26 research outputs found

    Landsat imagery evidences great recent land cover changes induced by wild fires in central Siberia

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    The article discusses the methods of satellite image classification to determine general types of forest ecosystems, as well as the long-term monitoring of ecosystems changes using satellite imagery of medium spatial resolution and the daily data of space monitoring of active fires. The area of interest of this work is 100 km footprint of the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO), located near the Zotino settlement, Krasnoyarsk region. The study area is located in the middle taiga subzone of Western Siberia, are presented by the left and right banks of the Yenisei river. For Landsat satellite imagery supervised classification by the maximum likelihood method was made using ground-based studies over the last fifteen years. The results are the identification of the 10 aggregated classes of land surface and composition of the study area thematic map. Operational satellite monitoring and analysis of spatial information about ecosystem in the 100-kilometer footprint of the ZOTTO tall tower allows to monitor the dynamics of forest disturbance by fire and logging over a long time period and to estimate changes in forest ecosystems of the study area. Data on the number and area of fires detected in the study region for the 2000-2014 received in the work. Calculations show that active fires have burned more than a quarter of the footprint area over the study period. Fires have a significant impact on the redistribution of classes of land surface. Area of all types of vegetation ecosystems declined dramatically under the influence of fires, whereas industrial logging does not impact seriously on it. The results obtained in our work indicate the highest occurrence of fires for lichen forest types within study region, probably due to their high natural fire danger, which is consistent with other studies. The least damage the fire caused to the wetland ecosystem due to high content of moisture and the presence of a large number of fire breaks in the form of open water

    The Intrinsic Structure of Nuclear Chemistry: A Scientometric Study

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    : In the last two decades, the research in nuclear chemistry has experienced a regular as well as voluminous structural changes and has grown notably with interaction from other fields in terms of theory building, methodology, and applications. This study focus a quantitative assessment of the scientific literature for mapping the intellectual structure of nuclear chemistry research and its scientific development over a 11-year period from 2008 till 2018. A total of 109281 publications were subjected to examination in order to draw statistics and depict dynamic changes to shed new light upon the growth, dispersion and structure of the studied domain. In general this work characterizes the papers, in terms of growth, institution, document type, prominent authors and institutions, and geographical distributio

    Am J Prev Med

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    BackgroundSince Alan Pritchard defined bibliometrics as \u201cthe application of statistical methods to media of communication\u201d in 1969, bibliometric analyses have become widespread. To date, however, bibliometrics has not been used to analyze publications related to the U.S. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS).PurposeTo determine the most frequently cited BRFSS-related topical areas, institutions, and journals.MethodsA search of the Web of Knowledge database in 2013 identified U.S.-published studies related to BRFSS, from its start in 1984 through 2012. Search terms were BRFSS, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, or Behavioral Risk Survey. The resulting 1,387 articles were analyzed descriptively and produced data for VOSviewer, a computer program that plotted a relevance distance\u2013based map and clustered keywords from text in titles and abstracts.ResultsTopics, journals, and publishing institutions ranged widely. Most research was clustered by content area, such as cancer screening, access to care, heart health, and quality of life. The American Journal of Preventive Medicine and American Journal of Public Health published the most BRFSS-related papers (95 and 70, respectively).ConclusionsBibliometrics can help identify the most frequently published BRFSS-related topics, publishing journals, and publishing institutions. BRFSS data are widely used, particularly by CDC and academic institutions such as the University of Washington and other universities hosting top-ranked schools of public health. Bibliometric analysis and mapping provides an innovative way of quantifying and visualizing the plethora of research conducted using BRFSS data and summarizing the contribution of this surveillance system to public health.20142017-02-01T00:00:00ZCC999999/Intramural CDC HHS/United States25442231PMC5285729891

    A Comparison of Network Clustering Algorithms in Keyword Network Analysis: A Case Study with Geography Conference Presentations

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    The keyword network analysis has been used for summarizing research trends, and network clustering algorithms play important roles in identifying major research themes. In this paper, we performed a comparative analysis of network clustering algorithms to find out their performances, effectiveness, and impact on cluster themes. The AAG (American Association for Geographers) conference datasets were used in this research. We evaluated seven algorithms with modularity, processing time, and cluster members. The Louvain algorithm showed the best performance in terms of modularity and processing time, followed by the Fast Greedy algorithm. Examining cluster members also showed very coherent connections among cluster members. This study may help researchers to choose a suitable network clustering algorithm and understand geography research trends and topical fields

