296 research outputs found

    Automatic tagging and geotagging in video collections and communities

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    Automatically generated tags and geotags hold great promise to improve access to video collections and online communi- ties. We overview three tasks offered in the MediaEval 2010 benchmarking initiative, for each, describing its use scenario, definition and the data set released. For each task, a reference algorithm is presented that was used within MediaEval 2010 and comments are included on lessons learned. The Tagging Task, Professional involves automatically matching episodes in a collection of Dutch television with subject labels drawn from the keyword thesaurus used by the archive staff. The Tagging Task, Wild Wild Web involves automatically predicting the tags that are assigned by users to their online videos. Finally, the Placing Task requires automatically assigning geo-coordinates to videos. The specification of each task admits the use of the full range of available information including user-generated metadata, speech recognition transcripts, audio, and visual features

    TALP-UPC at MediaEval 2014 Placing Task: Combining geographical knowledge bases and language models for large-scale textual georeferencing

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    This paper describes our Georeferencing approaches, experiments, and results at the MediaEval 2014 Placing Task evaluation. The task consists of predicting the most probable geographical coordinates of Flickr images and videos using its visual, audio and metadata associated features. Our approaches used only Flickr users textual metadata annotations and tagsets. We used four approaches for this task: 1) an approach based on Geographical Knowledge Bases (GeoKB), 2) the Hiemstra Language Model (HLM) approach with Re-Ranking, 3) a combination of the GeoKB and the HLM (GeoFusion). 4) a combination of the GeoFusion with a HLM model derived from the English Wikipedia georeferenced pages. The HLM approach with Re-Ranking showed the best performance within 10m to 1km distances. The GeoFusion approaches achieved the best results within the margin of errors from 10km to 5000km. This work has been supported by the Spanish Research Department (SKATER Project: TIN2012-38584-C06-01). TALP Research Center is recognized as a Quality Research Group (2014 SGR 1338) by AGAUR, the Research Department of the Catalan Government.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Georeferencing text using social media

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    Georeferencing textual annotations and tagsets with geographical knowledge and language models

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    Presentamos en este artículo cuatro aproximaciones al georeferenciado genérico de anotaciones textuales multilingües y etiquetas sem ánticas. Las cuatro aproximaciones se basan en el uso de 1) Conocimiento geogr áfi co, 2) Modelos del lenguaje (LM), 3) Modelos del lenguaje con predicciones re-ranking y 4) Fusi ón de las predicciones basadas en conocimiento geográfi co con otras aproximaciones. Los recursos empleados incluyen el gazetteer geogr áfi co Geonames, los modelos de recuperación de informaci ón TFIDF y BM25, el Hiemstra Language Modelling (HLM), listas de stop words para varias lenguas y un diccionario electróonico de la lengua inglesa. Los mejores resultados en precisión del georeferenciado se han obtenido con la aproximación de re-ranking que usa el HLM y con su fusióon con conocimiento geográfi co. Estas estrategias mejoran los mejores resultados de los mejores sistemas participantes en la tarea o cial de georeferenciado en MediaEval 2010. Nuestro mejor resultado obtiene una precisión de 68.53% en la tarea de geoeferenciado hasta 100 Km. This paper describes generic approaches for georeferencing multilingual textual annotations and sets of tags from metadata associated to textual or multimedia content with high precision. We present four approaches based on: 1) Geographical Knowledge, 2) Language Modelling (LM), 3) Language Modelling with Re-Ranking predictions, 4) Fusion of Geographical Knowledge predictions with the other approaches. The resources employed were the Geonames geographical gazetteer, the TFIDF and BM25 Information Retrieval algorithms, the Hiemstra Language Modelling (HLM) algorithm, stopwords lists from several languages, and an electronic English dictionary. The best results in georeferencing accuracy are achieved with the HLM Re-Ranking approach and its fusion with Geographical Knowledge. These strategies outperformed the best results in accuracy reported by the state-of-the art systems that participated at MediaEval 2010 official Placing task. Our best results achieved are 68.53% of accuracy georeferencing up to a distance of 100 Km.Postprint (author’s final draft

    Horizon Report 2009

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    El informe anual Horizon investiga, identifica y clasifica las tecnologías emergentes que los expertos que lo elaboran prevén tendrán un impacto en la enseñanza aprendizaje, la investigación y la producción creativa en el contexto educativo de la enseñanza superior. También estudia las tendencias clave que permiten prever el uso que se hará de las mismas y los retos que ellos suponen para las aulas. Cada edición identifica seis tecnologías o prácticas. Dos cuyo uso se prevé emergerá en un futuro inmediato (un año o menos) dos que emergerán a medio plazo (en dos o tres años) y dos previstas a más largo plazo (5 años)

    Automatic tagging and geotagging in video collections and communities

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    Geotagging Text Content With Language Models and Feature Mining

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    Farm 2.0 Using Wordpress to Manage Geocontent and Promote Regional Food Products

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.Recent innovations in geospatial technology have dramatically increased the utility and ubiquity of cartographic interfaces and spatially-referenced content on the web. Capitalizing on these developments, the Farm2.0 system demonstrates an approach to manage user-generated geocontent pertaining to European protected designation of origin (PDO) food products.Wordpress, a popular open-source publishing platform, supplies the framework for a geographic content management system, or GeoCMS, to promote PDO products in the Spanish province of Valencia. The Wordpress platform is modified through a suite of plug-ins and customizations to create an extensible application that could be easily deployed in other regions and administrated cooperatively by distributed regulatory councils. Content, either regional recipes or map locations for vendors and farms, is available for syndication as a GeoRSS feed and aggregated with outside feeds in a dynamic web map

    Exploring place through user-generated content: Using Flickr tags to describe city cores

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    Terms used to describe city centers, such as Downtown, are key concepts in everyday or vernacular language. Here, we explore such language by harvesting georeferenced and tagged metadata associated with 8 million Flickr images and thus consider how large numbers of people name city core areas. The nature of errors and imprecision in tagging and georeferencing are quantified, and automatically generated precision measures appear to mirror errors in the positioning of images. Users seek to ascribe appropriate semantics to images, though bulk-uploading and bulk-tagging may introduce bias. Between 0.5--2% of tags associated with georeferenced images analyzed describe city core areas generically, while 70% of all georeferenced images analyzed include specific place name tags, with place names at the granularity of city names being by far the most common. Using Flickr metadata, it is possible not only to describe the use of the term Downtown across the USA, but also to explore the borders of city center neighborhoods at the level of individual cities, whilst accounting for bias by the use of tag profiles