93 research outputs found

    The immune modulatory role of interferon lambda on human B-cell functions

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    Interferon lambda (IFN-L) mediates a crucial antiviral response to protect the host cells during viral infection, as well as functioning as a potential immune modulator. In this thesis, we investigated the immune modulatory role of IFN-L in B-cells. In the first part, we established an ELISA-based in vitro assays to study IFN-L ligands and its receptor (Interferon lambda receptor 1 - IFNLR1 and IL10R2) interactions. First, we determined the receptor - ligand (IFNLR1 - IFN-L1-3) dissociation constant (KD) as a measure of the ligand and receptor binding affinity. We found that IFN-L1 showed higher binding affinity to IFNLR1 compared to IFN-L2 and IFN-L3. Further, we screened antagonistic peptides, which act to interfere in IFNLR1 - IFN-Ls interactions. The peptides are designed to compete with IFN-Ls at their IFNLR1 binding sites and this experiment thus allowed us to develop a molecular understanding of the interaction. We have also performed the small molecules screen to identify the potential substances targeting for IFN-L signaling, it will allow us the modulation of IFN-L signaling which is an interesting target for a broad range of applications. In the second part, we screened the immune cell populations to understand the direct response to IFN-L, to resolve discrepancies with previously reported data. B-cells and the subpopulations of naïve, class switched and non-class switched memory B-cells were found to directly respond to IFN-Ls. On the other hand, T-cells, NK-cells and monocytes did not show any response to IFN-Ls. Since B-cells showed a response to IFN-L, we performed transcriptomic profiling of sorted B-cell, to examine the immune modulatory role of IFN-L in B-cells. On the basis of B-cell transcriptome analysis and follow up in vitro experiments, the IFN-L increases the mTORC1 (mammalian/mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1) activity in B-cells, upon B-cell receptor (BCR) cross linking with anti-IgM. The BCR and IFN-L signaling cascade engage the mTORC1 pathway via phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K). However, it needs further evaluation to see if IFN-L increase the mTORC1 activity indirectly via ISGs. IFN-L enhances the BCR-induced cell cycle progress though this mTORC1 and IFN-L alone did not induce any cell proliferation. Consequently IFN-L further boosts the differentiation of naïve B-cells into plasmablasts upon BCR-activation, so the cells gain effector functions such as cytokines release (IL-6, IL-10) and antibody production (IgM). The role of IFN-L in plasmablast differentiation was previously not known. In this study, we have shown how IFN-L functionally binds to B-cells and that it systematically boosts the differentiation of naïve B-cells into plasmablasts via mTORC1 and cell cycle progression in BCR-activated cells

    Equine Influenza Virus and Vaccines

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    Equine influenza virus (EIV) is a constantly evolving viral pathogen that is responsible for yearly outbreaks of respiratory disease in horses termed equine influenza (EI). There is currently no evidence of circulation of the original H7N7 strain of EIV worldwide; however, the EIV H3N8 strain, which was first isolated in the early 1960s, remains a major threat to most of the world’s horse populations. It can also infect dogs. The ability of EIV to constantly accumulate mutations in its antibody-binding sites enables it to evade host protective immunity, making it a successful viral pathogen. Clinical and virological protection against EIV is achieved by stimulation of strong cellular and humoral immunity in vaccinated horses. However, despite EI vaccine updates over the years, EIV remains relevant, because the protective effects of vaccines decay and permit subclinical infections that facilitate transmission into susceptible populations. In this review, we describe how the evolution of EIV drives repeated EI outbreaks even in horse populations with supposedly high vaccination coverage. Next, we discuss the approaches employed to develop efficacious EI vaccines for commercial use and the existing system for recommendations on updating vaccines based on available clinical and virological data to improve protective immunity in vaccinated horse populations. Understanding how EIV biology can be better harnessed to improve EI vaccines is central to controlling EI

