2,274 research outputs found

    A Primal-Dual Algorithm for Link Dependent Origin Destination Matrix Estimation

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    Origin-Destination Matrix (ODM) estimation is a classical problem in transport engineering aiming to recover flows from every Origin to every Destination from measured traffic counts and a priori model information. In addition to traffic counts, the present contribution takes advantage of probe trajectories, whose capture is made possible by new measurement technologies. It extends the concept of ODM to that of Link dependent ODM (LODM), keeping the information about the flow distribution on links and containing inherently the ODM assignment. Further, an original formulation of LODM estimation, from traffic counts and probe trajectories is presented as an optimisation problem, where the functional to be minimized consists of five convex functions, each modelling a constraint or property of the transport problem: consistency with traffic counts, consistency with sampled probe trajectories, consistency with traffic conservation (Kirchhoff's law), similarity of flows having close origins and destinations, positivity of traffic flows. A primal-dual algorithm is devised to minimize the designed functional, as the corresponding objective functions are not necessarily differentiable. A case study, on a simulated network and traffic, validates the feasibility of the procedure and details its benefits for the estimation of an LODM matching real-network constraints and observations

    Transport systems analysis : models and data

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    Funding: This research project has been funded by Spanish R+D Programs, specifcally under Grant PID2020-112967GB-C31.Rapid advancements in new technologies, especially information and communication technologies (ICT), have significantly increased the number of sensors that capture data, namely those embedded in mobile devices. This wealth of data has garnered particular interest in analyzing transport systems, with some researchers arguing that the data alone are sufficient enough to render transport models unnecessary. However, this paper takes a contrary position and holds that models and data are not mutually exclusive but rather depend upon each other. Transport models are built upon established families of optimization and simulation approaches, and their development aligns with the scientific principles of operations research, which involves acquiring knowledge to derive modeling hypotheses. We provide an overview of these modeling principles and their application to transport systems, presenting numerous models that vary according to study objectives and corresponding modeling hypotheses. The data required for building, calibrating, and validating selected models are discussed, along with examples of using data analytics techniques to collect and handle the data supplied by ICT applications. The paper concludes with some comments on current and future trends

    Estimation/updating of origin-destination flows: recent trends and opportunities from trajectory data

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    Understanding the spatial and temporal dynamics of mobility demand is essential for many applications over the entire transport domain, from planning and policy assessment to operation, control, and management. Typically, mobility demand is represented by origin-destination (o-d) flows, each representing the number of trips from one traffic zone to another, for a certain trip purpose and mode of transport, in a given time interval (Cascetta, 2009, Ortuzar and Willumsen, 2011). O-d flows have been generally unobservable for decades, thus the problem of o-d matrix estimation is still one of the most challenging in transportation studies. In recent times, unprecedented tracing and tracking capabilities have become available. The pervasive penetration of sensing devices (smartphones, black boxes, smart cards, ...) adopting a variety of tracing technologies/methods (GPS, Bluetooth, ...) could make in many cases o-d flows now observable. The increasing availability of trajectory data sources has provided new opportunities to enhance observability of human mobility and travel patterns between origins and destinations, recently explored by researchers and practitioners, bringing innovation and new research directions on origin-destination (o-d) matrix estimation. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a deep understanding of the opportunities and the limitations of trajectory data to assess its potential for ameliorating the o-d flows estimation/updating problem and for conducting o-d related analysis. The proposed work involves both real trajectory data analysis and laboratory experiments based on synthetic data to investigate the implications of the trajectory data sample distinctive features (e.g. sample representativeness and bias) on demand flows accuracy. Final considerations and results might provide useful guidelines for researchers and practitioners dealing with various types of trajectory data sample and conducting o-d related applications

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe Active Traffic and Demand Management (ATDM) initiative aims to integrate various management strategies and control measures so as to achieve the mobility, environment and sustainability goals. To support the active monitoring and management of real-world complex traffic conditions, the first objective of this dissertation is to develop a travel time reliability estimation and prediction methodology that can provide informed decisions for the management and operation agencies and travelers. A systematic modeling framework was developed to consider a corridor with multiple bottlenecks, and a series of close-form formulas was derived to quantify the travel time distribution under both stochastic demand and capacity, with possible on-ramp and off-ramp flow changes. Traffic state estimation techniques are often used to guide operational management decisions, and accurate traffic estimates are critically needed in ATDM applications designed for reducing instability, volatility and emissions in the transportation system. By capturing the essential forward and backward wave propagation characteristics under possible random measurement errors, this dissertation proposes a unified representation with a simple but theoretically sound explanation for traffic observations under free-flow, congested and dynamic transient conditions. This study also presents a linear programming model to quantify the value of traffic measurements, in a heterogeneous data environment with fixed sensors, Bluetooth readers and GPS sensors. It is important to design comprehensive traffic control measures that can systematically address deteriorating congestion and environmental issues. To better evaluate and assess the mobility and environmental benefits of the transportation improvement plans, this dissertation also discusses a cross-resolution modeling framework for integrating a microscopic emission model with the existing mesoscopic traffic simulation model. A simplified car-following model-based vehicle trajectory construction method is used to generate the high-resolution vehicle trajectory profiles and resulting emission output. In addition, this dissertation discusses a number of important issues for a cloud computing-based software system implementation. A prototype of a reliability-based traveler information provision and dissemination system is developed to offer a rich set of travel reliability information for the general public and traffic management and planning organizations

