255 research outputs found

    Weak Bases of Boolean Co-Clones

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    Universal algebra and clone theory have proven to be a useful tool in the study of constraint satisfaction problems since the complexity, up to logspace reductions, is determined by the set of polymorphisms of the constraint language. For classifications where primitive positive definitions are unsuitable, such as size-preserving reductions, weaker closure operations may be necessary. In this article we consider strong partial clones which can be seen as a more fine-grained framework than Post's lattice where each clone splits into an interval of strong partial clones. We investigate these intervals and give simple relational descriptions, weak bases, of the largest elements. The weak bases have a highly regular form and are in many cases easily relatable to the smallest members in the intervals, which suggests that the lattice of strong partial clones is considerably simpler than the full lattice of partial clones

    The number of clones determined by disjunctions of unary relations

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    We consider finitary relations (also known as crosses) that are definable via finite disjunctions of unary relations, i.e. subsets, taken from a fixed finite parameter set Γ\Gamma. We prove that whenever Γ\Gamma contains at least one non-empty relation distinct from the full carrier set, there is a countably infinite number of polymorphism clones determined by relations that are disjunctively definable from Γ\Gamma. Finally, we extend our result to finitely related polymorphism clones and countably infinite sets Γ\Gamma.Comment: manuscript to be published in Theory of Computing System

    06401 Abstracts Collection -- Complexity of Constraints

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    From 01.10.06 to 06.10.06, the Dagstuhl Seminar 06401 ``Complexity of Constraints\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Relating the Time Complexity of Optimization Problems in Light of the Exponential-Time Hypothesis

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    Obtaining lower bounds for NP-hard problems has for a long time been an active area of research. Recent algebraic techniques introduced by Jonsson et al. (SODA 2013) show that the time complexity of the parameterized SAT(⋅\cdot) problem correlates to the lattice of strong partial clones. With this ordering they isolated a relation RR such that SAT(RR) can be solved at least as fast as any other NP-hard SAT(⋅\cdot) problem. In this paper we extend this method and show that such languages also exist for the max ones problem (MaxOnes(Γ\Gamma)) and the Boolean valued constraint satisfaction problem over finite-valued constraint languages (VCSP(Δ\Delta)). With the help of these languages we relate MaxOnes and VCSP to the exponential time hypothesis in several different ways.Comment: This is an extended version of Relating the Time Complexity of Optimization Problems in Light of the Exponential-Time Hypothesis, appearing in Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science MFCS 2014 Budapest, August 25-29, 201

    SS-preclones and the Galois connection SPol{}^S\mathrm{Pol}-SInv{}^S\mathrm{Inv}, Part I

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    We consider SS-operations f ⁣:An→Af \colon A^{n} \to A in which each argument is assigned a signum s∈Ss \in S representing a "property" such as being order-preserving or order-reversing with respect to a fixed partial order on AA. The set SS of such properties is assumed to have a monoid structure reflecting the behaviour of these properties under the composition of SS-operations (e.g., order-reversing composed with order-reversing is order-preserving). The collection of all SS-operations with prescribed properties for their signed arguments is not a clone (since it is not closed under arbitrary identification of arguments), but it is a preclone with special properties, which leads to the notion of SS-preclone. We introduce SS-relations ϱ=(ϱs)s∈S\varrho = (\varrho_{s})_{s \in S}, SS-relational clones, and a preservation property (fâ–čSϱf \mathrel{\stackrel{S}{\triangleright}} \varrho), and we consider the induced Galois connection SPol{}^S\mathrm{Pol}-SInv{}^S\mathrm{Inv}. The SS-preclones and SS-relational clones turn out to be exactly the closed sets of this Galois connection. We also establish some basic facts about the structure of the lattice of all SS-preclones on AA.Comment: 31 page

