6,998 research outputs found

    Networking - A Statistical Physics Perspective

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    Efficient networking has a substantial economic and societal impact in a broad range of areas including transportation systems, wired and wireless communications and a range of Internet applications. As transportation and communication networks become increasingly more complex, the ever increasing demand for congestion control, higher traffic capacity, quality of service, robustness and reduced energy consumption require new tools and methods to meet these conflicting requirements. The new methodology should serve for gaining better understanding of the properties of networking systems at the macroscopic level, as well as for the development of new principled optimization and management algorithms at the microscopic level. Methods of statistical physics seem best placed to provide new approaches as they have been developed specifically to deal with non-linear large scale systems. This paper aims at presenting an overview of tools and methods that have been developed within the statistical physics community and that can be readily applied to address the emerging problems in networking. These include diffusion processes, methods from disordered systems and polymer physics, probabilistic inference, which have direct relevance to network routing, file and frequency distribution, the exploration of network structures and vulnerability, and various other practical networking applications.Comment: (Review article) 71 pages, 14 figure

    Data clustering using a model granular magnet

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    We present a new approach to clustering, based on the physical properties of an inhomogeneous ferromagnet. No assumption is made regarding the underlying distribution of the data. We assign a Potts spin to each data point and introduce an interaction between neighboring points, whose strength is a decreasing function of the distance between the neighbors. This magnetic system exhibits three phases. At very low temperatures it is completely ordered; all spins are aligned. At very high temperatures the system does not exhibit any ordering and in an intermediate regime clusters of relatively strongly coupled spins become ordered, whereas different clusters remain uncorrelated. This intermediate phase is identified by a jump in the order parameters. The spin-spin correlation function is used to partition the spins and the corresponding data points into clusters. We demonstrate on three synthetic and three real data sets how the method works. Detailed comparison to the performance of other techniques clearly indicates the relative success of our method.Comment: 46 pages, postscript, 15 ps figures include

    Macrostate Data Clustering

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    We develop an effective nonhierarchical data clustering method using an analogy to the dynamic coarse graining of a stochastic system. Analyzing the eigensystem of an interitem transition matrix identifies fuzzy clusters corresponding to the metastable macroscopic states (macrostates) of a diffusive system. A "minimum uncertainty criterion" determines the linear transformation from eigenvectors to cluster-defining window functions. Eigenspectrum gap and cluster certainty conditions identify the proper number of clusters. The physically motivated fuzzy representation and associated uncertainty analysis distinguishes macrostate clustering from spectral partitioning methods. Macrostate data clustering solves a variety of test cases that challenge other methods.Comment: keywords: cluster analysis, clustering, pattern recognition, spectral graph theory, dynamic eigenvectors, machine learning, macrostates, classificatio

    Communities in Networks

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    We survey some of the concepts, methods, and applications of community detection, which has become an increasingly important area of network science. To help ease newcomers into the field, we provide a guide to available methodology and open problems, and discuss why scientists from diverse backgrounds are interested in these problems. As a running theme, we emphasize the connections of community detection to problems in statistical physics and computational optimization.Comment: survey/review article on community structure in networks; published version is available at http://people.maths.ox.ac.uk/~porterm/papers/comnotices.pd

    Clustering in Hilbert space of a quantum optimization problem

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    The solution space of many classical optimization problems breaks up into clusters which are extensively distant from one another in the Hamming metric. Here, we show that an analogous quantum clustering phenomenon takes place in the ground state subspace of a certain quantum optimization problem. This involves extending the notion of clustering to Hilbert space, where the classical Hamming distance is not immediately useful. Quantum clusters correspond to macroscopically distinct subspaces of the full quantum ground state space which grow with the system size. We explicitly demonstrate that such clusters arise in the solution space of random quantum satisfiability (3-QSAT) at its satisfiability transition. We estimate both the number of these clusters and their internal entropy. The former are given by the number of hardcore dimer coverings of the core of the interaction graph, while the latter is related to the underconstrained degrees of freedom not touched by the dimers. We additionally provide new numerical evidence suggesting that the 3-QSAT satisfiability transition may coincide with the product satisfiability transition, which would imply the absence of an intermediate entangled satisfiable phase.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Multi-view Graph Embedding with Hub Detection for Brain Network Analysis

