5,512 research outputs found

    Spatial memory shapes density dependence in population dynamics

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    Most population dynamics studies assume that individuals use space uniformly, and thus mix well spatially. In numerous species, however, individuals do not move randomly, but use spatial memory to visit renewable resource patches repeatedly. To understand the extent to which memorybased foraging movement may affect density-dependent population dynamics through its impact on competition, we developed a spatially explicit, individual-based movement model where reproduction and death are functions of foraging efficiency. We compared the dynamics of populations of with- and without-memory individuals. We showed that memory-based movement leads to a higher population size at equilibrium, to a higher depletion of the environment, to a marked discrepancy between the global (i.e. measured at the population level) and local (i.e. measured at the individual level) intensities of competition, and to a nonlinear density dependence. These results call for a deeper investigation of the impact of individual movement strategies and cognitive abilities on population dynamics

    Footprints of information foragers: Behaviour semantics of visual exploration

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    Social navigation exploits the knowledge and experience of peer users of information resources. A wide variety of visual–spatial approaches become increasingly popular as a means to optimize information access as well as to foster and sustain a virtual community among geographically distributed users. An information landscape is among the most appealing design options of representing and communicating the essence of distributed information resources to users. A fundamental and challenging issue is how an information landscape can be designed such that it will not only preserve the essence of the underlying information structure, but also accommodate the diversity of individual users. The majority of research in social navigation has been focusing on how to extract useful information from what is in common between users' profiles, their interests and preferences. In this article, we explore the role of modelling sequential behaviour patterns of users in augmenting social navigation in thematic landscapes. In particular, we compare and analyse the trails of individual users in thematic spaces along with their cognitive ability measures. We are interested in whether such trails can provide useful guidance for social navigation if they are embedded in a visual–spatial environment. Furthermore, we are interested in whether such information can help users to learn from each other, for example, from the ones who have been successful in retrieving documents. In this article, we first describe how users' trails in sessions of an experimental study of visual information retrieval can be characterized by Hidden Markov Models. Trails of users with the most successful retrieval performance are used to estimate parameters of such models. Optimal virtual trails generated from the models are visualized and animated as if they were actual trails of individual users in order to highlight behavioural patterns that may foster social navigation. The findings of the research will provide direct input to the design of social navigation systems as well as to enrich theories of social navigation in a wider context. These findings will lead to the further development and consolidation of a tightly coupled paradigm of spatial, semantic and social navigation

    Spring migration of Ruffs Philomachus pugnax in FryslĂąn: estimates of staging duration using resighting data

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    Seasonal bird migration involves long flights, but most time is actually spent at intermediate staging areas. The duration of stay at these sites can be evaluated with mark–recapture methods that employ day-to-day local encounters of individually marked birds. Estimates of staging duration are based on two probabilities: the immigration probability, the complement of a bird’s seniority to an area, and the emigration probability, the complement of the staying probability. Estimating total staging duration from seniority and staying probabilities requires validation for resighting data and here we compare three data categories of Ruffs Philomachus pugnax passing through The Netherlands during northward migration: (1) newly colour-ringed, (2) previously colour-ringed and (3) radio-tagged Ruffs (recorded by automated receiving stations). Between 2004 and 2008, 4363 resighting histories and 95 telemetry recording histories were collected. As sample sizes for females were low, only data for males were analysed. Possible catching effects affecting estimates of staging duration were explored. Staying probability was estimated for all data. Seniority however, could not be estimated for newly marked Ruffs; the assumption of equal ‘capture’ probability for reverse-time models applied to estimate seniority is violated for seasonal resighting histories starting with a catching event. Therefore, estimates of total staging duration were based on resightings of previously colour-marked birds only. For radio-tagged birds a minimal staging duration (time between tagging and last recording) was calculated. Modelling indicated that newly colour-ringed birds had a higher staying probability than previously colour-ringed birds, but the difference translated to a prolonged staging duration in newly ringed birds of only 0.4–0.5 d, suggesting a very small catching effect. The minimal staging duration of radio-tagged birds validated estimates of staging duration for colour-ringed birds in 2007 but not in 2005. In 2005 a low resighting probability resulted in underestimates of staging duration. We conclude that (1) estimates of staying probability can be affected by catching although effects on staging duration might be small, and that (2) low resighting probabilities can lead to underestimates in staging duration. In our study previously ringed Ruffs resighted in 2006–08 yielded reliable estimates of staging duration as data had sufficiently high resighting probabilities. Average staging durations varied between 19 d in 2008 and 23 d in 2006.

