154 research outputs found

    Approximate Minimum Diameter

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    We study the minimum diameter problem for a set of inexact points. By inexact, we mean that the precise location of the points is not known. Instead, the location of each point is restricted to a contineus region (\impre model) or a finite set of points (\indec model). Given a set of inexact points in one of \impre or \indec models, we wish to provide a lower-bound on the diameter of the real points. In the first part of the paper, we focus on \indec model. We present an O(21ϵdϵ2dn3)O(2^{\frac{1}{\epsilon^d}} \cdot \epsilon^{-2d} \cdot n^3 ) time approximation algorithm of factor (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon) for finding minimum diameter of a set of points in dd dimensions. This improves the previously proposed algorithms for this problem substantially. Next, we consider the problem in \impre model. In dd-dimensional space, we propose a polynomial time d\sqrt{d}-approximation algorithm. In addition, for d=2d=2, we define the notion of α\alpha-separability and use our algorithm for \indec model to obtain (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm for a set of α\alpha-separable regions in time O(21ϵ2.n3ϵ10.sin(α/2)3)O(2^{\frac{1}{\epsilon^2}}\allowbreak . \frac{n^3}{\epsilon^{10} .\sin(\alpha/2)^3} )

    Visualizing Sensor Network Coverage with Location Uncertainty

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    We present an interactive visualization system for exploring the coverage in sensor networks with uncertain sensor locations. We consider a simple case of uncertainty where the location of each sensor is confined to a discrete number of points sampled uniformly at random from a region with a fixed radius. Employing techniques from topological data analysis, we model and visualize network coverage by quantifying the uncertainty defined on its simplicial complex representations. We demonstrate the capabilities and effectiveness of our tool via the exploration of randomly distributed sensor networks

    Fréchet Distance for Uncertain Curves

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    In this article, we study a wide range of variants for computing the (discrete and continuous) Fréchet distance between uncertain curves. An uncertain curve is a sequence of uncertainty regions, where each region is a disk, a line segment, or a set of points. A realisation of a curve is a polyline connecting one point from each region. Given an uncertain curve and a second (certain or uncertain) curve, we seek to compute the lower and upper bound Fréchet distance, which are the minimum and maximum Fréchet distance for any realisations of the curves. We prove that both problems are NP-hard for the Fréchet distance in several uncertainty models, and that the upper bound problem remains hard for the discrete Fréchet distance. In contrast, the lower bound (discrete [5] and continuous) Fréchet distance can be computed in polynomial time in some models. Furthermore, we show that computing the expected (discrete and continuous) Fréchet distance is #P-hard in some models.On the positive side, we present an FPTAS in constant dimension for the lower bound problem when Δ/δis polynomially bounded, where δis the Fréchet distance and Δbounds the diameter of the regions. We also show a near-linear-time 3-approximation for the decision problem on roughly δ-separated convex regions. Finally, we study the setting with Sakoe-Chiba time bands, where we restrict the alignment between the curves, and give polynomial-time algorithms for the upper bound and expected discrete and continuous Fréchet distance for uncertainty modelled as point sets.</p

    Geometric Computations on Indecisive Points

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    Convex Hulls under Uncertainty

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    We study the convex-hull problem in a probabilistic setting, motivated by the need to handle data uncertainty inherent in many applications, including sensor databases, location-based services and computer vision. In our framework, the uncertainty of each input site is described by a probability distribution over a finite number of possible locations including a \emph{null} location to account for non-existence of the point. Our results include both exact and approximation algorithms for computing the probability of a query point lying inside the convex hull of the input, time-space tradeoffs for the membership queries, a connection between Tukey depth and membership queries, as well as a new notion of \some-hull that may be a useful representation of uncertain hulls

    Uncertain Curve Simplification

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    We study the problem of polygonal curve simplification under uncertainty, where instead of a sequence of exact points, each uncertain point is represented by a region, which contains the (unknown) true location of the vertex. The regions we consider are disks, line segments, convex polygons, and discrete sets of points. We are interested in finding the shortest subsequence of uncertain points such that no matter what the true location of each uncertain point is, the resulting polygonal curve is a valid simplification of the original polygonal curve under the Hausdorff or the Fr\'echet distance. For both these distance measures, we present polynomial-time algorithms for this problem.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    On the expected diameter, width, and complexity of a stochastic convex-hull

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    We investigate several computational problems related to the stochastic convex hull (SCH). Given a stochastic dataset consisting of nn points in Rd\mathbb{R}^d each of which has an existence probability, a SCH refers to the convex hull of a realization of the dataset, i.e., a random sample including each point with its existence probability. We are interested in computing certain expected statistics of a SCH, including diameter, width, and combinatorial complexity. For diameter, we establish the first deterministic 1.633-approximation algorithm with a time complexity polynomial in both nn and dd. For width, two approximation algorithms are provided: a deterministic O(1)O(1)-approximation running in O(nd+1logn)O(n^{d+1} \log n) time, and a fully polynomial-time randomized approximation scheme (FPRAS). For combinatorial complexity, we propose an exact O(nd)O(n^d)-time algorithm. Our solutions exploit many geometric insights in Euclidean space, some of which might be of independent interest

