85 research outputs found

    Cognition-inspired 5G cellular networks: a review and the road ahead

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    Despite the evolution of cellular networks, spectrum scarcity and the lack of intelligent and autonomous capabilities remain a cause for concern. These problems have resulted in low network capacity, high signaling overhead, inefficient data forwarding, and low scalability, which are expected to persist as the stumbling blocks to deploy, support and scale next-generation applications, including smart city and virtual reality. Fifth-generation (5G) cellular networking, along with its salient operational characteristics - including the cognitive and cooperative capabilities, network virtualization, and traffic offload - can address these limitations to cater to future scenarios characterized by highly heterogeneous, ultra-dense, and highly variable environments. Cognitive radio (CR) and cognition cycle (CC) are key enabling technologies for 5G. CR enables nodes to explore and use underutilized licensed channels; while CC has been embedded in CR nodes to learn new knowledge and adapt to network dynamics. CR and CC have brought advantages to a cognition-inspired 5G cellular network, including addressing the spectrum scarcity problem, promoting interoperation among heterogeneous entities, and providing intelligence and autonomous capabilities to support 5G core operations, such as smart beamforming. In this paper, we present the attributes of 5G and existing state of the art focusing on how CR and CC have been adopted in 5G to provide spectral efficiency, energy efficiency, improved quality of service and experience, and cost efficiency. This main contribution of this paper is to complement recent work by focusing on the networking aspect of CR and CC applied to 5G due to the urgent need to investigate, as well as to further enhance, CR and CC as core mechanisms to support 5G. This paper is aspired to establish a foundation and to spark new research interest in this topic. Open research opportunities and platform implementation are also presented to stimulate new research initiatives in this exciting area

    When Cellular Meets WiFi in Wireless Small Cell Networks

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    The deployment of small cell base stations(SCBSs) overlaid on existing macro-cellular systems is seen as a key solution for offloading traffic, optimizing coverage, and boosting the capacity of future cellular wireless systems. The next-generation of SCBSs is envisioned to be multi-mode, i.e., capable of transmitting simultaneously on both licensed and unlicensed bands. This constitutes a cost-effective integration of both WiFi and cellular radio access technologies (RATs) that can efficiently cope with peak wireless data traffic and heterogeneous quality-of-service requirements. To leverage the advantage of such multi-mode SCBSs, we discuss the novel proposed paradigm of cross-system learning by means of which SCBSs self-organize and autonomously steer their traffic flows across different RATs. Cross-system learning allows the SCBSs to leverage the advantage of both the WiFi and cellular worlds. For example, the SCBSs can offload delay-tolerant data traffic to WiFi, while simultaneously learning the probability distribution function of their transmission strategy over the licensed cellular band. This article will first introduce the basic building blocks of cross-system learning and then provide preliminary performance evaluation in a Long-Term Evolution (LTE) simulator overlaid with WiFi hotspots. Remarkably, it is shown that the proposed cross-system learning approach significantly outperforms a number of benchmark traffic steering policies

    LTE in unlicensed spectrum: indoor planning, performance evaluation, and coexistence with WiFi

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    The pursuit of more bandwidth and more efficient spectrum usage has led to consider the use of Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology in unlicensed spectrum, a concept particularly useful for indoor deployments. However, LTE must be modified in order to guarantee a fair coexistence with other systems, particularly WiFi. There exist several coexistence methods, such as listen-before-talk (LBT), advanced channel selection, duty cycle, and variations of them. Research into unlicensed spectrum has focused into LTE Licensed Assisted Access (LAA) and LTE-Unlicensed (LTE-U), expected to be specified in 2016. The contribution of this thesis is complementary to the current work, and is focused on coexistence from the perspective of network planning and radio access optimization. This is accomplished with a framework that yields optimized network topologies that maximize the benefits from the LTE deployment, fulfill coverage criteria, and minimize interference. The efficacy of the statistically optimized network topologies has also been validated by means of system level simulations

