11 research outputs found

    Diseño de un Microprocesador Logarítmico Orientado al Procesamiento Digital de Señales /

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    Diseñar un microprocesador logarítmico orientado al procesamiento digital de señales.El sistema numérico logarítmico (LNS por Logarithmic Number System), es un sistema numérico no convencional que combina la facilidad de implementación y precisión que proporciona el sistema numérico de punto fijo y el intervalo de representación numérico que ofrece el sistema numérico de punto flotante [1]. Debido a que el LNS basa su funcionamiento en las propiedades de las funciones logaritmo y antilogaritmo, este sistema numérico permite realizar operaciones de multiplicación, división y raíz cuadrada haciendo uso de sumas, restas y desplazamientos lógicos en el formato de punto fijo, reduciendo de esta forma la complejidad de la arquitectura hardware de dichas operaciones [2], [3]. A pesar de que en la actualidad existen diversas arquitecturas basadas en aritmética convencional que permiten la implementación en hardware de este tipo de operaciones aritméticas, esto sigue siendo un problema abierto, dado que las soluciones existentes presentan un elevado consumo de área, potencia y excesivo número de ciclos de reloj para llevar a cabo dichas operaciones [4]-[5].Universidad Autónoma del Carib

    An efficient hardware logarithm generator with modified quasi-symmetrical approach for digital signal processing

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    This paper presents a low-error, low-area FPGA-based hardware logarithm generator for digital signal processing systems which require high-speed, real time logarithm operations. The proposed logarithm generator employs the modified quasi-symmetrical approach for an efficient hardware implementation. The error analysis and implementation results are also presented and discussed. The achieved results show that the proposed approach can reduce the approximation error and hardware area compared with traditional methods

    FPGA based efficient Multiplier for Image Processing Applications using Recursive Error Free Mitchell Log Multiplier and KOM Architecture

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    The Digital Image processing applications like medical imaging, satellite imaging, Biometric trait images etc., rely on multipliers to improve the quality of image. However, existing multiplication techniques introduce errors in the output with consumption of more time, hence error free high speed multipliers has to be designed. In this paper we propose FPGA based Recursive Error Free Mitchell Log Multiplier (REFMLM) for image Filters. The 2x2 error free Mitchell log multiplier is designed with zero error by introducing error correction term is used in higher order Karastuba-Ofman Multiplier (KOM) Architectures. The higher order KOM multipliers is decomposed into number of lower order multipliers using radix 2 till basic multiplier block of order 2x2 which is designed by error free Mitchell log multiplier. The 8x8 REFMLM is tested for Gaussian filter to remove noise in fingerprint image. The Multiplier is synthesized using Spartan 3 FPGA family device XC3S1500-5fg320. It is observed that the performance parameters such as area utilization, speed, error and PSNR are better in the case of proposed architecture compared to existing architecture

    Power-Aware Design Methodologies for FPGA-Based Implementation of Video Processing Systems

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    The increasing capacity and capabilities of FPGA devices in recent years provide an attractive option for performance-hungry applications in the image and video processing domain. FPGA devices are often used as implementation platforms for image and video processing algorithms for real-time applications due to their programmable structure that can exploit inherent spatial and temporal parallelism. While performance and area remain as two main design criteria, power consumption has become an important design goal especially for mobile devices. Reduction in power consumption can be achieved by reducing the supply voltage, capacitances, clock frequency and switching activities in a circuit. Switching activities can be reduced by architectural optimization of the processing cores such as adders, multipliers, multiply and accumulators (MACS), etc. This dissertation research focuses on reducing the switching activities in digital circuits by considering data dependencies in bit level, word level and block level neighborhoods in a video frame. The bit level data neighborhood dependency consideration for power reduction is illustrated in the design of pipelined array, Booth and log-based multipliers. For an array multiplier, operands of the multipliers are partitioned into higher and lower parts so that the probability of the higher order parts being zero or one increases. The gating technique for the pipelined approach deactivates part(s) of the multiplier when the above special values are detected. For the Booth multiplier, the partitioning and gating technique is integrated into the Booth recoding scheme. In addition, a delay correction strategy is developed for the Booth multiplier to reduce the switching activities of the sign extension part in the partial products. A novel architecture design for the computation of log and inverse-log functions for the reduction of power consumption in arithmetic circuits is also presented. This also utilizes the proposed partitioning and gating technique for further dynamic power reduction by reducing the switching activities. The word level and block level data dependencies for reducing the dynamic power consumption are illustrated by presenting the design of a 2-D convolution architecture. Here the similarities of the neighboring pixels in window-based operations of image and video processing algorithms are considered for reduced switching activities. A partitioning and detection mechanism is developed to deactivate the parallel architecture for window-based operations if higher order parts of the pixel values are the same. A neighborhood dependent approach (NDA) is incorporated with different window buffering schemes. Consideration of the symmetry property in filter kernels is also applied with the NDA method for further reduction of switching activities. The proposed design methodologies are implemented and evaluated in a FPGA environment. It is observed that the dynamic power consumption in FPGA-based circuit implementations is significantly reduced in bit level, data level and block level architectures when compared to state-of-the-art design techniques. A specific application for the design of a real-time video processing system incorporating the proposed design methodologies for low power consumption is also presented. An image enhancement application is considered and the proposed partitioning and gating, and NDA methods are utilized in the design of the enhancement system. Experimental results show that the proposed multi-level power aware methodology achieves considerable power reduction. Research work is progressing In utilizing the data dependencies in subsequent frames in a video stream for the reduction of circuit switching activities and thereby the dynamic power consumption

