1,798 research outputs found

    Graph bootstrap percolation

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    Graph bootstrap percolation is a deterministic cellular automaton which was introduced by Bollob\'as in 1968, and is defined as follows. Given a graph HH, and a set GE(Kn)G \subset E(K_n) of initially `infected' edges, we infect, at each time step, a new edge ee if there is a copy of HH in KnK_n such that ee is the only not-yet infected edge of HH. We say that GG percolates in the HH-bootstrap process if eventually every edge of KnK_n is infected. The extremal questions for this model, when HH is the complete graph KrK_r, were solved (independently) by Alon, Kalai and Frankl almost thirty years ago. In this paper we study the random questions, and determine the critical probability pc(n,Kr)p_c(n,K_r) for the KrK_r-process up to a poly-logarithmic factor. In the case r=4r = 4 we prove a stronger result, and determine the threshold for pc(n,K4)p_c(n,K_4).Comment: 27 page

    Noise sensitivity in bootstrap percolation

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    Answering questions of Itai Benjamini, we show that the event of complete occupation in 2-neighbour bootstrap percolation on the d-dimensional box [n]^d, for d\geq 2, at its critical initial density p_c(n), is noise sensitive, while in k-neighbour bootstrap percolation on the d-regular random graph G_{n,d}, for 2\leq k\leq d-2, it is insensitive. Many open problems remain.Comment: 16 page

    The time of graph bootstrap percolation

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    Graph bootstrap percolation, introduced by Bollob\'as in 1968, is a cellular automaton defined as follows. Given a "small" graph HH and a "large" graph G=G0KnG = G_0 \subseteq K_n, in consecutive steps we obtain Gt+1G_{t+1} from GtG_t by adding to it all new edges ee such that GteG_t \cup e contains a new copy of HH. We say that GG percolates if for some t0t \geq 0, we have Gt=KnG_t = K_n. For H=KrH = K_r, the question about the size of the smallest percolating graphs was independently answered by Alon, Frankl and Kalai in the 1980's. Recently, Balogh, Bollob\'as and Morris considered graph bootstrap percolation for G=G(n,p)G = G(n,p) and studied the critical probability pc(n,Kr)p_c(n,K_r), for the event that the graph percolates with high probability. In this paper, using the same setup, we determine, up to a logarithmic factor, the critical probability for percolation by time tt for all 1tCloglogn1 \leq t \leq C \log\log n.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Bootstrap Percolation, Connectivity, and Graph Distance

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    Bootstrap Percolation is a process defined on a graph which begins with an initial set of infected vertices. In each subsequent round, an uninfected vertex becomes infected if it is adjacent to at least rr previously infected vertices. If an initially infected set of vertices, A0A_0, begins a process in which every vertex of the graph eventually becomes infected, then we say that A0A_0 percolates. In this paper we investigate bootstrap percolation as it relates to graph distance and connectivity. We find a sufficient condition for the existence of cardinality 2 percolating sets in diameter 2 graphs when r=2r = 2. We also investigate connections between connectivity and bootstrap percolation and lower and upper bounds on the number of rounds to percolation in terms of invariants related to graph distance.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure