14 research outputs found

    Gene tree correction guided by orthology

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    International audienceBackgroundReconciled gene trees yield orthology and paralogy relationships between genes. This information may however contradict other information on orthology and paralogy provided by other footprints of evolution, such as conserved synteny.ResultsWe explore a way to include external information on orthology in the process of gene tree construction. Given an initial gene tree and a set of orthology constraints on pairs of genes or on clades, we give polynomial-time algorithms for producing a modified gene tree satisfying the set of constraints, that is as close as possible to the original one according to the Robinson-Foulds distance. We assess the validity of the modifications we propose by computing the likelihood ratio between initial and modified trees according to sequence alignments on Ensembl trees, showing that often the two trees are statistically equivalent.AvailabilitySoftware and data available upon request to the corresponding author

    Reconstructing Gene Trees From Fitch's Xenology Relation

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    Two genes are xenologs in the sense of Fitch if they are separated by at least one horizontal gene transfer event. Horizonal gene transfer is asymmetric in the sense that the transferred copy is distinguished from the one that remains within the ancestral lineage. Hence xenology is more precisely thought of as a non-symmetric relation: yy is xenologous to xx if yy has been horizontally transferred at least once since it diverged from the least common ancestor of xx and yy. We show that xenology relations are characterized by a small set of forbidden induced subgraphs on three vertices. Furthermore, each xenology relation can be derived from a unique least-resolved edge-labeled phylogenetic tree. We provide a linear-time algorithm for the recognition of xenology relations and for the construction of its least-resolved edge-labeled phylogenetic tree. The fact that being a xenology relation is a heritable graph property, finally has far-reaching consequences on approximation problems associated with xenology relations

    The inference of gene trees with species trees

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    Molecular phylogeny has focused mainly on improving models for the reconstruction of gene trees based on sequence alignments. Yet, most phylogeneticists seek to reveal the history of species. Although the histories of genes and species are tightly linked, they are seldom identical, because genes duplicate, are lost or horizontally transferred, and because alleles can co-exist in populations for periods that may span several speciation events. Building models describing the relationship between gene and species trees can thus improve the reconstruction of gene trees when a species tree is known, and vice-versa. Several approaches have been proposed to solve the problem in one direction or the other, but in general neither gene trees nor species trees are known. Only a few studies have attempted to jointly infer gene trees and species trees. In this article we review the various models that have been used to describe the relationship between gene trees and species trees. These models account for gene duplication and loss, transfer or incomplete lineage sorting. Some of them consider several types of events together, but none exists currently that considers the full repertoire of processes that generate gene trees along the species tree. Simulations as well as empirical studies on genomic data show that combining gene tree-species tree models with models of sequence evolution improves gene tree reconstruction. In turn, these better gene trees provide a better basis for studying genome evolution or reconstructing ancestral chromosomes and ancestral gene sequences. We predict that gene tree-species tree methods that can deal with genomic data sets will be instrumental to advancing our understanding of genomic evolution.Comment: Review article in relation to the "Mathematical and Computational Evolutionary Biology" conference, Montpellier, 201

    The link between orthology relations and gene trees: a correction perspective

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    The inference of gene trees with species trees.

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    This article reviews the various models that have been used to describe the relationships between gene trees and species trees. Molecular phylogeny has focused mainly on improving models for the reconstruction of gene trees based on sequence alignments. Yet, most phylogeneticists seek to reveal the history of species. Although the histories of genes and species are tightly linked, they are seldom identical, because genes duplicate, are lost or horizontally transferred, and because alleles can coexist in populations for periods that may span several speciation events. Building models describing the relationship between gene and species trees can thus improve the reconstruction of gene trees when a species tree is known, and vice versa. Several approaches have been proposed to solve the problem in one direction or the other, but in general neither gene trees nor species trees are known. Only a few studies have attempted to jointly infer gene trees and species trees. These models account for gene duplication and loss, transfer or incomplete lineage sorting. Some of them consider several types of events together, but none exists currently that considers the full repertoire of processes that generate gene trees along the species tree. Simulations as well as empirical studies on genomic data show that combining gene tree-species tree models with models of sequence evolution improves gene tree reconstruction. In turn, these better gene trees provide a more reliable basis for studying genome evolution or reconstructing ancestral chromosomes and ancestral gene sequences. We predict that gene tree-species tree methods that can deal with genomic data sets will be instrumental to advancing our understanding of genomic evolution

