133 research outputs found

    Techniques for Improving Security and Trustworthiness of Integrated Circuits

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    The integrated circuit (IC) development process is becoming increasingly vulnerable to malicious activities because untrusted parties could be involved in this IC development flow. There are four typical problems that impact the security and trustworthiness of ICs used in military, financial, transportation, or other critical systems: (i) Malicious inclusions and alterations, known as hardware Trojans, can be inserted into a design by modifying the design during GDSII development and fabrication. Hardware Trojans in ICs may cause malfunctions, lower the reliability of ICs, leak confidential information to adversaries or even destroy the system under specifically designed conditions. (ii) The number of circuit-related counterfeiting incidents reported by component manufacturers has increased significantly over the past few years with recycled ICs contributing the largest percentage of the total reported counterfeiting incidents. Since these recycled ICs have been used in the field before, the performance and reliability of such ICs has been degraded by aging effects and harsh recycling process. (iii) Reverse engineering (RE) is process of extracting a circuit’s gate-level netlist, and/or inferring its functionality. The RE causes threats to the design because attackers can steal and pirate a design (IP piracy), identify the device technology, or facilitate other hardware attacks. (iv) Traditional tools for uniquely identifying devices are vulnerable to non-invasive or invasive physical attacks. Securing the ID/key is of utmost importance since leakage of even a single device ID/key could be exploited by an adversary to hack other devices or produce pirated devices. In this work, we have developed a series of design and test methodologies to deal with these four challenging issues and thus enhance the security, trustworthiness and reliability of ICs. The techniques proposed in this thesis include: a path delay fingerprinting technique for detection of hardware Trojans, recycled ICs, and other types counterfeit ICs including remarked, overproduced, and cloned ICs with their unique identifiers; a Built-In Self-Authentication (BISA) technique to prevent hardware Trojan insertions by untrusted fabrication facilities; an efficient and secure split manufacturing via Obfuscated Built-In Self-Authentication (OBISA) technique to prevent reverse engineering by untrusted fabrication facilities; and a novel bit selection approach for obtaining the most reliable bits for SRAM-based physical unclonable function (PUF) across environmental conditions and silicon aging effects


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    This article focuses on software methods for detecting and preventing the introduction of hardware trojans into the topology of integrated circuits at the design stage. An additional recommendation for typical procedures of receiving GDSII files that significantly complicates the introduction of HTs into the topology is to facilitate detection methods by including special self-test structures created after performing transformations of the initial topology and ensuring the effective examination of ICs at the post-manufacture test stage. The proposed method is based on the analysis of synthesis results at the level of netlist description, its subsequent software conversion into a topological drawing, shifting standard cells and filling created voids with special self-test cells. The method is simple to implement during the topology design stage and can be recommended for use in design centres for machine learning of computer-aided design systems


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    Hardware security is a serious emerging concern in chip designs and applications. Due to the globalization of the semiconductor design and fabrication process, integrated circuits (ICs, a.k.a. chips) are becoming increasingly vulnerable to passive and active hardware attacks. Passive attacks on chips result in secret information leaking while active attacks cause IC malfunction and catastrophic system failures. This thesis focuses on detection and prevention methods against active attacks, in particular, hardware Trojan (HT). Existing HT detection methods have limited capability to detect small-scale HTs and are further challenged by the increased process variation. We propose to use differential Cascade Voltage Switch Logic (DCVSL) method to detect small HTs and achieve a success rate of 66% to 98%. This work also presents different fault tolerant methods to handle the active attacks on symmetric-key cipher SIMON, which is a recent lightweight cipher. Simulation results show that our Even Parity Code SIMON consumes less area and power than double modular redundancy SIMON and Reversed-SIMON, but yields a higher fault -detection-failure rate as the number of concurrent faults increases. In addition, the emerging technology, memristor, is explored to protect SIMON from passive attacks. Simulation results indicate that the memristor-based SIMON has a unique power characteristic that adds new challenges on secrete key extraction

    Built-In Return-Oriented Programs in Embedded Systems and Deep Learning for Hardware Trojan Detection

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    Microcontrollers and integrated circuits in general have become ubiquitous in the world today. All aspects of our lives depend on them from driving to work, to calling our friends, to checking our bank account balance. People who would do harm to individuals, corporations and nation states are aware of this and for that reason they seek to find or create and exploit vulnerabilities in integrated circuits. This dissertation contains three papers dealing with these types of vulnerabilities. The first paper talks about a vulnerability that was found on a microcontroller, which is a type of integrated circuit. The final two papers deal with hardware trojans. Hardware trojans are purposely added to the design of an integrated circuit in secret so that the manufacturer doesn’t know about it. They are used to damage the integrated circuit, leak confidential information, or in other ways alter the circuit. Hardware trojans are a major concern for anyone using integrated circuits because an attacker can alter a circuit in almost any way if they are successful in inserting one. A known method to prevent hardware trojan insertion is discussed and a type of circuit for which this method does not work is revealed. The discussion of hardware trojans is concluded with a new way to detect them before the integrated circuit is manufactured. Modern deep learning models are used to detect the portions of the hardware trojan called triggers that activate them

