15 research outputs found

    Contextual impacts on industrial processes brought by the digital transformation of manufacturing: a systematic review

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    The digital transformation of manufacturing (a phenomenon also known as "Industry 4.0" or "Smart Manufacturing") is finding a growing interest both at practitioner and academic levels, but is still in its infancy and needs deeper investigation. Even though current and potential advantages of digital manufacturing are remarkable, in terms of improved efficiency, sustainability, customization, and flexibility, only a limited number of companies has already developed ad hoc strategies necessary to achieve a superior performance. Through a systematic review, this study aims at assessing the current state of the art of the academic literature regarding the paradigm shift occurring in the manufacturing settings, in order to provide definitions as well as point out recurring patterns and gaps to be addressed by future research. For the literature search, the most representative keywords, strict criteria, and classification schemes based on authoritative reference studies were used. The final sample of 156 primary publications was analyzed through a systematic coding process to identify theoretical and methodological approaches, together with other significant elements. This analysis allowed a mapping of the literature based on clusters of critical themes to synthesize the developments of different research streams and provide the most representative picture of its current state. Research areas, insights, and gaps resulting from this analysis contributed to create a schematic research agenda, which clearly indicates the space for future evolutions of the state of knowledge in this field

    Active learning using physical prototypes and serious games

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    It is widely accepted that the “learning by doing” approach results in higher levels of knowledge retention. This paper describes how this subject is addressed in the Integrated Master degree on Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) at University of Minho, Portugal. Serious games are used as a learning tool in different years of the IEM degree to illustrate and consolidate important concepts, namely production dynamics and performance issues. To reinforce “learning by doing” the development of physical prototypes was included in one of the IEM Project‐Led Education semesters involving the design of a production system using Lego® Mindstorms® NXT building blocks. This paper provides a reflection on the use of serious games and physical prototypes, mainly in terms of learning outcomes and, to a lesser extent, on students learning styles. Moreover, it provides some hints on the integration of the tools on the curricular structure and on its practical implementation

    Manufacturing strategy issues in selected Indian manufacturing industry

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    This paper presents some findings of Indian manufacturing sectors viz. automobile (especially two-wheeler), tractor and general manufacturing industry. Various manufacturing strategy issues such as competitive priorities, improvement activities, and performance measures, have been identified and assessed in Indian context. Sector wise comparison of competitive priorities, improvement activities i.e. advanced manufacturing technology (AMT), integrated information systems (IIS), and advanced management systems (AMS), and performance measure, is provided. Our results showed that most of the Indian companies are still emphasizing on quality. However, automobile sector has set to compete globally with high innovation rate, faster new product development, and continuous improvement. It is also observed that Indian companies are investing more in AMS as compared to IIS and AMT. Manufacturing competence index is also computed for each sector

    A competence-based industrial learning approach for factories of the future

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    Manufacturing industry can improve its competitiveness through innovation and technological excellence, and appropriate Industrial Learning can help to achieve this goal through allowing the manufacturing workforce to acquire new skills related to the advanced developments in information and communication technologies. This raises the need for new Industrial Learning tools and methods from the viewpoint of learning content, learning processes, and delivery mechanisms. In this paper, we present a generic competence-based approach for Industrial Learning developed in the framework of ActionPlanT project. The approach is composed of (i) an Industrial Learning model which serves to represent and understand competence-based learning, and (ii) a methodology which implements through a number of steps the Industrial Learning actions defined using the Industrial Learning model in industrial organisations. Both the model and the methodology are presented in details. A metrics-based method for evaluating the implementation of the learning actions defined using the approach is also describe

    Ddi Tool: Un juego serio para el desarrollo de las competencias de los estudiantes de grado y postgrado en el entorno de laDirección de Operaciones

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    [EN] A serious game known as Ddi Tool is presented by the authors to improve the competences on Operations Management of graduate and postgraduate students. The game is applied to the resolution of multistage industrial processes allowing to have a global vision of the manufacturing process and combining the students’ skills on operations management research and learning. The tool allows also to perform an economic evaluation of the whole process by means of the process costs analysis and improving this cost as function of the main process variables and parameters: raw material, workforce, energy consumption, etc. The game has been generated using Java language with a user-friendly interface for a quick comprehension by the student during the practical classroom. In this manner, the tool allows developing competencies to students applying and developing scientific, technological, mathematical, economical and sustainable knowledge.Ramirez, FJ. (2017). Ddi Tool: A serious game for the development of competences of graduate and postgraduate students in the Operations Management environment. Working Papers on Operations Management. 8(SP):50-53. doi:10.4995/wpom.v8i0.7127SWORD50538S


