638 research outputs found

    Mixed-criticality real-time task scheduling with graceful degradation

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    ”The mixed-criticality real-time systems implement functionalities of different degrees of importance (or criticalities) upon a shared platform. In traditional mixed-criticality systems, under a hi mode switch, no guaranteed service is provided to lo-criticality tasks. After a mode switch, only hi-criticality tasks are considered for execution while no guarantee is made to the lo-criticality tasks. However, with careful optimistic design, a certain degree of service guarantee can be provided to lo-criticality tasks upon a mode switch. This concept is broadly known as graceful degradation. Guaranteed graceful degradation provides a better quality of service as well as it utilizes the system resource more efficiently. In this thesis, we study two efficient techniques of graceful degradation. First, we study a mixed-criticality scheduling technique where graceful degradation is provided in the form of minimum cumulative completion rates. We present two easy-to-implement admission-control algorithms to determine which lo-criticality jobs to complete in hi mode. The scheduling is done by following deadline virtualization, and two heuristics are shown for virtual deadline settings. We further study the schedulability analysis and the backward mode switch conditions, which are proposed and proved in (Guo et al., 2018). Next, we present a probabilistic scheduling technique for mixed-criticality tasks on multiprocessor systems where a system-wide permitted failure probability is known. The schedulability conditions are derived along with the processor allocation scheme. The work is extended from (Guo et al., 2015), where the probabilistic model is first introduced for independent task scheduling on a uniprocessor platform. We further consider the failure dependency between tasks while scheduling on multiprocessor platforms. We provide related theoretical analysis to show the correctness of our work. To show the effectiveness of our proposed techniques, we conduct a detailed experimental evaluation under different circumstances”--Abstract, page iii

    DeSyRe: on-Demand System Reliability

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    The DeSyRe project builds on-demand adaptive and reliable Systems-on-Chips (SoCs). As fabrication technology scales down, chips are becoming less reliable, thereby incurring increased power and performance costs for fault tolerance. To make matters worse, power density is becoming a significant limiting factor in SoC design, in general. In the face of such changes in the technological landscape, current solutions for fault tolerance are expected to introduce excessive overheads in future systems. Moreover, attempting to design and manufacture a totally defect and fault-free system, would impact heavily, even prohibitively, the design, manufacturing, and testing costs, as well as the system performance and power consumption. In this context, DeSyRe delivers a new generation of systems that are reliable by design at well-balanced power, performance, and design costs. In our attempt to reduce the overheads of fault-tolerance, only a small fraction of the chip is built to be fault-free. This fault-free part is then employed to manage the remaining fault-prone resources of the SoC. The DeSyRe framework is applied to two medical systems with high safety requirements (measured using the IEC 61508 functional safety standard) and tight power and performance constraints

    Value-based scheduling in real-time systems

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    A real-time system must execute functionally correct computations in a timely manner. Most of the current real-time systems are static in nature. However in recent years, the growing need for building complex real-time applications coupled with advancements in information technology drives the need for dynamic real-time systems. Dynamic real-time systems need to be designed not only to deal with expected load scenarios, but also to handle overloads by allowing graceful degradation in system performance. Value-based scheduling is a means by which graceful degradation can be achieved by executing critical tasks that offer high values/benefits/rewards to the functioning of the system. This thesis identifies the following two issues in dynamic real-time scheduling: (i) maintaining high system reliability without affecting its schedulability and (ii) providing graceful degradation to the system during overload and maintaining high schedulability during underloads or near full loads. Further, we use value-based scheduling techniques to address these issues. The first contribution of this thesis is a reliability-aware value-based scheduler capable of maintaining high system reliability and schedulability. We use a performance index (PI) based value function for scheduling, which can capture the tradeoff between schedulability and reliability. The proposed scheduler selects a suitable redundancy level for each task so as to increase the performance index of the system. We show through our simulation studies that proposed scheduler maintains a high system value (PI). The second contribution of this thesis is an adaptive value-based scheduler that can change its scheduling behavior from deadline-based scheduling to value-based scheduling based on the system workload, so that it can maintain a high system value with fewer deadline misses. Further, the scheduler is extended to heterogeneous computing (HC) systems, wherein the computing capabilities of processors/machines are different, and propose two adaptive schedulers (Basic and Integrated) for HC systems. The performance of the proposed scheduling algorithms is studied through extensive simulation studies for both homogeneous and heterogeneous computing systems. We have concluded that the proposed adaptive scheduling scheme maintains a high system value with fewer deadlines misses for all range workloads. Amongst the schedulers for HC systems, we conclude that the Basic scheduler, which has a lesser run-time complexity, performs better for most of the workloads. The last contribution of this thesis is the design and implementation of the proposed adaptive value-based scheduler for homogeneous computing systems in a real-time Linux operating system, RT-Linux. We compare the performance of the implementation with EDF and Highest Value-Density First (HVDF) schedulers for various ranges of workloads and show that the proposed scheduler performs better in maintaining a high system value with fewer deadline misses

