430 research outputs found

    A Geometric Approach to Sound Source Localization from Time-Delay Estimates

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    This paper addresses the problem of sound-source localization from time-delay estimates using arbitrarily-shaped non-coplanar microphone arrays. A novel geometric formulation is proposed, together with a thorough algebraic analysis and a global optimization solver. The proposed model is thoroughly described and evaluated. The geometric analysis, stemming from the direct acoustic propagation model, leads to necessary and sufficient conditions for a set of time delays to correspond to a unique position in the source space. Such sets of time delays are referred to as feasible sets. We formally prove that every feasible set corresponds to exactly one position in the source space, whose value can be recovered using a closed-form localization mapping. Therefore we seek for the optimal feasible set of time delays given, as input, the received microphone signals. This time delay estimation problem is naturally cast into a programming task, constrained by the feasibility conditions derived from the geometric analysis. A global branch-and-bound optimization technique is proposed to solve the problem at hand, hence estimating the best set of feasible time delays and, subsequently, localizing the sound source. Extensive experiments with both simulated and real data are reported; we compare our methodology to four state-of-the-art techniques. This comparison clearly shows that the proposed method combined with the branch-and-bound algorithm outperforms existing methods. These in-depth geometric understanding, practical algorithms, and encouraging results, open several opportunities for future work.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, 3 table, journa

    Omnidirectional Bats, Point-to-Plane Distances, and the Price of Uniqueness

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    We study simultaneous localization and mapping with a device that uses reflections to measure its distance from walls. Such a device can be realized acoustically with a synchronized collocated source and receiver; it behaves like a bat with no capacity for directional hearing or vocalizing. In this paper we generalize our previous work in 2D, and show that the 3D case is not just a simple extension, but rather a fundamentally different inverse problem. While generically the 2D problem has a unique solution, in 3D uniqueness is always absent in rooms with fewer than nine walls. In addition to the complete characterization of ambiguities which arise due to this non-uniqueness, we propose a robust solution for inexact measurements similar to analogous results for Euclidean Distance Matrices. Our theoretical results have important consequences for the design of collocated range-only SLAM systems, and we support them with an array of computer experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, submitted to ICASSP 201

    Raking the Cocktail Party

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    We present the concept of an acoustic rake receiver---a microphone beamformer that uses echoes to improve the noise and interference suppression. The rake idea is well-known in wireless communications; it involves constructively combining different multipath components that arrive at the receiver antennas. Unlike spread-spectrum signals used in wireless communications, speech signals are not orthogonal to their shifts. Therefore, we focus on the spatial structure, rather than temporal. Instead of explicitly estimating the channel, we create correspondences between early echoes in time and image sources in space. These multiple sources of the desired and the interfering signal offer additional spatial diversity that we can exploit in the beamformer design. We present several "intuitive" and optimal formulations of acoustic rake receivers, and show theoretically and numerically that the rake formulation of the maximum signal-to-interference-and-noise beamformer offers significant performance boosts in terms of noise and interference suppression. Beyond signal-to-noise ratio, we observe gains in terms of the \emph{perceptual evaluation of speech quality} (PESQ) metric for the speech quality. We accompany the paper by the complete simulation and processing chain written in Python. The code and the sound samples are available online at \url{http://lcav.github.io/AcousticRakeReceiver/}.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, Accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing (Special Issue on Spatial Audio

    Mathematical modelling ano optimization strategies for acoustic source localization in reverberant environments

