492,688 research outputs found

    Patient safety in acute care: are we going around in circles?

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    This article provides a critical discussion examining why adult patients continue to unnecessarily deteriorate and die despite repeated healthcare policy initiatives. After considering the policy background and reviewing current trends in the data, it proposes some solutions that, if enacted, would, the authors believe, have a direct impact on survival rates. Health professionals working in hospitals are failing to recognise signs of physiological deterioration. As a result, adult patients are dying unnecessarily, estimated to be in the region of 1000 a month. This is despite international healthcare policy requiring practitioners to be appropriately trained to recognise the deteriorating adult patient and to intervene. A literature review centred on health policy for England from 1999 to 2015 was undertaken, with reference to international policy and practice. This article also draws on the authors' combined clinical experience, which is underpinned by relevant research and theory. The implications for nursing could be significant. Change is urgently required otherwise people will continue to die unnecessarily. Health professionals, healthcare organisations and international governments working together can prevent unnecessary deaths from happening within acute hospitals

    Chiropractic at the crossroads or are we just going around in circles?

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    Chiropractic in Australia has seen many changes over the past 30 years. Some of these changes have advanced the professional status of chiropractic, improved undergraduate training and paved the way for a research culture. Unfortunately, other changes or lack of changes, have hindered the growth, public utilisation and professional standing of chiropractic in Australia. This article explores what influences have impacted on the credibility, advancement and public utilisation of chiropractic in Australia

    Going around in circles? Conceptual recycling, patching and policy layering in the EU Circular Economy Package

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Taylor & Francis via the DOI in this recordThe circular economy (CE) concept is informing the governance of resource use and waste management on a global scale, leading to widespread policy instrument innovation. However, the recent appearance of CE ‘policy portfolios’ raises questions about whether such policies are genuinely path-breaking or are merely adjustments to existing arrangements. Tracing the emergence of the European Union’s Circular Economy Package shows that, while some measures are genuinely novel, many others are ‘patched’ onto pre-existing instruments and that the overall portfolio exhibits a high degree of institutional ‘layering’. Given the evidence of relative ineffectiveness of past incremental environmental interventions, there is a mismatch between such approaches and the scale, pace and scope of transformation implied by contemporary articulations of the circular economy concept. Creating the policy conditions for sustainable production and consumption may require more radical policy formulations than CE proponents acknowledge

    German and international crisis management in the Sahel: why discussions about Sahel policy are going around in circles

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    n May, Germany’s parliament approved the country's continued military partici­pation in two missions in Mali and the Sahel. As part of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission (MINUSMA) and the EU Training Mission EUTM Mali, up to 1,550 German soldiers can be deployed. Given the scale of these engagements, which are currently Germany's largest, German discussions on Sahel policy, like those elsewhere, have been sluggish and unproductive. One reason for this is that buzz­words and false certainties determine the debate, which is largely detached from strategic considerations. (Autorenreferat

    Principles and Practice of Humanitarian Communication during and After Natural Disasters and Armed Conflicts

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    Humanitarian communications has broadly empowered human interaction and mutual understanding within circles and arenas of conflict and disasters. How information is communicated and received during crises is imperative. With peace seriously going on extinction around the world and the growth of countless humanitarian organizations, the need to explore communication is imperative going by the relevance of information, mutual understanding and its knowledge to victims of armed conflict and natural disasters, This paper explained in detail the concept of humanitarian communications, types of humanitarian communications, and how to design effective communication plan for smooth and effective operations of humanitarian actors within humanitarian circle

    “I’ve Got a Hunch We’re Going Around in Circles”: Exceptions to American Exceptionalism in Hollywood Korean War Films

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    Hollywood Korean War films primarily aimed at integrating American citizenry into national narratives of cohesion and teleology by displacing contradictions onto the exteriority of American identity. The films dismiss the Korean War as not worth fighting for, yet simultaneously propose that fighting is the only viable option to cope with the futility of war. This paper argues that this closed rationality of we-fight-simply-because-we-fight is a symptom of cold war liberalism. And the cold war subject, caught in the circular movement of finding-while-missing the meaning, prefigures a postmodern subject of drive that transcends the fundamental lack in the process of subjectivization and finds satisfaction in the endless circular movement with no destination. Crucially, American exceptionalism functions as the state fantasy in this process of denying/displacing inconsistencies inherent to the imagined national identity. This circular rationality, which constitutes the paradigmatic subject-position of latecapitalist American culture, was constructed in the early years of the cold war, and its cultural manifestations can be traced in Hollywood films about the Korean War


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    Social media has become a large part of today’s pop culture and keeping up with what is going on not only in our social circles, but around the world. It has given many a platform to unite their causes, build fandoms, and share their commentary with the world. A tool in helping group posts together or give commentary on a thought is the hashtag. In this paper I explore the evaluative roles of hashtags in social media discourse, specifically on Twitter. I use a sample of randomly selected tweets from the Twitter API stream I collected and compiled myself. I collected a total of 200,000 tweets and filtered out Re-tweets. Looking at each individual hashtag I sorted them into the categories outlined by the Appraisal Theory proposed by Martin and White (Martin & White, 2005). I explore the types of evaluation expressed in hashtags, the relationships between evaluative hashtags and how users negotiate evaluations using meme hashtags

    To “Defund” the Police

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    Much public debate circles around grassroots activists’ demand to “defund the police,” raised in public consciousness in the summer of 2020. Yet confusion about the demand is pervasive. This Essay adopts a literal interpretation of “defund” to clarify and distinguish four alternative, substantive policy positions that legal reforms related to police funding can validate. It argues that the policy debates between these positions exist on top of the ideological critique launched by grassroots activists, who use the term “defund the police” as a discursive tactic to make visible deeper transformations in government practices that normalize the structural marginalization of black people enforced through criminal law. By recognizing this socially contextualized meaning to the call to defund the police, this Essay offers two important insights for the public in this current moment. First, it urges the public to confront the structural marginalization of black people when evaluating legal reforms that may impact police budgets. Second, the Essay encourages the public to embrace the state of confusion produced by the demand to “defund the police” when considering social reforms going forward