70 research outputs found

    Authorship analysis of specialized vs diversified research output

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    The present work investigates the relations between amplitude and type of collaboration (intramural, extramural domestic or international) and output of specialized versus diversified research. By specialized or diversified research, we mean within or beyond the author's dominant research topic. The field of observation is the scientific production over five years from about 23,500 academics. The analyses are conducted at the aggregate and disciplinary level. The results lead to the conclusion that in general, the output of diversified research is no more frequently the fruit of collaboration than is specialized research. At the level of the particular collaboration types, international collaborations weakly underlie the specialized kind of research output; on the contrary, extramural domestic and intramural collaborations are weakly associated with diversified research. While the weakness of association remains, exceptions are observed at the level of the individual disciplines

    Experiences of gender and diversity in research teams working on transport related projects funded by EU

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    This study explores the experience of gender and diversity in research teams in transport and smart mobility related projects funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020. An analysis of interviews with 14 Principal Investigators revealed that despite the growing awareness about gender and diversity inequalities in academia, bias against underrepresented groups exists. However, variation of experiences calls for intersectional lenses when assessing the problem. Findings reveal the need for changes in EU projects application process, implementation, delivery, and impact evaluation to address gender and diversity gaps

    Pola Demografi Berbasis Informasi Paten: Sebuah Kajian Gender dari Paten Terdaftar LIPI

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    Abstract. Intellectual Property (IP), especially patent, has an important role in the protection of technology transfer and dissemination of knowledge for the public. Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), since 2001 until 2015, has registered more than 360 patents. This study aims to study and analyze LIPI’s inventors track record based on gender gaps using quantitative approach from 2005-2014 patent registration data with a total of 287 registered patents. The results of the study reveals that the ratio between male and female inventors was 2:1. This result shows that the chance for women's innovation contribution at LIPI has the ratio that is almost the same as men. Most inventors, both men and women, were dominated by productive age of 30-34 years, with the majority having Bachelor as their educational background. Moreover, the contribution of female inventors was 33% from the total patents, with the details of the research group involving women was 56%. Nevertheless, most inventions were dominated by the Deputy of Engineering Science, which was 66%, was also dominated by men. Keywords: Intellectual property, gender, registered patent, knowledge dissemination, management, demographic factor, productivity,  Abstrak. Kekayaan Intelektual (KI) khususnya paten, memiliki peran penting dalam perlindungan alih teknologi dan diseminasi pengetahuan untuk masyarakat. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) sejak tahun 2001 sampai 2015 telah mendaftarkan lebih dari 360 paten. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menganalisa rekam jejak inventor LIPI berdasarkan gap gender dengan pendekatan kuantitatif pada data pendaftaran paten 2005 – 2014 dengan jumlah 287 paten terdaftar. Hasil kajian mengungkapkan pada rentang tahun 2005-2014, perbandingan antara inventor laki-laki dan perempuan adalah sebesar 2:1. Hasil ini menunjukkan kesempatan kontribusi inovasi perempuan di LIPI memiliki rasio yang hampir sama dengan laki-laki. Inventor terbanyak baik laki-laki maupun perempuan didominasi pada umur produktif 30–34 tahun dengan mayoritas berlatar belakang pendidikan S-1. Adapun kontribusi inventor perempuan adalah sebesar 33% dari keseluruhan total paten dengan rincian kelompok penelitian yang melibatkan perempuan sebesar 56%. Adapun invensi terbanyak didominasi oleh kedeputian IPT yaitu sebanyak 66% yang juga didominasi oleh laki-laki.Kata kunci: Kekayaan intelektual, gender, paten terdaftar, diseminasi pengetahua

    Bowling Together: Scientific Collaboration Networks of Demographers at European Population Conferences

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    Studies of collaborative networks of demographers are relatively scarce. Similar studies in other social sciences provide insight into scholarly trends of both the fields and characteristics of their successful scientists. Exploiting a unique database of metadata for papers presented at six European Population Conferences, this report explores factors explaining research collaboration among demographers. We find that (1) collaboration among demographers has increased over the past 10 years, however, among co-authored papers, collaboration across institutions remains relatively unchanged over the period, (2) papers based on core demographic subfields such as fertility, mortality, migration and data and methods are more likely to involve multiple authors and (3) multiple author teams that are all female are less likely to co-author with colleagues in different institutions. Potential explanations for these results are discussed alongside comparisons with similar studies of collaboration networks in other related social sciences
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