1,198 research outputs found

    Intelligent spectrum management techniques for wireless cognitive radio networks

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis addresses many of the unique spectrum management chal- lenges in CR networks for the rst time. These challenges have a vital e ect on the network performance and are particularly di cult to solve due to the unique characteristics of CR networks. Speci cally, this thesis proposes and investigates three intelligent spectrum management tech- niques for CR networks. The issues investigated in this thesis have a fundamental impact on the establishment, functionality and security of CR networks. First, an intelligent primary receiver-aware message exchange protocol for CR ad hoc networks is proposed. It considers the problem of alleviat- ing the interference collision risk to primary user communication, explic- itly to protect primary receivers that are not detected during spectrum sensing. The proposed protocol achieves a higher measure of safeguard- ing. A practical scenario is considered where no global network topology is known and no common control channel is assumed to exist. Second, a novel CR broadcast protocol (CRBP) to reliably disseminate the broadcast messages to all or most of the possible CR nodes in the network is proposed. The CRBP formulates the broadcast problem as a bipartite-graph problem. Thus, CRBP achieves a signi cant successful delivery ratio by connecting di erent local topologies, which is a unique feature in CR ad hoc networks. Finally, a new defence strategy to defend against spectrum sensing data falsi cation attacks in CR networks is proposed. In order to identify malicious users, the proposed scheme performs multiple veri cations of sensory data with the assistance of trusted nodes.Higher Committee For Education Devel- opment in Iraq (HCED-Iraq

    Efficient Resource Allocation and Spectrum Utilisation in Licensed Shared Access Systems

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    Modeling and Mitigation of Wireless Communications Interference for Spectrum Sharing with Radar

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    Due to both economic incentives and policy mandates, researchers increasingly face the challenge of enabling spectrum sharing between radar and wireless communications systems. In the past eight years, researchers have begun to suggest a wide variety of approaches to radar-communications spectrum sharing, ranging from transmitter design to receiver design, from spatial to temporal to other-dimensional multiplexing, and from cooperative to non-cooperative sharing. Within this diverse field of innovation, this dissertation makes two primary contributions. First, a model for wireless communications interference and its effects on adaptive-threshold radar detection is proposed. Based on both theoretical and empirical study, we find evidence for both Gaussian and non-Gaussian communications interference models, depending on the modeling situation. Further, such interference can impact radar receivers via two mechanisms—model mismatch and boost to the underlying noise floor—and both mechanisms deserve attention. Second, an innovative signal processing algorithm is proposed for radar detection in the presence of cyclostationary, linearly-modulated, digital communications (LMDC) interference (such as OFDM or CDMA) and a stationary background component. The proposed detector consists of a novel whitening filter followed by the traditional matched filter. Performance results indicate that the proposed cyclostationary-based detector outperforms a standard equivalent detector based on a stationary interference model, particularly when the number of cyclostationary LMDC transmitters is small and their interference-to-noise ratio (INR) is large relative to the stationary background

    Role of Interference and Computational Complexity in Modern Wireless Networks: Analysis, Optimization, and Design