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe contributions of this dissertation are centered around designing new algorithms in the general area of sublinear algorithms such as streaming, core sets and sublinear verification, with a special interest in problems arising from data analysis including data summarization, clustering, matrix problems and massive graphs. In the first part, we focus on summaries and coresets, which are among the main techniques for designing sublinear algorithms for massive data sets. We initiate the study of coresets for uncertain data and study coresets for various types of range counting queries on uncertain data. We focus mainly on the indecisive model of locational uncertainty since it comes up frequently in real-world applications when multiple readings of the same object are made. In this model, each uncertain point has a probability density describing its location, defined as kk distinct locations. Our goal is to construct a subset of the uncertain points, including their locational uncertainty, so that range counting queries can be answered by examining only this subset. For each type of query we provide coreset constructions with approximation-size trade-offs. We show that random sampling can be used to construct each type of coreset, and we also provide significantly improved bounds using discrepancy-based techniques on axis-aligned range queries. In the second part, we focus on designing sublinear-space algorithms for approximate computations on massive graphs. In particular, we consider graph MAXCUT and correlation clustering problems and develop sampling based approaches to construct truly sublinear (o(n)o(n)) sized coresets for graphs that have polynomial (i.e., nδn^{\delta} for any δ>0\delta >0) average degree. Our technique is based on analyzing properties of random induced subprograms of the linear program formulations of the problems. We demonstrate this technique with two examples. Firstly, we present a sublinear sized core set to approximate the value of the MAX CUT in a graph to a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon) factor. To the best of our knowledge, all the known methods in this regime rely crucially on near-regularity assumptions. Secondly, we apply the same framework to construct a sublinear-sized coreset for correlation clustering. Our coreset construction also suggests 2-pass streaming algorithms for computing the MAX CUT and correlation clustering objective values which are left as future work at the time of writing this dissertation. Finally, we focus on streaming verification algorithms as another model for designing sublinear algorithms. We give the first polylog space and sublinear (in number of edges) communication protocols for any streaming verification problems in graphs. We present efficient streaming interactive proofs that can verify maximum matching exactly. Our results cover all flavors of matchings (bipartite/ nonbipartite and weighted). In addition, we also present streaming verifiers for approximate metric TSP and exact triangle counting, as well as for graph primitives such as the number of connected components, bipartiteness, minimum spanning tree and connectivity. In particular, these are the first results for weighted matchings and for metric TSP in any streaming verification model. Our streaming verifiers use only polylogarithmic space while exchanging only polylogarithmic communication with the prover in addition to the output size of the relevant solution. We also initiate a study of streaming interactive proofs (SIPs) for problems in data analysis and present efficient SIPs for some fundamental problems. We present protocols for clustering and shape fitting including minimum enclosing ball (MEB), width of a point set, kk-centers and kk-slab problem. We also present protocols for fundamental matrix analysis problems: We provide an improved protocol for rectangular matrix problems, which in turn can be used to verify kk (approximate) eigenvectors of an n×nn \times n integer matrix AA. In general our solutions use polylogarithmic rounds of communication and polylogarithmic total communication and verifier space

    Fr\'echet Distance for Uncertain Curves

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    In this paper we study a wide range of variants for computing the (discrete and continuous) Fr\'echet distance between uncertain curves. We define an uncertain curve as a sequence of uncertainty regions, where each region is a disk, a line segment, or a set of points. A realisation of a curve is a polyline connecting one point from each region. Given an uncertain curve and a second (certain or uncertain) curve, we seek to compute the lower and upper bound Fr\'echet distance, which are the minimum and maximum Fr\'echet distance for any realisations of the curves. We prove that both the upper and lower bound problems are NP-hard for the continuous Fr\'echet distance in several uncertainty models, and that the upper bound problem remains hard for the discrete Fr\'echet distance. In contrast, the lower bound (discrete and continuous) Fr\'echet distance can be computed in polynomial time. Furthermore, we show that computing the expected discrete Fr\'echet distance is #P-hard when the uncertainty regions are modelled as point sets or line segments. The construction also extends to show #P-hardness for computing the continuous Fr\'echet distance when regions are modelled as point sets. On the positive side, we argue that in any constant dimension there is a FPTAS for the lower bound problem when Δ/δ\Delta / \delta is polynomially bounded, where δ\delta is the Fr\'echet distance and Δ\Delta bounds the diameter of the regions. We then argue there is a near-linear-time 3-approximation for the decision problem when the regions are convex and roughly δ\delta-separated. Finally, we also study the setting with Sakoe--Chiba time bands, where we restrict the alignment between the two curves, and give polynomial-time algorithms for upper bound and expected discrete and continuous Fr\'echet distance for uncertainty regions modelled as point sets.Comment: 48 pages, 11 figures. This is the full version of the paper to be published in ICALP 202