    Recombinant antibodies against Clostridium difficile toxin A

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    Clostridium difficile is a major cause of nosocomial intestinal infection. The pathogen possesses two potent toxins, Toxin A and Toxin B, both of which contribute to diarrhoea, intestinal inflammation and tissue damage. Antibiotics are effective against the disease, however around 20 % of patients on treatment relapse after the termination of antibiotic therapy. The binding of Toxin A to a receptor on human intestinal epithelial cells initiates disease: this is considered the starting point from which the toxin elicits its effect. One feature of the carboxy-terminal domain of Toxin A is the presence of repeating units of amino acids that form a series of binding sites able to recognise disaccharides and trisaccharides on glycolipid and glycoprotein receptor molecules. Antibody response against the toxin can protect against C. difficile disease and efforts to generate vaccines have focused upon the carboxy-terminal, receptor binding domain. The aims of this project were to use phage display to isolate recombinant antibodies against those features of the carboxy-terminal domain of Toxin A thought to be responsible for receptor-binding and to assess if the antibodies were capable protecting against the action of Toxin A. Using published crystallographic data that has shown the interaction of Toxin A and trisaccharide, a region of about 113 amino acids from the carboxy-terminal region of Toxin A was expressed as a fusion to maltose-binding protein. The MBP fusion protein was expressed, purified on amylose resin, and characterised. The fusion protein was then used to isolate single chain antibodies from the Tomlinson libraries of scFvs, a synthetically diversified phage display library of single scaffold human antibodies. Conventional bio-panning methods were used in which the MBP fusion protein was bound to a plastic surface and the phage display libraries were pre-mixed with native MBP to inhibit the isolation of anti-MBP antibodies. Progressive enrichment of scFvs through 3 rounds of selection was observed. Those scFvs that showed strongest reaction against the target protein in ELISA but failed to react with native MBP were sequenced, expressed as soluble antibodies and purified on nickel chelating columns. While the resulting panel of scFvs showed similarities of sequence, none were identical. All were reactive with native, full-length Toxin A and appeared to bind to conformational (nonlinear) epitopes. Cross-reaction with Toxin B from C. difficile was also evident. A panel of truncation mutants were generated from the MBP fusion protein and using these in ELISA with the scFvs, reactivity appeared to be directed to features of a long repeat sequence of Toxin A. To assay whether the isolated scFvs possessed biological activity of significance, in vitro and in vivo protection assays were established. For experiments in vitro, the action of Toxin A upon cultured Vero cells was studied. Native Toxin A triggered a conversion of the cells from stellate to rounded morphology. When cells were exposed to 100 ng of toxin, this effect was evident within 60 minutes; at a 10-fold lower dose, the minimum quantity to which a response was detectable, virtually all cells had undergone rounding within 2 h. When individual scFvs were mixed with 10 ng of Toxin A prior to addition to Vero cells, there was a consistent delay in cytopathic activity that extended to 5 h. In this assay, the percentage of cells that had retained their stellate morphology 5 h post-challenge was dependent on the scFv used. To quantify the potency of this neutralising activity, the amount of each scFv required to achieve 50% protection during a 2 h challenge period was established. This revealed 3.5-fold difference between the most and the least effefctive scFv. The most potent scFv was used in an in vivo assay in which Toxin A was administered to the ligated intestinal loops of rats. Again, protective activity was evident. Overall, phage display technology enabled the assembly of a panel of scFv antibodies against the putative receptor binding site in the carboxy-terminal domain of Toxin A from C. difficile. The scFvs were able to protect against the cytopathic activity of Toxin A in vitro and in vivo and proposals are made about how these observations could be taken forward in a model of C. difficile infection that best mimics the human disease