    Monitoring vegetation using remote sensing time series data: a review of the period 1996-2017

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    Analyzing time series data with remote sensing provides a better understanding of vegetation dynamics, since previous conditions and changes that have occurred over a given period are known. The objective of this paper was to analyze the current status and recent advances in the use of time series data obtained from remote sensors for vegetation monitoring. A systematic search of scientific papers was performed and 167 papers were found, published during the period 1996 to 2017. No significant difference in the amount of years analyzed was found between time series analyzed with a single sensor and those analyzed with a combination of several sensors (i.e. Landsat and SPOT, Landsat and Sentinel, among others). However, the combination of data from different sensors (fusion of images) can improve the quality of the results. Specialattention must also be given to the fusion of optical and radar data, since this offers more unique spectral and structural information for land cover and land use assessments. Highlights Remote sensing provides a better understanding of vegetation dynamics. The number of vegetation monitoring papers published using time series data are becoming more frequent. The fusion of Landsat and Sentinel-2 satellite data shows great potential for timely monitoring of rapid changes. The fusion of optical and radar data points to a new trend in remote sensing, including the use of geospatial open data sources.Analyzing time series data with remote sensing provides a better understanding of vegetation dynamics, since previous conditions and changes that have occurred over a given period are known. The objective of this paper was to analyze the current status and recent advances in the use of time series data obtained from remote sensors for vegetation monitoring. A systematic search of scientific papers was performed and 167 papers were found, published during the period 1996 to 2017. No significant difference in the amount of years analyzed was found between time series analyzed with a single sensor and those analyzed with a combination of several sensors (i.e. Landsat and SPOT, Landsat and Sentinel, among others). However, the combination of data from different sensors (fusion of images) can improve the quality of the results. Specialattention must also be given to the fusion of optical and radar data, since this offers more unique spectral and structural information for land cover and land use assessments. Highlights Remote sensing provides a better understanding of vegetation dynamics. The number of vegetation monitoring papers published using time series data are becoming more frequent. The fusion of Landsat and Sentinel-2 satellite data shows great potential for timely monitoring of rapid changes. The fusion of optical and radar data points to a new trend in remote sensing, including the use of geospatial open data sources

    Considerações sobre mapeamento bibliométrico de artigos científicos internacionais sobre “uso do solo urbano”

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    O mapeamento bibliométrico permite verificar a estrutura e a dinâmica dos diversos campos de pesquisa disponíveis, representando as conexões intelectuais entre os artigos científicos. Para avaliar a ocorrência do termo “uso do solo urbano” em artigos internacionais de língua inglesa foram utilizados a plataforma digital “Web of Science” (WOS) e o programa VOSviewer. Dos 1.286 artigos selecionados, de 1952 a 2016, observou-se que: o número de documentos publicados sobre o tema apresentou considerável aumento a partir do ano de 2000; os principais periódicos citados foram “Landscape and Urban Planning” e “Remote Sensing of Environment”; a palavra chave mais utilizada foi “urbanização” e o autor mais citado foi Robert Blair, com o artigo “Land use and avian species diversity along an urban gradient”, publicado em 1996.

    What Geographers Research: An Analysis of Geography Topics, Clusters, and Trends Using a Keyword Network Analysis Approach and the 2000-2019 AAG Conference Presentations

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    The spectrum of geographic research topics is very broad, and several thousands of research projects are presented at AAG annual conferences. This research aims at analyzing geography research topics, clusters, and trends using conference presentation data. We analyzed the 2000-2019 AAG conference presentations with keyword network analysis methods. The most frequently used keywords during the 20-year span were GIS, followed by Remote Sensing, Climate Change, Urban, China, Education, Political Ecology, Migration, Gender, and Agriculture. Results showed that geographic research has focused on six major clusters during 2000-2019: GIS, Urban, Climate Change, Political Ecology, People, and Education. About 68.6 percent of keywords were about the GIS, People, and Urban issues. The GIS keyword showed very strong connections with Remote Sensing, Urban, Spatial, Education, Climate Change, and Health. Over the 2015-2019 period, big data analysis and artificial intelligence became popular as emerging fields. This research also shows that the keyword network analysis is an effective method to summarize research trends in geography using conference presentation data. To some fellow geographers, the findings in this research may also cast meaningful insights into what geography is and where it is heading

    December 2013 news releases

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    Remote Sensing Applications in Monitoring of Protected Areas:A Bibliometric Analysis

