704 research outputs found

    From regional pulse vaccination to global disease eradication: insights from a mathematical model of Poliomyelitis

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    Mass-vaccination campaigns are an important strategy in the global fight against poliomyelitis and measles. The large-scale logistics required for these mass immunisation campaigns magnifies the need for research into the effectiveness and optimal deployment of pulse vaccination. In order to better understand this control strategy, we propose a mathematical model accounting for the disease dynamics in connected regions, incorporating seasonality, environmental reservoirs and independent periodic pulse vaccination schedules in each region. The effective reproduction number, ReR_e, is defined and proved to be a global threshold for persistence of the disease. Analytical and numerical calculations show the importance of synchronising the pulse vaccinations in connected regions and the timing of the pulses with respect to the pathogen circulation seasonality. Our results indicate that it may be crucial for mass-vaccination programs, such as national immunisation days, to be synchronised across different regions. In addition, simulations show that a migration imbalance can increase ReR_e and alter how pulse vaccination should be optimally distributed among the patches, similar to results found with constant-rate vaccination. Furthermore, contrary to the case of constant-rate vaccination, the fraction of environmental transmission affects the value of ReR_e when pulse vaccination is present.Comment: Added section 6.1, made other revisions, changed titl

    Global stability of vaccine-age/staged-structured epidemic models with nonlinear incidence

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    We consider two classes of infinitely dimensional epidemic models with nonlinear incidence, where one assumes that the rate of a vaccinated individual losing immunity depends on the vaccine-age and another assumes that, before the vaccine begins to wane, there is a period during which the vaccinated individuals have complete immunity against the infection. The first model is given by a coupled ordinary-hyperbolic differential system and the second class is described by a delay differential system. We calculate their respective basic reproduction numbers, and show they characterize the global dynamics by constructing the appropriate Lyapunov functionals

    Nonlinear pulse vaccination in an SIR epidemic model with resource limitation

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    Mathematical models can assist in the design and understanding of vaccination strategies when resources are limited. Here we propose and analyse an SIR epidemic modelwith a nonlinear pulse vaccination to examine how a limited vaccine resource affects the transmission and control of infectious diseases, in particular emerging infectious diseases. The threshold condition for the stability of the disease free steady state is given. Latin Hypercube Sampling/Partial Rank Correlation Coefficient uncertainty and sensitivity analysis techniques were employed to determine the key factors which are most significantly related to the threshold value. Comparing this threshold value with that without resource limitation, our results indicate that if resources become limited pulse vaccination should be carried out more frequently than when sufficient resources are available to eradicate an infectious disease. Once the threshold value exceeds a critical level, both susceptible and infected populations can oscillate periodically. Furthermore, when the pulse vaccination period is chosen as a bifurcation parameter, the SIR model with nonlinear pulse vaccination reveals complex dynamics including period doubling, chaotic solutions, and coexistence of multiple attractors. The implications of our findings with respect to disease control are discussed

    Analysis of an SIR Epidemic Model with Pulse Vaccination and Distributed Time Delay

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    Pulse vaccination, the repeated application of vaccine over a defined age range, is gaining prominence as an effective strategy for the elimination of infectious diseases. An SIR epidemic model with pulse vaccination and distributed time delay is proposed in this paper. Using the discrete dynamical system determined by the stroboscopic map, we obtain the exact infection-free periodic solution of the impulsive epidemic system and prove that the infection-free periodic solution is globally attractive if the vaccination rate is larger enough. Moreover, we show that the disease is uniformly persistent if the vaccination rate is less than some critical value. The permanence of the model is investigated analytically. Our results indicate that a large pulse vaccination rate is sufficient for the eradication of the disease

    Mitigating Epidemics through Mobile Micro-measures

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    Epidemics of infectious diseases are among the largest threats to the quality of life and the economic and social well-being of developing countries. The arsenal of measures against such epidemics is well-established, but costly and insufficient to mitigate their impact. In this paper, we argue that mobile technology adds a powerful weapon to this arsenal, because (a) mobile devices endow us with the unprecedented ability to measure and model the detailed behavioral patterns of the affected population, and (b) they enable the delivery of personalized behavioral recommendations to individuals in real time. We combine these two ideas and propose several strategies to generate such recommendations from mobility patterns. The goal of each strategy is a large reduction in infections, with a small impact on the normal course of daily life. We evaluate these strategies over the Orange D4D dataset and show the benefit of mobile micro-measures, even if only a fraction of the population participates. These preliminary results demonstrate the potential of mobile technology to complement other measures like vaccination and quarantines against disease epidemics.Comment: Presented at NetMob 2013, Bosto

    Global attractivity and permanence of a SVEIR epidemic model with pulse vaccination and time delay

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    AbstractIn this study, we propose a new SVEIR epidemic disease model with time delay, and analyze the dynamic behavior of the model under pulse vaccination. Pulse vaccination is an effective strategy for the elimination of infectious disease. Using the discrete dynamical system determined by the stroboscopic map, we obtain an ‘infection-free’ periodic solution. We also show that the ‘infection-free’ periodic solution is globally attractive when some parameters of the model under appropriate conditions. The permanence of the model is investigated analytically. Our results indicate that a large vaccination rate or a short pulse of vaccination or a long latent period is a sufficient condition for the extinction of the disease

    Stability analysis of drinking epidemic models and investigation of optimal treatment strategy

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    In this research we investigate a class of drinking epidemic models, namely the SPARS type models. The basic reproduction number is derived, and the system dynamical behaviours are investigated for both drinking free equilibrium and drinking persistent equilibrium. The purpose is to determine the long term optimal treatment method and the optimal short period vaccination strategy for controlling the population of the periodic drinkers and alcoholics