    Advocating better habitat use and selection models in bird ecology

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    Studies on habitat use and habitat selection represent a basic aspect of bird ecology, due to its importance in natural history, distribution, response to environmental changes, management and conservation. Basically, a statistical model that identifies environmental variables linked to a species presence is searched for. In this sense, there is a wide array of analytical methods that identify important explanatory variables within a model, with higher explanatory and predictive power than classical regression approaches. However, some of these powerful models are not widespread in ornithological studies, partly because of their complex theory, and in some cases, difficulties on their implementation and interpretation. Here, I describe generalized linear models and other five statistical models for the analysis of bird habitat use and selection outperforming classical approaches: generalized additive models, mixed effects models, occupancy models, binomial N-mixture models and decision trees (classification and regression trees, bagging, random forests and boosting). Each of these models has its benefits and drawbacks, but major advantages include dealing with non-normal distributions (presence-absence and abundance data typically found in habitat use and selection studies), heterogeneous variances, non-linear and complex relationships among variables, lack of statistical independence and imperfect detection. To aid ornithologists in making use of the methods described, a readable description of each method is provided, as well as a flowchart along with some recommendations to help them decide the most appropriate analysis. The use of these models in ornithological studies is encouraged, given their huge potential as statistical tools in bird ecology.Fil: Palacio, Facundo Xavier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. DivisiĂłn ZoologĂ­a de Vertebrados. SecciĂłn OrnitologĂ­a; Argentin

    Food provisioning and growth in the Atlantic puffin fratercular Arctica: an experimental approach

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    This study provided Puffin chicks with an additional 25g of food per day during the period of maximum growth rate to determine whether: 1) adult puffins can evaluate and respond to the nutritional requirements of their chicks, and 2) whether growth parameters (rate and elevation) of structural body components are flexible in response to variable levels of nutrition. Adult provisioning rates were significantly reduced in response to supplementary feeding, with experimental chicks receiving a mean of 2.1 feeds/d(^-1) compared to control chicks which received 4.7 feeds/d(^-1). There was no difference in the mean weight or energy content of the loads delivered to both groups, suggesting that the adult response to supplementary feeding took the form of a decrease in feeding frequency rather than a decrease m the size or nutritional quality of the load. No significant differences were found between the experimental and control groups in both the growth rate of overall body size and body weight. Neither was there a difference between groups in body mass elevation (mass corrected for age). However, chicks provided with supplementary food grew significantly larger for their age than control chicks. The fact that control birds were smaller but body masses were identical between the two groups suggests that control birds were not energy limited but nutrient limited; supplementary food may have provided the additional nutrients allowing structural tissues of experimental birds to grow larger. Differences in body tissue composition, and thus differences in metabolic energy requirements, may have been indirectly responsible for the similarities in body mass between the two groups. Identical growth rates between the two groups may have been a result of constraints acting at the physiological level, which prevented any further increase in rate once maximum size was reached for a given nutrient intake. In conclusion, variation in the quality or quantity of Puffin nestling diets does effect growth patterns of structural body components. Environmental sources of morphological variation should not be neglected in studies of phenotypic variation in birds

    Revisiting revisitation in computer interaction: organic bookmark management.

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    According to Milic-Frayling et al. (2004), there are two general ways of user browsing i.e. search (finding a website where the user has never visited before) and revisitation (returning to a website where the user has visited in the past). The issue of search is relevant to search engine technology, whilst revisitation concerns web usage and browser history mechanisms. The support for revisitation is normally through a set of functional built-in icons e.g. History, Back, Forward and Bookmarks. Nevertheless, for returning web users, they normally find it is easier and faster to re-launch an online search again, rather than spending time to find a particular web site from their personal bookmark and history records. Tauscher and Greenberg (1997) showed that revisiting web pages forms up to 58% of the recurrence rate of web browsing. Cockburn and McKenzie (2001) also stated that 81% of web pages have been previously visited by the user. According to Obendorf et al. (2007), revisitation can be divided into four classifications based on time: short-term (72.6% revisits within an hour), medium-term (12% revisits within a day and 7.8% revisits within a week), and long-term (7.6% revisits longer than a week)
