3,448 research outputs found

    Towards Translating Graph Transformation Approaches by Model Transformations

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    Recently, many researchers are working on semantics preserving model transformation. In the field of graph transformation one can think of translating graph grammars written in one approach to a behaviourally equivalent graph grammar in another approach. In this paper we translate graph grammars developed with the GROOVE tool to AGG graph grammars by first investigating the set of core graph transformation concepts supported by both tools. Then, we define what it means for two graph grammars to be behaviourally equivalent, and for the regarded approaches we actually show how to handle different definitions of both - application conditions and graph structures. The translation itself is explained by means of intuitive examples

    Graph-Based Shape Analysis Beyond Context-Freeness

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    We develop a shape analysis for reasoning about relational properties of data structures. Both the concrete and the abstract domain are represented by hypergraphs. The analysis is parameterized by user-supplied indexed graph grammars to guide concretization and abstraction. This novel extension of context-free graph grammars is powerful enough to model complex data structures such as balanced binary trees with parent pointers, while preserving most desirable properties of context-free graph grammars. One strength of our analysis is that no artifacts apart from grammars are required from the user; it thus offers a high degree of automation. We implemented our analysis and successfully applied it to various programs manipulating AVL trees, (doubly-linked) lists, and combinations of both

    Probabilistic regular graphs

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    Deterministic graph grammars generate regular graphs, that form a structural extension of configuration graphs of pushdown systems. In this paper, we study a probabilistic extension of regular graphs obtained by labelling the terminal arcs of the graph grammars by probabilities. Stochastic properties of these graphs are expressed using PCTL, a probabilistic extension of computation tree logic. We present here an algorithm to perform approximate verification of PCTL formulae. Moreover, we prove that the exact model-checking problem for PCTL on probabilistic regular graphs is undecidable, unless restricting to qualitative properties. Our results generalise those of EKM06, on probabilistic pushdown automata, using similar methods combined with graph grammars techniques.Comment: In Proceedings INFINITY 2010, arXiv:1010.611

    Graph Grammars, Insertion Lie Algebras, and Quantum Field Theory

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    Graph grammars extend the theory of formal languages in order to model distributed parallelism in theoretical computer science. We show here that to certain classes of context-free and context-sensitive graph grammars one can associate a Lie algebra, whose structure is reminiscent of the insertion Lie algebras of quantum field theory. We also show that the Feynman graphs of quantum field theories are graph languages generated by a theory dependent graph grammar.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, 3 jpeg figure

    Event Structure Semantics for Dynamic Graph Grammars

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    Dynamic graph grammars (DGGs) are a reflexive extension of Graph Grammars that have been introduced to represent mobile reflexive systems and calculi at a convenient level of abstraction. Persistent graph grammars (PGGs) are a class of graph grammars that admits a fully satisfactory concurrent semantics thanks to the fact that all so-called asymmetric conflicts (between items that are read by some productions and consumed by other) are avoided. In this paper we introduce a slight variant of DGGs, called persistent dynamic graph grammars (PDGGs), that can be encoded in PGGs preserving concurrency. Finally, PDGGs are exploited to define a concurrent semantics for the Join calculus enriched with persistent messaging (if preferred, the latter can be naively seen as dynamic nets with read arcs)

    Growing Graphs with Hyperedge Replacement Graph Grammars

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    Discovering the underlying structures present in large real world graphs is a fundamental scientific problem. In this paper we show that a graph's clique tree can be used to extract a hyperedge replacement grammar. If we store an ordering from the extraction process, the extracted graph grammar is guaranteed to generate an isomorphic copy of the original graph. Or, a stochastic application of the graph grammar rules can be used to quickly create random graphs. In experiments on large real world networks, we show that random graphs, generated from extracted graph grammars, exhibit a wide range of properties that are very similar to the original graphs. In addition to graph properties like degree or eigenvector centrality, what a graph "looks like" ultimately depends on small details in local graph substructures that are difficult to define at a global level. We show that our generative graph model is able to preserve these local substructures when generating new graphs and performs well on new and difficult tests of model robustness.Comment: 18 pages, 19 figures, accepted to CIKM 2016 in Indianapolis, I

    Matrix Graph Grammars

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    This book objective is to develop an algebraization of graph grammars. Equivalently, we study graph dynamics. From the point of view of a computer scientist, graph grammars are a natural generalization of Chomsky grammars for which a purely algebraic approach does not exist up to now. A Chomsky (or string) grammar is, roughly speaking, a precise description of a formal language (which in essence is a set of strings). On a more discrete mathematical style, it can be said that graph grammars -- Matrix Graph Grammars in particular -- study dynamics of graphs. Ideally, this algebraization would enforce our understanding of grammars in general, providing new analysis techniques and generalizations of concepts, problems and results known so far.Comment: 321 pages, 75 figures. This book has is publisehd by VDM verlag, ISBN 978-363921255
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