    Cellular and Viral Determinants for Hepatitis C Virus Replication

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    The recent discovery of an HCV isolate which replicates in cell culture has opened up opportunities to study the full viral life cycle in vitro. This genotype 2a isolate (JFH-1) and its derivatives are the only ones known to replicate efficiently in cell culture, and recent work has indicated that viral determinants for efficient replication may lie in the non-structural protein coding region of the genome. In this thesis chimaeric JFH-1 virus containing full length NS3, NS3 helicase and NS3 protease sequences from genotype 1a and 1b were constructed. The replication efficiencies of chimaeric viruses were tested in cell culture, and were shown not to replicate, indicating that vital viral determinants for JFH-1 replication exist in NS3. The JFH-1 model also provides the opportunity to study the effect of the full viral life cycle on the host cell. Microarray analyses were performed to identify gene expression changes in Huh7 and Huh7.5 cells that had been infected with JFH-1 for 6, 12, 18, 24 and 48 hours. A large number of host genes were found to be regulated during JFH-1 infection, including those involved in lipid metabolism, oxidative stress, apoptosis and intracellular transport. The microarray data were validated by quantitative PCR analyses of separate infection experiments. A selection of the most highly regulated genes was assessed for their necessity to HCV replication by RNA interference studies. The knockdown by siRNA of genes ABLIM3, SPTLC3 and CYP1A1 resulted in significant impairment of HCV replication. The knockdown by siRNA of gene TXNIP (thioredoxin interacting protein) resulted in up to 90% reduction in HCV replication. This is a novel finding which may be of importance to the study of HCV as TXNIP plays roles in oxidative stress, lipid metabolism and glucose metabolism, all of which have potential to influence the HCV lifecycle. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy indicated a change in levels of choline metabolites in JFH-1 infected cells, which has implications for the aspects of the HCV lifecycle associated with lipid membranes and other lipid structures

    Horses as Sentinels of Emerging Infectious Disease

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    Horses with illness consistent with Hendra virus (HeV) are routinely sampled and submitted with case descriptions, to government laboratories for timely testing. Extensive investigations for further infectious agents are rare, yet <1% of around 1000 horses test HeV positive annually. Most that test negative feature infectious-like signs such as acute, severe neurological or respiratory illness and pyrexia, yet do not receive causative diagnosis HeV in horses and testing of suspect cases have highlighted challenges/ gaps in significant zoonotic disease investigation. Yet horses investigated for HeV-like disease present unique opportunities for improvements of broad profound biosecurity benefit. Horses are maintained in close association with other animals and humans, monitored thoroughly for disease and susceptible to agents transmitted by insects and wildlife such as bats This research identified significant pathogens among horses with severe HeV-like illness beyond those currently recognised and considered disease significance Fore-front diagnostic approaches integrated with information theoretical, epidemiological and virological analyses. Systematic pathologic-basis-interpretation of disease descriptions sensitively informed likelihood of infectious cause. Three innovative pillars were developed • purpose-built SQL database integrating bio-banked sample ID, sample event, subject and clinical details with parallel test results • explorative multiplex microbead immunoassay serological testing approach screening both IgG and IgM for emerging pathogens • explorative molecular methods targeting novel and emerging infectious agents, including high-throughput pan-PCR, metatranscriptomic sequencing and bioinformatical pipelines Integrated application to suitably bio-banked clinical samples served proof-of-concept for proactive convergence research consideration of emerging infectious agents that could affect One health, livestock, trade and industry security and public healt

    The Application of Viruses to Biotechnology

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    Viruses are microscopic agents that exist worldwide and are present in humans, animals, plants, and other living organisms in which they can cause devastating diseases. However, the advances of biotechnology and next-generation sequencing technologies have accelerated novel virus discovery, identification, sequencing, and manipulation, showing that they present unique characteristics that place them as valuable tools for a wide variety of biotechnological applications. Many applications of viruses have been used for agricultural purposes, namely concerning plant breeding and plant protection. Nevertheless, it is interesting to mention that plants have also many advantages to be used in vaccine production, such as the low cost and low risks they entail, showing once more the versatility of the use of viruses in biotechnology. Although it will obviously never be ignored that viruses are responsible for devastating diseases, it is clear that the more they are studied, the more possibilities they offer to us. They are now on the front line of the most revolutionizing techniques in several fields, providing advances that would not be possible without their existence. In this book there are presented studies that demonstrate the work developed using viruses in biotechnology. These studies were brought by experts that focus on the development and applications of many viruses in several fields, such as agriculture, the pharmaceutical industry, and medicine

    A novel image analysis approach to characterise the effects of dietary components on intestinal morphology and immune system in Atlantic salmon

