751 research outputs found

    Iniciativas globales para la Observación de la Tierra: Contribuciones europeas a GEOSS

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    El presente trabajo introduce las iniciativas europeas en materia de política espacial y datos medioambientales que contribuyen al Sistema Global de Sistemas para la Observación de la Tierra (Global Earth Observation System of Systems, GEOSS). En primer lugar se describe el contexto y objetivos de GEOSS como un sistema de sistemas que engloba y coordina multitud de sistemas independientes. En segundo lugar destacamos los principales objetivos, participantes y colaboraciones de las iniciativas concretas en el contexto europeo que aúnan esfuerzos de forma efectiva hacia GEOSSThis paper introduces the European initiatives in space policy and environmental data that contribute to the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). In the first place, it describes the context and objectives of GEOSS as a system of systems that includes and coordinates a multitude of separate systems. Secondly, the paper highlights the main objectives, participants and collaborations of the concrete initiatives that effectively join forces towards GEOSS in the European context

    Produtos disponibilizados via GEONETCast.

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    A Embrapa Monitoramento por Satélite (CNPM) é uma das instituições participantes do projeto internacional GEONETCast. A principal finalidade do projeto é o estabelecimento de um sistema de difusão de informações ambientais que permita a distribuição de dados de satélites, produtos e serviços do programa Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). Coordenado pela Comunidade Europeia, visa oferecer gratuitamente uma série de produtos de observação da Terra para países em desenvolvimento por meio da instalação de antenas de recepção de baixo custo.bitstream/item/78006/1/039-12.pd

    Towards Voluntary Interoperable Open Access Licenses for the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)

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    Access to earth observation data has become critically important for the wellbeing of society. A major impediment to achieving widespread sharing of earth observation data is lack of an operational web-wide system that is transparent and consistent in allowing users to legally access and use the earth observations of others without seeking permission from data contributors or investigating terms of usage on a case-by-case basis. This article explores approaches to supplying a license-based system to overcome this impediment in the context of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems. It discusses the benefits and drawbacks of the explored approaches and suggests an integrated legal and technological approach for supplying an effective web-wide sharing environment for earth observation data

    Towards Voluntary Interoperable Open Access Licenses for the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)

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    Access to earth observation data has become critically important for the wellbeing of society. A major impediment to achieving widespread sharing of earth ob-servation data is lack of an operational web-wide system that is transparent and consistent in allowing users to legally access and use the earth observations of others without seeking permission from data contributors or investigating terms of usage on a case-by-case basis. This article explores approaches to supplying a license-based system to overcome this impediment in the context of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems. It discusses the benefits and drawbacks of the explored approaches and suggests an integrated legal and technological approach for supplying an effective web-wide sharing environment for earth observation data

    Modeling Net-Centric System of Systems using the Dystems Modeling Language SysML

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    Understanding the operations of a large \u27net-centric system-of-systems requires in-depth knowledge of the interfaces among the various systems, sub-systems and components. Architectural modeling can help in reducing the complexity involved in designing such large networked systems. An example of such a complex system is the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) - a system for monitoring and collecting information related to Earth\u27s resources. This paper demonstrates the use of Systems Modeling Language (SysML), which supports specification, analysis, design, verification and validation of a broad range of complex systems, to model some aspects of the GEOSS. The paper discusses issues related to architecture description, development, presentation, and integration for the chosen domain. The paper discusses issues related to model evaluation and how architectures can be simulated to better understand their efficacy


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    Geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) from Earth-observing satellites offer opportunities for rapid assessment of areas endemic for vector-borne diseases including estimates of populations at risk and guidance to intervention strategies. This presentation deals with GIS and RS applications for the control of schistosomiasis in China and the Philippines. It includes large-scale risk mapping including identification of suitable habitats for Oncomelania hupensis, the intermediate host snail of Schistosoma japonicum. Predictions of infection risk are discussed with reference to ecological transformations and the potential impact of climate change and the potential for long-term temperature increases in the North as well as the impact on rivers, lakes and water resource developments. Potential integration of geospatial mapping and modeling in schistosomiasis surveillance and response systems in Asia within Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) guidelines in the health societal benefit area is discussed

