7 research outputs found

    Graph Isomorphism for unit square graphs

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    In the past decades for more and more graph classes the Graph Isomorphism Problem was shown to be solvable in polynomial time. An interesting family of graph classes arises from intersection graphs of geometric objects. In this work we show that the Graph Isomorphism Problem for unit square graphs, intersection graphs of axis-parallel unit squares in the plane, can be solved in polynomial time. Since the recognition problem for this class of graphs is NP-hard we can not rely on standard techniques for geometric graphs based on constructing a canonical realization. Instead, we develop new techniques which combine structural insights into the class of unit square graphs with understanding of the automorphism group of such graphs. For the latter we introduce a generalization of bounded degree graphs which is used to capture the main structure of unit square graphs. Using group theoretic algorithms we obtain sufficient information to solve the isomorphism problem for unit square graphs.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figure

    Graph isomorphism for (H1,H2)-free graphs : an almost complete dichotomy.

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    We almost completely resolve the computational complexity of Graph Isomorphism for classes of graphs characterized by two forbidden induced subgraphs H1 and H2. Schweitzer settled the complexity of this problem restricted to (H1;H2)-free graphs for all but a nite number of pairs (H1;H2), but without explicitly giving the number of open cases. Grohe and Schweitzer proved that Graph Isomorphism is polynomialtime solvable on graph classes of bounded clique-width. By combining known results with a number of new results, we reduce the number of open cases to seven. By exploiting the strong relationship between Graph Isomorphism and clique-width, we simultaneously reduce the number of open cases for boundedness of clique-width for (H1;H2)-free graphs to ve

    An Improved Isomorphism Test for Bounded-Tree-Width Graphs

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    We give a new fpt algorithm testing isomorphism of n-vertex graphs of tree width k in time 2^{k polylog(k)} poly n, improving the fpt algorithm due to Lokshtanov, Pilipczuk, Pilipczuk, and Saurabh (FOCS 2014), which runs in time 2^{O(k^5 log k)}poly n. Based on an improved version of the isomorphism-invariant graph decomposition technique introduced by Lokshtanov et al., we prove restrictions on the structure of the automorphism groups of graphs of tree width k. Our algorithm then makes heavy use of the group theoretic techniques introduced by Luks (JCSS 1982) in his isomorphism test for bounded degree graphs and Babai (STOC 2016) in his quasipolynomial isomorphism test. In fact, we even use Babai\u27s algorithm as a black box in one place. We give a second algorithm which, at the price of a slightly worse run time 2^{O(k^2 log k)}poly n, avoids the use of Babai\u27s algorithm and, more importantly, has the additional benefit that it can also be used as a canonization algorithm

    The Power of the Weisfeiler-Leman Algorithm to Decompose Graphs

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    The Weisfeiler-Leman procedure is a widely-used approach for graph isomorphism testing that works by iteratively computing an isomorphism-invariant coloring of vertex tuples. Meanwhile, a fundamental tool in structural graph theory, which is often exploited in approaches to tackle the graph isomorphism problem, is the decomposition into 2- and 3-connected components. We prove that the 2-dimensional Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm implicitly computes the decomposition of a graph into its 3-connected components. Thus, the dimension of the algorithm needed to distinguish two given graphs is at most the dimension required to distinguish the corresponding decompositions into 3-connected components (assuming it is at least 2). This result implies that for k >= 2, the k-dimensional algorithm distinguishes k-separators, i.e., k-tuples of vertices that separate the graph, from other vertex k-tuples. As a byproduct, we also obtain insights about the connectivity of constituent graphs of association schemes. In an application of the results, we show the new upper bound of k on the Weisfeiler-Leman dimension of graphs of treewidth at most k. Using a construction by Cai, F\"urer, and Immerman, we also provide a new lower bound that is asymptotically tight up to a factor of 2.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures, full version of a paper accepted at MFCS 201

    Hypergraph Isomorphism for Groups with Restricted Composition Factors

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    We consider the isomorphism problem for hypergraphs taking as input two hypergraphs over the same set of vertices V and a permutation group ? over domain V, and asking whether there is a permutation ? ? ? that proves the two hypergraphs to be isomorphic. We show that for input groups, all of whose composition factors are isomorphic to a subgroup of the symmetric group on d points, this problem can be solved in time (n+m)^O((log d)^c) for some absolute constant c where n denotes the number of vertices and m the number of hyperedges. In particular, this gives the currently fastest isomorphism test for hypergraphs in general. The previous best algorithm for the above problem due to Schweitzer and Wiebking (STOC 2019) runs in time n^O(d)m^O(1). As an application of this result, we obtain, for example, an algorithm testing isomorphism of graphs excluding K_{3,h} as a minor in time n^O((log h)^c). In particular, this gives an isomorphism test for graphs of Euler genus at most g running in time n^O((log g)^c)