18 research outputs found

    Identifying Potential Risks and Benefits of Using Cloud in Distributed Software Development

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    Cloud-based infrastructure has been increasingly adopted by the industry in distributed software development (DSD) environments. Its proponents claim that its several benefits include reduced cost, increased speed and greater productivity in software development. Empirical evaluations, however, are in the nascent stage of examining both the benefits and the risks of cloud-based in-frastructure. The objective of this paper is to identify potential benefits and risks of using cloud in a DSD project conducted by teams based in Helsinki and Ma-drid. A cross-case qualitative analysis is performed based on focus groups con-ducted at the Helsinki and Madrid sites. Participants’ observations are used to supplement the analysis. The results of the analysis indicated that the main ben-efits of using cloud are rapid development, continuous integration, cost savings, code sharing, and faster ramp-up. The key risks determined by the project are dependencies, unavailability of access to the cloud, code commitment and inte-gration, technical debt, and additional support costs. The results revealed that if such environments are not planned and set up carefully, the benefits of using cloud in DSD projects might be overshadowed by the risks associated with it.Peer reviewe

    Service Networks for Development Communities

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    Regression Analysis on Experience Based Factory Model for Software Development Process

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    Software organizations are still struggling to reuse the best of their knowledge and experiences in future projects. Often, when there are changes on employee re-assignment, a lot of time and effort are spent for knowledge transfer activities. This however may not assure that all knowledge and experiences are well transferred and shared; some could be missing or misplaced. In this study, a model has been proposed for managing knowledge and experiences based on experience factory approach to provide a more efficient and effective experience management for software development community. Experience Factory is an infrastructure that aims for reuse of products, processes and experiences gained during a system life cycle. A set of components have been identified as the predictors of the model which eventually forms the two main organizations: project organization and experience factory organization. This study further has gone through a correlational survey research to verify the relationship between the identified predictors towards the experience factory goals. Reliability analysis has been conducted to validate the measures, while correlation and regression analyses have been carried out to examine the relationship between the constructs and the goals. Results reveal that reliability of the model is high and construct validity is satisfactory. Experience factory organization is found having more positively significant towards experience goals as compared to project organization; however, there is no significant impact towards the model due to inexistence of causal relation

    Bases de datos de proyectos de software ágiles para ser utilizadas en simulación de proyectos

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    En este trabajo se presenta un proyecto de investigación denominado “Simulación en las Tics: Diseño de Simuladores de Procesos de Desarrollo de Software Agiles y Redes De Sensores Inalámbricos para la Industria y la Academia”, cuyo objetivo es diseñar simuladores de procesos de desarrollo de software ágiles y de redes de Sensores Inalámbricos para la Industria y la academia. Particularmente en este artículo se presentan los avances realizados en relación a construcción de un Sistema de Gestión de Datos Postmortem de Proyectos de Desarrollo de Software Que Utilizan Metodología Scrum.Eje: Ingeniería del Software.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Bases de datos de proyectos de software ágiles para ser utilizadas en simulación de proyectos

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    En este trabajo se presenta un proyecto de investigación denominado “Simulación en las Tics: Diseño de Simuladores de Procesos de Desarrollo de Software Agiles y Redes De Sensores Inalámbricos para la Industria y la Academia”, cuyo objetivo es diseñar simuladores de procesos de desarrollo de software ágiles y de redes de Sensores Inalámbricos para la Industria y la academia. Particularmente en este artículo se presentan los avances realizados en relación a construcción de un Sistema de Gestión de Datos Postmortem de Proyectos de Desarrollo de Software Que Utilizan Metodología Scrum.Eje: Ingeniería del Software.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Bases de datos de proyectos de software ágiles para ser utilizadas en simulación de proyectos

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    En este trabajo se presenta un proyecto de investigación denominado “Simulación en las Tics: Diseño de Simuladores de Procesos de Desarrollo de Software Agiles y Redes De Sensores Inalámbricos para la Industria y la Academia”, cuyo objetivo es diseñar simuladores de procesos de desarrollo de software ágiles y de redes de Sensores Inalámbricos para la Industria y la academia. Particularmente en este artículo se presentan los avances realizados en relación a construcción de un Sistema de Gestión de Datos Postmortem de Proyectos de Desarrollo de Software Que Utilizan Metodología Scrum.Eje: Ingeniería del Software.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Introducing Team Coordination Framework to Support Globally Distributed Teams for Pakistani Software Industry

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    Collaborative effort is required in DSD (Distributed Software Development) in order to develop software in manageable components. Immense effort is taking place due to the cultural, geographical and temporal distances among project teams in Pakistani Software Industry to this end. The purpose of this study is to propose a solution during DSD that will help the distributed teams in coordinating their activities. Our solution enhances the management associated activities and assists in optimal usage of team coordination in dispersed settings. The method that we used is single case study type, which involved distributed software business to assess the usefulness and efficiency related to Pakistan’s DSD industries, and has shown strong tendency of participants towards the effectiveness of proposed team coordination framework. Results indicate that the predictable solution will look up the group management, which is considered as a vigorous issue of Pakistani DSD industry. Furthermore, it will assist in resolving the problems of team coordination in distributed situation. One of the most significant current discussion about the proposed solution suggested that it helps in human communication methods team coordination in a distributed environment