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    This paper will present preliminary results of the EU-funded FP7 integrated project TARGET. The main aim of the project is to develop a novel technology-enhanced learning platform that provides learners with a responsive environment that addresses the rapid, personalized competence development and the sharing of experiences associated with introducing sustainability into a manufacturing enterprise. The main objectives of the paper are to deduce specialized sustainability-related competences for managers and to convert them into a virtual game scenario. Besides the research approach of deriving the competences, critical incidents in the game will be presented. The findings and potential application will be demonstrated in a case based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

    Mediating skills on risk management for improving the resilience of Supply Networks by developing and using a serious game

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    Given their importance, the need for resilience and the management of risk within Supply Networks, means that engineering students need a solid under-standing of these issues. An innovative way of meeting this need is through the use of serious games. Serious games allow an active experience on how differ-ent factors influencethe flexibility, vulnerability and capabilities in Supply Networks and allow the students to apply knowledge and methods acquired from theory. This supports their ability to understand, analyse and evaluate how different factors contribute to the resilience. The experience gained within the game will contribute to the studentsâ abilities to construct new knowledge based on their active observation and reflection of the environment when they later work in a dynamic environment in industry. This game, Beware, was developed for use in a blended learning environment. It is a part of a course for engineering master students at the University of Bremen. It was found that the game was effective in mediating the topic of risk management to the students espscially in supporting their ability of applying methods, analyse the different interactions and the game play as well as to support the assessment of how their decision-making affected the simulated network

    Ortografar: Desenvolvimento de um Jogo Digital Sério para crianças com Défice na Expressão Escrita

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    Após a deteção de perturbações da aprendizagem específica com défice na expressão escrita, é necessário combatê-las. Quando estas se detetam, uma intervenção imediata irá colmatar grandes dificuldades de aprendizagem ao longo da vida e evitar outros problemas. Por vezes, sem se saber a causa, há crianças que apresentam maior dificuldade na aprendizagem, tais como, a Disortografia e a Disgrafia. Estas são difíceis de detetar, especialmente se os profissionais na área da educação não estiverem atentos, não forem sensíveis a esta questão, ou ainda, se não tiverem formação na área. O trabalho desenvolvido no centro, “Diferenças – Centro de Desenvolvimento Infantil”, tem sido uma mais valia no apoio a estas e outras perturbações que afetam o desenvolvimento infantil, mas por vezes são utilizados métodos manuais, com pouco uso de tecnologia, o que poderá levar à precoce falta de interesse pelas crianças com os problemas anteriormente mencionados. Na expetativa de alcançar um maior sucesso na aprendizagem e desenvolvimento das aptidões das crianças, bem como cativá-las através de novas formas de aprendizagem, iniciou-se a criação de um Jogo Digital - o projeto “Ortografar”. Este consiste num programa que permite, de uma forma interativa, ajudar as crianças com disortografia, contendo os casos especiais da língua portuguesa. É considerado um jogo digital sério, pois almeja o entretenimento da criança com perturbação no desenvolvimento – objetivo lúdico, bem como a aprendizagem/treino dos casos especiais da língua portuguesa – objetivo sério. Este trabalho teve, portanto como objetivo fornecer aos terapeutas destas crianças, bem assim como a pais ou cuidadores em geral, mais uma ferramenta de terapia / tratamento