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    La presente Tesis se centra en el uso de técnicas modernas de optimización y de procesamiento de audio para la localización precisa y robusta de personas dentro de un entorno reverberante dotado con agrupaciones (arrays) de micrófonos. En esta tesis se han estudiado diversos aspectos de la localización sonora, incluyendo el modelado, la algoritmia, así como el calibrado previo que permite usar los algoritmos de localización incluso cuando la geometría de los sensores (micrófonos) es desconocida a priori. Las técnicas existentes hasta ahora requerían de un número elevado de micrófonos para obtener una alta precisión en la localización. Sin embargo, durante esta tesis se ha desarrollado un nuevo método que permite una mejora de más del 30\% en la precisión de la localización con un número reducido de micrófonos. La reducción en el número de micrófonos es importante ya que se traduce directamente en una disminución drástica del coste y en un aumento de la versatilidad del sistema final. Adicionalmente, se ha realizado un estudio exhaustivo de los fenómenos que afectan al sistema de adquisición y procesado de la señal, con el objetivo de mejorar el modelo propuesto anteriormente. Dicho estudio profundiza en el conocimiento y modelado del filtrado PHAT (ampliamente utilizado en localización acústica) y de los aspectos que lo hacen especialmente adecuado para localización. Fruto del anterior estudio, y en colaboración con investigadores del instituto IDIAP (Suiza), se ha desarrollado un sistema de auto-calibración de las posiciones de los micrófonos a partir del ruido difuso presente en una sala en silencio. Esta aportación relacionada con los métodos previos basados en la coherencia. Sin embargo es capaz de reducir el ruido atendiendo a parámetros físicos previamente conocidos (distancia máxima entre los micrófonos). Gracias a ello se consigue una mejor precisión utilizando un menor tiempo de cómputo. El conocimiento de los efectos del filtro PHAT ha permitido crear un nuevo modelo que permite la representación 'sparse' del típico escenario de localización. Este tipo de representación se ha demostrado ser muy conveniente para localización, permitiendo un enfoque sencillo del caso en el que existen múltiples fuentes simultáneas. La última aportación de esta tesis, es el de la caracterización de las Matrices TDOA (Time difference of arrival -Diferencia de tiempos de llegada, en castellano-). Este tipo de matrices son especialmente útiles en audio pero no están limitadas a él. Además, este estudio transciende a la localización con sonido ya que propone métodos de reducción de ruido de las medias TDOA basados en una representación matricial 'low-rank', siendo útil, además de en localización, en técnicas tales como el beamforming o el autocalibrado

    Acoustic Echoes Reveal Room Shape

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    Imagine that you are blindfolded inside an unknown room. You snap your fingers and listen to the room’s response. Can you hear the shape of the room? Some people can do it naturally, but can we design computer algorithms that hear rooms? We show how to compute the shape of a convex polyhedral room from its response to a known sound, recorded by a few microphones. Geometric relationships between the arrival times of echoes enable us to “blindfoldedly” estimate the room geometry. This is achieved by exploiting the properties of Euclidean distance matrices. Furthermore, we show that under mild conditions, first-order echoes provide a unique description of convex polyhedral rooms. Our algorithm starts from the recorded impulse responses and proceeds by learning the correct assignment of echoes to walls. In contrast to earlier methods, the proposed algorithm reconstructs the full three-dimensional geometry of the room from a single sound emission, and with an arbitrary geometry of the microphone array. As long as the microphones can hear the echoes, we can position them as we want. Besides answering a basic question about the inverse problem of room acoustics, our results find applications in areas such as architectural acoustics, indoor localization, virtual reality and audio forensics

    From Acoustic Room Reconstruction to SLAM

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    Recent works on reconstruction of room geometry from echoes assume that the geometry of the sensor array is known. In this paper, we show that such an assumption is not essential; echoes provide sufficient clues to reconstruct the room’s and the array’s geometries jointly, even from a single acoustic event. Rather than focusing on the combinatorial problem of matching the walls and the recorded echoes, we provide algorithms for solving the joint estimation problem in practical cases when this matching is known and the number of microphones is small. We then explore intriguing connections between this problem and simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), and show that SLAM can be solved by the same methods. Finally, we demonstrate how effective the proposed methods are by numerical simulations and experiments with real measured room impulse responses

