92 research outputs found

    Exploiting User Comments for Audio-Visual Content Indexing and Retrieval

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    State-of-the-art content sharing platforms often require users to assign tags to pieces of media in order to make them easily retrievable. Since this task is sometimes perceived as tedious or boring, annotations can be sparse. Commenting on the other hand is a frequently used means of expressing user opinion towards shared media items. This work makes use of time series analyses in order to infer potential tags and indexing terms for audio-visual content from user comments. In this way, we mitigate the vocabulary gap between queries and document descriptors. Additionally, we show how large-scale encyclopaedias such as Wikipedia can aid the task of tag prediction by serving as surrogates for high-coverage natural language vocabulary lists. Our evaluation is conducted on a corpus of several million real-world user comments from the popular video sharing platform YouTube, and demonstrates signicant improvements in retrieval performance

    Multifaceted Geotagging for Streaming News

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    News sources on the Web generate constant streams of information, describing the events that shape our world. In particular, geography plays a key role in the news, and understanding the geographic information present in news allows for its useful spatial browsing and retrieval. This process of understanding is called geotagging, and involves first finding in the document all textual references to geographic locations, known as toponyms, and second, assigning the correct lat/long values to each toponym, steps which are termed toponym recognition and toponym resolution, respectively. These steps are difficult due to ambiguities in natural language: some toponyms share names with non-location entities, and further, a given toponym can have many location interpretations. Removing these ambiguities is crucial for successful geotagging. To this end, geotagging methods are described which were developed for streaming news. First, a spatio-textual search engine named STEWARD, and an interactive map-based news browsing system named NewsStand are described, which feature geotaggers as central components, and served as motivating systems and experimental testbeds for developing geotagging methods. Next, a geotagging methodology is presented that follows a multifaceted approach involving a variety of techniques. First, a multifaceted toponym recognition process is described that uses both rule-based and machine learning–based methods to ensure high toponym recall. Next, various forms of toponym resolution evidence are explored. One such type of evidence is lists of toponyms, termed comma groups, whose toponyms share a common thread in their geographic properties that enables correct resolution. In addition to explicit evidence, authors take advantage of the implicit geographic knowledge of their audiences. Understanding the local places known by an audience, termed its local lexicon, affords great performance gains when geotagging articles from local newspapers, which account for the vast majority of news on the Web. Finally, considering windows of text of varying size around each toponym, termed adaptive context, allows for a tradeoff between geotagging execution speed and toponym resolution accuracy. Extensive experimental evaluations of all the above methods, using existing and two newly-created, large corpora of streaming news, show great performance gains over several competing prominent geotagging methods

    Suomenkielisen geojäsentimen kehittäminen: kuinka hankkia sijaintitietoa jäsentelemättömistä tekstiaineistoista

