1,165 research outputs found

    Generalized models as a universal approach to the analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems

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    We present a universal approach to the investigation of the dynamics in generalized models. In these models the processes that are taken into account are not restricted to specific functional forms. Therefore a single generalized models can describe a class of systems which share a similar structure. Despite this generality, the proposed approach allows us to study the dynamical properties of generalized models efficiently in the framework of local bifurcation theory. The approach is based on a normalization procedure that is used to identify natural parameters of the system. The Jacobian in a steady state is then derived as a function of these parameters. The analytical computation of local bifurcations using computer algebra reveals conditions for the local asymptotic stability of steady states and provides certain insights on the global dynamics of the system. The proposed approach yields a close connection between modelling and nonlinear dynamics. We illustrate the investigation of generalized models by considering examples from three different disciplines of science: a socio-economic model of dynastic cycles in china, a model for a coupled laser system and a general ecological food web.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, (Fig. 2 in color

    Noise reduction in coarse bifurcation analysis of stochastic agent-based models: an example of consumer lock-in

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    We investigate coarse equilibrium states of a fine-scale, stochastic agent-based model of consumer lock-in in a duopolistic market. In the model, agents decide on their next purchase based on a combination of their personal preference and their neighbours' opinions. For agents with independent identically-distributed parameters and all-to-all coupling, we derive an analytic approximate coarse evolution-map for the expected average purchase. We then study the emergence of coarse fronts when spatial segregation is present in the relative perceived quality of products. We develop a novel Newton-Krylov method that is able to compute accurately and efficiently coarse fixed points when the underlying fine-scale dynamics is stochastic. The main novelty of the algorithm is in the elimination of the noise that is generated when estimating Jacobian-vector products using time-integration of perturbed initial conditions. We present numerical results that demonstrate the convergence properties of the numerical method, and use the method to show that macroscopic fronts in this model destabilise at a coarse symmetry-breaking bifurcation.Comment: This version of the manuscript was accepted for publication on SIAD

    Discrete Choices under Social Influence: Generic Properties

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    We consider a model of socially interacting individuals that make a binary choice in a context of positive additive endogenous externalities. It encompasses as particular cases several models from the sociology and economics literature. We extend previous results to the case of a general distribution of idiosyncratic preferences, called here Idiosyncratic Willingnesses to Pay (IWP). Positive additive externalities yield a family of inverse demand curves that include the classical downward sloping ones but also new ones with non constant convexity. When j, the ratio of the social influence strength to the standard deviation of the IWP distribution, is small enough, the inverse demand is a classical monotonic (decreasing) function of the adoption rate. Even if the IWP distribution is mono-modal, there is a critical value of j above which the inverse demand is non monotonic, decreasing for small and high adoption rates, but increasing within some intermediate range. Depending on the price there are thus either one or two equilibria. Beyond this first result, we exhibit the generic properties of the boundaries limiting the regions where the system presents different types of equilibria (unique or multiple). These properties are shown to depend only on qualitative features of the IWP distribution: modality (number of maxima), smoothness and type of support (compact or infinite). The main results are summarized as phase diagrams in the space of the model parameters, on which the regions of multiple equilibria are precisely delimited.Comment: 42 pages, 15 figure

    Steady State Solutions for a System of Partial Differential Equations Arising from Crime Modeling

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    I consider a model for the control of criminality in cities. The model was developed during my REU at UCLA. The model is a system of partial differential equations that simulates the behavior of criminals and where they may accumulate, hot spots. I have proved a prior bounds for the partial differential equations in both one-dimensional and higher dimensional case, which proves the attractiveness and density of criminals in the given area will not be unlimitedly high. In addition, I have found some local bifurcation points in the model
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