    Implémentation FPGA d'une FFT à base d'arithmétique logarithmique pour les systèmes OFDM

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    Design of a High-Speed Architecture for Stabilization of Video Captured Under Non-Uniform Lighting Conditions

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    Video captured in shaky conditions may lead to vibrations. A robust algorithm to immobilize the video by compensating for the vibrations from physical settings of the camera is presented in this dissertation. A very high performance hardware architecture on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology is also developed for the implementation of the stabilization system. Stabilization of video sequences captured under non-uniform lighting conditions begins with a nonlinear enhancement process. This improves the visibility of the scene captured from physical sensing devices which have limited dynamic range. This physical limitation causes the saturated region of the image to shadow out the rest of the scene. It is therefore desirable to bring back a more uniform scene which eliminates the shadows to a certain extent. Stabilization of video requires the estimation of global motion parameters. By obtaining reliable background motion, the video can be spatially transformed to the reference sequence thereby eliminating the unintended motion of the camera. A reflectance-illuminance model for video enhancement is used in this research work to improve the visibility and quality of the scene. With fast color space conversion, the computational complexity is reduced to a minimum. The basic video stabilization model is formulated and configured for hardware implementation. Such a model involves evaluation of reliable features for tracking, motion estimation, and affine transformation to map the display coordinates of a stabilized sequence. The multiplications, divisions and exponentiations are replaced by simple arithmetic and logic operations using improved log-domain computations in the hardware modules. On Xilinx\u27s Virtex II 2V8000-5 FPGA platform, the prototype system consumes 59% logic slices, 30% flip-flops, 34% lookup tables, 35% embedded RAMs and two ZBT frame buffers. The system is capable of rendering 180.9 million pixels per second (mpps) and consumes approximately 30.6 watts of power at 1.5 volts. With a 1024×1024 frame, the throughput is equivalent to 172 frames per second (fps). Future work will optimize the performance-resource trade-off to meet the specific needs of the applications. It further extends the model for extraction and tracking of moving objects as our model inherently encapsulates the attributes of spatial distortion and motion prediction to reduce complexity. With these parameters to narrow down the processing range, it is possible to achieve a minimum of 20 fps on desktop computers with Intel Core 2 Duo or Quad Core CPUs and 2GB DDR2 memory without a dedicated hardware

    Efficient FPGA Architectures for Separable Filters and Logarithmic Multipliers and Automation of Fish Feature Extraction Using Gabor Filters

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    Convolution and multiplication operations in the filtering process can be optimized by minimizing the resource utilization using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) and separable filter kernels. An FPGA architecture for separable convolution is proposed to achieve reduction of on-chip resource utilization and external memory bandwidth for a given processing rate of the convolution unit. Multiplication in integer number system can be optimized in terms of resources, operation time and power consumption by converting to logarithmic domain. To achieve this, a method altering the filter weights is proposed and implemented for error reduction. The results obtained depict significant error reduction when compared to existing methods, thereby optimizing the multiplication in terms of the above mentioned metrics. Underwater video and still images are used by many programs within National Oceanic Atmospheric and Administration (NOAA) fisheries with the objective of identifying, classifying and quantifying living marine resources. They use underwater cameras to get video recording data for manual analysis. This process of manual analysis is labour intensive, time consuming and error prone. An efficient solution for this problem is proposed which uses Gabor filters for feature extraction. The proposed method is implemented to identify two species of fish namely Epinephelus morio and Ocyurus chrysurus. The results show higher rate of detection with minimal rate of false alarms