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    The development of remote sensing platforms and sensors and improvement in science and technology provide crucial support for the monitoring and management of protected areas. This paper presents an analysis of research publications, from a bibliometric perspective, on the remote sensing of protected areas. This analysis is focused on the period from 1991 to 2018. For data, a total of 4546 academic publications were retrieved from the Web of Science database. The VOSviewer software was adopted to evaluate the co-authorships among countries and institutions, as well as the co-occurrences of author keywords. The results indicate an increasing trend of annual publications in the remote sensing of protected areas. This analysis reveals the major topical subjects, leading countries, and most influential institutions around the world that have conducted relevant research in scientific publications; this study also reveals the journals that include the most publications, and the collaborative patterns related to the remote sensing of protected areas. Landsat, MODIS, and LiDAR are among the most commonly used satellites and sensors. Research topics related to protected area monitoring are mainly concentrated on change detection, biodiversity conservation, and climate change impact. This analysis can help researchers and scholars better understand the intellectual structure of the field and identify the future research directions

    Abordagem bibliométrica da produção científica sobre sensoriamento remoto para florestas

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    Orientador: Prof. Msc. Verônica Satomi KazamaMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Curso de Especialização MBA em Manejo Florestal de PrecisãoInclui referênciasResumo: Este estudo propõe-se a fornecer um panorama geral dos estudos de sensoriamento remoto para florestas por meio de análise bibliométrica. Posteriormente à compilação da literatura disponível na base selecionada, a Scopus, foi realizada uma análise bibliométrica. Nesta etapa, utilizou-se os pacotes bibliometrix e biblioshiny desenvolvidos para o software R, possibilitando a filtragem de documentos e representação dos dados em gráficos e Tabelas. Para este trabalho, optou-se pelos seguintes parâmetros: relevância e participação dos autores, número de citações, número de participações em artigos de cada país e instituições, índice-H, rede de cooperação entre países e coocorrência de palavras-chave. As instituições que mais participam nos artigos se concentram nos Estados Unidos das Américas, China, Alemanha e, consequentemente, a participação desses países também é maior. Houve um crescimento anual de 6,46% na quantidade de publicações, subindo de 571 artigos em 2009 para 1006 artigos no ano de 2018. Existem três grandes clusters de palavras-chave, indicando quais temas os pesquisadores estudam: o primeiro aborda como tema central a Ecologia; o segundo aborda estudos de carbono, biomassa e inventário florestal associados ao uso de sensores espectrais e à laser especialmente em florestas tropicais; o terceiro grupo estuda por meio das imagens orbitais, as mudanças de fragmentos florestais, uso e ocupação de terra. Conclui-se que os pesquisadores estão se aprofundando em trabalhos envolvendo sensoriamento remoto, para estudos de florestas, da mesma forma que os periódicos passaram a ganhar mais relevância. A maior quantidade de artigos produzidos se concentra em poucos países, o que acaba sugerindo maior facilidade de cooperação e investimento desses países. Por fim, recomenda-se uma investigação aprofundada sobre artigos publicados por instituições brasileiras e o impacto desses artigos.Abstract:This study aims to provide an overview of the general statistics of remote sensing studies through bibliometric analysis. After compiling the literature available in the selected database, Scopus, a bibliometric analysis was performed. In this step, we used the bibliometrix and biblioshiny package developed for the R software, enabling the filtering of documents and representation of the results in graphs and tables. For this work, we chose to work with the relevance and participation of the authors, number of citations, number of participations in articles from each country and institutions, H-index, cooperation network between countries, and co-occurrence of keywords. The institutions that participate most in the articles are concentrated in the United States of America, China, Germany, and consequently, the participation of these countries is also higher. There was an annual growth of 6.46% in the number of publications, rising from 571 articles in 2009 to 1006 articles in 2018. There are three significant clusters of keywords, indicating which themes the researcher's study. The cluster first addresses issues of monitoring the evapotranspiration, changes in land use and occupation, climates, fires and forest phenology; the second deals with carbon, biomass, and forest inventory studies associated with the use of laser and spectral sensors especially in tropical forests; The third group studies, through orbital images, changes in forest fragments, land use, and occupation. Our conclusion is that the researchers are deepening in works involving remote sensing, the journals have started to gain more relevance, the most significant number of articles produced is concentrated in a few countries, which ends up suggesting more natural cooperation and investment from these countries. Finally, an in-depth investigation into articles published by Brazilian institutions, and the impact of these articles is recommended