8,424 research outputs found

    Interference Alignment-Aided Base Station Clustering using Coalition Formation

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    Base station clustering is necessary in large interference networks, where the channel state information (CSI) acquisition overhead otherwise would be overwhelming. In this paper, we propose a novel long-term throughput model for the clustered users which addresses the balance between interference mitigation capability and CSI acquisition overhead. The model only depends on statistical CSI, thus enabling long-term clustering. Based on notions from coalitional game theory, we propose a low-complexity distributed clustering method. The algorithm converges in a couple of iterations, and only requires limited communication between base stations. Numerical simulations show the viability of the proposed approach.Comment: 2nd Prize, Student Paper Contest. Copyright 2015 SS&C. Published in the Proceedings of the 49th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Nov 8-11, 2015, Pacific Grove, CA, US

    Deployment of clustered-based small cells in interference-limited dense scenarios: analysis, design and trade-offs

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    Network densification is one of the most promising solutions to address the high data rate demands in 5G and beyond (B5G) wireless networks while ensuring an overall adequate quality of service. In this scenario, most users experience significant interference levels from neigh-bouring mobile stations (MSs) and access points (APs) making the use of advanced interference management techniques mandatory. Clustered interference alignment (IA) has been widely pro-posed to manage the interference in densely deployed scenarios with a large number of users. Nonetheless, the setups considered in previous works are still far from the densification lev-els envisaged for 5G/B5G networks that are considered in this paper. Moreover, prior designs of clustered-IA systems relied on oversimplified channel models and/or enforced single-stream transmission. In this paper, we explore an ultradense deployment of small-cells (SCs) to pro-vide coverage in 5G/B5G wireless networks. A novel cluster design based on size-restricted k-means algorithm to divide the SCs into different clusters is proposed taking into account path loss and shadowing effects, thus providing a more realistic solution than those available in the current literature. Unlike previous works, this clustering method can also cater for spatial mul-tiplexing scenarios. Also, several design parameters such as the number of transmit antennas, multiplexed data streams, and deployed APs are analyzed in order to identify trade-offs between performance and complexity. The relationship between density of network elements per area unit and performance is investigated, thus allowing to illustrate that there is an optimal coverage area value over which the network resources should be distributed. Moreover, it is shown that the spectral-efficiency degradation due to the inter-cluster interference in ultra-dense networks (UDNs) points to the need of designing an interference management algorithm that accounts for both, intra-cluster and inter-cluster interference. Simulation results provide key insights for the deployment of small cells in interference-limited dense scenarios.This work has received funding from the European Union (EU) Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ETN TeamUp5G, grant agreement No. 813391. We also acknowledge the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MCIU), the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) and the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) for its support to the Spanish National Project TERESA (subprojects TEC2017-90093-C3-2-R and TEC2017-90093-C3-3-R).Publicad

    PhylOTU: a high-throughput procedure quantifies microbial community diversity and resolves novel taxa from metagenomic data.

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    Microbial diversity is typically characterized by clustering ribosomal RNA (SSU-rRNA) sequences into operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Targeted sequencing of environmental SSU-rRNA markers via PCR may fail to detect OTUs due to biases in priming and amplification. Analysis of shotgun sequenced environmental DNA, known as metagenomics, avoids amplification bias but generates fragmentary, non-overlapping sequence reads that cannot be clustered by existing OTU-finding methods. To circumvent these limitations, we developed PhylOTU, a computational workflow that identifies OTUs from metagenomic SSU-rRNA sequence data through the use of phylogenetic principles and probabilistic sequence profiles. Using simulated metagenomic data, we quantified the accuracy with which PhylOTU clusters reads into OTUs. Comparisons of PCR and shotgun sequenced SSU-rRNA markers derived from the global open ocean revealed that while PCR libraries identify more OTUs per sequenced residue, metagenomic libraries recover a greater taxonomic diversity of OTUs. In addition, we discover novel species, genera and families in the metagenomic libraries, including OTUs from phyla missed by analysis of PCR sequences. Taken together, these results suggest that PhylOTU enables characterization of part of the biosphere currently hidden from PCR-based surveys of diversity

    Computational identification and analysis of noncoding RNAs - Unearthing the buried treasures in the genome