    Approximation and Optimization of an Auditory Model for Realization in VLSI Hardware

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    The Auditory Image Model (AIM) is a software tool set developed to functionally model the role of the ear in the human hearing process. AIM includes detailed filter equations for the major functional portions of the ear. Currently, AIM is run on a workstation and requires 10 to 100 times real-time to process audio information and produce an auditory image. An all-digital approximation of the AIM which is suitable for implementation in very large scale integrated circuits is presented. This document details the mathematical models of AIM and the approximations and optimizations used to simplify the filtering and signal processing accomplished by AIM. Included are the details of an efficient multi-rate architecture designed for sub-micron VLSI technology to carry out the approximated equations. Finally, simulation results which indicate that the architecture, when implemented in 0.8µm CMOS VLSI, will sustain real- time operation on a 32 channel system are included. The same tests also indicate that the chip will be approximately 3.3 mm2, and consume approximately 18 mW. The details of a new and efficient method for computing an approximate logarithm (base two) on binary integers is also presented. The approximate logarithm algorithm is used to convert sound energy into millibels quickly and with low power. Additionally, the algorithm, is easily extended to compute an approximate logarithm in base ten which broadens the class of problems to which it may be applied

    Algorithms and architectures for decimal transcendental function computation

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    Nowadays, there are many commercial demands for decimal floating-point (DFP) arithmetic operations such as financial analysis, tax calculation, currency conversion, Internet based applications, and e-commerce. This trend gives rise to further development on DFP arithmetic units which can perform accurate computations with exact decimal operands. Due to the significance of DFP arithmetic, the IEEE 754-2008 standard for floating-point arithmetic includes it in its specifications. The basic decimal arithmetic unit, such as decimal adder, subtracter, multiplier, divider or square-root unit, as a main part of a decimal microprocessor, is attracting more and more researchers' attentions. Recently, the decimal-encoded formats and DFP arithmetic units have been implemented in IBM's system z900, POWER6, and z10 microprocessors. Increasing chip densities and transistor count provide more room for designers to add more essential functions on application domains into upcoming microprocessors. Decimal transcendental functions, such as DFP logarithm, antilogarithm, exponential, reciprocal and trigonometric, etc, as useful arithmetic operations in many areas of science and engineering, has been specified as the recommended arithmetic in the IEEE 754-2008 standard. Thus, virtually all the computing systems that are compliant with the IEEE 754-2008 standard could include a DFP mathematical library providing transcendental function computation. Based on the development of basic decimal arithmetic units, more complex DFP transcendental arithmetic will be the next building blocks in microprocessors. In this dissertation, we researched and developed several new decimal algorithms and architectures for the DFP transcendental function computation. These designs are composed of several different methods: 1) the decimal transcendental function computation based on the table-based first-order polynomial approximation method; 2) DFP logarithmic and antilogarithmic converters based on the decimal digit-recurrence algorithm with selection by rounding; 3) a decimal reciprocal unit using the efficient table look-up based on Newton-Raphson iterations; and 4) a first radix-100 division unit based on the non-restoring algorithm with pre-scaling method. Most decimal algorithms and architectures for the DFP transcendental function computation developed in this dissertation have been the first attempt to analyze and implement the DFP transcendental arithmetic in order to achieve faithful results of DFP operands, specified in IEEE 754-2008. To help researchers evaluate the hardware performance of DFP transcendental arithmetic units, the proposed architectures based on the different methods are modeled, verified and synthesized using FPGAs or with CMOS standard cells libraries in ASIC. Some of implementation results are compared with those of the binary radix-16 logarithmic and exponential converters; recent developed high performance decimal CORDIC based architecture; and Intel's DFP transcendental function computation software library. The comparison results show that the proposed architectures have significant speed-up in contrast to the above designs in terms of the latency. The algorithms and architectures developed in this dissertation provide a useful starting point for future hardware-oriented DFP transcendental function computation researches