91 research outputs found


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    Media pembelajaran adalah suatu inovasi pembelajaran terbaru yang dapat mengikuti setiap perkembangan teknologi. Kurangnya minat belajar siswa dengan pembelajaran konvensional merupakan sebuah permasalahan yang menyebabkan timbulnya berbagai pengembangan dalam media pembelajaran. Perkembangan media pembelajaran dengan teknologi memiliki berbagai macam jenis seperti media pembelajaran menggunakan web atau menggunakan mobile dan juga dengan menggabungkan beberapa gaya belajar dalam meningkatkan keefektifan media pembelajaran tersebut seperti dengan adanya media pembelajaran berbasis website (e-learning) pada mata pelajaran Pemrograman Dasar SMK. Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) Mengetahui media pembelajaran dengan menggunakan website (e-learning) dalam mempengaruhi motivasi belajar, (2) Mengetahui dampak dari media pembelajaran yang menggunakan website (e-learning), dan (3) Mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran berbasis website (e-learning) untuk mendukung proses pembelajaran. Penelitan ini menggunakan metode Systematic Literature Review (SLR) dengan beberapa tahap yaitu : pertanyaan penelitian, proses pencarian, kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, penilaian kualitas, pengumpulan data, dananalisis data untuk mendapatkan gambaran dampak dari media pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis website (e-learning). Sehingga penelitian ini menghasilkan gambaran media pembelajaran yang digunakan dari 13 jurnal media pembelajaran dengan w e b s i t e ( e - l e a r n i n g ) s e b a g a i b a s i s n y a memiliki dampak yang baik dalam minat belajar rata-rata 80% lebih dan terdapat peningkatan dalam keaktifan, focus, konsentrasi dan hasil belajar para sisea. Dengan demikian penggunaan media pembelajaran berbasis website (e-learning)erupakan pengembangan media pembelajaran yang memiliki dampak positif dan layak untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajara

    Gamification in higher education and stem : a systematic review of literature

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    In recent years, gamification, the use of game elements in non-game contexts, has drawn the attention of educators due to the possibility of making learning more motivating and engaging; this led to an increase of research in the field. Despite the availability of literature reviews about gamification and its effects, no work to this date has focused exclusively on Higher Education (HE). Next, worldwide there is an increasing demand for skilled Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) professionals that meet the challenges related to scientific and technological innovations of the 21st Century. This lead to the need of strengthening STEM Higher Education. This brings us to the purpose of this work: presenting a systematic literature review of empirical studies about gamification STEM related Higher Education. This review study started from a systematic mapping design of 'Web of Science' articles, with following inclusion criteria: empirical gamification studies set up in HE, published between 2000 and 2016; focusing on undergraduate or graduate students; in the STEM knowledge field, and set up in authentic settings. An initial search resulted in 562 potentially relevant articles. After applying all selection criteria, only 18 studies could be retained. 12 additional articles were included by analyzing references from earlier literature reviews, resulting in 30 studies to be included. Analysis results show how a combination of game elements (e.g. leaderboards, badges, points and other combinations) positively affects students' performance, attendance, goal orientation and attitude towards mostly computer science related subjects. The analysis results also point at a lack of studies in certain STEM areas, a lack of studies that identify the particular game element associated with the positive differential impact on student performance; a lack of validated psychometric measurements, and lack of focus on student variables that could/should be taken into account as mediating/moderating variables clarifying the impact of gamification in the HE focus on STEM learning and teaching

    How Multidisciplinary is Gamification Research? : Results from a Scoping Review

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    Gamification has been repeatedly framed as an emerging multidisciplinary research field. However, it is unclear how multidisciplinary the field actually is. To answer this question, this paper presents initial results of a broader scoping review of gamification research published between 2010 and 2016. Close to 2,000 peer-reviewed English-language journal and conference papers were identified across 11 databases and categorized by discipline. Results indicate an explosive growth of literature peaking in 2015. Early on, Information and Computing Science dominated the field, to be overtaken by the sum of other disciplines in 2013, education, economics and tourism in specific. This indicates that gamification was initially a field within computer science and HCI and has only recently become truly multi-disciplinary

