356 research outputs found

    Endpoint-transparent Multipath Transport with Software-defined Networks

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    Multipath forwarding consists of using multiple paths simultaneously to transport data over the network. While most such techniques require endpoint modifications, we investigate how multipath forwarding can be done inside the network, transparently to endpoint hosts. With such a network-centric approach, packet reordering becomes a critical issue as it may cause critical performance degradation. We present a Software Defined Network architecture which automatically sets up multipath forwarding, including solutions for reordering and performance improvement, both at the sending side through multipath scheduling algorithms, and the receiver side, by resequencing out-of-order packets in a dedicated in-network buffer. We implemented a prototype with commonly available technology and evaluated it in both emulated and real networks. Our results show consistent throughput improvements, thanks to the use of aggregated path capacity. We give comparisons to Multipath TCP, where we show our approach can achieve a similar performance while offering the advantage of endpoint transparency

    Fixed-Mobile Convergence in the 5G era: From Hybrid Access to Converged Core

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    The availability of different paths to communicate to a user or device introduces several benefits, from boosting enduser performance to improving network utilization. Hybrid access is a first step in enabling convergence of mobile and fixed networks, however, despite traffic optimization, this approach is limited as fixed and mobile are still two separate core networks inter-connected through an aggregation point. On the road to 5G networks, the design trend is moving towards an aggregated network, where different access technologies share a common anchor point in the core. This enables further network optimization in addition to hybrid access, examples are userspecific policies for aggregation and improved traffic balancing across different accesses according to user, network, and service context. This paper aims to discuss the ongoing work around hybrid access and network convergence by Broadband Forum and 3GPP. We present some testbed results on hybrid access and analyze some primary performance indicators such as achievable data rates, link utilization for aggregated traffic and session setup latency. We finally discuss the future directions for network convergence to enable future scenarios with enhanced configuration capabilities for fixed and mobile convergence.Comment: to appear in IEEE Networ

    Performance Enhancement of Multipath TCP for Wireless Communications with Multiple Radio Interfaces

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    ArticleMultipath TCP (MPTCP) allows a TCP connection to operate across multiple paths simultaneously and becomes highly attractive to support the emerging mobile devices with various radio interfaces and to improve resource utilization as well as connection robustness. The existing multipath congestion control algorithms, however, are mainly loss-based and prefer the paths with lower drop rates, leading to severe performance degradation in wireless communication systems where random packet losses occur frequently. To address this challenge, this paper proposes a new mVeno algorithm, which makes full use of the congestion information of all the subflows belonging to a TCP connection in order to adaptively adjust the transmission rate of each subflow. Specifically, mVeno modifies the additive increase phase of Veno so as to effectively couple all subflows by dynamically varying the congestion window increment based on the receiving ACKs. The weighted parameter of each subflow for tuning the congestio

    Traffic Analysis Resistant Infrastructure

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    Network traffic analysis is using metadata to infer information from traffic flows. Network traffic flows are the tuple of source IP, source port, destination IP, and destination port. Additional information is derived from packet length, flow size, interpacket delay, Ja3 signature, and IP header options. Even connections using TLS leak site name and cipher suite to observers. This metadata can profile groups of users or individual behaviors. Statistical properties yield even more information. The hidden Markov model can track the state of protocols where each state transition results in an observation. Format Transforming Encryption (FTE) encodes data as the payload of another protocol. The emulated protocol is called the host protocol. Observation-based FTE is a particular case of FTE that uses real observations from the host protocol for the transformation. By communicating using a shared dictionary according to the predefined protocol, it can difficult to detect anomalous traffic. Combining observation-based FTEs with hidden Markov models (HMMs) emulates every aspect of a host protocol. Ideal host protocols would cause significant collateral damage if blocked (protected) and do not contain dynamic handshakes or states (static). We use protected static protocols with the Protocol Proxy--a proxy that defines the syntax of a protocol using an observation-based FTE and transforms data to payloads with actual field values. The Protocol Proxy massages the outgoing packet\u27s interpacket delay to match the host protocol using an HMM. The HMM ensure the outgoing traffic is statistically equivalent to the host protocol. The Protocol Proxy is a covert channel, a method of communication with a low probability of detection (LPD). These covert channels trade-off throughput for LPD. The multipath TCP (mpTCP) Linux kernel module splits a TCP streams across multiple interfaces. Two potential architectures involve splitting a covert channel across several interfaces (multipath) or splitting a single TCP stream across multiple covert channels (multisession). Splitting a covert channel across multiple interfaces leads to higher throughput but is classified as mpTCP traffic. Splitting a TCP flow across multiple covert channels is not as performant as the previous case, but it provides added obfuscation and resiliency. Each covert channel is independent of the others, and a channel failure is recoverable. The multipath and multisession frameworks provide independently address the issues associated with covert channels. Each tool addresses a challenge. The Protocol Proxy provides anonymity in a setting were detection could have critical consequences. The mpTCP kernel module offers an architecture that increases throughput despite the channel\u27s low-bandwidth restrictions. Fusing these architectures improves the goodput of the Protocol Proxy without sacrificing the low probability of detection

