25 research outputs found


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    Indonesian language teaching is a very important subject because in daily life students will always be related to their mother tongue. In order to understand the concept of language especially writing narrative essays well by students, the mastery learning strategies are needed. The purpose of this study was to explain the extent to which students' creativity and learning outcomes can be improved through this strategy when compared to conventional strategies. The research method was quantitative research with a quasi-experimental design. The research instrument used observation sheets and test writing narrative essays. The results showed that the mastery learning strategy was more effective compared to the conventional one in increasing students’ creativity and learning outcomes in the classroom

    Evaluation Model of Virtual Learning Environments: A Pilot Study

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    Virtual learning environments (VLE) have frequently been used in educational practices, and the evaluation of their effectiveness as instruments to support learning gains must consider several dimensions. This paper presents an evaluation model for VLE, called MA-AVA (Model for the Evaluation of VLE), built after a review of the literature and focused on verifying students\u27 learning gains. The MA-AVA evaluation model was applied in a pilot study to an undergraduate engineering class, using a VLE, Educ-MAS-GA, in the discipline of Analytical Geometry. The results indicate that, although students\u27 perception of learning in VLE is relevant, the knowledge acquired is more subtle and difficult to assess. Therefore, a VLE learning evaluation model should include different dimensions of learning, such as the students’ perceptions and their measures of learning gain

    Effectiveness of joyful game-based blended learning method in learning chemistry during COVID-19

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    The recent introduction of joyful learning in National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 created great interest among students and is predicted to be the most suitable learning method for 21st-century learners. Game-based learning enhances education making all educational games increasingly popular. Learning efficiency can be enhanced through educational games. This article purposes to examine the efficiency of the game-based joyful blended learning method in learning chemistry, periodic table elements (1 to 30) among tenth standard students. The main purpose of the current study was to assist secondary school students to learn science-related ideas via participating in educational card games and using digital media for learning concepts. The educational advantages of the game in terms of learning performance, as well as students’ views of its integration into scientific learning, were studied. A quasi-experimental technique was used to obtain the study’s goal. The sample comprises 240 students studying the tenth standard in 4 different private CBSE schools in Palakkad district, Kerala, India. The pretest, posttest, gain scores, and retention scores were compared. The study's results indicated that there is a substantial mean score variation in learning chemistry (elements) between pretest, posttest, and retention tests of students in the experimental and control group. The students developed positive attitudes towards the usage of educational cards in learning Chemistry. The developed game-based joyful blended learning method develops reflective thinking and self-regulated learning among students


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat aplikasi perangkat ajar ilmu pengetahuan alam pada perangkat iOS, merancang perangkat ajar yang dilengkapi dengan animasi seuai dengan KTSP 2006 yang diterapkan pada Sekolah Dasar dan juga sebagai perangkat ajar yang dilengkapi dengan soal dalam bentuk permainan, sistem score, level, dan stage. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pengumpulan data, metode analisis, dan metode perancangan. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan terdiri dari wawancara, kuesioner dan studi pustaka. Metode analisis yang digunakan terdiri dari survei kebutuhan user, survei pendapat guru mata pelajaran IPA, dan survei game sejenis. Metode perancangan yang digunakan terdiri dari perancangan gameplay, perancangan UML (use case, class diagram, dan activity diagram), perancangan layar. Sebuah perangkat ajar dengan menggunakan game berjenis quiz puzzle yang mampu memberikan pengalaman belajar mata pelajaran ilmu pengetahuan alam yang menyenangkan dan sesuai dengan harapan pengguna.Kata Kunci: edukasi, IPA, iOS, Mobile Game, Bumi Sahabatk

    Pengembangan Game Monopoli Zat Aditif Dan Tekanan Zat Padat Menggunakan Adobe Flash Terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Ipa Kelas VIII

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    Research has been conducted on monopoly game learning media using Adobe Flash using the research and development (R & D) research method using the Plomp model. The sample used for testing monopoly game learning media using Adobe Flash was 21 students of VIII B class of Saniangbaka. The testing instrument was validated by the lecturer at Tadris IPA Concentration in Physics UIN Imam Bonjol Padang. The test results show a good response to the understanding of students’ concept through practicality result of 86 % and the result of of the effectiviness of learning media monopoly game using Adobe Flash obtained 86,19 %. Result this indicates that learning media in the form of monopoly games using Adobe Flash are suitable for use as learning media.

