9,129 research outputs found

    Statistical Mechanics and Black Hole Thermodynamics

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    Black holes are thermodynamic objects, but despite recent progress, the ultimate statistical mechanical origin of black hole temperature and entropy remains mysterious. Here I summarize an approach in which the entropy is viewed as arising from ``would-be pure gauge'' degrees of freedom that become dynamical at the horizon. For the (2+1)-dimensional black hole, these degrees of freedom can be counted, and yield the correct Bekenstein-Hawking entropy; the corresponding problem in 3+1 dimensions remains open.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX, uses espcrc2.sty; talk given at the Second Meeting on Constrained Dynamics and Quantum Gravity, Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy, September 199

    Analog quantum simulation of the Rabi model in the ultra-strong coupling regime

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    The quantum Rabi model describes the fundamental mechanism of light-matter interaction. It consists of a two-level atom or qubit coupled to a quantized harmonic mode via a transversal interaction. In the weak coupling regime, it reduces to the well-known Jaynes-Cummings model by applying a rotating wave approximation (RWA). The RWA breaks down in the ultra-strong coupling (USC) regime, where the effective coupling strength gg is comparable to the energy ω\omega of the bosonic mode, and remarkable features in the system dynamics are revealed. We demonstrate an analog quantum simulation of an effective quantum Rabi model in the USC regime, achieving a relative coupling ratio of g/ω0.6g/\omega \sim 0.6. The quantum hardware of the simulator is a superconducting circuit embedded in a cQED setup. We observe fast and periodic quantum state collapses and revivals of the initial qubit state, being the most distinct signature of the synthesized model.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figure

    The Statistical Mechanics of Horizons and Black Hole Thermodynamics

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    Although we know that black holes are characterized by a temperature and an entropy, we do not yet have a satisfactory microscopic ``statistical mechanical'' explanation for black hole thermodynamics. I describe a new approach that attributes the thermodynamic properties to ``would-be gauge'' degrees of freedom that become dynamical on the horizon. For the (2+1)-dimensional black hole, this approach gives the correct entropy. (Talk given at the Pacific Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology, Seoul, February 1996.)Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    The Statistical Mechanics of the Three-Dimensional Euclidean Black Hole

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    In its formulation as a Chern-Simons theory, three-dimensional general relativity induces a Wess-Zumino-Witten action on spatial boundaries. Treating the horizon of the three-dimensional Euclidean black hole as a boundary, I count the states of the resulting WZW model, and show that when analytically continued back to Lorentzian signature, they yield the correct Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. The relevant states can be understood as ``would-be gauge'' degrees of freedom that become dynamical at the horizon.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX. Significant sign error corrected, continuation to Lorentzian signature clarified, several other clarifications (although conclusion is unaffected). To appear in Phys. Rev.

    The second law of quantum thermodynamics as an equality

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    We investigate the connection between recent results in quantum thermodynamics and fluctuation relations by adopting a fully quantum mechanical description of thermodynamics. By including a work system whose energy is allowed to fluctuate, we derive a set of equalities which all thermodynamical transitions have to satisfy. This extends the condition for maps to be Gibbs-preserving to the case of fluctuating work, providing a more general characterisation of maps commonly used in the information theoretic approach to thermodynamics. For final states, block diagonal in the energy basis, this set of equalities are necessary and sufficient conditions for a thermodynamical state transition to be possible. The conditions serves as a parent equation which can be used to derive a number of results. These include writing the second law of thermodynamics as an equality featuring a fine-grained notion of the free energy. It also yields a generalisation of the Jarzynski fluctuation theorem which holds for arbitrary initial states, and under the most general manipulations allowed by the laws of quantum mechanics. Furthermore, we show that each of these relations can be seen as the quasi-classical limit of three fully quantum identities. This allows us to consider the free energy as an operator, and allows one to obtain more general and fully quantum fluctuation relations from the information theoretic approach to quantum thermodynamics.Comment: 11+3 pages. V4: Updated to match published version. Discussion of thermo-majorization and implementing arbitary unitaries added. V3: Added funding information. V2: Expanded discussion on relation to fluctuation theorem

    Time-dependent deformation functional theory

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    We present a constructive derivation of a time-dependent deformation functional theory -- a collective variable approach to the nonequalibrium quantum many-body problem. It is shown that the motion of infinitesimal fluid elements (i.e. a set of Lagrangian trajectories) in an interacting quantum system is governed by a closed hydrodynamics equation with the stress force being a universal functional of the Green's deformation tensor gijg_{ij}. Since the Lagrangian trajectories uniquely determine the current density, this approach can be also viewed as a representation of the time-dependent current density functional theory. To derive the above theory we separate a "convective" and a "relative" motions of particles by reformulating the many-body problem in a comoving Lagrangian frame. Then we prove that a properly defined many-body wave function (and thus any observable) in the comoving frame is a universal functional of the deformation tensor. Both the hydrodynamic and the Kohn-Sham formulations of the theory are presented. In the Kohn-Sham formulation we derive a few exact representations of the exchange-correlation potentials, and discuss their implication for the construction of new nonadiabatic approximations. We also discuss a relation of the present approach to a recent continuum mechanics of the incompressible quantum Hall liquids.Comment: RevTeX4, 15 page

    A New Superconformal Mechanics

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    In this paper we propose a new supersymmetric extension of conformal mechanics. The Grassmannian variables that we introduce are the basis of the forms and of the vector-fields built over the symplectic space of the original system. Our supersymmetric Hamiltonian itself turns out to have a clear geometrical meaning being the Lie-derivative of the Hamiltonian flow of conformal mechanics. Using superfields we derive a constraint which gives the exact solution of the supersymmetric system in a way analogous to the constraint in configuration space which solved the original non-supersymmetric model. Besides the supersymmetric extension of the original Hamiltonian, we also provide the extension of the other conformal generators present in the original system. These extensions have also a supersymmetric character being the square of some Grassmannian charge. We build the whole superalgebra of these charges and analyze their closure. The representation of the even part of this superalgebra on the odd part turns out to be integer and not spinorial in character.Comment: Superfield re-define

    Classical and quantum mechanics via supermetrics in time

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    Koopman-von Neumann in the 30's gave an operatorial formululation of Classical Mechanics. It was shown later on that this formulation could also be written in a path-integral form. We will label this functional approach as CPI (for classical path-integral) to distinguish it from the quantum mechanical one, which we will indicate with QPI. In the CPI two Grassmannian partners of time make their natural appearance and in this manner time becomes something like a three dimensional supermanifold. Next we introduce a metric in this supermanifold and show that a particular choice of the supermetric reproduces the CPI while a different one gives the QPI.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the conference held in Trieste in October 2008 with title: "Theoretical and Experimental aspects of the spin statistics connection and related symmetries