    Aprendizagem híbrida aplicada à educação profissional de redes de computadores

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2017.Esta tese descreve o processo de ensino-aprendizagem utilizando as metodologias: Aprendizado Baseado em Problemas (ABP) e Aula Invertida (AI) para a disciplina de Comunicação em Redes de Computadores, do curso de Manutenção e Suporte em Informática, do Instituto Federal de Brasília. O desenvolvimento, atitude, desempenho dos estudantes e os resultados obtidos a partir da implementação das metodologias foram analisados e comparados. Participaram da pesquisa 160 estudantes, sendo que as turmas foram compostas, em média, por 14 estudantes. De 2011 a 2012, período em que o Método Tradicional de Ensino estava em uso, 53% dos estudantes que iniciaram e permaneceram na disciplina tinham notas abaixo da média de 6.0 (nota mínima, necessária, para aprovação). Em 2013 e 2014 (primeiro semestre), utilizou-se a metodologia ativa ABP, nesse período o desempenho estudantil melhorou, certa de 81% foram aprovados. Os estudantes desenvolveram habilidades transversais imprescindíveis para o mercado de trabalho, por exemplo: trabalho em equipe, liderança, autoconfiança, autonomia na tomada de decisão. Eles, ainda, conseguiram realizar atividades práticas com melhor desenvoltura, quando comparadas com o ensino tradicional. Porém, muitos estudantes apresentaram dificuldades em selecionar materiais de origem confiável e ainda gastavam muito tempo no processo de seleção desses conteúdos. Isso acontecia, segundo relatos dos estudantes, porque “o tempo era curto e os conteúdos ministrados eram complexos”. Diante dessas dificuldades, uma nova metodologia foi proposta. A partir do segundo semestre de 2014, adotou-se um método Híbrido, que envolveu as metodologias ABP e AI (cada método foi utilizado em momentos distintos durante a disciplina). Cerca de 85% dos estudantes foram aprovados. Problemas relacionados a qualidade de material, utilizados para consulta durante as atividades, foram aperfeiçoados. Dessa maneira, conseguiu-se minimizar as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos estudantes durante o desenvolvimento da metodologia ABP e qualidade dos trabalhos apresentados pelas grupos melhoraram, ou seja, o conteúdo apresentado continha melhor embasamento teórico e as soluções práticas foram realizadas com menos dificuldades por parte dos estudantes. O uso do Sistema de Gerenciamento de Aprendizado (Moodle) e aplicativos populares, como por exemplo: Whatsapp, Facebook Google Apps, serviram de apoio ao professor e estudantes durante as aulas. Devido à seleção de materiais de qualidade, a interação professor/monitor/estudante realizada nas aulas presenciais e a distância, o trabalho em equipe e o envolvimento interdisciplinar, contribuíram para a evolução da disciplina em questão. Os resultados foram analisados a partir da aplicação de questionário e análise qualitativa.This thesis describes the process of teaching and learning by the following methods: Problem Based Learning (PBL), Flipped-Classroom (FC), and Learning Management Systems (LMS) which were implemented in a Data Communication & Computer Network (DCCN) subject, in Computer Maintenance and Support (CMS) at the Federal Institute of Brasília. The attitude, retention and performance of students and the results obtained from the implementation of the methodologies were analyzed and compared and 160 students were enrolled with an average of 14 students per class. In 2011 to 2012, when Traditional Lecture (TL) was adopted, 53% of the initially enrolled students received scores lower than 6.0 (score necessary to be approved in the subject). In 2013 and second semester of 2014 the PBL method was used. During this period, the student’s performance improved to about 81% of the enrolled students achieving a score higher than 6. Learners developed transversal skills essential for the work based industry, eg. teamwork, leadership, self confidence, autonomy in decision-marking. They also managed to carry out practical activities with better resourcefulness compared to the TL method. However, many students had difficulty in selecting from approved sources of material and they spent a lot of time to obtain them. Many related “the time given was inadequate to develop the complicated activities proposed by the teacher”. Confronted with these difficulties we adopted a new blended method (the PBL and FC was used at different times in the CMS subject). By the second semester of 2014 and 2015 the score and quality of presented work had improved and 85% of students were approved in the discipline. Problems related to quality of materials used for reference during the activities also improved. Thus, we minimized the difficulties of the students presented during the PBL methodology. The quality of the activities presented by the teams had better theoretical contents and the practical solutions were performed with less difficulty when compared with other methodologies adopted in this research. The use of Learning Management System (Moodle) and popular applications, such as: Whatsapp, Facebook, Google Apps, helped the teacher and students during classroom and e-learning activities. We believe that the alignment of selected online lectures and student/teacher interactions, whether face-to-face or online tools, teamwork and interdisciplinary aspects, combined with the active learning component led to these improvements. The results and students’ perception were analyzed based on a questionnaire and qualitative analysis

    Influencia de la implementación de un proyecto de clase fundamentado en aprendizaje basado en proyectos y en formación de competencias en un curso de pregrado sobre procesos de maquinado

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    Fue evaluada la incidencia de implementar un proyecto de curso, estructurado bajo los lineamientos de aprendizaje basado en proyectos (ABP) y formación por competencias, en el desempeño de los estudiantes de un curso de pregrado sobre procesos de manufactura por maquinado. El proyecto concebido con este fin consistió en el desarrollo de un magazín con artículos y plataforma web desarrollados enteramente por los estudiantes. Fueron utilizados métodos mixtos de investigación educativa y un diseño cuasi-experimental que involucra mediciones del desempeño en un grupo denominado experimental y en otro grupo denominado de control. El grupo experimental corresponde a los estudiantes que tomaron la asignatura (Código SIA 2017214, 2012-03) en el segundo semestre de 2012, quienes desarrollaron el proyecto de curso mencionado, el grupo de control correspondió a estudiantes de semestres anteriores que no desarrollaron el proyecto de curso mencionado. Se concluyó que el proyecto tuvo influencia en el desarrollo de algunas competencias particulares.Abstract. The incidence of implementing a course project on the performance of students in an undergraduate course on manufacturing processes for machining was evaluated, under the guidelines of structured project-based learning (PBL) and skills training. The course project conceived for this purpose was the development of a magazine with articles and web platform developed entirely by students. Educational research by Mixed methods and quasi-experimental design were used, involving performance measures in a group called experimental and another group called control. The experimental group is for students who took the course in the second half of 2012 (SIA Code 2017214, 2012-03), who developed the mentioned course project, the control group corresponded to students of previous semesters who did not develop the project mentioned course. It was concluded that the project was influential in the development of certain competencies.Maestrí