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    The intestinal tract of salmonids provides a dynamic interface that not only mediates nutrient uptake but also functions as the first line of defence against ingested pathogens. Exposure of the immune system to beneficial microorganisms and different dietary immunostimulants via the intestine has been shown to prime the immune system and help in the development of immune competence. Furthermore, the morphology and function of teleostean intestines are known to respond to feed components and to ingested and resident bacterial communities. Histological appraisal is still generally considered to be the gold standard for sensitive assessment of the effects of such dietary modulation. The aim of the present study was to improve understanding of salmonid intestinal function, structure and dynamics and to use the knowledge gained to develop a model for analysis, which would allow intestinal health to be assessed with respect to different intestinal communities and feed components. Virtual histology, the process of assessing digital images of histological slides, is gaining momentum as an approach to supplement traditional histological evaluation methodologies and at the same time, image analysis of digitised histological sections provides a practical means for quantifiable assessment of structural and functional changes in tissues, being both objective and reproducible. This project focused on the development of a rapid, practical analytical methodology based on advanced image analysis, that was able to measure and characterise a range of features of the intestinal histology of Atlantic salmon in a quantitative manner. In the first research chapter, the development of a novel histological assessment system based upon advanced image analysis was described, this being developed with the help of a soybean feed model known to induce enteropathy in Atlantic salmon. This tool targeted the evaluation of the extent of morphological changes occurring in the distal intestine of Atlantic salmon following dietary modulation. The final analytical methodology arrived at, could be conducted with minimal user-interaction, allowing rapid and objective assessment of 12 continuous variables per histological frame analysed. The processing time required for each histological frame was roughly 20-25 min, which greatly improved the efficiency of conducting such a quantitative assessment with respect to the time taken for a subjective semi-quantitative alternative approach. Significant agreement between the fully automated and the manual morphometric image segmentation was achieved, however, the strength of this quantitative approach was enhanced by the employment of interactive procedures, which enabled the operator / observer to rectify preceding automated segmentation steps, and account for the specimen’s variations. Results indicated that image analysis provided a viable alternative to a pathologist’s manual scoring, being more practical and time-efficient. In the second research chapter, feeding Atlantic salmon a high inclusion level of unrefined SBM (25 %) produced an inflammatory response in the distal intestine as previously described by other authors. The model feed trial successfully generated differentiable states, although these were not, for the most part, systemically differentiable through the majority of standard immunological procedures used, being only detectable morphologically. Quantitation of morphometric parameters associated with histological sections using the newly developed image analysis tool successfully allowed identification of major morphological changes. Image analysis was thus shown to provide a powerful tool for describing the histomorphological structure of Atlantic salmon distal intestine. In turn, the semi-automated image analysis methods were able to distinguish normal intestinal mucosa from those affected by enteritis. While individual parameters were less discriminatory, use of multivariate techniques allowed better discrimination of states and is likely to prove the most productive approach in further studies. Work described in the third research chapter sought to validate the semi-automated image analysis system to establish that it was measuring the parameters it was purported to be measuring, and to provide reassurance that it could reliably measure pre-determined features. This study, using the same sections for semi-quantitative and quantitative analyses, demonstrated that the quantitative indices performed well when compared to analogous semi-quantitative descriptive parameters of assessment for enteritis prognosis. The excellent reproducibility and accuracy performance levels indicated that the image analysis system was a useful and reliable morphometric method for the quantification of SB-induced enteritis in salmon. Other characteristics such as rapidity, simplicity and adaptability favour this method for image analysis, and are particularly useful where less experienced interpreters are performing the analysis. The work described in the fourth research chapter characterised changes in the morphology of the intestinal epithelial cells occurring as a result of dietary modulation and aspects of inflammatory infiltration, using a selected panel of enzyme and IHC markers. To accomplish this, image analysis techniques were used to evaluate and systematically optimise a quantitative immunolabelling assessment protocol. Digital computer-assisted quantification of labelling for cell proliferation and regeneration; programmed cell death or apoptosis; EGCs and t-cell like infiltrates; mobilisation of stress-related protein regenerative processes and facilitation of nutrient uptake and ion transport provided encouraging results. Through the description of the intestinal cellular responses at a molecular level, such IHC expression profiling further characterised the inflammatory reaction generated by the enteropathic diet. In addition, a number of potential diagnostic parameters were described for fish intestinal health e.g. the relative levels of antigenicity and the spatial distribution of antigens in tissues. Work described in the final research chapter focused on detailed characterisation of intestinal MCs / EGCs in order to try to elucidate their functional role in the intestinal immune responses. Through an understanding of their distribution, composition and ultrastructure, the intention was to better characterise these cells and their functional properties. The general morphology, histochemical characteristics and tissue distribution of these cells were explored in detail using histochemical, IHC and immunogold staining / labelling, visualised using light, confocal and TEM microscopy. Despite these extensive investigations, their physiological function and the content of their granules still remain somewhat obscure, although a role as immunodulatory cells reacting to various exogeneous signals through a finely regulated process and comparable to that causing the degranulation of mammalian MCs is suggested. The histochemical staining properties demonstrated for salmonid MCs / EGCs seem to resemble those of mammalian mucosal mast cells, with both acidophilic and basophilic components in their granules, and a granule content containing neuromodulator / neurotransmitter-peptides such as serotonin, met-enkephalin and substance-p. Consequently, distinguishable bio-chromogenic markers have been identified that are of utility in generating a discriminatory profile for image analysis of such cells