    Acoustic sensor network geometry calibration and applications

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    In the modern world, we are increasingly surrounded by computation devices with communication links and one or more microphones. Such devices are, for example, smartphones, tablets, laptops or hearing aids. These devices can work together as nodes in an acoustic sensor network (ASN). Such networks are a growing platform that opens the possibility for many practical applications. ASN based speech enhancement, source localization, and event detection can be applied for teleconferencing, camera control, automation, or assisted living. For this kind of applications, the awareness of auditory objects and their spatial positioning are key properties. In order to provide these two kinds of information, novel methods have been developed in this thesis. Information on the type of auditory objects is provided by a novel real-time sound classification method. Information on the position of human speakers is provided by a novel localization and tracking method. In order to localize with respect to the ASN, the relative arrangement of the sensor nodes has to be known. Therefore, different novel geometry calibration methods were developed. Sound classification The first method addresses the task of identification of auditory objects. A novel application of the bag-of-features (BoF) paradigm on acoustic event classification and detection was introduced. It can be used for event and speech detection as well as for speaker identification. The use of both mel frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) and Gammatone frequency cepstral coefficient (GFCC) features improves the classification accuracy. By using soft quantization and introducing supervised training for the BoF model, superior accuracy is achieved. The method generalizes well from limited training data. It is working online and can be computed in a fraction of real-time. By a dedicated training strategy based on a hierarchy of stationarity, the detection of speech in mixtures with noise was realized. This makes the method robust against severe noises levels corrupting the speech signal. Thus it is possible to provide control information to a beamformer in order to realize blind speech enhancement. A reliable improvement is achieved in the presence of one or more stationary noise sources. Speaker localization The localization method enables each node to determine the direction of arrival (DoA) of concurrent sound sources. The author's neuro-biologically inspired speaker localization method for microphone arrays was refined for the use in ASNs. By implementing a dedicated cochlear and midbrain model, it is robust against the reverberation found in indoor rooms. In order to better model the unknown number of concurrent speakers, an application of the EM algorithm that realizes probabilistic clustering according to auditory scene analysis (ASA) principles was introduced. Based on this approach, a system for Euclidean tracking in ASNs was designed. Each node applies the node wise localization method and shares probabilistic DoA estimates together with an estimate of the spectral distribution with the network. As this information is relatively sparse, it can be transmitted with low bandwidth. The system is robust against jitter and transmission errors. The information from all nodes is integrated according to spectral similarity to correctly associate concurrent speakers. By incorporating the intersection angle in the triangulation, the precision of the Euclidean localization is improved. Tracks of concurrent speakers are computed over time, as is shown with recordings in a reverberant room. Geometry calibration The central task of geometry calibration has been solved with special focus on sensor nodes equipped with multiple microphones. Novel methods were developed for different scenarios. An audio-visual method was introduced for the calibration of ASNs in video conferencing scenarios. The DoAs estimates are fused with visual speaker tracking in order to provide sensor positions in a common coordinate system. A novel acoustic calibration method determines the relative positioning of the nodes from ambient sounds alone. Unlike previous methods that only infer the positioning of distributed microphones, the DoA is incorporated and thus it becomes possible to calibrate the orientation of the nodes with a high accuracy. This is very important for all applications using the spatial information, as the triangulation error increases dramatically with bad orientation estimates. As speech events can be used, the calibration becomes possible without the requirement of playing dedicated calibration sounds. Based on this, an online method employing a genetic algorithm with incremental measurements was introduced. By using the robust speech localization method, the calibration is computed in parallel to the tracking. The online method is be able to calibrate ASNs in real time, as is shown with recordings of natural speakers in a reverberant room. The informed acoustic sensor network All new methods are important building blocks for the use of ASNs. The online methods for localization and calibration both make use of the neuro-biologically inspired processing in the nodes which leads to state-of-the-art results, even in reverberant enclosures. The high robustness and reliability can be improved even more by including the event detection method in order to exclude non-speech events. When all methods are combined, both semantic information on what is happening in the acoustic scene as well as spatial information on the positioning of the speakers and sensor nodes is automatically acquired in real time. This realizes truly informed audio processing in ASNs. Practical applicability is shown by application to recordings in reverberant rooms. The contribution of this thesis is thus not only to advance the state-of-the-art in automatically acquiring information on the acoustic scene, but also pushing the practical applicability of such methods