    Agile development in cloud computing for eliciting non-functional requirements

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    Agile is a popular and growing software development methodology. In the agile methodology, requirements are refined based on collaborations with customers and team members. However, the agile process faces a lack of visibility across the development and delivery processes, has complex and disjointed development processes and lacks communication agility between disconnected owners, development teams, and users. Furthermore, Non-Functional Requirements (NFR) are ignored due to the nature of agile development that lacks knowledge of the user and developer about NFR. In addition, extraction of the NFR is difficult and this difficulty is increased because the agile methodology promotes change in requirement at any stage of the development. Cloud computing services have helped solve some of the issues in the agile process. However, to address the issues in agile development, this research developed a framework for Agile Development in Cloud Computing (ADCC) that uses the facilitation of cloud computing to solve the above-mentioned issues. An Automated NFR eXtraction (ANFRX) method was developed to extract NFR from the software requirement documents and interview notes wrote during requirement gathering. The ANFRX method exploited the semantic knowledge of words in the requirement to classify and extract the NFR. Furthermore, an NFR Elicitation (NFRElicit) approach was developed to help users and development teams in elicitation of NFR in cloud computing. NFRElicit approach used components such as an organization’s projects history, ANFRX method, software quality standards, and templates. The ADCC framework was evaluated by conducting a case study and industrial survey. The results of the case study showed that the use of ADCC framework facilitated the agile development process. In addition, the industrial survey results revealed that the ADCC framework had a positive significant impact on communication, development infrastructure provision, scalability, transparency and requirement engineering activities in agile development. The ANFRX method was evaluated by applying it on PROMISE-NFR dataset. ANFRX method improved 40% and 26% in terms of f-measure from the Cleland and Slankas studies, respectively. The NFRElicit approach was applied to eProcurement dataset and evaluated in terms of more “Successful”, less “Partial Success” and “Failure” to identify NFR in requirement sentences. The NFRElicit approach improved 11.36% and 2.27% in terms of increase in “Successful” NFR, decrease of 5.68% and 1.14% in terms of “Partial success” and decrease of 5.68% and 1.13% in terms of “Failure” from the Non-functional requirement, Elicitation, Reasoning and Validation (NERV) and Capturing, Eliciting and Predicting (CEP) methodologies, respectively. The findings have shown the process was able to elicit and extract NFR for agile development in cloud computing

    Systematic analysis of software development in cloud computing perceptions

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    Cloud computing is characterized as a shared computing and communication infrastructure. It encourages the efficient and effective developmental processes that are carried out in various organizations. Cloud computing offers both possibilities and solutions of problems for outsourcing and management of software developmental operations across distinct geography. Cloud computing is adopted by organizations and application developers for developing quality software. The cloud has the significant impact on utilizing the artificial complexity required in developing and designing quality software. Software developmental organization prefers cloud computing for outsourcing tasks because of its available and scalable nature. Cloud computing is the ideal choice utilized for development modern software as they have provided a completely new way of developing real-time cost-effective, efficient, and quality software. Tenants (providers, developers, and consumers) are provided with platforms, software services, and infrastructure based on pay per use phenomenon. Cloud-based software services are becoming increasingly popular, as observed by their widespread use. Cloud computing approach has drawn the interest of researchers and business because of its ability to provide a flexible and resourceful platform for development and deployment. To determine a cohesive understanding of the analyzed problems and solutions to improve the quality of software, the existing literature resources on cloud-based software development should be analyzed and synthesized systematically. Keyword strings were formulated for analyzing relevant research articles from journals, book chapters, and conference papers. The research articles published in (2011–2021) various scientific databases were extracted and analyzed for retrieval of relevant research articles. A total of 97 research publications are examined in this SLR and are evaluated to be appropriate studies in explaining and discussing the proposed topic. The major emphasis of the presented systematic literature review (SLR) is to identify the participating entities of cloud-based software development, challenges associated with adopting cloud for software developmental processes, and its significance to software industries and developers. This SLR will assist organizations, designers, and developers to develop and deploy user-friendly, efficient, effective, and real time software applications.Qatar University Internal Grant - No. IRCC‐2021‐010

    Complex system simulation: agent-based modeling and system dynamics

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    This thesis deals with some simulation based approaches used to study software market and software development. Nowadays, the term Software as a Service is everywhere and is described as the future of software. SaaS, also called On-Demand Software, is a software application delivery model that together with Commercial Open Source Software another pricing approach is slowly gaining ground. Indeed, in recent years, traditional software also called On-Premise software appears overpriced, user's willingness to buy it is decreased and therefore the purchase preferences are moving from traditional pricing models to new pricing approaches. To study these new pricing tendencies, different models have been realized by using two of the most common numerical techniques: Agent based Modeling and System Dynamics. With agent based modeling two business models have been realized: a model to study the competition among CRM On-Premise and On Demand vendors and another model to study the competition among CRM On-Demand vendors offering CRM products, with and without source code availability. Our goals are to propose business models to analyze and study the CRM software market, and to propose a useful tool to forecast business winning strategy and investment and pricing business policies. Instead, with system dynamics a tool for highlighting how a Global Software Development environment on the Cloud Platform may facilitate GSD with respect to an environment set up On Premise has been realized. All these models are based on many insights from literature and market analysis. However, concerning the business models, this is the first time that the software market has been modeled using heterogeneous agent model and detailing investment and pricing policies of firms and purchase preferences of customers, and consequently building the model on existing scientific knowledge has not been simple. In addition, lack of experimental data to initialize or validate the models clearly limits the validity of the models, and for this reason the future main objective will be to validate the model using real enterprise data