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    Owing to the popularity of smartphones, the recent widespread adoption of wireless broadband has resulted in a tremendous growth in the volume of mobile data traffic, and this growth is projected to continue unabated. In order to meet the needs of future systems, several novel technologies have been proposed, including cooperative communications, cloud radio access networks (RANs) and very densely deployed small-cell networks. For these novel networks, both interference and the limited availability of computational resources play a very important role. Therefore, the accurate modeling and analysis of interference and computation is essential to the understanding of these networks, and an enabler for more efficient design.;This dissertation focuses on four aspects of modern wireless networks: (1) Modeling and analysis of interference in single-hop wireless networks, (2) Characterizing the tradeoffs between the communication performance of wireless transmission and the computational load on the systems used to process such transmissions, (3) The optimization of wireless multiple-access networks when using cost functions that are based on the analytical findings in this dissertation, and (4) The analysis and optimization of multi-hop networks, which may optionally employ forms of cooperative communication.;The study of interference in single-hop wireless networks proceeds by assuming that the random locations of the interferers are drawn from a point process and possibly constrained to a finite area. Both the information-bearing and interfering signals propagate over channels that are subject to path loss, shadowing, and fading. A flexible model for fading, based on the Nakagami distribution, is used, though specific examples are provided for Rayleigh fading. The analysis is broken down into multiple steps, involving subsequent averaging of the performance metrics over the fading, the shadowing, and the location of the interferers with the aim to distinguish the effect of these mechanisms that operate over different time scales. The analysis is extended to accommodate diversity reception, which is important for the understanding of cooperative systems that combine transmissions that originate from different locations. Furthermore, the role of spatial correlation is considered, which provides insight into how the performance in one location is related to the performance in another location.;While it is now generally understood how to communicate close to the fundamental limits implied by information theory, operating close to the fundamental performance bounds is costly in terms of the computational complexity required to receive the signal. This dissertation provides a framework for understanding the tradeoffs between communication performance and the imposed complexity based on how close a system operates to the performance bounds, and it allows to accurately estimate the required data processing resources of a network under a given performance constraint. The framework is applied to Cloud-RAN, which is a new cellular architecture that moves the bulk of the signal processing away from the base stations (BSs) and towards a centralized computing cloud. The analysis developed in this part of the dissertation helps to illuminate the benefits of pooling computing assets when decoding multiple uplink signals in the cloud. Building upon these results, new approaches for wireless resource allocation are proposed, which unlike previous approaches, are aware of the computing limitations of the network.;By leveraging the accurate expressions that characterize performance in the presence of interference and fading, a methodology is described for optimizing wireless multiple-access networks. The focus is on frequency hopping (FH) systems, which are already widely used in military systems, and are becoming more common in commercial systems. The optimization determines the best combination of modulation parameters (such as the modulation index for continuous-phase frequency-shift keying), number of hopping channels, and code rate. In addition, it accounts for the adjacent-channel interference (ACI) and determines how much of the signal spectrum should lie within the operating band of each channel, and how much can be allowed to splatter into adjacent channels.;The last part of this dissertation contemplates networks that involve multi-hop communications. Building on the analytical framework developed in early parts of this dissertation, the performance of such networks is analyzed in the presence of interference and fading, and it is introduced a novel paradigm for a rapid performance assessment of routing protocols. Such networks may involve cooperative communications, and the particular cooperative protocol studied here allows the same packet to be transmitted simultaneously by multiple transmitters and diversity combined at the receiver. The dynamics of how the cooperative protocol evolves over time is described through an absorbing Markov chain, and the analysis is able to efficiently capture the interference that arises as packets are periodically injected into the network by a common source, the temporal correlation among these packets and their interdependence

    Enhancing physical layer security in wireless networks with cooperative approaches

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    Motivated by recent developments in wireless communication, this thesis aims to characterize the secrecy performance in several types of typical wireless networks. Advanced techniques are designed and evaluated to enhance physical layer security in these networks with realistic assumptions, such as signal propagation loss, random node distribution and non-instantaneous channel state information (CSI). The first part of the thesis investigates secret communication through relay-assisted cognitive interference channel. The primary and secondary base stations (PBS and SBS) communicate with the primary and secondary receivers (PR and SR) respectively in the presence of multiple eavesdroppers. The SBS is allowed to transmit simultaneously with the PBS over the same spectrum instead of waiting for an idle channel. To improve security, cognitive relays transmit cooperative jamming (CJ) signals to create additional interferences in the direction of the eavesdroppers. Two CJ schemes are proposed to improve the secrecy rate of cognitive interference channels depending on the structure of cooperative relays. In the scheme where the multiple-antenna relay transmits weighted jamming signals, the combined approach of CJ and beamforming is investigated. In the scheme with multiple relays transmitting weighted jamming signals, the combined approach of CJ and relay selection is analyzed. Numerical results show that both these two schemes are effective in improving physical layer security of cognitive interference channel. In the second part, the focus is shifted to physical layer security in a random wireless network where both legitimate and eavesdropping nodes are randomly distributed. Three scenarios are analyzed to investigate the impact of various factors on security. In scenario one, the basic scheme is studied without a protected zone and interference. The probability distribution function (PDF) of channel gain with both fading and path loss has been derived and further applied to derive secrecy connectivity and ergodic secrecy capacity. In the second scenario, we studied using a protected zone surrounding the source node to enhance security where interference is absent. Both the cases that eavesdroppers are aware and unaware of the protected zone boundary are investigated. Based on the above scenarios, further deployment of the protected zones at legitimate receivers is designed to convert detrimental interference into a beneficial factor. Numerical results are investigated to check the reliability of the PDF for reciprocal of channel gain and to analyze the impact of protected zones on secrecy performance. In the third part, physical layer security in the downlink transmission of cellular network is studied. To model the repulsive property of the cellular network planning, we assume that the base stations (BSs) follow the Mat´ern hard-core point process (HCPP), while the eavesdroppers are deployed as an independent Poisson point process (PPP). The distribution function of the distances from a typical point to the nodes of the HCPP is derived. The noise-limited and interference-limited cellular networks are investigated by applying the fractional frequency reuse (FFR) in the system. For the noise-limited network, we derive the secrecy outage probability with two different strategies, i.e. the best BS serve and the nearest BS serve, by analyzing the statistics of channel gains. For the interference-limited network with the nearest BS serve, two transmission schemes are analyzed, i.e., transmission with and without the FFR. Numerical results reveal that both the schemes of transmitting with the best BS and the application of the FFR are beneficial for physical layer security in the downlink cellular networks, while the improvement du


