8 research outputs found

    On the Use of Dynamic GP Fitness Cases in Static and Dynamic Optimisation Problems

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    In Genetic Programming (GP), the fitness of individuals is normally computed by using a set of fitness cases (FCs). Research on the use of FCs in GP has primarily focused on how to reduce the size of these sets. However, often, only a small set of FCs is available and there is no need to reduce it. In this work, we are interested in using the whole FCs set, but rather than adopting the commonly used GP approach of presenting the entire set of FCs to the system from the beginning of the search, referred as static FCs, we allow the GP system to build it by aggregation over time, named as dynamic FCs, with the hope to make the search more amenable. Moreover, there is no study on the use of FCs in Dynamic Optimisation Problems (DOPs). To this end, we also use the Kendall Tau Distance (KTD) approach, which quantifies pairwise dissimilarities among two lists of fitness values. KTD aims to capture the degree of a change in DOPs and we use this to promote structural diversity. Results on eight symbolic regression functions indicate that both approaches are highly beneficial in GP

    Automatic control program creation using concurrent Evolutionary Computing

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    Over the past decade, Genetic Programming (GP) has been the subject of a significant amount of research, but this has resulted in the solution of few complex real -world problems. In this work, I propose that, for some relatively simple, non safety -critical embedded control applications, GP can be used as a practical alternative to software developed by humans. Embedded control software has become a branch of software engineering with distinct temporal, interface and resource constraints and requirements. This results in a characteristic software structure, and by examining this, the effective decomposition of an overall problem into a number of smaller, simpler problems is performed. It is this type of problem amelioration that is suggested as a method whereby certain real -world problems may be rendered into a soluble form suitable for GP. In the course of this research, the body of published GP literature was examined and the most important changes to the original GP technique of Koza are noted; particular focus is made upon GP techniques involving an element of concurrency -which is central to this work. This search highlighted few applications of GP for the creation of software for complex, real -world problems -this was especially true in the case of multi thread, multi output solutions. To demonstrate this Idea, a concurrent Linear GP (LGP) system was built that creates a multiple input -multiple output solution using a custom low -level evolutionary language set, combining both continuous and Boolean data types. The system uses a multi -tasking model to evolve and execute the required LGP code for each system output using separate populations: Two example problems -a simple fridge controller and a more complex washing machine controller are described, and the problems encountered and overcome during the successful solution of these problems, are detailed. The operation of the complete, evolved washing machine controller is simulated using a graphical LabVIEWapplication. The aim of this research is to propose a general purpose system for the automatic creation of control software for use in a range of problems from the target problem class -without requiring any system tuning: In order to assess the system search performance sensitivity, experiments were performed using various population and LGP string sizes; the experimental data collected was also used to examine the utility of abandoning stalled searches and restarting. This work is significant because it identifies a realistic application of GP that can ease the burden of finite human software design resources, whilst capitalising on accelerating computing potential

    Model-Based Problem Solving through Symbolic Regression via Pareto Genetic Programming.

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    Pareto genetic programming methodology is extended by additional generic model selection and generation strategies that (1) drive the modeling engine to creation of models of reduced non-linearity and increased generalization capabilities, and (2) improve the effectiveness of the search for robust models by goal softening and adaptive fitness evaluations. In addition to the new strategies for model development and model selection, this dissertation presents a new approach for analysis, ranking, and compression of given multi-dimensional input-response data for the purpose of balancing the information content of undesigned data sets.

    Explorations in Parallel Linear Genetic Programming

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    Linear Genetic Programming (LGP) is a powerful problem-solving technique, but one with several significant weaknesses. LGP programs consist of a linear sequence of instructions, where each instruction may reuse previously computed results. This structure makes LGP programs compact and powerful, however it also introduces the problem of instruction dependencies. The notion of instruction dependencies expresses the concept that certain instructions rely on other instructions. Instruction dependencies are often disrupted during crossover or mutation when one or more instructions undergo modification. This disruption can cause disproportionately large changes in program output resulting in non-viable offspring and poor algorithm performance. Motivated by biological inspiration and the issue of code disruption, we develop a new form of LGP called Parallel LGP (PLGP). PLGP programs consist of n lists of instructions. These lists are executed in parallel, and the resulting vectors are summed to produce the overall program output. PLGP limits the disruptive effects of crossover and mutation, which allows PLGP to significantly outperform regular LGP. We examine the PLGP architecture and determine that large PLGP programs can be slow to converge. To improve the convergence time of large PLGP programs we develop a new form of PLGP called Cooperative Coevolution PLGP (CC PLGP). CC PLGP adapts the concept of cooperative coevolution to the PLGP architecture. CC PLGP optimizes all program components in parallel, allowing CC PLGP to converge significantly faster than conventional PLGP. We examine the CC PLGP architecture and determine that performanc

    genetisch programmeren en codegroei

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    De complexiteit van de problemen waarmee een ingenieur heden in contact komt, neemt steeds toe. Hierdoor wordt de verleiding om een aantal concepten uit de biologie te lenen en zo het probleemoplossend vermogen van de ingenieur aan te scherpen, groter. Reeds vanaf 1960 probeert men computationele systemen te ontwerpen volgens de principes van Charles Darwin. Genetisch programmeren is zo een dergelijke evolutionaire optimalisatiemethode voor het automatisch creëren van computerprogramma's. Echter, wanneer genetisch programmeren wordt gebruikt om steeds complexere taken op te lossen, vertonen deze programma’s een steeds sterker wordende drang om te groeien (codegroei). Het doel van dit werk is de bestrijding van codegroei in al zijn facetten. Het eerste deel van dit werk omvat de ontwikkeling van een nieuwe methode om codegroei te bestrijden zonder de kwaliteit van de geëvolueerde computerprogramma's negatief te beïnvloeden. Deze methode gaat op zoek naar geschikte deelprogramma’s waarbij aan een aantal voorwaarden moet worden voldaan. Een tweede luik van dit werk bestaat uit de ontwikkeling van adaptieve methoden om codegroei te bestrijden. Deze sturingsalgoritmen hebben als primair doel de instellingen voor de gebruiker te beperken en te vereenvoudigen alsook om probleemafhankelijkheden weg te werken. Dankzij codegroei hebben programma's de neiging om overgespecialiseerd te raken. In het derde deel ontwikkelen we een strategie om nieuwe testvoorbeelden aan te maken. We evalueren tevens de invloed die de nieuw ontwikkelde codegroei begrenzer uitoefent op de robuustheid van de bekomen oplossingen