand. The experimental studies were performed on a controlled group of 10 healthy subjects (25 to 42 years age). The results showed intra-subject reliability between the trials (average of crosscorrelation ρ = 0.7), inter-subject repeatability across the subject’s performance (p > 0.01 for the session with real objects and with few departures in some of the virtual reality sessions). In addition, the finger performance values were found to be very efficient in detecting the multiple elements of the fingers’ performance including the load effect on the forearm. Moreover, the electromyography measurements, in the virtual reality sessions, showed high sensitivity in detecting the tremor effect (the mean power frequency difference on the right Vextensor digitorum muscle is 176 Hz). Also, the finger performance values for the virtual reality sessions have the same average distance as the real life sessions (RSQ =0.07). The system, besides offering an efficient and quantitative evaluation of hand performance, it was proven compatible with different hand rehabilitation techniques where it can outline the primarily affected parts in the hand dysfunction. It also can be easily adjusted to comply with the subject’s specifications and clinical hand assessment procedures to autonomously detect the classification task events and analyse them with high reliability. The developed system is also adaptable with different disciplines’ involvements, other than the hand rehabilitation, such as ergonomic studies, hand robot control, brain-computer interface and various fields involving hand control.Hand rehabilitation is an extremely complex and critical process in the medical rehabilitation field. This is mainly due to the high articulation of the hand functionality. Recent research has focused on employing new technologies, such as robotics and system control, in order to improve the precision and efficiency of the standard clinical methods used in hand rehabilitation. However, the designs of these devices were either oriented toward a particular hand injury or heavily dependent on subjective assessment techniques to evaluate the progress. These limitations reduce the efficiency of the hand rehabilitation devices by providing less effective results for restoring the lost functionalities of the dysfunctional hands. In this project, a novel technological solution and efficient hand assessment system is produced that can objectively measure the restoration outcome and, dynamically, evaluate its performance. The proposed system uses a data glove sensorial device to measure the multiple ranges of motion for the hand joints, and a Virtual Reality system to return an illustrative and safe visual assistance environment that can self-adjust with the subject’s performance. The system application implements an original finger performance measurement method for analysing the various hand functionalities. This is achieved by extracting the multiple features of the hand digits’ motions; such as speed, consistency of finger movements and stability during the hold positions. Furthermore, an advanced data glove calibration method was developed and implemented in order to accurately manipulate the virtual hand model and calculate the hand kinematic movements in compliance with the biomechanical structure of the hand. The experimental studies were performed on a controlled group of 10 healthy subjects (25 to 42 years age). The results showed intra-subject reliability between the trials (average of crosscorrelation ρ = 0.7), inter-subject repeatability across the subject’s performance (p > 0.01 for the session with real objects and with few departures in some of the virtual reality sessions). In addition, the finger performance values were found to be very efficient in detecting the multiple elements of the fingers’ performance including the load effect on the forearm. Moreover, the electromyography measurements, in the virtual reality sessions, showed high sensitivity in detecting the tremor effect (the mean power frequency difference on the right Vextensor digitorum muscle is 176 Hz). Also, the finger performance values for the virtual reality sessions have the same average distance as the real life sessions (RSQ =0.07). The system, besides offering an efficient and quantitative evaluation of hand performance, it was proven compatible with different hand rehabilitation techniques where it can outline the primarily affected parts in the hand dysfunction. It also can be easily adjusted to comply with the subject’s specifications and clinical hand assessment procedures to autonomously detect the classification task events and analyse them with high reliability. The developed system is also adaptable with different disciplines’ involvements, other than the hand rehabilitation, such as ergonomic studies, hand robot control, brain-computer interface and various fields involving hand control


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    CLIPS is an expert system, created specifically to allow rapid implementation of an expert system. CLIPS is written in C, and thus needs a very small amount of memory to run. Parallel CLIPS (PCLIPS) is an extension to CLIPS which is intended to be used in situations where a group of expert systems are expected to run simultaneously and occasionally communicate with each other on an integrated network. PCLIPS is a coarse-grained data distribution system. Its main goal is to take information in one knowledge base and distribute it to other knowledge bases so that all the executing expert systems are able to use that knowledge to solve their disparate problems

    Robotic assisted deep brain stimulation neurosurgery: first steps on system development

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    The advantages of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) lead to an increasing number of stereotactic DBS surgeries, which are extensive procedures that require extreme precision and steadiness of tool handling. Robotic manipulators known for their consistency, movement precision and steadiness have the potential to be remarkable tools to assist the neurosurgeons and can refine the quality/working conditions, while improving surgery outcome. Currently, robotic systems for stereotactic neurosurgeries with simple/pragmatic low budget solutions that fulfil the surgeons' needs are not yet available. Thus, we have been asked to develop such robotic system. In this paper we present our first steps toward such endeavour. Specifically, we implemented a simulation environment for robotic assisted DBS neurosurgery that allows emulating several hardware setups within the operating room, and to test and assess their performance. The simulator is useful not only as tool for developing specialized control applications, but also for training clinicians. First results support the viability of the sought solution and open way to future developments.This work has been partially financed by projects FP7 Marie Curie ITN - NETT (project no 289146), FCT FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022674 and Pest-C/MATUI0013/2011 (FCT grant ref. UMINHO/BIC/8/2012)

    The optimal use of vision as part of the manipulation of micron-sized objects

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    This project concerns the development and integration of a sub-millimeter objects manipulation setup and will take part in a CTI project named “Manipulating Microscale Objects with Nanoscale Precision”. On the way of manipulating microscale objects, we need to build a first setup adapted for sub-millimeter objects in order to be able to perform experiences and to validate some assumptions and choices. In the Laboratoire de Systùmes Robotiques (LSRO), ultra high precision parallel robots are developed and, in particular, the Delta3 a micromanipulator that presents three degrees of freedom (XYZ) and has a range of 4mm. This robot might be used within this project. The goal of this project is to develop an interface between vision system, robot and user that will allow measuring the position repeatability of different microscale objects during a manipulation task
