3,231 research outputs found

    Моделювання режиму вибіркового гамування із прискореним виробленням імітовставки

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    This article discusses the selective Galois counter mode with rapid generation of Galois message authentication code (Galois/Counter Mode and GMAC - GCM & GMAC). Specification of this coding mode is presented in NIST SP 800-38D. This coding mode is designed for realization of rapid cryptotransformation in providing information security services using different cryptographic primitives, such as polynomial hashing, counter and other. Using of proposed coding mode ensures the integrity and confidentiality of information. The article developed a reduced model of the mode. Reduced model preserves the algebraic structure of all main cryptotransformations by their scaling. Developed reduced model will use for experimental studies of collision properties of generated message authentication codes using the methods of statistical testing of hypotheses and mathematical statistics. This article discusses practical examples of cryptoprimitives and cryptotransformations.Рассматривается режим выборочного гаммирования с ускоренной выработкой имитовставки (Galois/Counter Mode and GMAC), спецификация которого представлена в NIST SP 800-38D. Разрабатывается уменьшенная модель режима, которая сохраняет алгебраическую структуру всех основных криптопреобразований и позволяет за счёт их масштабирования провести экспериментальные исследования коллизионных свойств сформированных имитовставок с последующим прогнозированием уровня криптографической стойкости полной версии шифра.Розглядається режим вибіркового гамування із прискореним виробленням імітовставки (Galois/Counter Mode and GMAC), специфікацію якого наведено у стандарті NIST SP 800-38D. Розробляється зменшена модель режиму, яка зберігає алгебраїчну структуру всіх основних криптоперетворень та дозволяє за рахунок їхнього масштабування провести експериментальні дослідження колізійних властивостей формованих імітовставок з подальшим прогнозуванням рівня криптографічного стійкості повної версії шифру

    Моделювання режиму вибіркового гамування із прискореним виробленням імітовставки

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    This article discusses the selective Galois counter mode with rapid generation of Galois message authentication code (Galois/Counter Mode and GMAC - GCM & GMAC). Specification of this coding mode is presented in NIST SP 800-38D. This coding mode is designed for realization of rapid cryptotransformation in providing information security services using different cryptographic primitives, such as polynomial hashing, counter and other. Using of proposed coding mode ensures the integrity and confidentiality of information. The article developed a reduced model of the mode. Reduced model preserves the algebraic structure of all main cryptotransformations by their scaling. Developed reduced model will use for experimental studies of collision properties of generated message authentication codes using the methods of statistical testing of hypotheses and mathematical statistics. This article discusses practical examples of cryptoprimitives and cryptotransformations.Рассматривается режим выборочного гаммирования с ускоренной выработкой имитовставки (Galois/Counter Mode and GMAC), спецификация которого представлена в NIST SP 800-38D. Разрабатывается уменьшенная модель режима, которая сохраняет алгебраическую структуру всех основных криптопреобразований и позволяет за счёт их масштабирования провести экспериментальные исследования коллизионных свойств сформированных имитовставок с последующим прогнозированием уровня криптографической стойкости полной версии шифра.Розглядається режим вибіркового гамування із прискореним виробленням імітовставки (Galois/Counter Mode and GMAC), специфікацію якого наведено у стандарті NIST SP 800-38D. Розробляється зменшена модель режиму, яка зберігає алгебраїчну структуру всіх основних криптоперетворень та дозволяє за рахунок їхнього масштабування провести експериментальні дослідження колізійних властивостей формованих імітовставок з подальшим прогнозуванням рівня криптографічного стійкості повної версії шифру

    Real-time encryption and authentication of medical video streams on FPGA

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    This work presents an FPGA-based solution for the encryption and authentication of video streams of surgeries. The most important is minimal latency. To achieve this, a block cipher with an authenticated mode of operation is used. We choose to use AES128 with Galois/Counter Mode (GCM), because the this mode of operation is patent-free and it allows for random read access. This solution minimizes the overhead on the existing critical path to a single XOR operation. Our solution supports the broadcasting of the video stream. When a new receiver announces itself, it should receive the active keys of the sender. Therefore, a key transport protocol is used to establish a key between the sender and the announcing receiver. A proof-of-concept implementation of the proposed solution has been implemented and tested. While the complete video stream is encrypted and authenticated, the demonstrator confirms that the added latency, which is around 23 s, could not be noticed by the human eye. Random read access and the key establishment protocol provide a flexible solution

    Reed-Solomon decoder

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    A Reed-Solomon decoder with dedicated hardware for five sequential algorithms was designed with overall pipelining by memory swapping between input, processing and output memories, and internal pipelining through the five algorithms. The code definition used in decoding is specified by a keyword received with each block of data so that a number of different code formats may be decoded by the same hardware

    The Analysis of Galois Substitution Counter Mode (GSCM)

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    In~\cite{gscm}, GSCM mode of operation for authenticated encryption was presented. GSCM is based on the Galois/Counter Mode (GCM). GSCM is an enhancement of GCM, which is characterized by its high throughput and low memory consumption in network applications. In this paper, we propose some enhancements to GSCM and compare it with the different implementations of GCM. We present stability, performance, memory and security analyses of different implementations of GSCM and GCM

    Tabling with Sound Answer Subsumption

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    Tabling is a powerful resolution mechanism for logic programs that captures their least fixed point semantics more faithfully than plain Prolog. In many tabling applications, we are not interested in the set of all answers to a goal, but only require an aggregation of those answers. Several works have studied efficient techniques, such as lattice-based answer subsumption and mode-directed tabling, to do so for various forms of aggregation. While much attention has been paid to expressivity and efficient implementation of the different approaches, soundness has not been considered. This paper shows that the different implementations indeed fail to produce least fixed points for some programs. As a remedy, we provide a formal framework that generalises the existing approaches and we establish a soundness criterion that explains for which programs the approach is sound. This article is under consideration for acceptance in TPLP.Comment: Paper presented at the 32nd International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2016), New York City, USA, 16-21 October 2016, 15 pages, LaTeX, 0 PDF figure

    Options for Securing RTP Sessions

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    The Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) is used in a large number of different application domains and environments. This heterogeneity implies that different security mechanisms are needed to provide services such as confidentiality, integrity, and source authentication of RTP and RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) packets suitable for the various environments. The range of solutions makes it difficult for RTP-based application developers to pick the most suitable mechanism. This document provides an overview of a number of security solutions for RTP and gives guidance for developers on how to choose the appropriate security mechanism