    Ultrasensitive detection of toxocara canis excretory-secretory antigens by a nanobody electrochemical magnetosensor assay.

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    peer reviewedHuman Toxocariasis (HT) is a zoonotic disease caused by the migration of the larval stage of the roundworm Toxocara canis in the human host. Despite of being the most cosmopolitan helminthiasis worldwide, its diagnosis is elusive. Currently, the detection of specific immunoglobulins IgG against the Toxocara Excretory-Secretory Antigens (TES), combined with clinical and epidemiological criteria is the only strategy to diagnose HT. Cross-reactivity with other parasites and the inability to distinguish between past and active infections are the main limitations of this approach. Here, we present a sensitive and specific novel strategy to detect and quantify TES, aiming to identify active cases of HT. High specificity is achieved by making use of nanobodies (Nbs), recombinant single variable domain antibodies obtained from camelids, that due to their small molecular size (15kDa) can recognize hidden epitopes not accessible to conventional antibodies. High sensitivity is attained by the design of an electrochemical magnetosensor with an amperometric readout with all components of the assay mixed in one single step. Through this strategy, 10-fold higher sensitivity than a conventional sandwich ELISA was achieved. The assay reached a limit of detection of 2 and15 pg/ml in PBST20 0.05% or serum, spiked with TES, respectively. These limits of detection are sufficient to detect clinically relevant toxocaral infections. Furthermore, our nanobodies showed no cross-reactivity with antigens from Ascaris lumbricoides or Ascaris suum. This is to our knowledge, the most sensitive method to detect and quantify TES so far, and has great potential to significantly improve diagnosis of HT. Moreover, the characteristics of our electrochemical assay are promising for the development of point of care diagnostic systems using nanobodies as a versatile and innovative alternative to antibodies. The next step will be the validation of the assay in clinical and epidemiological contexts

    Transcriptome and Genome Analyses Applied to Aquaculture Research

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    Aquaculture is an important economic activity for food production all around the world that has experienced an exponential growth during the last few decades. However, several weaknesses and bottlenecks still need to be addressed in order to improve the aquaculture productive system. The recent fast development of the omics technologies has provided scientists with meaningful tools to elucidate the molecular basis of their research interests. This reprint compiles different works about the use of transcriptomics and genomics technologies in different aspects of the aquaculture research, such as immunity, stress response, development, sexual dimorphism, among others, in a variety of fish and shellfish, and even in turtles. Different transcriptome (mRNAs and non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs)), genome (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)), and metatranscriptome analyses were conducted to unravel those different aspects of interest

    Marine Ecosystem Challenges & Opportunities (MECOS 3)

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    The Marine Biological Association of India (MBAI), established in 1958, is proud to gear up for MECOS3, the third symposium on Marine Ecosystems- Challenges and Opportunities during 7-10 January, 2020. The MBAI besides organising MECOS1 (2009) and MECOS2 (2014) has inculcated active interest and participation among its members by handling several national and international symposia/seminars, since its formation. The MBAI has 794 life members and 20 institutional members. The mandate of the MBAI is promotion of scientific research in the field of marine biology and allied sciences