16 research outputs found

    Graph-based iterative Group Analysis enhances microarray interpretation

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    BACKGROUND: One of the most time-consuming tasks after performing a gene expression experiment is the biological interpretation of the results by identifying physiologically important associations between the differentially expressed genes. A large part of the relevant functional evidence can be represented in the form of graphs, e.g. metabolic and signaling pathways, protein interaction maps, shared GeneOntology annotations, or literature co-citation relations. Such graphs are easily constructed from available genome annotation data. The problem of biological interpretation can then be described as identifying the subgraphs showing the most significant patterns of gene expression. We applied a graph-based extension of our iterative Group Analysis (iGA) approach to obtain a statistically rigorous identification of the subgraphs of interest in any evidence graph. RESULTS: We validated the Graph-based iterative Group Analysis (GiGA) by applying it to the classic yeast diauxic shift experiment of DeRisi et al., using GeneOntology and metabolic network information. GiGA reliably identified and summarized all the biological processes discussed in the original publication. Visualization of the detected subgraphs allowed the convenient exploration of the results. The method also identified several processes that were not presented in the original paper but are of obvious relevance to the yeast starvation response. CONCLUSIONS: GiGA provides a fast and flexible delimitation of the most interesting areas in a microarray experiment, and leads to a considerable speed-up and improvement of the interpretation process

    SpotXplore: a Cytoscape plugin for visual exploration of hotspot expression in gene regulatory networks

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    Summary: SpotXplore is a plugin for Cytoscape for extraction and visualization of differentially expressed subnetworks (hotspots) from gene networks. The hotspot-based visualization approach enables interactive exploration of regulatory interactions in differentially expressed gene sets, and it allows a researcher to explore gene expression in direct relation to the affected cellular gene network. The hotspots provide a view beyond the commonly used metabolic pathways and gene ontologies

    From access and integration to mining of secure genomic data sets across the grid

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    The UK Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) funded BRIDGES project (Biomedical Research Informatics Delivered by Grid Enabled Services) has developed a Grid infrastructure to support cardiovascular research. This includes the provision of a compute Grid and a data Grid infrastructure with security at its heart. In this paper we focus on the BRIDGES data Grid. A primary aim of the BRIDGES data Grid is to help control the complexity in access to and integration of a myriad of genomic data sets through simple Grid based tools. We outline these tools, how they are delivered to the end user scientists. We also describe how these tools are to be extended in the BBSRC funded Grid Enabled Microarray Expression Profile Search (GEMEPS) to support a richer vocabulary of search capabilities to support mining of microarray data sets. As with BRIDGES, fine grain Grid security underpins GEMEPS

    Validation and functional annotation of expression-based clusters based on gene ontology

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    BACKGROUND: The biological interpretation of large-scale gene expression data is one of the paramount challenges in current bioinformatics. In particular, placing the results in the context of other available functional genomics data, such as existing bio-ontologies, has already provided substantial improvement for detecting and categorizing genes of interest. One common approach is to look for functional annotations that are significantly enriched within a group or cluster of genes, as compared to a reference group. RESULTS: In this work, we suggest the information-theoretic concept of mutual information to investigate the relationship between groups of genes, as given by data-driven clustering, and their respective functional categories. Drawing upon related approaches (Gibbons and Roth, Genome Research 12:1574-1581, 2002), we seek to quantify to what extent individual attributes are sufficient to characterize a given group or cluster of genes. CONCLUSION: We show that the mutual information provides a systematic framework to assess the relationship between groups or clusters of genes and their functional annotations in a quantitative way. Within this framework, the mutual information allows us to address and incorporate several important issues, such as the interdependence of functional annotations and combinatorial combinations of attributes. It thus supplements and extends the conventional search for overrepresented attributes within a group or cluster of genes. In particular taking combinations of attributes into account, the mutual information opens the way to uncover specific functional descriptions of a group of genes or clustering result. All datasets and functional annotations used in this study are publicly available. All scripts used in the analysis are provided as additional files

