11 research outputs found

    Mapping cognitive ontologies to and from the brain

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    Imaging neuroscience links brain activation maps to behavior and cognition via correlational studies. Due to the nature of the individual experiments, based on eliciting neural response from a small number of stimuli, this link is incomplete, and unidirectional from the causal point of view. To come to conclusions on the function implied by the activation of brain regions, it is necessary to combine a wide exploration of the various brain functions and some inversion of the statistical inference. Here we introduce a methodology for accumulating knowledge towards a bidirectional link between observed brain activity and the corresponding function. We rely on a large corpus of imaging studies and a predictive engine. Technically, the challenges are to find commonality between the studies without denaturing the richness of the corpus. The key elements that we contribute are labeling the tasks performed with a cognitive ontology, and modeling the long tail of rare paradigms in the corpus. To our knowledge, our approach is the first demonstration of predicting the cognitive content of completely new brain images. To that end, we propose a method that predicts the experimental paradigms across different studies.Comment: NIPS (Neural Information Processing Systems), United States (2013

    Possible neurocognitive components of math skill and dyscalculia

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    Lien entre l'activité pariéto-occipitale enregistrée pendant une tâche de mémoire à court terme visuelle et les habiletés mathématiques : une étude en magnétoencéphalographie

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    La mémoire à court terme visuelle (MCTv) est un système qui permet le maintien temporaire de l’information visuelle en mémoire. La capacité en mémoire à court terme se définit par le nombre d’items qu’un individu peut maintenir en mémoire sur une courte période de temps et est limitée à environ quatre items. Il a été démontré que la capacité en MCTv et les habiletés mathématiques sont étroitement liées. La MCTv est utile dans beaucoup de composantes liées aux mathématiques, comme la résolution de problèmes, la visualisation mentale et l’arithmétique. En outre, la MCTv et le raisonnement mathématique font appel à des régions similaires du cerveau, notamment dans le cortex pariétal. Le sillon intrapariétal (SIP) semble être particulièrement important, autant dans la réalisation de tâches liées à la MCTv qu’aux habiletés mathématiques. Nous avons créé une tâche de MCTv que 15 participants adultes en santé ont réalisée pendant que nous enregistrions leur activité cérébrale à l’aide de la magnétoencéphalographie (MEG). Nous nous sommes intéressés principalement à la composante SPCM. Une évaluation neuropsychologique a également été administrée aux participants. Nous souhaitions tester l’hypothèse selon laquelle l’activité cérébrale aux capteurs pariéto-occipitaux pendant la tâche de MCTv en MEG sera liée à la performance en mathématiques. Les résultats indiquent que l’amplitude de l’activité pariéto-occipitale pendant la tâche de MCTv permet de prédire les habiletés mathématiques ainsi que la performance dans une tâche de raisonnement perceptif. Ces résultats permettent de confirmer le lien existant entre les habiletés mathématiques et le fonctionnement sous-jacent à la MCTv.Visual short-term memory (VSTM) is a memory system that permits the temporary retention of visual information. Short-term memory capacity can be defined by the amount of information that an individual can remember over a short period of time and is limited to about four items. It was shown that VSTM capacity and mathematical abilities are closely related. VSTM is useful for a lot of components linked to mathematical skills like word problem solving, mental visualisation and arithmetic. Moreover, VSTM and mathematical reasoning activate similar brain regions, mainly within the parietal cortex. The intraparietal sulcus (IPS) appears to be particularly important both in the realization of VSTM tasks and mathematical reasoning tasks. We created a VSTM task which 15 healthy adult participants completed while we recorded their brain activity using magnetoencephalography (MEG). We were mainly interested in the SPCM component. A neuropsychological assessment was also administrated to the participants. We wanted to verify the hypothesis stipulating that cerebral activity recorded at parieto-occipital sensors during the VSTM task should be linked to performance in mathematics. The results indicate that parieto-occipital activity during the VSTM tasks predicted mathematical abilities as well as performance on a perceptive reasoning task. These results confirmed the link existing between mathematical abilities and VSTM functioning