    Experience-driven Control For Networking And Computing

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    Modern networking and computing systems have become very complicated and highly dynamic, which makes them hard to model, predict and control. In this thesis, we aim to study system control problems from a whole new perspective by leveraging emerging Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), to develop experience-driven model-free approaches, which enable a network or a device to learn the best way to control itself from its own experience (e.g., runtime statistics data) rather than from accurate mathematical models, just as a human learns a new skill (e.g., driving, swimming, etc). To demonstrate the feasibility and superiority of this experience-driven control design philosophy, we present the design, implementation, and evaluation of multiple DRL-based control frameworks on two fundamental networking problems, Traffic Engineering (TE) and Multi-Path TCP (MPTCP) congestion control, as well as one cutting-edge application, resource co-scheduling for Deep Neural Network (DNN) models on mobile and edge devices with heterogeneous hardware. We first propose DRL-TE, a DRL-based framework that enables experience-driven networking for TE. DRL-TE maximizes a widely-used utility function by jointly learning network environment and its dynamics, and making decisions under the guidance of powerful DNNs. We propose two new techniques, TE-aware exploration and actor-critic-based prioritized experience replay, to optimize the general DRL framework particularly for TE. Furthermore, we propose an Actor-Critic-based Transfer learning framework for TE, ACT-TE, which solves a practical problem in experience-driven networking: when network configurations are changed, how to train a new DRL agent to effectively and quickly adapt to the new environment. In the new network environment, ACT-TE leverages policy distillation to rapidly learn a new control policy from both old knowledge (i.e., distilled from the existing agent) and new experience (i.e., newly collected samples). In addition, we propose DRL-CC to enable experience-driven congestion control for MPTCP. DRL-CC utilizes a single (instead of multiple independent) DRL agent to dynamically and jointly perform congestion control for all active MPTCP flows on an end host with the objective of maximizing the overall utility. The novelty of our design is to utilize a flexible recurrent neural network, LSTM, under a DRL framework for learning a representation for all active flows and dealing with their dynamics. Moreover, we integrate the above LSTM-based representation network into an actor-critic framework for continuous congestion control, which applies the deterministic policy gradient method to train actor, critic, and LSTM networks in an end-to-end manner. With the emergence of more and more powerful chipsets and hardware and the rise of Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT), there is a growing trend for bringing DNN models to empower mobile and edge devices with intelligence such that they can support attractive AI applications on the edge in a real-time or near real-time manner. To leverage heterogeneous computational resources (such as CPU, GPU, DSP, etc) to effectively and efficiently support concurrent inference of multiple DNN models on a mobile or edge device, in the last part of this thesis, we propose a novel experience-driven control framework for resource co-scheduling, which we call COSREL. COSREL has the following desirable features: 1) it achieves significant speedup over commonly-used methods by efficiently utilizing all the computational resources on heterogeneous hardware; 2) it leverages DRL to make dynamic and wise online scheduling decisions based on system runtime state; 3) it is capable of making a good tradeoff among inference latency, throughput and energy efficiency; and 4) it makes no changes to given DNN models, thus preserves their accuracies. To validate and evaluate the proposed frameworks, we conduct extensive experiments on packet-level simulation (for TE), testbed with modified Linux kernel (for MPTCP), and off-the-shelf Android devices (for resource co-scheduling). The results well justify the effectiveness of these frameworks, as well as their superiority over several baseline methods