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    The growth in demand for mobile communication systems has exponentially increased data traffic during the last decade. Because this exponential growth consumes finite spectrum resources, traditional spectrum utilization policies with exclusive resource allocation faces a limit. In order to develop novel spectrum resources, many researchers have shown an interest in spectrum sharing with cognitive radio (CR). This method allows secondary users (SUs) to share spectrum bands with primary users (PUs) under interference constraints for PUs. SUs are required to take into consideration the interference margin to the estimated interference temperature at PUs in order to protect communication quality of PUs. On the other hand, an excess interference margin decreases the spectrum sharing opportunity; therefore, it is important to manage the interference power properly. Spectrum estimation techniques in spectrum sharing can be categorized into two methods: spectrum sensing and spectrum database. Spectrum sensing uses the detection of PU signals to characterize radio environments. To provide good protection, signal detection must be performed under the (strict) condition that the PU signal strength be below the noise floor, even under low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) and fading conditions. These fluctuations make it difficult for the SUs to achieve stable detection; thus, it is very challenging to accurately estimate the actual activity of the PU. The second method is based on storing information about spectrum availabilities of each location in spectrum databases. In this method, afterSUs query the database before they utilize the spectrum, the database provides spectrum information to the SUs. Current databases usually evaluate white space (WS) based on empirical propagation models. However, it is well known that empirical propagation models cannot take into account all of the indeterminacies of radio environments, such as shadowing effects. Because SUs must not interfere toward PUs, the conventional database requires the SUs to set large margins to ensure no interference with PUs.In this dissertation, we propose and comprehensively study a measurement-based spectrum database for highly efficient spectrum management. The proposed database is a hybrid system, combining spectrum sensing and a spectrum database. The spectrum database consists of radio environment information measured by mobile terminals. After enough data are gathered, the database estimates the radio environment characteristics by statistical processing with the large datasets. Using the accurate knowledge of the received PU signal power, spectrum sharing based on PU signal quality metrics such as the signal-to-interference power ratio (SIR) can be implemented.We first introduce the proposed database architecture. After we briefly discuss a theoretical performance of the proposed database, we present experimental results for the database construction using actual TV broadcast signals. The experimental results show that the proposed database reduces the estimation error of the radio environment. Next, we propose a transmission power control method with a radio environment map (REM) for secondary networks. The REM stores the spatial distribution of the average received signal power. We can optimize the accuracy of the measurement-based REM using the Kriging interpolation. Although several researchers have maintained a continuous interest in improving the accuracy of the REM, sufficient study has not been done to actually explore the interference constraint considering the estimation error. The proposed method uses ordinary Kriging for the spectrum cartography. According to the predicted distribution of the estimation error, the allowable interference power to the PU is approximately formulated. Numerical results show that the proposed method can achieve the probabilistic interference constraint asymptotically, and an increase in the number of measurement datasets improves the spectrum sharing capability. After that, we extend the proposed database to the radio propagation estimation in distributed wireless links in order to accurately estimate interference characteristics from SUs to PUs. Although current wireless distributed networks have to rely on an empirical model to estimate the radio environment, in the spectrum sharing networks, such a path loss-based interference prediction decreases the spectrum sharing opportunity because of the requirement for the interference margin. The proposed method focuses on the spatial-correlation of radio propagation characteristics between different wireless links. Using Kriging-based shadowing estimation, the radio propagation of the wireless link that has arbitrary location relationship can be predicted. Numerical results show that the proposed method achieves higher estimation accuracy than path loss-based estimation methods. The methods discussed in this thesis can develop more spatial WSs in existing allocated bandwidth such as TVWS, and can provide these WSs to new wireless systems expected to appear in the future. Additionally, these results will contribute not only to such spectrum sharing but also to improvement of the spectrum management in existing systems. For example, in heterogeneous networks (HetNets), a suitable inter-cell interference management enables transmitters to reuse the frequency efficiently and the user equipment can select the optimum base station. We anticipate that this dissertation strongly contributes to improvingthe spectrum utilization efficiency of the whole wireless systems.電気通信大学201

    Design and Analysis of FD MIMO Cellular System in coexistence with MIMO Radar

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