11 research outputs found

    Synthesizing skin lesion images using CycleGANs – a case study

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    Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have seen some success as a way to synthesize training data for supervised machine learning models. In this work, we design two novel approaches for synthetic image generation based on CycleGANs, aimed at generating realistic-looking, class-specific dermoscopic skin lesion images. We evaluate the images’ usefulness as additional training data for a convolutional neural network trained to perform a difficult lesion classification task. We are able to generate visually striking images, but their value for augmenting the classifier’s training data set is low. This is in-line with other researcher’s investigations into similar GAN models, indicating the need for further research into forcing GAN models to produce samples further from the training data distribution, and to find ways of guiding the image generation using feedback from the ultimate classification objective

    Generative adversarial networks to improve fetal brain fine-grained plane classification

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    Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have been recently applied to medical imaging on different modalities (MRI, CT, X-ray, etc). However there are not many applications on ultrasound modality as a data augmentation technique applied to downstream classification tasks. This study aims to explore and evaluate the generation of synthetic ultrasound fetal brain images via GANs and apply them to improve fetal brain ultrasound plane classification. State of the art GANs stylegan2-ada were applied to fetal brain image generation and GAN-based data augmentation classifiers were compared with baseline classifiers. Our experimental results show that using data generated by both GANs and classical augmentation strategies allows for increasing the accuracy and area under the curve score.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Hierarchical Amortized Training for Memory-efficient High Resolution 3D GAN

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    Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) have many potential medical imaging applications, including data augmentation, domain adaptation, and model explanation. Due to the limited embedded memory of Graphical Processing Units (GPUs), most current 3D GAN models are trained on low-resolution medical images. In this work, we propose a novel end-to-end GAN architecture that can generate high-resolution 3D images. We achieve this goal by separating training and inference. During training, we adopt a hierarchical structure that simultaneously generates a low-resolution version of the image and a randomly selected sub-volume of the high-resolution image. The hierarchical design has two advantages: First, the memory demand for training on high-resolution images is amortized among subvolumes. Furthermore, anchoring the high-resolution subvolumes to a single low-resolution image ensures anatomical consistency between subvolumes. During inference, our model can directly generate full high-resolution images. We also incorporate an encoder with a similar hierarchical structure into the model to extract features from the images. Experiments on 3D thorax CT and brain MRI demonstrate that our approach outperforms state of the art in image generation and clinical-relevant feature extraction.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures. Under revie

    The State of Applying Artificial Intelligence to Tissue Imaging for Cancer Research and Early Detection

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    Artificial intelligence represents a new frontier in human medicine that could save more lives and reduce the costs, thereby increasing accessibility. As a consequence, the rate of advancement of AI in cancer medical imaging and more particularly tissue pathology has exploded, opening it to ethical and technical questions that could impede its adoption into existing systems. In order to chart the path of AI in its application to cancer tissue imaging, we review current work and identify how it can improve cancer pathology diagnostics and research. In this review, we identify 5 core tasks that models are developed for, including regression, classification, segmentation, generation, and compression tasks. We address the benefits and challenges that such methods face, and how they can be adapted for use in cancer prevention and treatment. The studies looked at in this paper represent the beginning of this field and future experiments will build on the foundations that we highlight

    Generating 3D TOF-MRA volumes and segmentation labels using generative adversarial networks

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    Deep learning requires large labeled datasets that are difficult to gather in medical imaging due to data privacy issues and time-consuming manual labeling. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) can alleviate these challenges enabling synthesis of shareable data. While 2D GANs have been used to generate 2D images with their corresponding labels, they cannot capture the volumetric information of 3D medical imaging. 3D GANs are more suitable for this and have been used to generate 3D volumes but not their corresponding labels. One reason might be that synthesizing 3D volumes is challenging owing to computational limitations. In this work, we present 3D GANs for the generation of 3D medical image volumes with corresponding labels applying mixed precision to alleviate computational constraints. We generated 3D Time-of-Flight Magnetic Resonance Angiography (TOF-MRA) patches with their corresponding brain blood vessel segmentation labels. We used four variants of 3D Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) with: 1) gradient penalty (GP), 2) GP with spectral normalization (SN), 3) SN with mixed precision (SN-MP), and 4) SN-MP with double filters per layer (c-SN-MP). The generated patches were quantitatively evaluated using the Fréchet Inception Distance (FID) and Precision and Recall of Distributions (PRD). Further, 3D U-Nets were trained with patch-label pairs from different WGAN models and their performance was compared to the performance of a benchmark U-Net trained on real data. The segmentation performance of all U-Net models was assessed using Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) and balanced Average Hausdorff Distance (bAVD) for a) all vessels, and b) intracranial vessels only. Our results show that patches generated with WGAN models using mixed precision (SN-MP and c-SN-MP) yielded the lowest FID scores and the best PRD curves. Among the 3D U-Nets trained with synthetic patch-label pairs, c-SN-MP pairs achieved the highest DSC (0.841) and lowest bAVD (0.508) compared to the benchmark U-Net trained on real data (DSC 0.901; bAVD 0.294) for intracranial vessels. In conclusion, our solution generates realistic 3D TOF-MRA patches and labels for brain vessel segmentation. We demonstrate the benefit of using mixed precision for computational efficiency resulting in the best-performing GAN-architecture. Our work paves the way towards sharing of labeled 3D medical data which would increase generalizability of deep learning models for clinical use

    SkinCAN AI: A deep learning-based skin cancer classification and segmentation pipeline designed along with a generative model

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    The rarity of Melanoma skin cancer accounts for the dataset collected to be limited and highly skewed, as benign moles can easily mimic the impression of the melanoma-affected area. Such an imbalanced dataset makes training any deep learning classifier network harder by affecting the training stability. We have an intuition that synthesizing such skin lesion medical images could help solve the issue of overfitting in training networks and assist in enforcing the anonymization of actual patients. Despite multiple previous attempts, none of the models were practical for the fast-paced clinical environment. In this thesis, we propose a novel pipeline named SkinCAN AI, inspired by StyleGAN but designed explicitly considering the limitations of the skin lesion dataset and emphasizing the requirement of a faster optimized diagnostic tool that can be easily inferred and integrated into the clinical environment. Our SkinCAN AI model is equipped with its module of adaptive discriminator augmentation that enables limited target data distribution to be learned and artificial data points to be sampled, which further assist the classifier network in learning semantic features. We elucidate the novelty of our SkinCAN AI pipeline by integrating the soft attention module in the classifier network. This module yields an attention mask analyzed by DenseNet201 to focus on learning relevant semantic features from skin lesion images without using any heavy computational burden of artifact removal software. The SkinGAN model achieves an FID score of 0.622 while allowing its synthetic samples to train the DenseNet201 model with an accuracy of 0.9494, AUC of 0.938, specificity of 0.969, and sensitivity of 0.695. We provide evidence in our thesis that our proposed pipelines outperform other state-of-the-art existing networks developed for this task of early diagnosis