29 research outputs found

    Survey on geographic visual display techniques in epidemiology: Taxonomy and characterization

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    Many works have been done on the topic of Geographic Visual Display with different objectives and approaches. There are studies to compare the traditional cartography techniques (the traditional term of Geographic Visual Display (GVD) without Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)) to Modern GIS which are also known as Geo-visualization, some literature differentiates and highlight the commonalities of features and architectures of different Geographic Visual Display tools (from layers and clusters to dot and color and more). Furthermore, with the existence of more advanced tools which support data exploration, few tasks are done to evaluate how those tools are used to handle complex and multivariate spatial-temporal data. Several test on usability and interactivity of tools toward user's needs or preferences, some even develop frameworks that address user's concern in a wide array of tasks, and others prove how these tools are able to stimulate the visual thought process and help in decision making or event prediction amongst decision-makers. This paper surveyed and categorized these research articles into 2 categories: Traditional Cartography (TC) and Geo-visualization (G). This paper will classify each category by their techniques and tasks that contribute to the significance of data representation in Geographic Visual Display and develop perspectives of each area and evaluating trends of Geographic Visual Display Techniques. Suggestions and ideas on what mechanisms can be used to improve and diversify Geographic Visual Display Techniques are provided at the end of this survey

    Sensing slow mobility and interesting locations for lombardy region (Italy): A case study using pointwise geolocated open data

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    During the past years Web 2.0 technologies have caused the emergence of platforms where users can share data related to their activities which in some cases are then publicly released with open licenses. Popular categories for this include community platforms where users can upload GPS tracks collected during slow travel activities (e.g. hiking, biking and horse riding) and platforms where users share their geolocated photos. However, due to the high heterogeneity of the information available on the Web, the sole use of these user-generated contents makes it an ambitious challenge to understand slow mobility flows as well as to detect the most visited locations in a region. Exploiting the available data on community sharing websites allows to collect near real-time open data streams and enables rigorous spatial-temporal analysis. This work presents an approach for collecting, unifying and analysing pointwise geolocated open data available from different sources with the aim of identifying the main locations and destinations of slow mobility activities. For this purpose, we collected pointwise open data from the Wikiloc platform, Twitter, Flickr and Foursquare. The analysis was confined to the data uploaded in Lombardy Region (Northern Italy) - corresponding to millions of pointwise data. Collected data was processed through the use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in order to organize them into a suitable database. This allowed to run statistical analyses on data distribution in both time and space by enabling the detection of users' slow mobility preferences as well as places of interest at a regional scale

    Experimental investigation of visualization methods of earthquake catalogue maps

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    The aim of the study is to find possible solutions to represent earthquake catalogue data and design maps which can help non-professionals to identify those places where earthquakes occurred frequently. The goal is to visualize all available catalogue data sets in a complex way on a single map, displaying the long-term recurrence times of earthquakes. Therefore, raw data and aggregated data were combined with different cartographic visualization techniques to test the applicability of earthquake maps. Preliminary research demonstrates that aggregation can improve the process of retrieving information from earthquake maps and 3D visualization is useful to find the places of earthquakes of highest magnitude. A second result is that 3D visualization is not effective in the comparison of quantities of released energy and the number of earthquakes

    Recent Computer Technologies for an Innovative Cartographic Language: Espon Cartographic Language, Interim Report 1

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    Review of the state of the art in recent computer technologies and related cartographic software in support of ensuring an innovative cartographic language. The service provider is asked to review the state of the art in recent computer technologies and related cartographic software development in support of ensuring an innovative cartographic language. The service provider shall, based on this review, present options for modernising the ESPON Cartographic Language. The fulfilment of this task should not be limited only to more “traditional” cartography, but explore new options for adding new cartographic concepts, types of illustrations and computer animated presentations, that could support the presentation of the geography of policy orientations and forward-looking territorial evidence to the European territorial policy arena. The review shall lead to recommendations of cartographic technologies and techniques to consider in a modernised ESPON Cartographic Language. It shall be used as input for recommendations on new cartographic elements to consider in a modernised ESPON Cartographic Language under task 4 and 5. Three dimensions for an Innovative cartographic language will be explored in three directions:- Former Semiotic language combined with new technologies- Usability of the produced representations - Focus on added dimensions like interactivity, animation, multimedia, 3D, etc

    Spatio-temporal visualisation and data exploration of traditional ecological knowledge/indigenous knowledge

