6,490 research outputs found

    Monitoring edge-geodetic sets in graphs

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    We introduce a new graph-theoretic concept in the area of network monitoring. In this area, one wishes to monitor the vertices and/or the edges of a network (viewed as a graph) in order to detect and prevent failures. Inspired by two notions studied in the literature (edge-geodetic sets and distance-edge-monitoring sets), we define the notion of a monitoring edge-geodetic set (MEG-set for short) of a graph GG as an edge-geodetic set S⊆V(G)S\subseteq V(G) of GG (that is, every edge of GG lies on some shortest path between two vertices of SS) with the additional property that for every edge ee of GG, there is a vertex pair x,yx, y of SS such that ee lies on \emph{all} shortest paths between xx and yy. The motivation is that, if some edge ee is removed from the network (for example if it ceases to function), the monitoring probes xx and yy will detect the failure since the distance between them will increase. We explore the notion of MEG-sets by deriving the minimum size of a MEG-set for some basic graph classes (trees, cycles, unicyclic graphs, complete graphs, grids, hypercubes,...) and we prove an upper bound using the feedback edge set of the graph

    Structure and properties of maximal outerplanar graphs.

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    Outerplanar graphs are planar graphs that have a plane embedding in which each vertex lies on the boundary of the exterior region. An outerplanar graph is maximal outerplanar if the graph obtained by adding an edge is not outerplanar. Maximal outerplanar graphs are also known as triangulations of polygons. The spine of a maximal outerplanar graph G is the dual graph of G without the vertex that corresponds to the exterior region. In this thesis we study metric properties involving geodesic intervals, geodetic sets, Steiner sets, different concepts of boundary, and also relationships between the independence numbers and domination numbers of maximal outerplanar graphs and their spines. In Chapter 2 we find an extension of a result by Beyer, et al. [3] that deals with Hamiltonian degree sequences in maximal outerplanar graphs. In Chapters 3 and 4 we give sharp bounds relating the independence number and domination number, respectively, of a maximal outerplanar graph to those of its spine. In Chapter 5 we discuss the boundary, contour, eccentricity, periphery, and extreme set of a graph. We give a characterization of the boundary of maximal outerplanar graphs that involves the degrees of vertices. We find properties that characterize the contour of a maximal outerplanar graph. The other main result of this chapter gives characterizations of graphs induced by the contour and by the periphery of a maximal outerplanar graph. In Chapter 6 we show that the generalized intervals in a maximal outerplanar graph are convex. We use this result to characterize geodetic sets in maximal outerplanar graphs. We show that every Steiner set in a maximal outerplanar graph is a geodetic set and also show some differences between these types of sets. We present sharp bounds for geodetic numbers and Steiner numbers of maximal outerplanar graphs

    Co-even geodetic number of a graph

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    Let   be  a graph with vertex set  and edge set . If  is a set of vertices of , then  is the union of all sets  for  If then  is a geodetic set for . The geodetic number  is the minimum cardinality of a geodetic set. A geodetic set is called co- even geodetic set if the degree of vertex  is even number for all . The cardinality of a smallest co-even geodetic set of , denoted by is the co- even geodetic number of . In this paper, we find the co- even geodetic number of certain graphs and complement graph

    Geodetic domination integrity in graphs

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    Reciprocal version of product degree distance of cactus graphs Let G be a simple graph. A subset S ⊆ V (G) is a said to be a geodetic set if every vertex u /∈ S lies on a shortest path between two vertices from S. The minimum cardinality of such a set S is the geodetic number g(G) of G. A subset D ⊆ V (G) is a dominating set of G if every vertex u /∈ D has at least one neighbor in D. The domination number γ(G) is the minimum cardinality of a dominating set of G. A subset is said to be a geodetic dominating set of G if it is both a geodetic and a dominating set. The geodetic domination number γg(G) is the minimum cardinality among all geodetic dominating sets in G. The geodetic domination integrity of a graph G is defined by DIg(G) = min{|S| + m(G − S) : S is a geodetic dominating set of G}, where m(G − S) denotes the order of the largest component in G−S. In this paper, we study the concepts of geodetic dominating integrity of some families of graphs and derive some bounds for the geodetic domination integrity. Also we obtain geodetic domination integrity of some cartesian product of graphs.Publisher's Versio
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