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    Alati enemmän aineistoa tuotetaan ja jaetaan internetin kautta. Aineistot ovat vaihtelevia muodoiltaan, kuten verkkoartikkelien ja sosiaalisen media julkaisujen kaltaiset digitaaliset tekstit, ja niillä on usein spatiaalinen ulottuvuus. Teksteissä geospatiaalisuutta ilmaistaan paikannimien kautta, mutta tavanomaisilla paikkatietomenetelmillä ei kyetä käsittelemään tietoa epätäsmällisessä kielellisessä asussaan. Tämä on luonut tarpeen muuntaa tekstimuotoisen sijaintitiedon näkyvään muotoon, koordinaateiksi. Ongelmaa ratkaisemaan on kehitetty geojäsentimiä, jotka tunnistavat ja paikantavat paikannimet vapaista teksteistä, ja jotka oikein toimiessaan voisivat toimia paikkatiedon lähteenä maantieteellisessä tutkimuksessa. Geojäsentämistä onkin sovellettu katastrofihallinnasta kirjallisuudentutkimukseen. Merkittävässä osassa geojäsentämisen tutkimusta tutkimusaineiston kielenä on ollut englanti ja geojäsentimetkin ovat kielikohtaisia – tämä jättää pimentoon paitsi geojäsentimien kehitykseen vaikuttavat havainnot pienemmistä kielistä myös kyseisten kielten puhujien näkemykset. Maisterintutkielmassani pyrin vastaamaan kolmeen tutkimuskysymykseen: Mitkä ovat edistyneimmät geojäsentämismenetelmät? Mitkä kielelliset ja maantieteelliset monitulkintaisuudet vaikeuttavat tämän monitahoisen ongelman ratkaisua? Ja miten arvioida geojäsentimien luotettavuutta ja käytettävyyttä? Tutkielman soveltavassa osuudessa esittelen Fingerin, geojäsentimen suomen kielelle, ja kuvaan sen kehitystä sekä suorituskyvyn arviointia. Arviointia varten loin kaksi testiaineistoa, joista toinen koostuu Twitter-julkaisuista ja toinen uutisartikkeleista. Finger-geojäsennin, testiaineistot ja relevantit ohjelmakoodit jaetaan avoimesti. Geojäsentäminen voidaan jakaa kahteen alitehtävään: paikannimien tunnistamiseen tekstivirrasta ja paikannimien ratkaisemiseen oikeaan koordinaattipisteeseen mahdollisesti useasta kandidaatista. Molemmissa vaiheissa uusimmat metodit nojaavat syväoppimismalleihin ja -menetelmiin, joiden syötteinä ovat sanaupotusten kaltaiset vektorit. Geojäsentimien suoriutumista testataan aineistoilla, joissa paikannimet ja niiden koordinaatit tiedetään. Mittatikkuna tunnistamisessa on vastaavuus ja ratkaisemisessa etäisyys oikeasta sijainnista. Finger käyttää paikannimitunnistinta, joka hyödyntää suomenkielistä BERT-kielimallia, ja suoraviivaista tietokantahakua paikannimien ratkaisemiseen. Ohjelmisto tuottaa taulukkomuotoiseksi jäsenneltyä paikkatietoa, joka sisältää syötetekstit ja niistä mahdollisesti tunnistetut paikannimet koordinaattisijainteineen. Testiaineistot eroavat aihepiireiltään, mutta Finger suoriutuu niillä likipitäen samoin, ja suoriutuu englanninkielisillä aineistoilla tehtyihin arviointeihin suhteutettuna kelvollisesti. Virheanalyysi paljastaa useita virhelähteitä, jotka johtuvat kielten tai maantieteellisen todellisuuden luontaisesta epäselvyydestä tai ovat prosessoinnin aiheuttamia, kuten perusmuotoistamisvirheet. Kaikkia osia Fingerissä voidaan parantaa, muun muassa kehittämällä kielellistä käsittelyä pidemmälle ja luomalla kattavampia testiaineistoja. Samoin tulevaisuuden geojäsentimien tulee kyetä käsittelemään monimutkaisempia kielellisiä ja maantieteellisiä kuvaustapoja kuin pelkät paikannimet ja koordinaattipisteet. Finger ei nykymuodossaan tuota valmista paikkatietoa, jota kannattaisi kritiikittä käyttää. Se on kuitenkin lupaava ensiaskel suomen kielen geojäsentimille ja astinlauta vastaisuuden soveltavalle tutkimukselle.Ever more data is available and shared through the internet. The big data masses often have a spatial dimension and can take many forms, one of which are digital texts, such as articles or social media posts. The geospatial links in these texts are made through place names, also called toponyms, but traditional GIS methods are unable to deal with the fuzzy linguistic information. This creates the need to transform the linguistic location information to an explicit coordinate form. Several geoparsers have been developed to recognize and locate toponyms in free-form texts: the task of these systems is to be a reliable source of location information. Geoparsers have been applied to topics ranging from disaster management to literary studies. Major language of study in geoparser research has been English and geoparsers tend to be language-specific, which threatens to leave the experiences provided by studying and expressed in smaller languages unexplored. This thesis seeks to answer three research questions related to geoparsing: What are the most advanced geoparsing methods? What linguistic and geographical features complicate this multi-faceted problem? And how to evaluate the reliability and usability of geoparsers? The major contributions of this work are an open-source geoparser for Finnish texts, Finger, and two test datasets, or corpora, for testing Finnish geoparsers. One of the datasets consists of tweets and the other of news articles. All of these resources, including the relevant code for acquiring the test data and evaluating the geoparser, are shared openly. Geoparsing can be divided into two sub-tasks: recognizing toponyms amid text flows and resolving them to the correct coordinate location. Both tasks have seen a recent turn to deep learning methods and models, where the input texts are encoded as, for example, word embeddings. Geoparsers are evaluated against gold standard datasets where toponyms and their coordinates are marked. Performance is measured on equivalence and distance-based metrics for toponym recognition and resolution respectively. Finger uses a toponym recognition classifier built on a Finnish BERT model and a simple gazetteer query to resolve the toponyms to coordinate points. The program outputs structured geodata, with input texts and the recognized toponyms and coordinate locations. While the datasets represent different text types in terms of formality and topics, there is little difference in performance when evaluating Finger against them. The overall performance is comparable to the performance of geoparsers of English texts. Error analysis reveals multiple error sources, caused either by the inherent ambiguousness of the studied language and the geographical world or are caused by the processing itself, for example by the lemmatizer. Finger can be improved in multiple ways, such as refining how it analyzes texts and creating more comprehensive evaluation datasets. Similarly, the geoparsing task should move towards more complex linguistic and geographical descriptions than just toponyms and coordinate points. Finger is not, in its current state, a ready source of geodata. However, the system has potential to be the first step for geoparsers for Finnish and it can be a steppingstone for future applied research

