6 research outputs found

    Improving performance of a hyper-heuristic using a multilayer perceptron for vehicle routing

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    A hyper-heuristic is a heuristic optimisation method which generates or selects heuristics (move operators) based on a set of components while solving a computationally difficult problem. Apprenticeship learning arises while observing the behavior of an expert in action. In this study, we use a multilayer perceptron (MLP) as an apprenticeship learning algorithm to improve upon the performance of a state-of-the-art selection hyper-heuristic used as an expert, which was the winner of a cross-domain heuristic search challenge (CHeSC 2011). We collect data based on the relevant actions of the expert while solving selected vehicle routing problem instances from CHeSC 2011. Then an MLP is trained using this data to build a selection hyper-heuristic consisting of a number classifiers for heuristic selection, parameter control, and move-acceptance. The generated selection hyper-heuristic is tested on the unseen vehicle routing problem instances. The empirical results indicate the success of MLP-based hyper-heuristic achieving a better performance than the expert and some previously proposed algorithms

    Heuristic generation via parameter tuning for online bin packing

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    Online bin packing requires immediate decisions to be made for placing an incoming item one at a time into bins of fixed capacity without causing any overflow. The goal is to maximise the average bin fullness after placement of a long stream of items. A recent work describes an approach for solving this problem based on a ‘policy matrix’ representation in which each decision option is independently given a value and the highest value option is selected. A policy matrix can also be viewed as a heuristic with many parameters and then the search for a good policy matrix can be treated as a parameter tuning process. In this study, we show that the Irace parameter tuning algorithm produces heuristics which outperform the standard human designed heuristics for various instances of the online bin packing problem

    A tensor-based selection hyper-heuristic for cross-domain heuristic search

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    Hyper-heuristics have emerged as automated high level search methodologies that manage a set of low level heuristics for solving computationally hard problems. A generic selection hyper-heuristic combines heuristic selection and move acceptance methods under an iterative single point-based search framework. At each step, the solution in hand is modified after applying a selected heuristic and a decision is made whether the new solution is accepted or not. In this study, we represent the trail of a hyper-heuristic as a third order tensor. Factorization of such a tensor reveals the latent relationships between the low level heuristics and the hyper-heuristic itself. The proposed learning approach partitions the set of low level heuristics into two subsets where heuristics in each subset are associated with a separate move acceptance method. Then a multi-stage hyper-heuristic is formed and while solving a given problem instance, heuristics are allowed to operate only in conjunction with the associated acceptance method at each stage. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time tensor analysis of the space of heuristics is used as a data science approach to improve the performance of a hyper-heuristic in the prescribed manner. The empirical results across six different problem domains from a benchmark indeed indicate the success of the proposed approach

    CHAMP: Creating Heuristics via Many Parameters for online bin packing

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    The online bin packing problem is a well-known bin packing variant which requires immediate decisions to be made for the placement of a lengthy sequence of arriving items of various sizes one at a time into fixed capacity bins without any overflow. The overall goal is maximising the average bin fullness. We investigate a ‘policy matrix’ representation which assigns a score for each decision option independently and the option with the highest value is chosen for one dimensional online bin packing. A policy matrix might also be considered as a heuristic with many parameters, where each parameter value is a score. We hence investigate a framework which can be used for creating heuristics via many parameters. The proposed framework combines a Genetic Algorithm optimiser, which searches the space of heuristics in policy matrix form, and an online bin packing simulator, which acts as the evaluation function. The empirical results indicate the success of the proposed approach, providing the best solutions for almost all item sequence generators used during the experiments. We also present a novel fitness landscape analysis on the search space of policies. This study hence gives evidence of the potential for automated discovery by intelligent systems of powerful heuristics for online problems; reducing the need for expensive use of human expertise

    Machine learning into metaheuristics: A survey and taxonomy of data-driven metaheuristics

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    During the last years, research in applying machine learning (ML) to design efficient, effective and robust metaheuristics became increasingly popular. Many of those data driven metaheuristics have generated high quality results and represent state-of-the-art optimization algorithms. Although various appproaches have been proposed, there is a lack of a comprehensive survey and taxonomy on this research topic. In this paper we will investigate different opportunities for using ML into metaheuristics. We define uniformly the various ways synergies which might be achieved. A detailed taxonomy is proposed according to the concerned search component: target optimization problem, low-level and high-level components of metaheuristics. Our goal is also to motivate researchers in optimization to include ideas from ML into metaheuristics. We identify some open research issues in this topic which needs further in-depth investigations

    Generalizing Hyper-heuristics via Apprenticeship Learning

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    Abstract. An apprenticeship-learning-based technique is used as a hyperheuristic to generate heuristics for an online combinatorial problem. It observes and learns from the actions of a known-expert heuristic on small instances, but has the advantage of producing a general heuristic that works well on other larger instances. Specifically, we generate heuristic policies for online bin packing problem by using expert near-optimal policies produced by a hyper-heuristic on small instances, where learning is fast. The ”expert ” is a policy matrix that defines an index policy, and the apprenticeship learning is based on observation of the action of the expert policy together with a range of features of the bin being considered, and then applying a k-means classification. We show that the generated policy often performs better than the standard best-fit heuristic even when applied to instances much larger than the training set