8 research outputs found

    Mobile Computing in Digital Ecosystems: Design Issues and Challenges

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    In this paper we argue that the set of wireless, mobile devices (e.g., portable telephones, tablet PCs, GPS navigators, media players) commonly used by human users enables the construction of what we term a digital ecosystem, i.e., an ecosystem constructed out of so-called digital organisms (see below), that can foster the development of novel distributed services. In this context, a human user equipped with his/her own mobile devices, can be though of as a digital organism (DO), a subsystem characterized by a set of peculiar features and resources it can offer to the rest of the ecosystem for use from its peer DOs. The internal organization of the DO must address issues of management of its own resources, including power consumption. Inside the DO and among DOs, peer-to-peer interaction mechanisms can be conveniently deployed to favor resource sharing and data dissemination. Throughout this paper, we show that most of the solutions and technologies needed to construct a digital ecosystem are already available. What is still missing is a framework (i.e., mechanisms, protocols, services) that can support effectively the integration and cooperation of these technologies. In addition, in the following we show that that framework can be implemented as a middleware subsystem that enables novel and ubiquitous forms of computation and communication. Finally, in order to illustrate the effectiveness of our approach, we introduce some experimental results we have obtained from preliminary implementations of (parts of) that subsystem.Comment: Proceedings of the 7th International wireless Communications and Mobile Computing conference (IWCMC-2011), Emergency Management: Communication and Computing Platforms Worksho

    Detecting exploit patterns from network packet streams

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    Network-based Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS), e.g., Snort, Bro or NSM, try to detect malicious network activity such as Denial of Service (DoS) attacks and port scans by monitoring network traffic. Research from network traffic measurement has identified various patterns that exploits on today\u27s Internet typically exhibit. However, there has not been any significant attempt, so far, to design algorithms with provable guarantees for detecting exploit patterns from network traffic packets. In this work, we develop and apply data streaming algorithms to detect exploit patterns from network packet streams. In network intrusion detection, it is necessary to analyze large volumes of data in an online fashion. Our work addresses scalable analysis of data under the following situations. (1) Attack traffic can be stealthy in nature, which means detecting a few covert attackers might call for checking traffic logs of days or even months, (2) Traffic is multidimensional and correlations between multiple dimensions maybe important, and (3) Sometimes traffic from multiple sources may need to be analyzed in a combined manner. Our algorithms offer provable bounds on resource consumption and approximation error. Our theoretical results are supported by experiments over real network traces and synthetic datasets

    Live Streaming in P2P and Hybrid P2P-Cloud Environments for the Open Internet

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    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) live media streaming is an emerging technology that reduces the barrier to stream live events over the Internet. However, providing a high quality media stream using P2P overlay networks is challenging and gives raise to a number of issues: (i) how to guarantee quality of the service (QoS) in the presence of dynamism, (ii) how to incentivize nodes to participate in media distribution, (iii) how to avoid bottlenecks in the overlay, and (iv) how to deal with nodes that reside behind Network Address Translators gateways (NATs). In this thesis, we answer the above research questions in form of new algorithms and systems. First of all, we address problems (i) and (ii) by presenting our P2P live media streaming solutions: Sepidar, which is a multiple-tree overlay, and GLive, which is a mesh overlay. In both models, nodes with higher upload bandwidth are positioned closer to the media source. This structure reduces the playback latency and increases the playback continuity at nodes, and also incentivizes the nodes to provide more upload bandwidth. We use a reputation model to improve participating nodes in media distribution in Sepidar and GLive. In both systems, nodes audit the behaviour of their directly connected nodes by getting feedback from other nodes. Nodes who upload more of the stream get a relatively higher reputation, and proportionally higher quality streams. To construct our streaming overlay, we present a distributed market model inspired by Bertsekas auction algorithm, although our model does not rely on a central server with global knowledge. In our model, each node has only partial information about the system. Nodes acquire knowledge of the system by sampling nodes using the Gradient overlay, where it facilitates the discovery of nodes with similar upload bandwidth. We address the bottlenecks problem, problem (iii), by presenting CLive that satisfies real-time constraints on delay between the generation of the stream and its actual delivery to users. We resolve this problem by borrowing some resources (helpers) from the cloud, upon need. In our approach, helpers are added on demand to the overlay, to increase the amount of total available bandwidth, thus increasing the probability of receiving the video on time. As the use of cloud resources costs money, we model the problem as the minimization of the economical cost, provided that a set of constraints on QoS is satisfied. Finally, we solve the NAT problem, problem (iv), by presenting two NAT-aware peer sampling services (PSS): Gozar and Croupier. Traditional gossip-based PSS breaks down, where a high percentage of nodes are behind NATs. We overcome this problem in Gozar using one-hop relaying to communicate with the nodes behind NATs. Croupier similarly implements a gossip-based PSS, but without the use of relaying