    De novo pathway-based biomarker identification

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    Gene expression profiles have been extensively discussed as an aid to guide the therapy by predicting disease outcome for the patients suffering from complex diseases, such as cancer. However, prediction models built upon single-gene (SG) features show poor stability and performance on independent datasets. Attempts to mitigate these drawbacks have led to the development of network-based approaches that integrate pathway information to produce meta-gene (MG) features. Also, MG approaches have only dealt with the two-class problem of good versus poor outcome prediction. Stratifying patients based on their molecular subtypes can provide a detailed view of the disease and lead to more personalized therapies. We propose and discuss a novel MG approach based on de novo pathways, which for the first time have been used as features in a multi-class setting to predict cancer subtypes. Comprehensive evaluation in a large cohort of breast cancer samples from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) revealed that MGs are considerably more stable than SG models, while also providing valuable insight into the cancer hallmarks that drive them. In addition, when tested on an independent benchmark non-TCGA dataset, MG features consistently outperformed SG models. We provide an easy-touse web service at http:// pathclass. compbio. sdu. dk where users can upload their own gene expression datasets from breast cancer studies and obtain the subtype predictions from all the classifiers

    Integrated analysis of gene expression by association rules discovery

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    BACKGROUND: Microarray technology is generating huge amounts of data about the expression level of thousands of genes, or even whole genomes, across different experimental conditions. To extract biological knowledge, and to fully understand such datasets, it is essential to include external biological information about genes and gene products to the analysis of expression data. However, most of the current approaches to analyze microarray datasets are mainly focused on the analysis of experimental data, and external biological information is incorporated as a posterior process. RESULTS: In this study we present a method for the integrative analysis of microarray data based on the Association Rules Discovery data mining technique. The approach integrates gene annotations and expression data to discover intrinsic associations among both data sources based on co-occurrence patterns. We applied the proposed methodology to the analysis of gene expression datasets in which genes were annotated with metabolic pathways, transcriptional regulators and Gene Ontology categories. Automatically extracted associations revealed significant relationships among these gene attributes and expression patterns, where many of them are clearly supported by recently reported work. CONCLUSION: The integration of external biological information and gene expression data can provide insights about the biological processes associated to gene expression programs. In this paper we show that the proposed methodology is able to integrate multiple gene annotations and expression data in the same analytic framework and extract meaningful associations among heterogeneous sources of data. An implementation of the method is included in the Engene software package

    Identifying co-targets to fight drug resistance based on a random walk model

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    Abstract- Drug resistance has now posed more severe and emergent threats to human health and infectious disease treatment. However, the wet-lab approaches alone to counter drug resistance have so far achieved limited success in understanding the underlying mechanisms and pathways of drug resistance. Our approach applied A * heuristic search algorithm in order to extract drug response pathways from protein-protein interaction networks and to identify the co-target for effective antibacterial drugs. In this paper, we chose one of the killer infectious diseases, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis as our test bed. The results showed that the acetyl-CoA carboxylase is believed to be involved in fatty acid and mycolic acid biosynthesis and is strongly associated with the drug resistance mechanisms. Our analysis are consistent with the recent experimental results and also found alanine and glycine rich membrane and cell wall-associated lipoproteins to be potential co-targets for countering drug resistance. keywords: Drug resistance, Co-target, Random walk, Mycobacterium Tuberculosi

    Functional Analysis: Evaluation of Response Intensities - Tailoring ANOVA for Lists of Expression Subsets

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    Background: Microarray data is frequently used to characterize the expression profile of a whole genome and to compare the characteristics of that genome under several conditions. Geneset analysis methods have been described previously to analyze the expression values of several genes related by known biological criteria (metabolic pathway, pathology signature, co-regulation by a common factor, etc.) at the same time and the cost of these methods allows for the use of more values to help discover the underlying biological mechanisms. Results: As several methods assume different null hypotheses, we propose to reformulate the main question that biologists seek to answer. To determine which genesets are associated with expression values that differ between two experiments, we focused on three ad hoc criteria: expression levels, the direction of individual gene expression changes (up or down regulation), and correlations between genes. We introduce the FAERI methodology, tailored from a two-way ANOVA to examine these criteria. The significance of the results was evaluated according to the self-contained null hypothesis, using label sampling or by inferring the null distribution from normally distributed random data. Evaluations performed on simulated data revealed that FAERI outperforms currently available methods for each type of set tested. We then applied the FAERI method to analyze three real-world datasets on hypoxia response. FAERI was able to detect more genesets than other methodologies, and the genesets selected were coherent with current knowledge of cellular response to hypoxia. Moreover, the genesets selected by FAERI were confirmed when the analysis was repeated on two additional related datasets. Conclusions: The expression values of genesets are associated with several biological effects. The underlying mathematical structure of the genesets allows for analysis of data from several genes at the same time. Focusing on expression levels, the direction of the expression changes, and correlations, we showed that two-step data reduction allowed us to significantly improve the performance of geneset analysis using a modified two-way ANOVA procedure, and to detect genesets that current methods fail to detect