    Persistent monitoring of digital ICs to verify hardware trust

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    The specialization of the semiconductor industry has resulted in a global Integrated Circuit (IC) supply chain that is susceptible to hardware Trojans - malicious circuitry that is embedded into the chip during the design cycle. This nefarious attack could compromise the missioncritical systems which implement these devices. While a trusted domestic IC supply chain exists with resources such as the Trusted Foundry Program, it\u27s highly desirable to utilize the high yield, fast turn-around time, low cost, and leading-edge technology of the global IC supply chain. Research into the verification of hardware trust has made significant progress in recent years but is still far from a single, comprehensive solution. Most proposed solutions are one-time implementable methods that attempt to detect hardware Trojans during the verification stage of the IC development process. While this is a desirable solution, it\u27s not realistic given the current limitations of hardware Trojan detection techniques. We propose a more comprehensive solution that involves the persistent verification of hardware trust in the field, in addition to several one-time methods implemented during IC verification. We define a persistent verification framework that involves the use of a few ICs from a secure process flow to persistently monitor and verify the operation of several untrusted ICs from the global supply chain. This allows the system integrator to realize the benefits of the global IC supply chain while maintaining the integrity of the system. We develop a system monitor which filters the IO of untrusted digital ICs for a set of patterns, which we refer to as digital signal signatures, to verify the operation of the devices

    A multi-layer approach to designing secure systems: from circuit to software

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    In the last few years, security has become one of the key challenges in computing systems. Failures in the secure operations of these systems have led to massive information leaks and cyber-attacks. Case in point, the identity leaks from Equifax in 2016, Spectre and Meltdown attacks to Intel and AMD processors in 2017, Cyber-attacks on Facebook in 2018. These recent attacks have shown that the intruders attack different layers of the systems, from low-level hardware to software as a service(SaaS). To protect the systems, the defense mechanisms should confront the attacks in the different layers of the systems. In this work, we propose four security mechanisms for computing systems: (i ) using backside imaging to detect Hardware Trojans (HTs) in Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) chips, (ii ) developing energy-efficient reconfigurable cryptographic engines, (iii) examining the feasibility of malware detection using Hardware Performance Counters (HPC). Most of the threat models assume that the root of trust is the hardware running beneath the software stack. However, attackers can insert malicious hardware blocks, i.e. HTs, into the Integrated Circuits (ICs) that provide back-doors to the attackers or leak confidential information. HTs inserted during fabrication are extremely hard to detect since their overheads in performance and power are below the variations in the performance and power caused by manufacturing. In our work, we have developed an optical method that identifies modified or replaced gates in the ICs. We use the near-infrared light to image the ICs because silicon is transparent to near-infrared light and metal reflects infrared light. We leverage the near-infrared imaging to identify the locations of each gate, based on the signatures of metal structures reflected by the lowest metal layer. By comparing the imaged results to the pre-fabrication design, we can identify any modifications, shifts or replacements in the circuits to detect HTs. With the trust of the silicon, the computing system must use secure communication channels for its applications. The low-energy cost devices, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), leverage strong cryptographic algorithms (e.g. AES, RSA, and SHA) during communications. The cryptographic operations cause the IoT devices a significant amount of power. As a result, the power budget limits their applications. To mitigate the high power consumption, modern processors embed these cryptographic operations into hardware primitives. This also improves system performance. The hardware unit embedded into the processor provides high energy-efficiency, low energy cost. However, hardware implementations limit flexibility. The longevity of theIoTs can exceed the lifetime of the cryptographic algorithms. The replacement of the IoT devices is costly and sometimes prohibitive, e.g., monitors in nuclear reactors.In order to reconfigure cryptographic algorithms into hardware, we have developed a system with a reconfigurable encryption engine on the Zedboard platform. The hardware implementation of the engine ensures fast, energy-efficient cryptographic operations. With reliable hardware and secure communication channels in place, the computing systems should detect any malicious behaviors in the processes. We have explored the use of the Hardware Performance Counters (HPCs) in malware detection. HPCs are hardware units that count micro-architectural events, such as cache hits/misses and floating point operations. Anti-virus software is commonly used to detect malware but it also introduces performance overhead. To reduce anti-virus performance overhead, many researchers propose to use HPCs with machine learning models in malware detection. However, it is counter-intuitive that the high-level program behaviors can manifest themselves in low-level statics. We perform experiments using 2 ∼ 3 × larger program counts than the previous works and perform a rigorous analysis to determine whether HPCs can be used to detect malware. Our results show that the False Discovery Rate of malware detection can reach 20%. If we deploy this detection system on a fresh installed Windows 7 systems, among 1,323 binaries, 198 binaries would be flagged as malware

    Mitigation of Hardware Trojan Attacks on Networks-on-Chip

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    The Integrated Circuit (IC) design flow follows a global business model. A global business means that the processes in the IC design flow could be outsourced, and consequently security threats have been introduced. Security threats on hardware include side channel analysis, reverse engineering, information leakage, counterfeit chips, and hardware Trojans (HTs).This work mainly focuses on HT attacks, which execute a malicious operation on the system when a trigger condition is met. Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) are a popular communications infrastructure for many-core systems, which have proved to be a more scalable option over the traditional bus interface. However, the high scalability and modularity provided by NoCs have introduced new vulnerabilities in the design, leading to hardware Trojans capable of causing several Denial of Service (DoS) attacks on the network. A 4x4 Mesh-topology NoC with a more robust router microarchitecture is presented with several innovations relative to the baseline. A collaborative dynamic permutation and flow unit (flit) integrity check method is proposed to thwart an attacker from maliciously modifying the flit content in the routers of a NoC. Our method complements other HT detection approaches for the NoC network interfaces. Moreover, we exploit the Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) structure and the traffic routing history to generate a unique key vector for each router to select one of the multiple permutation configurations. Simulation and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) results are compared between the proposed NoC microarchitecture and four other existing solutions found in literature, and it was shown that the proposed method outperforms all of the existing security methods