    Robust distributed data aggregation

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    Tese de doutoramento Programa Doutoral em Informática MAP-iDistributed aggregation algorithms are an important building block of modern large scale systems, as it allows the determination of meaningful system-wide properties (e.g., network size, total storage capacity, average load, or majorities) which are required to direct the execution of distributed applications. In the last decade, several algorithms have been proposed to address the distributed computation of aggregation functions (e.g., COUNT, SUM, AVERAGE, and MAX/MIN), exhibiting different properties in terms of accuracy, speed and communication tradeoffs. However, existing approaches exhibit many issues when challenged in faulty and dynamic environments, lacking in terms of fault-tolerance and support to churn. This study details a novel distributed aggregation approach, named Flow Updating, which is fault-tolerant and able to operate on dynamics networks. The algorithm is based on manipulating flows (inspired by the concept from graph theory), that are updated using idempotent messages, providing it with unique robustness capabilities. Experimental results showed that Flow Updating outperforms previous averaging algorithms in terms of time and message complexity, and unlike them it self adapts to churn and changes of the initial input values without requiring any periodic restart, supporting node crashes and high levels of message loss. In addition to this main contribution, others can also be found in this research work, namely: a definition of the aggregation problem is proposed; existing distributed aggregation algorithm are surveyed and classified into a comprehensive taxonomy; a novel algorithm is introduced, based on Flow Updating, to estimate the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of a global system attribute. It is expected that this work will constitute a relevant contribution to the area of distributed computing, in particular to the robust distributed computation of aggregation functions in dynamic networks.Os algoritmos de agregação distribuídos têm um papel importante no desenho dos sistemas de larga escala modernos, uma vez que permitem determinar o valor de propriedades globais do sistema (e.g., tamanho da rede, capacidade total de armazenamento, carga média, ou maiorias) que são fundamentais para a execução de outras aplicações distribuídas. Ao longo da última década, diversos algoritmos têm sido propostos para calcular funções de agregação (e.g., CONTAGEM, SOMA, M´E DIA, ou MIN/MAX), possuindo diferentes características em termos de precisão, velocidade e comunicação. No entanto, as técnicas existentes exibem vários problemas quando executadas em ambientes com faltas e dinâmicos, deixando a desejar em termos de tolerância a faltas e não suportando a entrada/saída de nós. Este estudo descreve detalhadamente uma nova abordagem para calcular funções de agregação de forma distribuída, denominada Flow Updating, que é tolerante a faltas e capaz de operar em redes dinámicas. O algoritmo é baseada na manipulacão de fluxos (inspirado no conceito da teoria de grafos), que são atualizados por mensagens idempotentes, conferindo-lhe capacidades unicas em termos de robustez. Os resultados experimentais demonstram que o Flow Updating supera os anteriores algoritmos baseados em técnicas de averaging em termos de complexidade de tempo e mensagens, e, ao contrário destes, auto adapta-se a mudanc¸as da rede (i.e., entrada/saída de nós e alteraçãoo dos valores iniciais) sem necessitar de reiniciar periodicamente a sua execuçãoo, suportando falhas de nos e elevados níveis de perdas de mensagens. Para além desta contribuição principal, outras são também encontradas neste trabalho, nomeadamente: é proposta uma definição do problema da agregação; é descrito o estado da arte em termos dos algoritmos de agregação distribuídos, e estes são classificados numa taxonomia abrangente; é apresentado um novo algoritmo baseado no Flow Updating para estimar a Funcão de Distribuição Cumulativa (CDF) de um atributo global do sistema