53,760 research outputs found

    Gaussian Filtering using State Decomposition Methods

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    State estimation for nonlinear systems generally requires approximations of the system or the probability densities, as the occurring prediction and filtering equations cannot be solved in closed form. For instance, Linear Regression Kalman Filters like the Unscented Kalman Filter or the considered Gaussian Filter propagate a small set of sample points through the system to approximate the posterior mean and covariance matrix. To reduce the number of sample points, special structures of the system and measurement equation can be taken into account. In this paper, two principles of system decomposition are considered and applied to the Gaussian Filter. One principle exploits that only a part of the state vector is directly observed by the measurement. The second principle separates the system equations into linear and nonlinear parts in order to merely approximate the nonlinear part of the state. The benefits of both decompositions are demonstrated on a real-world example

    Inference via low-dimensional couplings

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    We investigate the low-dimensional structure of deterministic transformations between random variables, i.e., transport maps between probability measures. In the context of statistics and machine learning, these transformations can be used to couple a tractable "reference" measure (e.g., a standard Gaussian) with a target measure of interest. Direct simulation from the desired measure can then be achieved by pushing forward reference samples through the map. Yet characterizing such a map---e.g., representing and evaluating it---grows challenging in high dimensions. The central contribution of this paper is to establish a link between the Markov properties of the target measure and the existence of low-dimensional couplings, induced by transport maps that are sparse and/or decomposable. Our analysis not only facilitates the construction of transformations in high-dimensional settings, but also suggests new inference methodologies for continuous non-Gaussian graphical models. For instance, in the context of nonlinear state-space models, we describe new variational algorithms for filtering, smoothing, and sequential parameter inference. These algorithms can be understood as the natural generalization---to the non-Gaussian case---of the square-root Rauch-Tung-Striebel Gaussian smoother.Comment: 78 pages, 25 figure

    Automatic Kalman-filter-based wavelet shrinkage denoising of 1D stellar spectra

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    We propose a non-parametric method to denoise 1D stellar spectra based on wavelet shrinkage followed by adaptive Kalman thresholding. Wavelet shrinkage denoising involves applying the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) to the input signal, 'shrinking' certain frequency components in the transform domain, and then applying inverse DWT to the reduced components. The performance of this procedure is influenced by the choice of base wavelet, the number of decomposition levels, and the thresholding function. Typically, these parameters are chosen by 'trial and error', which can be strongly dependent on the properties of the data being denoised. We here introduce an adaptive Kalman-filter-based thresholding method that eliminates the need for choosing the number of decomposition levels. We use the 'Haar' wavelet basis, which we found to provide excellent filtering for 1D stellar spectra, at a low computational cost. We introduce various levels of Poisson noise into synthetic PHOENIX spectra, and test the performance of several common denoising methods against our own. It proves superior in terms of noise suppression and peak shape preservation. We expect it may also be of use in automatically and accurately filtering low signal-to-noise galaxy and quasar spectra obtained from surveys such as SDSS, Gaia, LSST, PESSTO, VANDELS, LEGA-C, and DESI

    Multiscale Information Decomposition: Exact Computation for Multivariate Gaussian Processes

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    Exploiting the theory of state space models, we derive the exact expressions of the information transfer, as well as redundant and synergistic transfer, for coupled Gaussian processes observed at multiple temporal scales. All of the terms, constituting the frameworks known as interaction information decomposition and partial information decomposition, can thus be analytically obtained for different time scales from the parameters of the VAR model that fits the processes. We report the application of the proposed methodology firstly to benchmark Gaussian systems, showing that this class of systems may generate patterns of information decomposition characterized by mainly redundant or synergistic information transfer persisting across multiple time scales or even by the alternating prevalence of redundant and synergistic source interaction depending on the time scale. Then, we apply our method to an important topic in neuroscience, i.e., the detection of causal interactions in human epilepsy networks, for which we show the relevance of partial information decomposition to the detection of multiscale information transfer spreading from the seizure onset zone

    Finding faint HI structure in and around galaxies: scraping the barrel

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    Soon to be operational HI survey instruments such as APERTIF and ASKAP will produce large datasets. These surveys will provide information about the HI in and around hundreds of galaxies with a typical signal-to-noise ratio of ∼\sim 10 in the inner regions and ∼\sim 1 in the outer regions. In addition, such surveys will make it possible to probe faint HI structures, typically located in the vicinity of galaxies, such as extra-planar-gas, tails and filaments. These structures are crucial for understanding galaxy evolution, particularly when they are studied in relation to the local environment. Our aim is to find optimized kernels for the discovery of faint and morphologically complex HI structures. Therefore, using HI data from a variety of galaxies, we explore state-of-the-art filtering algorithms. We show that the intensity-driven gradient filter, due to its adaptive characteristics, is the optimal choice. In fact, this filter requires only minimal tuning of the input parameters to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio of faint components. In addition, it does not degrade the resolution of the high signal-to-noise component of a source. The filtering process must be fast and be embedded in an interactive visualization tool in order to support fast inspection of a large number of sources. To achieve such interactive exploration, we implemented a multi-core CPU (OpenMP) and a GPU (OpenGL) version of this filter in a 3D visualization environment (SlicerAstro\tt{SlicerAstro}).Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables. Astronomy and Computing, accepte
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