    Co-designing a Hybrid Game for Training Use of Proper Personal Protective Equipment in Different Clinical Scenarios

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    As highlighted by the current COVID-19 pandemic, all healthcare staff must use proper personal protective equipment in each clinical environment. This requires an understanding on the suitability of various types of equipment for different clinical scenarios, as well as knowledge on their appropriate application. Thus, learning how to use personal protective equipment in different healthcare environments is of great importance, and innovative ideas to support learning are needed. Recently, digital game-based learning has gained a lot of interest as a tool creating motivational learning for different learners. In this publication, we are presenting a hybrid game for training use of proper personal protective equipment. The player needs to select and put on suitable equipment for the clinical scenarios presented by the game. The initial game concept and the technical setup were created by following co-designing method in a multidisciplinary workshop. Subsequently, an early prototype version was introduced to nurses and nursing teachers for comments on further development ideas. According to the experts, the game concept is warmly welcomed for different user groups. The experts also provided several development ideas, which are introduced in this publication and implemented for the future versions of the game. The game is built around personal protective equipment tagged with passive UHF RFID tags and can thus be easily modified for different personal safety equipment and different clinical scenarios.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe


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    This pandemic situation is a challenge, especially for educators who teach online but must still achieve the learning indicators determined by the government, namely focusing on the implementation of distance learning while still implementing learning strategies that can answer 21st century skills. The creative thinking ability of students during the pandemic is in the low category, students are only able to meet the indicators of fluency and flexibility, for indicators of authenticity and elaboration still need to be improved. This research is aimed to analyze the application of Project Based Learning model by using blended learning in preparing the students’ creative thinking skills in the excretory system materials. This research method used pre-experiment with one group pre-test-post-test design. The reseach sample is 30 students of XI grade senior high school. The instrument used are included the creative thinking skill test in the form of essay and the students’ questionnaire. The analysis is taken as the average difference test of the scores of the students, before and after, the treatment using paired samples t-test, after that the writer used N-Gain analysis by using SPSS ver. 25 programme. Based on this conducting research, there is an increase of the creative thinking skills from the “moderate” category to the “advance” category, with the N-Gain achievement in “moderate” level (0,673). Creative thinking indicators increased with the N-Gain achievement in “high” level those were fluency, flexibility, and originality. On the other hand, in elaboration indicators reached the “low” level N-Gain achievement. The average of the students’ responsive percentage to the learning is in the range a “very good” criteria 82%-89%. Based on this research, it could be concluded that the application of PjBL by using blended learning is capable of preparing the creative thinking skills in the excretory system material in the range of moderate N-Gain achievement


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    The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of a special education program, incorporating online digital games, on the understanding of basic mathematical concepts by students with mild intellectual disabilities. The research involved four students (one girl and three boys) with mild intellectual disabilities divided into two groups, an experimental (combined intervention) and a control group (standard intervention). The students' performance was assessed before the intervention program, immediately after the end of the program and two weeks after the completion of the intervention. Based on the results, improved performance was observed in the experimental group’s students, in the areas of intervention, in relation to the students in the control group. The experimental group’s students continued to perform at high standards, contrary to those of the control group. The findings show that the teaching approach integrating online digital games has a positive impact on the understanding of basic mathematical concepts by students with mild intellectual disabilities.  Article visualizations

    Individuals with intellectual disabilities and second language acquisition: a framework for approaching inclusive foreign language instruction

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    Master of ArtsDepartment of Modern LanguagesMary T. CoppleSpecial education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is aimed at providing each eligible child with an appropriate education tailored to their needs in order to be successful in life. Agreeing on what those needs are can be difficult for educators and parents. For some children the goal can be going to college or finding employment; for others, it is independent living. Even though inclusion and learning in the least restrictive environment is currently the norm in the American public-school system, where second language education is concerned, children with an Intellectual Disability (ID) do not receive the same opportunities as their typically developing peers. Instead of integrating children with an ID in existing world language classes, providing differentiated instruction, or offering different ways to obtain world language credit, language waivers are often automatically provided in order to ensure graduation. If parents express a wish to maintain a home language other than the main instructional language, they are generally discouraged by both the medical community and educational professionals, and the heritage language is not integrated in instruction. However, those recommendations are not always grounded in scientific research, but rather on assumptions, a lack of resources, or a failure to understand the need for world language education. This report synthesizes relevant research on the effects of learning a second language and explores the potential benefits for individuals with an ID. In addition, current teaching techniques are reviewed, and suggestions are provided for how teachers may want to adapt these techniques for language instruction with children with an ID