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    Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) has been at the centre of mapping efforts for decades. Indigenous knowledge (IK) is a critical subset of TEK, and Indigenous peoples utilize a wide variety of techniques for keeping track of time. Although techniques for mapping and visualizing the temporal aspects of TEK/IK have been utilized, the spatio-temporal dimensions of TEK are not well explored visually outside of seasonal data and narrative approaches. Existing spatio-temporal models can add new visualization approaches for TEK but are limited by ontological constraints regarding time, particularly the poor support for multi-cyclical data and localized timing. For TEK to be well represented, flexible systems are needed for modelling and mapping time that correspond well with traditional conceptions of time being supported. These approaches can take cues from previous spatio-temporal visualization work in the GIS community, and from temporal depictions extant in existing cultural traditions

    Étude de la visualisation géographique dans un environnement d'exploration interactive de données géodécisionnelles : adaptation et améliorations

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    La visualisation géographique de l'information est un aspect important du SOLAP. Elle est le troisième élément clé pour supporter une analyse facile, rapide et intuitive des données prônée par l'approche SOLAP. Cependant, à ce jour, aucune étude ne s'est intéressée spécifiquement à cet aspect du SOLAP et les stratégies de visualisation utilisées traditionnellement dans les SIG ne conviennent pas à l'approche interactive et multidimensionnelle. Ce mémoire présente une recherche exploratoire proposant premièrement de placer la visualisation géographique au coeur de la relation entre l'utilisateur et la base de données. Cette stratégie fait ressurgir plusieurs besoins et possibilités explorées au cours de ce mémoire. Le respect de la flexibilité d'analyse SOLAP, les divers types de visualisation nécessaires pour rendre les différents types de requêtes, puis les manipulations graphiques qui peuvent s'opérer dans un environnement SOLAP font l'objet de propositions. Deuxièmement, ce mémoire propose une méthode permettant une relation directe entre les données et leur visualisation, sans l'intermédiaire de l'utilisateur. La solution théorique résultante respecte la philosophie d'exploration interactive prônée par l'approche SOLAP. Elle suggère l'intégration de l'expertise en visualisation géographique à l'intérieur même de la technologie SOLAP par l'ajout de métadonnées et d'une base de connaissances sémiologiques. Ce premier pas vers une amélioration du processus de visualisation avec SOLAP ouvre la porte à plusieurs recherches ultérieures

    Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 18th Annual Conference GISRUK 2010

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    This volume holds the papers from the 18th annual GIS Research UK (GISRUK). This year the conference, hosted at University College London (UCL), from Wednesday 14 to Friday 16 April 2010. The conference covered the areas of core geographic information science research as well as applications domains such as crime and health and technological developments in LBS and the geoweb. UCL’s research mission as a global university is based around a series of Grand Challenges that affect us all, and these were accommodated in GISRUK 2010. The overarching theme this year was “Global Challenges”, with specific focus on the following themes: * Crime and Place * Environmental Change * Intelligent Transport * Public Health and Epidemiology * Simulation and Modelling * London as a global city * The geoweb and neo-geography * Open GIS and Volunteered Geographic Information * Human-Computer Interaction and GIS Traditionally, GISRUK has provided a platform for early career researchers as well as those with a significant track record of achievement in the area. As such, the conference provides a welcome blend of innovative thinking and mature reflection. GISRUK is the premier academic GIS conference in the UK and we are keen to maintain its outstanding record of achievement in developing GIS in the UK and beyond

    3D visualization of cadastre : assessing the suitability of visual variables and enhancement techniques in the 3D model of condominium property units