    SDN-assisted efficient LTE-WiFi aggregation in next generation IoT networks

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    Currently, the increasing demands of user terminals has surged drastically and pulling up the global data traffic along. According to 3GPP, offloading is one of the most beneficial and advantageous options to handle this critical traffic bottleneck, however, both Long Term Evolution (LTE) and Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) are loosely coupled. To mitigate the User Equipment (UE) from latency issues during offloading and for tighter integration of LTE and WLAN radio networks, LTE-WLAN Aggregation (LWA) was introduced by 3GPP which is apparently suitable for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. However, LWA is not suitable for high mobility scenarios as UEs’ information need to be updated for every new environment because of the frequent aggregation triggers which are mostly non-optimal and demands for a high-level controller. To resolve the disadvantage of non-optimal aggregation triggers, in this paper, we proposed Software Defined Networking (SDN) based approach for LWA, named as LWA under SDN Assistance (LWA-SA). In this approach, SDN initiates aggregation appropriately between LTE and an optimal WLAN Access Point (AP) which avoids frequent reconnections and deprived services. As multiple parameters are required for selection of an optimal WLAN AP, so we use Genetic Algorithm (GA) that considers each parameter as fitness value for the selection of optimal WLAN AP. This maximizes the throughput of UE and reduces the traffic pressure over licensed spectrum. Further, mathematical model is formulated that uses Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) to find the maximum attainable throughput of a UE. Using NS-3, we compared our approach with offloading scenarios and LWA. The simulation results clearly depict that LWA-SA outperforms existing schemes and achieves higher throughput

    Towards UAV Assisted 5G Public Safety Network

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    Ensuring ubiquitous mission-critical public safety communications (PSC) to all the first responders in the public safety network is crucial at an emergency site. The first responders heavily rely on mission-critical PSC to save lives, property, and national infrastructure during a natural or human-made emergency. The recent advancements in LTE/LTE-Advanced/5G mobile technologies supported by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have great potential to revolutionize PSC. However, limited spectrum allocation for LTE-based PSC demands improved channel capacity and spectral efficiency. An additional challenge in designing an LTE-based PSC network is achieving at least 95% coverage of the geographical area and human population with broadband rates. The coverage requirement and efficient spectrum use in the PSC network can be realized through the dense deployment of small cells (both terrestrial and aerial). However, there are several challenges with the dense deployment of small cells in an air-ground heterogeneous network (AG-HetNet). The main challenges which are addressed in this research work are integrating UAVs as both aerial user and aerial base-stations, mitigating inter-cell interference, capacity and coverage enhancements, and optimizing deployment locations of aerial base-stations. First, LTE signals were investigated using NS-3 simulation and software-defined radio experiment to gain knowledge on the quality of service experienced by the user equipment (UE). Using this understanding, a two-tier LTE-Advanced AG-HetNet with macro base-stations and unmanned aerial base-stations (UABS) is designed, while considering time-domain inter-cell interference coordination techniques. We maximize the capacity of this AG-HetNet in case of a damaged PSC infrastructure by jointly optimizing the inter-cell interference parameters and UABS locations using a meta-heuristic genetic algorithm (GA) and the brute-force technique. Finally, considering the latest specifications in 3GPP, a more realistic three-tier LTE-Advanced AG-HetNet is proposed with macro base-stations, pico base-stations, and ground UEs as terrestrial nodes and UABS and aerial UEs as aerial nodes. Using meta-heuristic techniques such as GA and elitist harmony search algorithm based on the GA, the critical network elements such as energy efficiency, inter-cell interference parameters, and UABS locations are all jointly optimized to maximize the capacity and coverage of the AG-HetNet

    Review on Radio Resource Allocation Optimization in LTE/LTE-Advanced using Game Theory

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    Recently, there has been a growing trend toward ap-plying game theory (GT) to various engineering fields in order to solve optimization problems with different competing entities/con-tributors/players. Researches in the fourth generation (4G) wireless network field also exploited this advanced theory to overcome long term evolution (LTE) challenges such as resource allocation, which is one of the most important research topics. In fact, an efficient de-sign of resource allocation schemes is the key to higher performance. However, the standard does not specify the optimization approach to execute the radio resource management and therefore it was left open for studies. This paper presents a survey of the existing game theory based solution for 4G-LTE radio resource allocation problem and its optimization

    Channel parameter tuning in a hybrid Wi-Fi-Dynamic Spectrum Access Wireless Mesh Network