    Flip-Flop: aplicación de buenas prácticas a partir de la gamificación

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    En la actualidad la gestión de la calidad es una parte fundamental dentro de cualquier organización al momento de prestar un mejor servicio o tener un producto que cumpla las exigencias del cliente, aumentando la competitividad y optimización a la hora de desarrollar un proyecto de software. La Norma ISO/IEC 29110 ha sido creada para que las PyMEs alcancen la mejora buscada, proponiendo mejores prácticas. Es un hecho habitual que, por cuestiones de tiempo, fallas en la comunicación, etc., el hecho de seguir las mejores prácticas, no siempre es posible o, en otros casos, simplemente se carece del conocimiento de las mismas y de sus beneficios. La realización de una herramienta que incentive e inculque a sus usuarios sobre el uso de las mejores prácticas, haciendo uso de la Gamificación resulta ideal. Este artículo presenta Flip-Flop, una componente de accesible inserción en herramientas de Gestión de Proyectos, donde se propone un juego con la finalidad de incentivar a los integrantes del grupo desarrollador de software a seguir las buenas prácticas descritas en la norma ISO/IEC 29110, dando recompensas para prosperar en el juego.XIII Workshop Ingeniería de Software (WIS)


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    As the body of Information Systems (IS) research on social media grows, it faces increasing challenges of staying relevant to real world contexts. In this research-in-progress paper, we analyze and contrast research on social media in the e-government field and in IS research, by reviewing and categorizing 63 studies published in key journal outlets, in order to identify and complement research foci and gaps. We find that in comparison with e-government social media research, IS studies tend to adopt an abstract view of the individual user, focus on a monetary view of value added by social media, and overlook the role of contextual factors. We thus propose an extended framework for mapping social media research, by including a focus on the role of context and environment, and identify a research agenda for future studies on social media-related phenomena relevant to real world contexts


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    As the body of Information Systems (IS) research on social media grows, it faces increasing challenges of staying relevant to real world contexts. In this research-in-progress paper, we analyze and contrast research on social media in the e-government field and in IS research, by reviewing and categorizing 63 studies published in key journal outlets, in order to identify and complement research foci and gaps. We find that in comparison with e-government social media research, IS studies tend to adopt an abstract view of the individual user, focus on a monetary view of value added by social media, and overlook the role of contextual factors. We thus propose an extended framework for mapping social media research, by including a focus on the role of context and environment, and identify a research agenda for future studies on social media-related phenomena relevant to real world contexts

    Examining reward mechanisms for effective usage of application lifecycle management tools

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    Application lifecycle management (ALM) highlights the rules of the road for the entire software ecosystems’ lifecycle. Successful ALM enables clarity around the entire delivery effort, from defining requirements to deploying the software product. One of the challenges in software engineering today is to orchestrate ALM tools to a set of software projects effectively. In particular, it is challenging for software practitioners to continuously fully engage with the tasks that are assigned to them. The goal of this study is to address such situations using a game theoretic approach by utilizing a reward mechanism, which we intent to test in a medium-sized software development organization. Based on a set of game elements, this study proposes an auction mechanism to address human resource allocation and task optimization issues, and consequently tackle the potential problem of software practitioners’ engagement

    Pengembangan Gamifikasi Pada Modul E - Learning Service Excellence Untuk Karyawan Frontliner

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    This paper is to develop teaching materials in the form of developing gamification teaching materials in the service excellence module that will be used for frontliner employees. The purpose of this research is to design the development of gamification teaching materials in the service excellence module that can be used for frontliner employees. The research results from the results of designing and testing gamification teaching materials for the service excellence module for frontlinner mall employees on a limited scale, that the feasibility of the content of the material and the feasibility of presenting gamification obtained an average score of 80%. Validation of the content of the Service Excellence module using gamification obtained an average score of 81%, and validation of the feasibility of presenting the Service Excellence module using gamification obtained an average score of 78%, so the survey results from the trial show that the teaching materials in the E-learning Service module Excellence carried out using gamification is suitable for use in training activitie

    Gamethinking: a roadmap to a Design Thinking-based model for Game Development education

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    O mindset, comportamento e postura de alunos de licenciatura em desenvolvimento de videojogos integrados em sistemas de aprendizagem baseados em projecto têm-se revelado uma barreira à criatividade das suas propostas de projects, mais especificamente no que diz respeito a processos criativos. Ao passo que a utilização sistemática do Design Thinking (DT) ao longo do currículo escolar certamente melhoraria a situação. Uma abordagem diferente é claramente necessária, muito provavelmente uma que combine DT com gamificação, e que faça uma utilização apropriada da aprendizagem baseada em projeto (PBL) com os métodos ágeis. De forma a refinar e clarificar a nossa contribuição na conjunção destas perspetivas, conduzimos uma revisão da literatura inicial que validou os nossos objetivos. Complementarmente, também definimos um roadmap para transformar tais intenções em acções práticas para a criação de um novo modelo de desenvolvimento de videojogos baseado nos princípios do DT. Toda a definição é baseada na metodologia IDEAS(R)EVOLUTION, a qual provê uma estrutura para toda a investigação no longo prazo. Palavras-chave: design Thinking; aprendizagem baseada em projeto; agile; gamificaçã