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    La visualisation 3D de données cadastrales a été exploitée dans de nombreuses études, car elle offre de nouvelles possibilités d’examiner des situations de supervision verticale des propriétés. Les chercheurs actifs dans ce domaine estiment que la visualisation 3D pourrait fournir aux utilisateurs une compréhension plus intuitive d’une situation où des propriétés se superposent, ainsi qu’une plus grande capacité et avec moins d’ambiguïté de montrer des problèmes potentiels de chevauchement des unités de propriété. Cependant, la visualisation 3D est une approche qui apporte de nombreux défis par rapport à la visualisation 2D. Les précédentes recherches effectuées en cadastre 3D, et qui utilisent la visualisation 3D, ont très peu enquêté l’impact du choix des variables visuelles (ex. couleur, style) sur la prise de décision. Dans l’optique d'améliorer la visualisation 3D de données cadastres, cette thèse de doctorat examine l’adéquation du choix des variables visuelles et des techniques de rehaussement associées afin de produire un modèle de condominium 3D optimal, et ce, en fonction de certaines tâches spécifiques de visualisation. Les tâches visées sont celles dédiées à la compréhension dans l’espace 3D des limites de propriété du condominium. En ce sens, ce sont principalement des tâches notariales qui ont été ciblées. De plus, cette thèse va mettre en lumière les différences de l’impact des variables visuelles entre une visualisation 2D et 3D. Cette thèse identifie dans un premier temps un cadre théorique pour l'interprétation des variables visuelles dans le contexte d’une visualisation 3D et de données cadastrales au regard d’une revue de littéraire. Dans un deuxième temps, des expérimentations ont été réalisées afin de mettre à l’épreuve la performance des variables visuelles (ex. couleur, valeur, texture) et des techniques de rehaussement (transparence, annotation, déplacement). Trois approches distinctes ont été utilisées : 1) discussion directe avec des personnes œuvrant en géomatique, 2) entrevue face à face avec des notaires et 3) questionnaire en ligne avec des groupes ciblés. L’utilisabilité mesurée en termes d’efficacité, d’efficience et de degré de satisfaction a servi aux comparaisons des expérimentations. Les principaux résultats de cette recherche sont : 1) Une liste de tâches visuelles notariales utiles à la délimitation des unités de propriété dans le contexte de la visualisation 3D de condominium ; 2) Des recommandations quant à l'adéquation de huit variables visuelles et de trois techniques de rehaussement afin d’optimiser la réalisation d’un certain nombre de tâches notariales ; 3) Une analyse comparative de la performance de ces variables entre une visualisation 2D et 3D.3D visualization is being widely used in GIS (geographic information system) and CAD (computer-aided design) applications. It has also been introduced in cadastre studies to better communicate overlaps to the viewer, where the property units vertically stretch over or cover one part of the land parcel. Researchers believe that 3D visualization could provide viewers with a more intuitive perception, and it has the capability to demonstrate overlapping property units in condominiums unambiguously. However, 3D visualization has many challenges compared with 2D visualization. Many cadastre researchers adopted 3D visualization without thoroughly investigating the potential users, the visual tasks for decision-making, and the appropriateness of their representation design. Neither designers nor users may be aware of the risk of producing an inadequate 3D visualization, especially in an era when 3D visualization is relatively novel in the cadastre domain. With a general aim to improve the 3D visualization of cadastre data, this dissertation addresses the design of the 3D cadastre model from a graphics semiotics viewpoint including visual variables and enhancement techniques. The research questions are, firstly, what is the suitability of the visual variables and enhancement techniques in the 3D cadastre model to support the intended users' decision-making goal of delimitating condominium property units, and secondly, what are the perceptual properties of visual variables in 3D visualization compared with 2D visualization? This dissertation firstly identifies the theoretical framework for the interpretation of visual variables in 3D visualization as well as cadastre-related knowledge with literature review. Then, we carry out a preliminary evaluation of the feasibility of visual variables and enhancement techniques in a form of an expert-group review. With the result of the preliminary evaluation, this research then performs the hypothetico-deductive scientific approach to establishing a list of hypotheses to be validated by empirical tests regarding the suitability of visual variables and enhancement techniques in a cartographic representation of property units in condominiums for 3D visualization. The evaluation is based on the usability specification, which contains three measurements: effectiveness, efficiency, and preference. Several empirical tests are conducted with cadastral users in the forms of face-to-face interviews and online questionnaires, followed by statistical analysis. Size, shape, brightness, saturation, hue, orientation, texture, and transparency are the most discussed and used visual variables in existing cartographic research and implementations; thus, these eight visual variables have been involved in the tests. Their perceptual properties exhibited in the empirical test with concrete 3D models in this work are compared with those in a 2D visualization, which is derived from a literature-based synthesis. Three enhancement techniques, including labeling, 3D explosion, and highlighting, are tested as well. There are three main outcomes of this work. First, we established a list of visual tasks adapted to notaries for delimiting property units in the context of 3D visualization of condominium cadastres. Second, we describe the suitability of eight visual variables (Size, Shape, Brightness, Saturation, Hue, Orientation, Texture, and Transparency) of the property units and three enhancement techniques (labeling, 3D explosion and highlighting) in the context of 3D visualisation of condominium property units, based on the usability specification for delimitating visual tasks. For example, brightness only shows good performance in helping users distinguish private and common parts in the context of 3D visualization of property units in condominiums. As well, color hue and saturation are effective and preferable. The third outcome is a statement of the perceptual properties’ differences of visual variables between 3D visualization and 2D visualization. For example, according to Bertin (1983)’s definition, orientation is associative and selective in 2D, yet it does not perform in a 3D visualization. In addition, 3D visualization affects the performance of brightness, making it marginally dissociative and selective