    The role of science in physical natural hazard assessment : report to the UK Government by the Natural Hazard Working Group

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    Following the tragic Asian tsunami on 26 December 2004, the Prime Minister asked the Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir David King, to convene a group of experts (the Natural Hazard Working Group) to advise on the mechanisms that could and should be established for the detection and early warning of global physical natural hazards. 2. The Group was asked to examine physical hazards which have high global or regional impact and for which an appropriate early warning system could be put in place. It was also asked to consider the global natural hazard frameworks currently in place and under development and their effectiveness in using scientific evidence; to consider whether there is an existing appropriate international body to pull together the international science community to advise governments on the systems that need to be put in place, and to advise on research needed to fill current gaps in knowledge. The Group was asked to make recommendations on whether a new body was needed, or whether other arrangements would be more effective

    HelioClim-1: 21-years of daily values in solar radiation in one-click

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    International audienceThe HelioClim-1 database offers daily means of surface solar irradiance for the period 1985-2005 and has been cre-ated from archives of images of the Meteosat First Generation satellites. Expectations of users regarding access to similar data were carefully analyzed, especially regarding dissemination of and access to data, and were taken at the heart of the design of the database. Efforts were made to deliver time-series spanning over 21 years very rapidly on the Web with a limited number of clicks. The soundness of the approach by MINES ParisTech is now rewarded by the large number of access to HelioClim-1, approximately 400 per workday, and by the number of scientific publications using these data. The Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) has declared HelioClim-1 as a Data Collection of Open Resources for Everyone (GEOSS Data-CORE) in November 2011. A Web processing service (WPS) obeying the OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standard has been developed. Being interoperable, it can be invoked in operational routines, such as those under development in the European funded ENDORSE and MACC projects

    Towards Designing an Integrated Earth Observation System for the Provision of Solar Energy Resource and Assessment

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    The GEOSS strategic plan specifically targets the area of improved energy resource management due to the importance of these to the economic and social viability of every nation of the world. With the world s increasing demand for energy resources, the need for new alternative energy resources grows. This paper overviews a new initiative within the International Energy Agency that addresses needs to better manage and develop solar energy resources worldwide. The goal is to provide the solar energy industry, the electricity sector, governments, and renewable energy organizations and institutions with the most suitable and accurate information of the solar radiation resources at the Earth's surface in easily-accessible formats and understandable quality metrics. The scope of solar resource assessment information includes historic data sets and currently derived data products using satellite imagery and other means. Thus, this new task will address the needs of the solar energy sector while at the same time will serve as a model that satisfies GEOSS objectives and goals

    Aktuelle Trends der Flächennutzungsentwicklung, neue Indikatoren und Funktionalitäten des IÖR-Monitors

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    Der Monitor der Siedlungs- und Freiraumentwicklung (IÖR-Monitor) stellt seit 2010 Indikatoren zur Flächennutzungsentwicklung und zur Landschaftsqualität für Deutschland bereit. Vorgestellt werden aktuelle Ergebnisse der Flächennutzungsentwicklung und neue Indikatoren wie die Flächenproduktivität, Indikatoren zum Anteil von Siedlungs- und Verkehrsflächen sowie gebäudeüberbauten Flächen in amtlich festgesetzten Überschwemmungsgebieten, die Reliefvielfalt und -energie und die gehölzdominierte Ökotondichte. Ergänzt wurden Indikatoren zur Gesamtkraftverkehrs- und Fahrwegnetzdichte. Inzwischen werden viele Indikatoren auch als hochauflösende Rasterkarten bis zu 100 m Rasterweite präsentiert. Das ermöglicht interessante Differenzierungen insbesondere der Flächennutzung bzw. -bedeckung in urbanen und ruralen Landschaften. Ergänzt wurden WMS-Dienste, die die Einbindung der Rasterkarten in eigene GISUmgebungen ermöglichen. Die Datenangebote des IÖR-Monitors sind inzwischen INSPIRE-konform durch Metadaten beschrieben und Bestandteil der GDI-DE und des Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)