    Simulating Large-Scale Microscopic Traffic Data

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    Traffic situations are continuous, uncertain, highly dynamic and partially observable, and they affect the day-to-day lives of people in a society. A worthwhile endeavor is to develop algorithms that can predict abnormal traffic situations by exploiting data from the myriad of sensors on the streets, in vehicles and in smartphones, leading to smoother flow of traffic. Unfortunately, the large volumes of microscopic (i.e. individual vehicle-level) data required for developing statistical/machine learning algorithms cannot be collected from the field by the public. The data collected by transportation agencies is either macroscopic or not widely available. In this thesis, a framework is developed for simulating large-scale traffic data using a microscopic simulation model and limited real-world data. Five kinds of sensors are simulated: inductor loop detector, lane area detector, multi-entry multi-exit detector, Bluetooth, and edgebased traffic measure. Data is simulated using this framework from multiple sensors over an area covering Montgomery County and Prince George County in Washington DC for 720 hours (30 days). The synthesized data is validated with respect to real-world data for volume and speed. Widely-used classifiers are used to recognize eight traffic events, namely Collision, Disabled Vehicle, Emergency Roadwork, Injuries Involved, Obstructions, Road Maintenance Operations, Traffic Signal Not Working and with no events in the synthesized dataset with high accuracy. Given limited real-world microscopic traffic data from a particular area, this framework is the first of its kind that can simulate data from multiple kinds of sensors over a very long duration with high-fidelity to the given data

    Prefrontal cortex activation upon a demanding virtual hand-controlled task: A new frontier for neuroergonomics

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    open9noFunctional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a non-invasive vascular-based functional neuroimaging technology that can assess, simultaneously from multiple cortical areas, concentration changes in oxygenated-deoxygenated hemoglobin at the level of the cortical microcirculation blood vessels. fNIRS, with its high degree of ecological validity and its very limited requirement of physical constraints to subjects, could represent a valid tool for monitoring cortical responses in the research field of neuroergonomics. In virtual reality (VR) real situations can be replicated with greater control than those obtainable in the real world. Therefore, VR is the ideal setting where studies about neuroergonomics applications can be performed. The aim of the present study was to investigate, by a 20-channel fNIRS system, the dorsolateral/ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC/VLPFC) in subjects while performing a demanding VR hand-controlled task (HCT). Considering the complexity of the HCT, its execution should require the attentional resources allocation and the integration of different executive functions. The HCT simulates the interaction with a real, remotely-driven, system operating in a critical environment. The hand movements were captured by a high spatial and temporal resolution 3-dimensional (3D) hand-sensing device, the LEAP motion controller, a gesture-based control interface that could be used in VR for tele-operated applications. Fifteen University students were asked to guide, with their right hand/forearm, a virtual ball (VB) over a virtual route (VROU) reproducing a 42 m narrow road including some critical points. The subjects tried to travel as long as possible without making VB fall. The distance traveled by the guided VB was 70.2 ± 37.2 m. The less skilled subjects failed several times in guiding the VB over the VROU. Nevertheless, a bilateral VLPFC activation, in response to the HCT execution, was observed in all the subjects. No correlation was found between the distance traveled by the guided VB and the corresponding cortical activation. These results confirm the suitability of fNIRS technology to objectively evaluate cortical hemodynamic changes occurring in VR environments. Future studies could give a contribution to a better understanding of the cognitive mechanisms underlying human performance either in expert or non-expert operators during the simulation of different demanding/fatiguing activities.openCarrieri, Marika; Petracca, Andrea; Lancia, Stefania; Basso Moro, Sara; Brigadoi, Sabrina; Spezialetti, Matteo; Ferrari, Marco; Placidi, Giuseppe; Quaresima, ValentinaCarrieri, Marika; Petracca, Andrea; Lancia, Stefania; BASSO MORO, Sara; Brigadoi, Sabrina; Spezialetti, Matteo; Ferrari, Marco; Placidi, Giuseppe; Quaresima, Valentin