    A Process Evaluation of Intelligence Gathering Using Social Media for Emergency Management Organizations in California

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    When responding to an emergency, correct and timely information is often the difference between a successful response and a potential disaster. The information that emergency managers in California receive from the public often dictates how agencies respond to emergencies. The emergence of social media has presented several benefits to emergency managers regarding intelligence gathering during the emergency response process. Simultaneously, the emergence of social media has raised several concerns for the stakeholders involved. One major issue involves inaccurate information circulating on social media platforms during ongoing disasters. If emergency managers cannot discern incorrect information from correct information, disaster response may be less effective. Rumors and misinformation tend to circulate before, during, and after emergencies. Although incorrect information circulating on social media cannot be stopped in totality, emergency managers can use cutting-edge technology and strategies to discern and counteract false information. New technologies and intelligence gathering tools can be used as a source of intelligence to relay lifesaving information to the public. Past negative examples of inaccurate information on social media influencing stakeholder decision-making raise the focus of this research: How can emergency management agencies in California leverage the flow of valid information on social media during crisis conditions

    Lexicon-based bot-aware public emotion mining and sentiment analysis of the Nigerian 2019 presidential election on Twitter

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    Online social networks have been widely engaged as rich potential platforms to predict election outcomes' in several countries of the world. The vast amount of readily-available data on such platforms, coupled with the emerging power of natural language processing algorithms and tools, have made it possible to mine and generate foresight into the possible directions of elections' outcome. In this paper, lexicon-based public emotion mining and sentiment analysis were conducted to predict win in the 2019 presidential election in Nigeria. 224,500 tweets, associated with the two most prominent political parties in Nigeria, People's Democratic Party (PDP) and All Progressive Congress (APC), and the two most prominent presidential candidates that represented these parties in the 2019 elections, Atiku Abubakar and Muhammadu Buhari, were collected between 9th October 2018 and 17th December 2018 via the Twitter's streaming API. tm and NRC libraries, defined in the 'R' integrated development environment, were used for data cleaning and preprocessing purposes. Botometer was introduced to detect the presence of automated bots in the preprocessed data while NRC Word Emotion Association Lexicon (EmoLex) was used to generate distributions of subjective public sentiments and emotions that surround the Nigerian 2019 presidential election. Emotions were grouped into eight categories (sadness, trust, anger, fear, joy, anticipation, disgust, surprise) while sentiments were grouped into two (negative and positive) based on Plutchik's emotion wheel. Results obtained indicate a higher positive and a lower negative sentiment for APC than was observed with PDP. Similarly, for the presidential aspirants, Atiku has a slightly higher positive and a slightly lower negative sentiment than was observed with Buhari. These results show that APC is the predicted winning party and Atiku as the most preferred winner of the 2019 presidential election. These predictions were corroborated by the actual election results as APC emerged as the winning party while Buhari and Atiku shared very close vote margin in the election. Hence, this research is an indication that twitter data can be appropriately used to predict election outcomes and other offline future events. Future research could investigate spatiotemporal dimensions of the prediction

    A survey on the geographic scope of textual documents.