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    The central dogma of molecular biology states that the genetic information flows from DNA to RNA to protein. This dogma has exerted a substantial influence on our understanding of the genetic activities in the cells. Under this influence, the prevailing assumption until the recent past was that genes are basically repositories for protein coding information, and proteins are responsible for most of the important biological functions in all cells. In the meanwhile, the importance of RNAs has remained rather obscure, and RNA was mainly viewed as a passive intermediary that bridges the gap between DNA and protein. Except for classic examples such as tRNAs (transfer RNAs) and rRNAs (ribosomal RNAs), functional noncoding RNAs were considered to be rare. However, this view has experienced a dramatic change during the last decade, as systematic screening of various genomes identified myriads of noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs), which are RNA molecules that function without being translated into proteins [11], [40]. It has been realized that many ncRNAs play important roles in various biological processes. As RNAs can interact with other RNAs and DNAs in a sequence-specific manner, they are especially useful in tasks that require highly specific nucleotide recognition [11]. Good examples are the miRNAs (microRNAs) that regulate gene expression by targeting mRNAs (messenger RNAs) [4], [20], and the siRNAs (small interfering RNAs) that take part in the RNAi (RNA interference) pathways for gene silencing [29], [30]. Recent developments show that ncRNAs are extensively involved in many gene regulatory mechanisms [14], [17]. The roles of ncRNAs known to this day are truly diverse. These include transcription and translation control, chromosome replication, RNA processing and modification, and protein degradation and translocation [40], just to name a few. These days, it is even claimed that ncRNAs dominate the genomic output of the higher organisms such as mammals, and it is being suggested that the greater portion of their genome (which does not encode proteins) is dedicated to the control and regulation of cell development [27]. As more and more evidence piles up, greater attention is paid to ncRNAs, which have been neglected for a long time. Researchers began to realize that the vast majority of the genome that was regarded as “junk,” mainly because it was not well understood, may indeed hold the key for the best kept secrets in life, such as the mechanism of alternative splicing, the control of epigenetic variations and so forth [27]. The complete range and extent of the role of ncRNAs are not so obvious at this point, but it is certain that a comprehensive understanding of cellular processes is not possible without understanding the functions of ncRNAs [47]

    Interference alignment: capacity bounds and practical algorithms for time-varying channels

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    Wireless communication systems are becoming essential to everyday life. Modern network deployments and protocols are struggling to keep up with these growing demands, due to interference between devices. The recent discovery of interference alignment has shown that, in principle, it may be possible to overcome this interference bottleneck in dense networks. However, most theoretical results are limited to very high signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) and practical algorithms have only developed for interference alignment via multiple antennas. In this thesis, we develop new capacity bounds for the finite SNR regime by taking advantage of time-varying channel gains. We also explore practical algorithms for parallel single-antenna interference channels, which could arise due to orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM). From the theoretical side, we study the phase-fading Gaussian interference channel. We approximate the capacity region in the very strong interference regime to within a constant gap. Our coding schemes combines ideas from ergodic and lattice interference alignment. On the practical side, we develop a matching algorithm for pairing together sub-channels for alignment. This algorithm relies on the concept of maximum weight matching from graph theory. Simulations demonstrate that this algorithm outperforms classical techniques when the network is interference limited

    On the Intersection of Communication and Machine Learning

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    The intersection of communication and machine learning is attracting increasing interest from both communities. On the one hand, the development of modern communication system brings large amount of data and high performance requirement, which challenges the classic analytical-derivation based study philosophy and encourages the researchers to explore the data driven method, such as machine learning, to solve the problems with high complexity and large scale. On the other hand, the usage of distributed machine learning introduces the communication cost as one of the basic considerations for the design of machine learning algorithm and system.In this thesis, we first explore the application of machine learning on one of the classic problems in wireless network, resource allocation, for heterogeneous millimeter wave networks when the environment is with high dynamics. We address the practical concerns by providing the efficient online and distributed framework. In the second part, some sampling based communication-efficient distributed learning algorithm is proposed. We utilize the trade-off between the local computation and the total communication cost and propose the algorithm with good theoretical bound. In more detail, this thesis makes the following contributionsWe introduced an reinforcement learning framework to solve the resource allocation problems in heterogeneous millimeter wave network. The large state/action space is decomposed according to the topology of the network and solved by an efficient distribtued message passing algorithm. We further speed up the inference process by an online updating process.We proposed the distributed coreset based boosting framework. An efficient coreset construction algorithm is proposed based on the prior knowledge provided by clustering. Then the coreset is integrated with boosting with improved convergence rate. We extend the proposed boosting framework to the distributed setting, where the communication cost is reduced by the good approximation of coreset.We propose an selective sampling framework to construct a subset of sample that could effectively represent the model space. Based on the prior distribution of the model space or the large amount of samples from model space, we derive a computational efficient method to construct such subset by minimizing the error of classifying a classifier