3,097 research outputs found

    Transversal structures on triangulations: a combinatorial study and straight-line drawings

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    This article focuses on a combinatorial structure specific to triangulated plane graphs with quadrangular outer face and no separating triangle, which are called irreducible triangulations. The structure has been introduced by Xin He under the name of regular edge-labelling and consists of two bipolar orientations that are transversal. For this reason, the terminology used here is that of transversal structures. The main results obtained in the article are a bijection between irreducible triangulations and ternary trees, and a straight-line drawing algorithm for irreducible triangulations. For a random irreducible triangulation with nn vertices, the grid size of the drawing is asymptotically with high probability 11n/27×11n/2711n/27\times 11n/27 up to an additive error of \cO(\sqrt{n}). In contrast, the best previously known algorithm for these triangulations only guarantees a grid size (n/21)×n/2(\lceil n/2\rceil -1)\times \lfloor n/2\rfloor.Comment: 42 pages, the second version is shorter, focusing on the bijection (with application to counting) and on the graph drawing algorithm. The title has been slightly change

    Statistics of planar graphs viewed from a vertex: A study via labeled trees

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    We study the statistics of edges and vertices in the vicinity of a reference vertex (origin) within random planar quadrangulations and Eulerian triangulations. Exact generating functions are obtained for theses graphs with fixed numbers of edges and vertices at given geodesic distances from the origin. Our analysis relies on bijections with labeled trees, in which the labels encode the information on the geodesic distance from the origin. In the case of infinitely large graphs, we give in particular explicit formulas for the probabilities that the origin have given numbers of neighboring edges and/or vertices, as well as explicit values for the corresponding moments.Comment: 36 pages, 15 figures, tex, harvmac, eps

    On the expected number of perfect matchings in cubic planar graphs

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    A well-known conjecture by Lov\'asz and Plummer from the 1970s asserted that a bridgeless cubic graph has exponentially many perfect matchings. It was solved in the affirmative by Esperet et al. (Adv. Math. 2011). On the other hand, Chudnovsky and Seymour (Combinatorica 2012) proved the conjecture in the special case of cubic planar graphs. In our work we consider random bridgeless cubic planar graphs with the uniform distribution on graphs with nn vertices. Under this model we show that the expected number of perfect matchings in labeled bridgeless cubic planar graphs is asymptotically cγnc\gamma^n, where c>0c>0 and γ1.14196\gamma \sim 1.14196 is an explicit algebraic number. We also compute the expected number of perfect matchings in (non necessarily bridgeless) cubic planar graphs and provide lower bounds for unlabeled graphs. Our starting point is a correspondence between counting perfect matchings in rooted cubic planar maps and the partition function of the Ising model in rooted triangulations.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Irreducible Triangulations are Small

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    A triangulation of a surface is \emph{irreducible} if there is no edge whose contraction produces another triangulation of the surface. We prove that every irreducible triangulation of a surface with Euler genus g1g\geq1 has at most 13g413g-4 vertices. The best previous bound was 171g72171g-72.Comment: v2: Referees' comments incorporate

    Irreducible triangulations of surfaces with boundary

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    A triangulation of a surface is irreducible if no edge can be contracted to produce a triangulation of the same surface. In this paper, we investigate irreducible triangulations of surfaces with boundary. We prove that the number of vertices of an irreducible triangulation of a (possibly non-orientable) surface of genus g>=0 with b>=0 boundaries is O(g+b). So far, the result was known only for surfaces without boundary (b=0). While our technique yields a worse constant in the O(.) notation, the present proof is elementary, and simpler than the previous ones in the case of surfaces without boundary