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    Recognizing references to places in texts is needed in many applications, such assearch engines,loca- tion-based social media and document classification. In this paper we present a survey of methods and techniques for there cognition and identification of places referenced in texts. We discuss concept sand terminology, and propose a classification of the solutions given in the literature. We introduce a definition of the Geographic Scope Resolution (GSR) problem, dividing it in three steps: geoparsing, reference resolution, and grounding references. Solutions to the first two steps are organized according to the method used, and solutions to the third step are organized according to the type of out put produced. We found that it is difficult to compare existing solutions directly to one another, because they of ten create their own bench marking data, targeted to their own problem

    Innovation in aquaculture teaching and learning

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    This report has been prepared by the Workpackage 5 working group on innovation in learning. It aims to summarise the main findings of the group, and serve as an introduction to the topic for teachers and learners in aquaculture and aquatic resources management. The main focus of the group is the use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning. The increasing power of computers and particularly their interconnections through the Internet, is changing the social and economic landscape and presenting new opportunities and challenges for learners, educators and academic institutions. This document has been developed from presentations and discussions between the group members. It aims to identify the key technologies and trends affecting higher education in Europe and potential responses by the aquaculture and aquatic resource community. The aim is to briefly introduce key themes, technologies and state of the art. Most of the topics can be explored in much greater detail through the Internet links that are provided at the end of each section

    Assessing the validity of location-based social media in the study of spatial processes

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    The advent of big spatial data has created new opportunities for studying geographic phenomena. Open mapping projects, citizen science initiatives, and location-based social media all fall under the umbrella of volunteered geographic information and are now frequently used spatial data sources. The fact that these sources are user-contributed as opposed to gathered by experts has raised significant concerns over data quality. While data accuracy, particularly in open mapping projects (e.g., OpenStreetMap), has been given considerable attention, far less has been paid to data validity, specifically on location-based social media. In this three article dissertation, I explore the validity of location-based social media in the study of spatial processes. In the first article, I implement a survey on the Oklahoma State campus to explore college students' behaviors and perceptions of location-based social media and note differences in terms of gender, race, and academic standing. The second and third articles are empirical studies utilizing geolocated data from Twitter, a popular social media platform. The second article makes use of precise location data (e.g., latitude - longitude) and uses geographically weighted regression to explore the patterns of non-English Twitter usage in Houston, Texas. The third article uses general location data (e.g., city) to explore the patterns of #BlackLivesMatter and counter-protest content across the states of Louisiana and Texas. The results of these studies collectively provide an optimistic, though cautionary, outlook on the use of location-based social media data in geography

    Automated Structural and Spatial Comprehension of Data Tables

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    Data tables on the Web hold large quantities of information, but are difficult to search, browse, and merge using existing systems. This dissertation presents a collection of techniques for extracting, processing, and querying tables that contain geographic data, by harnessing the coherence of table structures for retrieval tasks. Data tables, including spreadsheets, HTML tables, and those found in rich document formats, are the standard way of communicating structured data for typical computer users. Notably, geographic tables (i.e., those containing names of locations) constitute a large fraction of publicly-available data tables and are ripe for exposure to Internet users who are increasingly comfortable interacting with geographic data using web-based maps. Of particular interest is the creation of a large repository of geographic data tables that would enable novel queries such as "find vacation itineraries geographically similar to mine" for use in trip planning or "find demographic datasets that cover regions X, Y, and Z" for sociological research. In support of these goals, this dissertation identifies several methods for using the structure and context of data tables to improve the interpretation of the contents, even in the presence of ambiguity. First, a method for identifying functional components of data tables is presented, capitalizing on techniques for sequence labeling that are used in natural language processing. Next, a novel automated method for converting place references to physical latitude/longitude values, a process known as geotagging, is applied to tables with high accuracy. A classification procedure for identifying a specific class of geographic table, the travel itinerary, is also described, which borrows inspiration from optimization techniques for the traveling salesman problem (TSP). Finally, methods for querying spatially similar tables are introduced and several mechanisms for visualizing and interacting with the extracted geographic data are explored