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    Multi-view graph embedding has become a widely studied problem in the area of graph learning. Most of the existing works on multi-view graph embedding aim to find a shared common node embedding across all the views of the graph by combining the different views in a specific way. Hub detection, as another essential topic in graph mining has also drawn extensive attentions in recent years, especially in the context of brain network analysis. Both the graph embedding and hub detection relate to the node clustering structure of graphs. The multi-view graph embedding usually implies the node clustering structure of the graph based on the multiple views, while the hubs are the boundary-spanning nodes across different node clusters in the graph and thus may potentially influence the clustering structure of the graph. However, none of the existing works in multi-view graph embedding considered the hubs when learning the multi-view embeddings. In this paper, we propose to incorporate the hub detection task into the multi-view graph embedding framework so that the two tasks could benefit each other. Specifically, we propose an auto-weighted framework of Multi-view Graph Embedding with Hub Detection (MVGE-HD) for brain network analysis. The MVGE-HD framework learns a unified graph embedding across all the views while reducing the potential influence of the hubs on blurring the boundaries between node clusters in the graph, thus leading to a clear and discriminative node clustering structure for the graph. We apply MVGE-HD on two real multi-view brain network datasets (i.e., HIV and Bipolar). The experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed framework in brain network analysis for clinical investigation and application

    Statistical Traffic State Analysis in Large-scale Transportation Networks Using Locality-Preserving Non-negative Matrix Factorization

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    Statistical traffic data analysis is a hot topic in traffic management and control. In this field, current research progresses focus on analyzing traffic flows of individual links or local regions in a transportation network. Less attention are paid to the global view of traffic states over the entire network, which is important for modeling large-scale traffic scenes. Our aim is precisely to propose a new methodology for extracting spatio-temporal traffic patterns, ultimately for modeling large-scale traffic dynamics, and long-term traffic forecasting. We attack this issue by utilizing Locality-Preserving Non-negative Matrix Factorization (LPNMF) to derive low-dimensional representation of network-level traffic states. Clustering is performed on the compact LPNMF projections to unveil typical spatial patterns and temporal dynamics of network-level traffic states. We have tested the proposed method on simulated traffic data generated for a large-scale road network, and reported experimental results validate the ability of our approach for extracting meaningful large-scale space-time traffic patterns. Furthermore, the derived clustering results provide an intuitive understanding of spatial-temporal characteristics of traffic flows in the large-scale network, and a basis for potential long-term forecasting.Comment: IET Intelligent Transport Systems (2013

    A statistical network analysis of the HIV/AIDS epidemics in Cuba

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    The Cuban contact-tracing detection system set up in 1986 allowed the reconstruction and analysis of the sexual network underlying the epidemic (5,389 vertices and 4,073 edges, giant component of 2,386 nodes and 3,168 edges), shedding light onto the spread of HIV and the role of contact-tracing. Clustering based on modularity optimization provides a better visualization and understanding of the network, in combination with the study of covariates. The graph has a globally low but heterogeneous density, with clusters of high intraconnectivity but low interconnectivity. Though descriptive, our results pave the way for incorporating structure when studying stochastic SIR epidemics spreading on social networks

    Exploring the Free Energy Landscape: From Dynamics to Networks and Back

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    The knowledge of the Free Energy Landscape topology is the essential key to understand many biochemical processes. The determination of the conformers of a protein and their basins of attraction takes a central role for studying molecular isomerization reactions. In this work, we present a novel framework to unveil the features of a Free Energy Landscape answering questions such as how many meta-stable conformers are, how the hierarchical relationship among them is, or what the structure and kinetics of the transition paths are. Exploring the landscape by molecular dynamics simulations, the microscopic data of the trajectory are encoded into a Conformational Markov Network. The structure of this graph reveals the regions of the conformational space corresponding to the basins of attraction. In addition, handling the Conformational Markov Network, relevant kinetic magnitudes as dwell times or rate constants, and the hierarchical relationship among basins, complete the global picture of the landscape. We show the power of the analysis studying a toy model of a funnel-like potential and computing efficiently the conformers of a short peptide, the dialanine, paving the way to a systematic study of the Free Energy Landscape in large peptides.Comment: PLoS Computational Biology (in press
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