9 research outputs found

    Generalized Species Sampling Priors with Latent Beta reinforcements

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    Many popular Bayesian nonparametric priors can be characterized in terms of exchangeable species sampling sequences. However, in some applications, exchangeability may not be appropriate. We introduce a {novel and probabilistically coherent family of non-exchangeable species sampling sequences characterized by a tractable predictive probability function with weights driven by a sequence of independent Beta random variables. We compare their theoretical clustering properties with those of the Dirichlet Process and the two parameters Poisson-Dirichlet process. The proposed construction provides a complete characterization of the joint process, differently from existing work. We then propose the use of such process as prior distribution in a hierarchical Bayes modeling framework, and we describe a Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampler for posterior inference. We evaluate the performance of the prior and the robustness of the resulting inference in a simulation study, providing a comparison with popular Dirichlet Processes mixtures and Hidden Markov Models. Finally, we develop an application to the detection of chromosomal aberrations in breast cancer by leveraging array CGH data.Comment: For correspondence purposes, Edoardo M. Airoldi's email is [email protected]; Federico Bassetti's email is [email protected]; Michele Guindani's email is [email protected] ; Fabrizo Leisen's email is [email protected]. To appear in the Journal of the American Statistical Associatio

    A hierarchical Bayesian model for inference of copy number variants and their association to gene expression

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    A number of statistical models have been successfully developed for the analysis of high-throughput data from a single source, but few methods are available for integrating data from different sources. Here we focus on integrating gene expression levels with comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) array measurements collected on the same subjects. We specify a measurement error model that relates the gene expression levels to latent copy number states which, in turn, are related to the observed surrogate CGH measurements via a hidden Markov model. We employ selection priors that exploit the dependencies across adjacent copy number states and investigate MCMC stochastic search techniques for posterior inference. Our approach results in a unified modeling framework for simultaneously inferring copy number variants (CNV) and identifying their significant associations with mRNA transcripts abundance. We show performance on simulated data and illustrate an application to data from a genomic study on human cancer cell lines.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/13-AOAS705 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Modelling Preference Data with the Wallenius Distribution

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    The Wallenius distribution is a generalisation of the Hypergeometric distribution where weights are assigned to balls of different colours. This naturally defines a model for ranking categories which can be used for classification purposes. Since, in general, the resulting likelihood is not analytically available, we adopt an approximate Bayesian computational (ABC) approach for estimating the importance of the categories. We illustrate the performance of the estimation procedure on simulated datasets. Finally, we use the new model for analysing two datasets concerning movies ratings and Italian academic statisticians' journal preferences. The latter is a novel dataset collected by the authors

    Bayesian Predictive Inference Without a Prior

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    Let (Xn : n ≥ 1) be a sequence of random observations. Let σn(·) = P (Xn+1 ∈ · | X1, . . . , Xn) be the n-th predictive distribution and σ0(·)=P (X1 ∈ ·) the marginal distribution of X1. To make predictions on (Xn), a Bayesian forecaster only needs the collection σ = (σn : n ≥ 0). Because of the Ionescu-Tulcea theorem, σ can be assigned directly, without passing through the usual prior/posterior scheme. One main advantage is that no prior probability has to be selected. This point of view is adopted in this paper. The choice of σ is only subjected to two requirements: (i) The resulting sequence (Xn) is conditionally identically distributed, in the sense of [4]; (ii) Each σn+1 is a simple recursive update of σn. Various new σ satisfying (i)-(ii) are introduced and investigated. For such σ, the asymptotics of σn, as n → ∞, is determined. In some cases, the probability distribution of (Xn) is also evaluated