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    This work addresses Channel Assignment in a multi-radio multi-channel (MRMC) Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) using both Wi-Fi and Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) spectrum bands and standards. This scenario poses new challenges because nodes are spread out geographically so may have differing allowed channels and experience different levels of external interference in different channels. A solution must meet two conflicting requirements simultaneously: 1) avoid or minimise interference within the network and from external interference sources, and 2) maintain connectivity within the network. These two requirements must be met while staying within the link constraints and the radio interface constraints, such as only assigning as many channels to a node as it has radios. This work's original contribution to the field is a unified framework for channel optimisation and assignment in a WMN that uses both DSA and traditional Wi-Fi channels for interconnectivity. This contribution is realised by providing and analysing the performance of near-optimal Channel Assignment (CA) solutions using metaheuristic algorithms for the MRMC WMNs using DSA bands. We have created a simulation framework for evaluating the algorithms. The performance of Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithm, Differential Evolution, and Particle Swarm Optimisation algorithms have been analysed and compared for the CA optimisation problem. We introduce a novel algorithm, used alongside the metaheuristic optimisation algorithms, to generate feasible candidate CA solutions. Unlike previous studies, this sensing and CA work takes into account the requirement to use a Geolocation Spectrum Database (GLSD) to get the allowed channels, in addition to using spectrum sensing to identify and estimate the cumulative severity of both internal and external interference sources. External interference may be caused by other secondary users (SUs) in the vicinity or by primary transmitters of the DSA band whose emissions leak into adjacent channels, next-toadjacent, or even into further channels. We use signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) as the optimisation objective. This incorporates any possible source or type of interference and makes our method agnostic to the protocol or technology of the interfering devices while ensuring that the received signal level is high enough for connectivity to be maintained on as many links as possible. To support our assertion that SINR is a reasonable criterion on which to base the optimisation, we have carried out extensive outdoor measurements in both line-of-sight and wooded conditions in the television white space (TVWS) DSA band and the 5 GHz Wi-Fi band. These measurements show that SINR is useful as a performance measure, especially when the interference experienced on a link is high. Our statistical analysis shows that SINR effectively differentiates the performance of different channels and that SINR is well correlated with throughput and is thus a good predictor of end-user experience, despite varying conditions. We also identify and analyse the idle times created by Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) contention-based Medium Access Control (MAC) operations and propose the use of these idle times for spectrum sensing to measure the SINR on possible channels. This means we can perform spectrum sensing with zero spectrum sensing delay experienced by the end user. Unlike previous work, this spectrum sensing is transparent and can be performed without causing any disruption to the normal data transmission of the network. We conduct Markov chain analysis to find the expected length of time of a sensing window. We also derive an efficient minimum variance unbiased estimator of the interference plus noise and show how the SINR can be found using this estimate. Our estimation is more granular, accurate, and appropriate to the problem of Secondary User (SU)-SU coexistence than the binary hypothesis testing methods that are most common in the literature. Furthermore, we construct confidence intervals based on the probability density function derived for the observations. This leads to finding and showing the relationships between the number of sampling windows and sampling time, the interference power, and the achievable confidence interval width. While our results coincide with (and thus are confirmed by) some key previous recommendations, ours are more precise, granular, and accurate and allow for application to a wider range of operating conditions. Finally, we present alterations to the IEEE 802.11k protocol to enable the reporting of spectrum sensing results to the fusion or gateway node and algorithms for distributing the Channel Assignment once computed. We analyse the convergence rate of the proposed procedures and find that high network availability can be maintained despite the temporary loss of connectivity caused by the channel switching procedure. This dissertation consolidates the different activities required to improve the channel parameter settings of a multi-radio multi-channel DSA-WMN. The work facilitates the extension of Internet connectivity to the unconnected or unreliably connected in rural or peri-urban areas in a more cost-effective way, enabling more meaningful and affordable access technologies. It also empowers smaller players to construct better community networks for sharing local content. This technology can have knock-on effects of improved socio-economic conditions for the communities that use it

    Models and Methods for Network Selection and Balancing in Heterogeneous Scenarios

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    The outbreak of 5G technologies for wireless communications can be considered a response to the need for widespread coverage, in terms of connectivity and bandwidth, to guarantee broadband services, such as streaming or on-demand programs offered by the main television networks or new generation services based on augmented and virtual reality (AR / VR). The purpose of the study conducted for this thesis aims to solve two of the main problems that will occur with the outbreak of 5G, that is, the search for the best possible connectivity, in order to offer users the resources necessary to take advantage of the new generation services, and multicast as required by the eMBMS. The aim of the thesis is the search for innovative algorithms that will allow to obtain the best connectivity to offer users the resources necessary to use the 5G services in a heterogeneous scenario. Study UF that allows you to improve the search for the best candidate network and to achieve a balance that allows you to avoid congestion of the chosen networks. To achieve these two important focuses, I conducted a study on the main mathematical methods that made it possible to select the network based on QoS parameters based on the type of traffic made by users. A further goal was to improve the computational computation performance they present. Furthermore, I carried out a study in order to obtain an innovative algorithm that would allow the management of multicast. The algorithm that has been implemented responds to the needs present in the eMBMS, in realistic scenarios