5 research outputs found

    On the effects of the fix geometric constraint in 2D profiles on the reusability of parametric 3D CAD models

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    [EN] In order to be reusable, history-based feature-based parametric CAD models must reliably allow for modifications while maintaining their original design intent. In this paper, we demonstrate that relations that fix the location of geometric entities relative to the reference system produce inflexible profiles that reduce model reusability. We present the results of an experiment where novice students and expert CAD users performed a series of modifications in different versions of the same 2D profile, each defined with an increasingly higher number of fix geometric constraints. Results show that the amount of fix constraints in a 2D profile correlates with the time required to complete reusability tasks, i.e., the higher the number of fix constraints in a 2D profile, the less flexible and adaptable the profile becomes to changes. In addition, a pilot software tool to automatically track this type of constraints was developed and tested. Results suggest that the detection of fix constraint overuse may result in a new metric to assess poor quality models with low reusability. The tool provides immediate feedback for preventing high semantic level quality errors, and assistance to CAD users. Finally, suggestions are introduced on how to convert fix constraints in 2D profiles into a negative metric of 3D model quality.The authors would like to thank Raquel Plumed for her support in the statistical analysis. This work has been partially funded by Grant UJI-A02017-15 (Universitat Jaume I) and DPI201784526-R (MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE), project CAL-MBE. The authors also wish to thank the editor and reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions that helped us improve the quality of the paper.González-Lluch, C.; Company, P.; Contero, M.; Pérez Lopez, DC.; Camba, JD. (2019). On the effects of the fix geometric constraint in 2D profiles on the reusability of parametric 3D CAD models. International Journal of Technology and Design Education. 29(4):821-841. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10798-018-9458-zS821841294Ait-Aoudia, S., & Foufou, S. (2010). A 2D geometric constraint solver using a graph reduction method. Advances in Engineering Software, 41(10), 1187–1194. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.advengsoft.2010.07.008 .Ault, H. K. (1999). Using geometric constraints to capture design intent. Journal for Geometry and Graphics, 3(1), 39–45.Ault, H. K. (2004). Over-constrained, under-constrained or just right? Goldilocks evaluates DOF of sketched profiles. Paper presented at American Society for Engineering Education, 59th annual midyear meeting past, present and future? Williamsburg, November 21–23.Ault, H. K., Bu, L., & Liu, K. (2014). Solid modeling strategies-analyzing student choices. Paper presented at proceedings of the 121st ASEE annual conference and exposition, Indianapolis, June 15–18.Ault, H. K., & Fraser, A. (2013). 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    Towards a better integration of modelers and black box constraint solvers within the Product Design Process

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    This paper presents a new way of interaction between modelers and solvers to support the Product Development Process (PDP). The proposed approach extends the functionalities and the power of the solvers by taking into account procedural constraints. A procedural constraint requires calling a procedure or a function of the modeler. This procedure performs a series of actions and geometric computations in a certain order. The modeler calls the solver for solving a main problem, the solver calls the modeler’s procedures, and similarly procedures of the modeler can call the solver for solving sub-problems. The features, specificities, advantages and drawbacks of the proposed approach are presented and discussed. Several examples are also provided to illustrate this approach

    Constraint-Enabled Design Information Representation for Mechanical Products Over the Internet

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    Global economy has made manufacturing industry become more distributed than ever before. Product design requires more involvement from various technical disciplines at different locations. In such a geographically and temporally distributed environment, efficient and effective collaboration on design is vital to maintain product quality and organizational competency. Interoperability of design information is one of major barriers for collaborative design. Current standard CAD data formats do not support design collaboration effectively in terms of design information and knowledge capturing, exchange, and integration within the design cycle. Multidisciplinary design constraints cannot be represented and transferred among different groups, and design information cannot be integrated efficiently within a distributed environment. Uncertainty of specification cannot be modeled at early design stages, while constraints for optimization are not embedded in design data. In this work, a design information model, Universal Linkage model, is developed to represent design related information for mechanical products in a distributed form. It incorporates geometric and non-geometric constraints with traditional geometry and topology elements, thus allows more design knowledge sharing in collaborative design. Segments of design data are linked and integrated into a complete product model, thus support lean design information capturing, storage, and query. The model is represented by Directed Hyper Graph and Product Markup Language to preserve extensibility and openness. Incorporating robustness consideration, an Interval Geometric Modeling scheme is presented, in which numerical parameters are represented by interval values. This scheme is able to capture uncertainty and inexactness of design and reduces the chances of conflict in constraint imposition. It provides a unified constraint representation for the process of conceptual design, detailed design, and design optimization. Corresponding interval constraint solving methods are studied

    Geometric constraint satisfaction using optimization methods

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    The numerical approach to solving geometric constraint problems is indispensable for building a practical CAD system. The most commonly-used numerical method is the Newton–Raphson method. It is fast, but has the instability problem: the method requires good initial values. To overcome this problem, recently the homotopy method has been proposed and experimented with. According to the report, the homotopy method generally works much better in terms of stability. In this paper we use the numerical optimization method to deal with the geometric constraint solving problem. The experimental results based on our implementation of the method show that this method is also much less sensitive to the initial value. Further, a distinctive advantage of the method is that under- and over-constrained problems can be handled naturally and efficiently. We also give many instructive examples to illustrate the above advantages