    Scalable parallel communications

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    Coarse-grain parallelism in networking (that is, the use of multiple protocol processors running replicated software sending over several physical channels) can be used to provide gigabit communications for a single application. Since parallel network performance is highly dependent on real issues such as hardware properties (e.g., memory speeds and cache hit rates), operating system overhead (e.g., interrupt handling), and protocol performance (e.g., effect of timeouts), we have performed detailed simulations studies of both a bus-based multiprocessor workstation node (based on the Sun Galaxy MP multiprocessor) and a distributed-memory parallel computer node (based on the Touchstone DELTA) to evaluate the behavior of coarse-grain parallelism. Our results indicate: (1) coarse-grain parallelism can deliver multiple 100 Mbps with currently available hardware platforms and existing networking protocols (such as Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and parallel Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) rings); (2) scale-up is near linear in n, the number of protocol processors, and channels (for small n and up to a few hundred Mbps); and (3) since these results are based on existing hardware without specialized devices (except perhaps for some simple modifications of the FDDI boards), this is a low cost solution to providing multiple 100 Mbps on current machines. In addition, from both the performance analysis and the properties of these architectures, we conclude: (1) multiple processors providing identical services and the use of space division multiplexing for the physical channels can provide better reliability than monolithic approaches (it also provides graceful degradation and low-cost load balancing); (2) coarse-grain parallelism supports running several transport protocols in parallel to provide different types of service (for example, one TCP handles small messages for many users, other TCP's running in parallel provide high bandwidth service to a single application); and (3) coarse grain parallelism will be able to incorporate many future improvements from related work (e.g., reduced data movement, fast TCP, fine-grain parallelism) also with near linear speed-ups

    Using Imprecise Computing for Improved Real-Time Scheduling

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    Conventional hard real-time scheduling is often overly pessimistic due to the worst case execution time estimation. The pessimism can be mitigated by exploiting imprecise computing in applications where occasional small errors are acceptable. This leverage is investigated in a few previous works, which are restricted to preemptive cases. We study how to make use of imprecise computing in uniprocessor non-preemptive real-time scheduling, which is known to be more difficult than its preemptive counterpart. Several heuristic algorithms are developed for periodic tasks with independent or cumulative errors due to imprecision. Simulation results show that the proposed techniques can significantly improve task schedulability and achieve desired accuracy– schedulability tradeoff. The benefit of considering imprecise computing is further confirmed by a prototyping implementation in Linux system. Mixed-criticality system is a popular model for reducing pessimism in real-time scheduling while providing guarantee for critical tasks in presence of unexpected overrun. However, it is controversial due to some drawbacks. First, all low-criticality tasks are dropped in high-criticality mode, although they are still needed. Second, a single high-criticality job overrun leads to the pessimistic high-criticality mode for all high-criticality tasks and consequently resource utilization becomes inefficient. We attempt to tackle aforementioned two limitations of mixed-criticality system simultaneously in multiprocessor scheduling, while those two issues are mostly focused on uniprocessor scheduling in several recent works. We study how to achieve graceful degradation of low-criticality tasks by continuing their executions with imprecise computing or even precise computing if there is sufficient utilization slack. Schedulability conditions under this Variable-Precision Mixed-Criticality (VPMC) system model are investigated for partitioned scheduling and global fpEDF-VD scheduling. And a deferred switching protocol is introduced so that the chance of switching to high-criticality mode is significantly reduced. Moreover, we develop a precision optimization approach that maximizes precise computing of low-criticality tasks through 0-1 knapsack formulation. Experiments are performed through both software simulations and Linux proto- typing with consideration of overhead. Schedulability of the proposed methods is studied so that the Quality-of-Service for low-criticality tasks is improved with guarantee of satisfying all deadline constraints. The proposed precision optimization can largely reduce computing errors compared to constantly executing low-criticality tasks with imprecise computing in high-criticality mode

    Design of a fault tolerant airborne digital computer. Volume 1: Architecture

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    This volume is concerned with the architecture of a fault tolerant digital computer for an advanced commercial aircraft. All of the computations of the aircraft, including those presently carried out by analogue techniques, are to be carried out in this digital computer. Among the important qualities of the computer are the following: (1) The capacity is to be matched to the aircraft environment. (2) The reliability is to be selectively matched to the criticality and deadline requirements of each of the computations. (3) The system is to be readily expandable. contractible, and (4) The design is to appropriate to post 1975 technology. Three candidate architectures are discussed and assessed in terms of the above qualities. Of the three candidates, a newly conceived architecture, Software Implemented Fault Tolerance (SIFT), provides the best match to the above qualities. In addition SIFT is particularly simple and believable. The other candidates, Bus Checker System (BUCS), also newly conceived in this project, and the Hopkins multiprocessor are potentially more efficient than SIFT in the use of redundancy, but otherwise are not as attractive

    Microprocessor fault-tolerance via on-the-fly partial reconfiguration

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    This paper presents a novel approach to exploit FPGA dynamic partial reconfiguration to improve the fault tolerance of complex microprocessor-based systems, with no need to statically reserve area to host redundant components. The proposed method not only improves the survivability of the system by allowing the online replacement of defective key parts of the processor, but also provides performance graceful degradation by executing in software the tasks that were executed in hardware before a fault and the subsequent reconfiguration happened. The advantage of the proposed approach is that thanks to a hardware hypervisor, the CPU is totally unaware of the reconfiguration happening in real-time, and there's no dependency on the CPU to perform it. As proof of concept a design using this idea has been developed, using the LEON3 open-source processor, synthesized on a Virtex 4 FPG

    Design and implementation of secured agent based NoC using shortest path routing algorithm

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    Network on chip (NoC) is a scalable interconnection architecture for every increasing communication demand between many processing cores in system on chip design. Reliability aspects are becoming an important issue in fault tolerant architecture. Hence there is a demand for fault tolerant Agent architecture with suitable routing algorithm which plays a vital role in order to enhance the NoC performance. The proposed fault tolerant Agent based NoC method is used to enhance the reliability and performance of the Multiprocessor System on Chip (MPSoC) design against faulty links and nodes. These agents are placed in hierarchical manner to collect, process, classify and distribute different fault information related to the faulty links and nodes of the network. This fault information is used for further packet routing in the network with the help of shortest path routing algorithm. In addition to this the agent will provide the security for the node by setting firewall, which then decides whether the packet has to be processed or not. This intern provides high performance, low latency NoC by avoiding deadlock and live lock with low area overhead