13,739 research outputs found

    On the evolutionary optimisation of many conflicting objectives

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    This inquiry explores the effectiveness of a class of modern evolutionary algorithms, represented by Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA) components, for solving optimisation tasks with many conflicting objectives. Optimiser behaviour is assessed for a grid of mutation and recombination operator configurations. Performance maps are obtained for the dual aims of proximity to, and distribution across, the optimal trade-off surface. Performance sweet-spots for both variation operators are observed to contract as the number of objectives is increased. Classical settings for recombination are shown to be suitable for small numbers of objectives but correspond to very poor performance for higher numbers of objectives, even when large population sizes are used. Explanations for this behaviour are offered via the concepts of dominance resistance and active diversity promotion

    Recombination and Self-Adaptation in Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms

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    This paper investigates the influence of recombination and self-adaptation in real-encoded Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms (MOGAs). NSGA-II and SPEA2 are used as example to characterize the efficiency of MOGAs in relation to various recombination operators. The blend crossover, the simulated binary crossover and the breeder genetic crossover are compared for both MOGAs on multi-objective problems of the literature. Finally, a self-adaptive recombination scheme is proposed to improve the robustness of MOGAs

    Memetic Multilevel Hypergraph Partitioning

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    Hypergraph partitioning has a wide range of important applications such as VLSI design or scientific computing. With focus on solution quality, we develop the first multilevel memetic algorithm to tackle the problem. Key components of our contribution are new effective multilevel recombination and mutation operations that provide a large amount of diversity. We perform a wide range of experiments on a benchmark set containing instances from application areas such VLSI, SAT solving, social networks, and scientific computing. Compared to the state-of-the-art hypergraph partitioning tools hMetis, PaToH, and KaHyPar, our new algorithm computes the best result on almost all instances

    'On the Application of Hierarchical Coevolutionary Genetic Algorithms: Recombination and Evaluation Partners'

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    This paper examines the use of a hierarchical coevolutionary genetic algorithm under different partnering strategies. Cascading clusters of sub-populations are built from the bottom up, with higher-level sub-populations optimising larger parts of the problem. Hence higher-level sub-populations potentially search a larger search space with a lower resolution whilst lower-level sub-populations search a smaller search space with a higher resolution. The effects of different partner selection schemes amongst the sub-populations on solution quality are examined for two constrained optimisation problems. We examine a number of recombination partnering strategies in the construction of higher-level individuals and a number of related schemes for evaluating sub-solutions. It is shown that partnering strategies that exploit problem-specific knowledge are superior and can counter inappropriate (sub-) fitness measurements

    Sparse experimental design : an effective an efficient way discovering better genetic algorithm structures

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    The focus of this paper is the demonstration that sparse experimental design is a useful strategy for developing Genetic Algorithms. It is increasingly apparent from a number of reports and papers within a variety of different problem domains that the 'best' structure for a GA may be dependent upon the application. The GA structure is defined as both the types of operators and the parameters settings used during operation. The differences observed may be linked to the nature of the problem, the type of fitness function, or the depth or breadth of the problem under investigation. This paper demonstrates that advanced experimental design may be adopted to increase the understanding of the relationships between the GA structure and the problem domain, facilitating the selection of improved structures with a minimum of effort
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