    Heritability of neuropsychological measures in Schizophrenia and non-psychiatric populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Schizophrenia is characterized by neuropsychological deficits across many cognitive domains. Cognitive phenotypes with high heritability and genetic overlap with schizophrenia liability can help elucidate the mechanisms leading from genes to psychopathology. We performed a meta-analysis of 170 published twin and family heritability studies of >800 000 nonpsychiatric and schizophrenia subjects to accurately estimate heritability across many neuropsychological tests and cognitive domains. The proportion of total variance of each phenotype due to additive genetic effects (A), shared environment (C), and unshared environment and error (E), was calculated by averaging A, C, and E estimates across studies and weighting by sample size. Heritability ranged across phenotypes, likely due to differences in genetic and environmental effects, with the highest heritability for General Cognitive Ability (32%– 67%), Verbal Ability (43%–72%), Visuospatial Ability (20%–80%), and Attention/Processing Speed (28%–74%), while the lowest heritability was observed for Executive Function (20%–40%). These results confirm that many cognitive phenotypes are under strong genetic influences. Heritability estimates were comparable in nonpsychiatric and schizophrenia samples, suggesting that environmental factors and illness-related moderators (eg, medication) do not substantially decrease heritability in schizophrenia samples, and that genetic studies in schizophrenia samples are informative for elucidating the genetic basis of cognitive deficits. Substantial genetic overlap between cognitive phenotypes and schizophrenia liability (average rg = −.58) in twin studies supports partially shared genetic etiology. It will be important to conduct comparative studies in well-powered samples to determine whether the same or different genes and genetic variants influence cognition in schizophrenia patients and the general population

    The Neuroscience of Mathematical Cognition and Learning

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    The synergistic potential of cognitive neuroscience and education for efficient learning has attracted considerable interest from the general public, teachers, parents, academics and policymakers alike. This review is aimed at providing 1) an accessible and general overview of the research progress made in cognitive neuroscience research in understanding mathematical learning and cognition, and 2) understanding whether there is sufficient evidence to suggest that neuroscience can inform mathematics education at this point. We also highlight outstanding questions with implications for education that remain to be explored in cognitive neuroscience. The field of cognitive neuroscience is growing rapidly. The findings that we are describing in this review should be evaluated critically to guide research communities, governments and funding bodies to optimise resources and address questions that will provide practical directions for short- and long-term impact on the education of future generations

    Impaired Arithmetic Fact Retrieval in an Adult with Developmental Dyscalculia: Evidence from Behavioral and Functional Brain Imaging Data

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    Developmental dyscalculia (DD) is a developmental disorder characterized by arithmetic difficulties. Recently, it has been suggested that the neural networks supporting procedure-based calculation (e.g., in subtraction) and left-hemispheric verbal arithmetic fact retrieval (e.g., in multiplication) are partially distinct. Here we compared the neurofunctional correlates of subtraction and multiplication in a 19-year-old student (RM) with DD to 18 age-matched controls. Behaviorally, RM performed significantly worse than controls in multiplication, while subtraction was unaffected. Neurofunctional differences were most pronounced regarding multiplication: RM showed significantly stronger activation than controls not only in left angular gyrus but also in a fronto-parietal network (including left intraparietal sulcus and inferior frontal gyrus) typically activated during procedure-based calculation. Region-of-interest analyses indicated group differences in multiplication only, which, however, did not survive correction for multiple comparisons. Our results are consistent with dissociable and processing-specific, but not operation-specific neurofunctional networks. Procedure-based calculation is not only associated with subtraction but also with (untrained) multiplication facts. Only after rote learning, facts can be retrieved quasi automatically from memory. We suggest that this learning process and the associated shift in activation patterns has not fully occurred in RM, as reflected in her need to resort to procedure-based strategies to solve multiplication facts

    Procesos y programas de neuropsicología educativa

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    La Neuropsicología como disciplina científica y profesional no para de ampliar sus horizontes. Allí donde las funciones cerebrales tienen alguna implicación, la Neuropsicología puede realizar importantes aportaciones. Esto ha sido tradicionalmente así en campo de la clínica, trabajando con personas que sufren alguna patología cerebral ya sea adquirida o congénita. Este desarrollo solo ha sido posible combinando el conocimiento derivado de los modelos neuropsicológicos con el desarrollo de instrumentos de evaluación del funcionamiento cerebral y de desarrollo de programas de rehabilitación de las alteraciones/ secuelas encontradas. Sobre la solidez de los desarrollos en el campo de la clínica, la Neuropsicología está extendiendo su metodología de investigación y de trabajo al campo de la educación. Está claro que el cerebro y las funciones cerebrales tienen una fuerte implicación en los procesos de aprendizaje durante la etapa escolar. Esta implicación es doble. Por un lado, ayudar a comprender los procesos de aprendizaje e instrucción; por otro, ayudar a niños con alteraciones neuropsicológicas durante su etapa educativa. El libro intenta combinar tanto conocimiento teórico sobre los procesos del aprendizaje como práctico incluyendo los instrumentos para evaluarlo y los programas. Además, aborda desde los procesos más básicos como los más complejos y las alteraciones del aprendizaje. Así, el lector podrá encontrar capítulos la evaluación de procesos sensoriales como la audición y la visión a capítulos sobre cómo evaluar la memoria, la atención, la función ejecutiva o la cognición social en el aula. Además, también se incluyen capítulos sobre la evaluación de la discalculia o el déficit de atención y/o hiperactividad