8,413 research outputs found

    Gene selection and classification of microarray data using random forest

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    BACKGROUND: Selection of relevant genes for sample classification is a common task in most gene expression studies, where researchers try to identify the smallest possible set of genes that can still achieve good predictive performance (for instance, for future use with diagnostic purposes in clinical practice). Many gene selection approaches use univariate (gene-by-gene) rankings of gene relevance and arbitrary thresholds to select the number of genes, can only be applied to two-class problems, and use gene selection ranking criteria unrelated to the classification algorithm. In contrast, random forest is a classification algorithm well suited for microarray data: it shows excellent performance even when most predictive variables are noise, can be used when the number of variables is much larger than the number of observations and in problems involving more than two classes, and returns measures of variable importance. Thus, it is important to understand the performance of random forest with microarray data and its possible use for gene selection. RESULTS: We investigate the use of random forest for classification of microarray data (including multi-class problems) and propose a new method of gene selection in classification problems based on random forest. Using simulated and nine microarray data sets we show that random forest has comparable performance to other classification methods, including DLDA, KNN, and SVM, and that the new gene selection procedure yields very small sets of genes (often smaller than alternative methods) while preserving predictive accuracy. CONCLUSION: Because of its performance and features, random forest and gene selection using random forest should probably become part of the "standard tool-box" of methods for class prediction and gene selection with microarray data

    Random forest for gene selection and microarray data classification

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    A random forest method has been selected to perform both gene selection and classification of the microarray data. In this embedded method, the selection of smallest possible sets of genes with lowest error rates is the key factor in achieving highest classification accuracy. Hence, improved gene selection method using random forest has been proposed to obtain the smallest subset of genes as well as biggest subset of genes prior to classification. The option for biggest subset selection is done to assist researchers who intend to use the informative genes for further research. Enhanced random forest gene selection has performed better in terms of selecting the smallest subset as well as biggest subset of informative genes with lowest out of bag error rates through gene selection. Furthermore, the classification performed on the selected subset of genes using random forest has lead to lower prediction error rates compared to existing method and other similar available methods

    Gene selection and classification for cancer microarray data based on machine learning and similarity measures

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Microarray data have a high dimension of variables and a small sample size. In microarray data analyses, two important issues are how to choose genes, which provide reliable and good prediction for disease status, and how to determine the final gene set that is best for classification. Associations among genetic markers mean one can exploit information redundancy to potentially reduce classification cost in terms of time and money.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To deal with redundant information and improve classification, we propose a gene selection method, Recursive Feature Addition, which combines supervised learning and statistical similarity measures. To determine the final optimal gene set for prediction and classification, we propose an algorithm, Lagging Prediction Peephole Optimization. By using six benchmark microarray gene expression data sets, we compared Recursive Feature Addition with recently developed gene selection methods: Support Vector Machine Recursive Feature Elimination, Leave-One-Out Calculation Sequential Forward Selection and several others.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>On average, with the use of popular learning machines including Nearest Mean Scaled Classifier, Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayes Classifier and Random Forest, Recursive Feature Addition outperformed other methods. Our studies also showed that Lagging Prediction Peephole Optimization is superior to random strategy; Recursive Feature Addition with Lagging Prediction Peephole Optimization obtained better testing accuracies than the gene selection method varSelRF.</p

    Discriminative Gene Selection Employing Linear Regression Model

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    Microarray datasets enables the analysis of expression of thousands of genes across hundreds of samples. Usually classifiers do not perform well for large number of features (genes) as is the case of microarray datasets. That is why a small number of informative and discriminative features are always desirable for efficient classification. Many existing feature selection approaches have been proposed which attempts sample classification based on the analysis of gene expression values. In this paper a linear regression based feature selection algorithm for two class microarray datasets has been developed which divides the training dataset into two subtypes based on the class information. Using one of the classes as the base condition, a linear regression based model is developed. Using this regression model the divergence of each gene across the two classes are calculated and thus genes with higher divergence values are selected as important features from the second subtype of the training data. The classification performance of the proposed approach is evaluated with SVM, Random Forest and AdaBoost classifiers. Results show that the proposed approach provides better accuracy values compared to other existing approaches i.e. ReliefF, CFS, decision tree based attribute selector and attribute selection using correlation analysis

    Ensemble feature learning of genomic data using support vector machine

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    © 2016 Anaissi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The identification of a subset of genes having the ability to capture the necessary information to distinguish classes of patients is crucial in bioinformatics applications. Ensemble and bagging methods have been shown to work effectively in the process of gene selection and classification. Testament to that is random forest which combines random decision trees with bagging to improve overall feature selection and classification accuracy. Surprisingly, the adoption of these methods in support vector machines has only recently received attention but mostly on classification not gene selection. This paper introduces an ensemble SVM-Recursive Feature Elimination (ESVM-RFE) for gene selection that follows the concepts of ensemble and bagging used in random forest but adopts the backward elimination strategy which is the rationale of RFE algorithm. The rationale behind this is, building ensemble SVM models using randomly drawn bootstrap samples from the training set, will produce different feature rankings which will be subsequently aggregated as one feature ranking. As a result, the decision for elimination of features is based upon the ranking of multiple SVM models instead of choosing one particular model. Moreover, this approach will address the problem of imbalanced datasets by constructing a nearly balanced bootstrap sample. Our experiments show that ESVM-RFE for gene selection substantially increased the classification performance on five microarray datasets compared to state-of-the-art methods. Experiments on the childhood leukaemia dataset show that an average 9% better accuracy is achieved by ESVM-RFE over SVM-RFE, and 5% over random forest based approach. The selected genes by the ESVM-RFE algorithm were further explored with Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) which reveals significant clusters with the selected data

    A feature selection method for classification within functional genomics experiments based on the proportional overlapping score

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    Background: Microarray technology, as well as other functional genomics experiments, allow simultaneous measurements of thousands of genes within each sample. Both the prediction accuracy and interpretability of a classifier could be enhanced by performing the classification based only on selected discriminative genes. We propose a statistical method for selecting genes based on overlapping analysis of expression data across classes. This method results in a novel measure, called proportional overlapping score (POS), of a feature's relevance to a classification task.Results: We apply POS, along-with four widely used gene selection methods, to several benchmark gene expression datasets. The experimental results of classification error rates computed using the Random Forest, k Nearest Neighbor and Support Vector Machine classifiers show that POS achieves a better performance.Conclusions: A novel gene selection method, POS, is proposed. POS analyzes the expressions overlap across classes taking into account the proportions of overlapping samples. It robustly defines a mask for each gene that allows it to minimize the effect of expression outliers. The constructed masks along-with a novel gene score are exploited to produce the selected subset of genes

    Identification of an Efficient Gene Expression Panel for Glioblastoma Classification.

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    We present here a novel genetic algorithm-based random forest (GARF) modeling technique that enables a reduction in the complexity of large gene disease signatures to highly accurate, greatly simplified gene panels. When applied to 803 glioblastoma multiforme samples, this method allowed the 840-gene Verhaak et al. gene panel (the standard in the field) to be reduced to a 48-gene classifier, while retaining 90.91% classification accuracy, and outperforming the best available alternative methods. Additionally, using this approach we produced a 32-gene panel which allows for better consistency between RNA-seq and microarray-based classifications, improving cross-platform classification retention from 69.67% to 86.07%. A webpage producing these classifications is available at http://simplegbm.semel.ucla.edu