    Evolutionary Relationships Between the Laccase Genes of Polyporales: Orthology-Based Classification of Laccase Isozymes and Functional Insight From Trametes hirsuta

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    Laccase is one of the oldest known and intensively studied fungal enzymes capable of oxidizing recalcitrant lignin-resembling phenolic compounds. It is currently well established that fungal genomes almost always contain several non-allelic copies of laccase genes (laccase multigene families); nevertheless, many aspects of laccase multigenicity, for example, their precise biological functions or evolutionary relationships, are mostly unknown. Here, we present a detailed evolutionary analysis of the sensu stricto laccase genes (CAZy – AA1_1) from fungi of the Polyporales order. The conducted analysis provides a better understanding of the Polyporales laccase multigenicity and allows for the systemization of the individual features of different laccase isozymes. In addition, we provide a comparison of the biochemical and catalytic properties of the four laccase isozymes from Trametes hirsuta and suggest their functional diversification within the multigene family

    Évolution de l’architecture des génomes : modélisation et reconstruction phylogénétique

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    Genomes evolve through processes that modify their content and organization at different scales, ranging from the substitution, insertion or deletion of a single nucleotide to the duplication, loss or transfer of a gene and to large scale chromosomal rearrangements. Extant genomes are the result of a combination of many such processes, which makes it difficult to reconstruct the overall picture of genome evolution. As a result, most models and methods focus on one scale and use only one kind of data, such as gene orders or sequence alignments. Most phylogenetic reconstruction methods focus on the evolution of sequences. Recently, some of these methods have been extended to integrate gene family evolution. Chromosomal rearrangements have also been extensively studied, leading to the development of many models for the evolution of the architecture of genomes. These two ways to model genome evolution have not exchanged much so far, mainly because of computational issues. In this thesis, I present a new model of evolution for the architecture of genomes that accounts for the evolution of gene families. With this model, one can reconstruct the evolutionary history of gene adjacencies and gene order accounting for events that modify the gene content of genomes (duplications and losses of genes) and for events that modify the architecture of genomes (chromosomal rearrangements). Integrating these two types of information in a single model yields more accurate evolutionary histories. Moreover, we show that reconstructing ancestral gene orders can provide feedback on the quality of gene trees thus paving the way for an integrative model and reconstruction methodL'évolution des génomes peut être observée à plusieurs échelles, chaque échelle révélant des processus évolutifs différents. A l'échelle de séquences ADN, il s'agit d'insertions, délétions et substitutions de nucléotides. Si l'on s'intéresse aux gènes composant les génomes, il s'agit de duplications, pertes et transferts horizontaux de gènes. Et à plus large échelle, on observe des réarrangements chromosomiques modifiant l'agencement des gènes sur les chromosomes. Reconstruire l'histoire évolutive des génomes implique donc de comprendre et de modéliser tous les processus à l'œuvre, ce qui reste hors de notre portée. A la place, les efforts de modélisation ont exploré deux directions principales. D'un côté, les méthodes de reconstruction phylogénétique se sont concentrées sur l'évolution des séquences, certaines intégrant l'évolution des familles de gènes. D'un autre côté, les réarrangements chromosomiques ont été très largement étudiés, donnant naissance à de nombreux modèles d'évolution de l'architecture des génomes. Ces deux voies de modélisation se sont rarement rencontrées jusqu'à récemment. Au cours de ma thèse, j'ai développé un modèle d'évolution de l'architecture des génomes prenant en compte l'évolution des gènes et des séquences. Ce modèle rend possible une reconstruction probabiliste de l'histoire évolutive d'adjacences et de l'ordre des gènes de génomes ancestraux en tenant compte à la fois d'évènements modifiant le contenu en gènes des génomes (duplications et pertes de gènes), et d'évènements modifiant l'architecture des génomes (les réarrangements chromosomiques). Intégrer l'information phylogénétique à la reconstruction d'ordres des gènes permet de reconstruire des histoires évolutives plus complètes. Inversement, la reconstruction d'ordres des gènes ancestraux peut aussi apporter une information complémentaire à la phylogénie et peut être utilisée comme un critère pour évaluer la qualité d'arbres de gènes, ouvrant la voie à un modèle et une reconstruction intégrativ