    Coalgebras, clone theory, and modal logic

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    gekĂŒrzte Fassung: Coalgebren wurden sowohl in der Mathematik (seit den 70er Jahren) als auch in der theoretischen Informatik (seit den 90er Jahren) untersucht. In der Mathematik sind Coalgebren dual zu universellen Algebren definiert. Sie bestehen aus einer TrĂ€germenge A zusammen mit Cofunktionen ? : A ? , die A in die n-fache disjunkte Vereinigung von sich selbst abbilden. Das Ziel der Forschung ist hier vor allem, duale Versionen von Definitionen und Resultaten aus der universellen Algebra fĂŒr die Welt der Coalgebren zu finden. Die theoretische Informatik betrachtet Coalgebren von kategorieller Seite aus. FĂŒr einen gegebenen Funktor F : C ? C sind Coalgebren als Paare (S,"alpha") definiert, wobei S ein Objekt von C und "alpha" : S ? F(S) ein Morphismus in C ist. Somit stellt der obige Ansatz mit Cofunktionen einen Spezialfall dar. Begriffe wie Homomorphismus oder BisimularitĂ€t lassen sich auf einfache Weise ausdrĂŒcken und handhaben. Solche Coalgebren modellieren eine große Anzahl von dynamischen Systemen. Das liefert eine kanonische und vereinheitlichende Sicht auf diese Systeme. Die vorliegende Dissertation fĂŒhrt beide genannten Forschungsrichtungen der Coalgebren weiter: Teil I beschĂ€ftigt sich mit "klassischen" Coalgebren, also solchen, wie sie in der universellen Algebra untersucht werden. Insbesondere wird das VerhĂ€ltnis zur Klontheorie erforscht. Teil II der Arbeit widmet sich dem kategoriellen Ansatz aus der theoretischen Informatik. Von speziellem Interesse ist hier die Anwendung von Coalgebren zur Spezifikation von Systemen. Coalgebren und Klontheorie In der universellen Algebra spielen Systeme von Funktionen eine bedeutende Rolle, u.a. in der Klontheorie. Dort betrachtet man Funktionen auf einer festen gegebenen Grundmenge. Klone von Funktionen sind Mengen von Funktionen, die alle Projektionen enthalten und die gegen Superposition (d.h. Einsetzen) abgeschlossen sind. Extern lassen sich diese Klone als Galois-abgeschlossene Mengengzgl. der Galois-Verbindung zwischen Funktionen und Relationen darstellen. Diese Galois-Verbindung wird durch die Eigenschaft einer Funktion induziert, eine Relation zu bewahren. Dual zu Klonen von Funktionen wurde von B. CsĂĄkĂĄny auch Klone von Cofunktionen untersucht. Folglich stellt sich die Frage, ob solche Klone ebenfalls mittels einer geeigneten Galois-Verbindung charakterisiert werden können. Die vorliegende Arbeit fĂŒhrt zunĂ€chst den Begriff von Corelationen ein. Es wird auf kanonische Weise definiert, was es heißt, daß eine Cofunktion eine Corelation bewahrt. Dies mĂŒndet in einer Galois-Theorie, deren Galois-abgeschlossene Mengen von Cofunktionen tatsĂ€chlich genau die Klone von Cofunktionen sind. Überdies entsprechen die Galois-abgeschlossenen Mengen von Corelationen genau den Klonen von Corelationen. Die Galois-Theorien von Funktionen und Relationen einerseits und Cofunktionen und Corelationen anderseits sind sich sehr Ă€hnlich. Das wirft die Frage auf, welche Voraussetzungen allgemein nötig sind, um solche und Ă€hnliche Galois-Theorien aufzustellen und die entsprechenden Galois-abgeschlossenen Mengen zu charakterisieren. Das Ergebnis ist eine Metatheorie, bei der die Gemeinsamkeiten in den Charakterisierungen der Galois-abgeschlossenen Mengen herausgearbeitet sind. Bereits bekannte Galois-Theorien erweisen sich als SpezialfĂ€lle dieser Metatheorie, und zwar die Galois-Theorien von partiellen Funktionen und Relationen, von mehrwertigen Funktionen und Relationen und von einstelligen Funktionen und Relationen...

    Taylor's modularity conjecture and related problems for idempotent varieties

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    We provide a partial result on Taylor's modularity conjecture, and several related problems. Namely, we show that the interpretability join of two idempotent varieties that are not congruence modular is not congruence modular either, and we prove an analogue for idempotent varieties with a cube term. Also, similar results are proved for linear varieties and the properties of congruence modularity, having a cube term, congruence nn-permutability for a fixed nn, and satisfying a non-trivial congruence identity.Comment: 27 page

    A Preliminary Investigation of Satisfiability Problems Not Harder than 1-in-3-SAT

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    The parameterized satisfiability problem over a set of Boolean relations Gamma (SAT(Gamma)) is the problem of determining whether a conjunctive formula over Gamma has at least one model. Due to Schaefer\u27s dichotomy theorem the computational complexity of SAT(Gamma), modulo polynomial-time reductions, has been completely determined: SAT(Gamma) is always either tractable or NP-complete. More recently, the problem of studying the relationship between the complexity of the NP-complete cases of SAT(Gamma) with restricted notions of reductions has attracted attention. For example, Impagliazzo et al. studied the complexity of k-SAT and proved that the worst-case time complexity increases infinitely often for larger values of k, unless 3-SAT is solvable in subexponential time. In a similar line of research Jonsson et al. studied the complexity of SAT(Gamma) with algebraic tools borrowed from clone theory and proved that there exists an NP-complete problem SAT(R^{neq,neq,neq,01}_{1/3}) such that there cannot exist any NP-complete SAT(Gamma) problem with strictly lower worst-case time complexity: the easiest NP-complete SAT(Gamma) problem. In this paper we are interested in classifying the NP-complete SAT(Gamma) problems whose worst-case time complexity is lower than 1-in-3-SAT but higher than the easiest problem SAT(R^{neq,neq,neq,01}_{1/3}). Recently it was conjectured that there only exists three satisfiability problems of this form. We prove that this conjecture does not hold and that there is an infinite number of such SAT(Gamma) problems. In the process we determine several algebraic properties of 1-in-3-SAT and related problems, which could be of independent interest for constructing exponential-time algorithms
